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Future of Final Fantasy XI press conference ended [OP updated with details]


But to the degree where it'd be acceptable in single player? I haven't played since like... 2004, so I'm not sure what's new, but I assume there is still TONS of content that requires capable party members and not simple AI.

Either way, the game would have to be reworked a TON to get it single-player ready, but boy would it be a treat for those who never played it.

Yeah, it's actually really, really fast now. If it weren't for the fact you have tons of jobs in the game, you could probably level one job to max level pretty quickly even by single-player RPG standards, lol.


If they made a single-player version they'd have to streamline (omit) a lot of the missions, unless you want to play a single-player game for over 500 hours.

I don't think they're going to make a single-player version...


Oh yes please! I'd love to go back to the way FFXI was in the old days. I loved that....

Yeah, I'm super nostalgic for those days, but honestly don't think I'd have the time to play it now a days.

Regardless a single player version is TOTALLY do-able. Completely unlikely, but give me the full world and let me add random party members from a tavern in each location, Dragon Quest 9/X style and let me invite up to 5 friends to "my world" and do quests that we all get credit for and I'd totally play it!

FFXI Single Player Remaster. I think around the time it was released there were rumors that they were open to converting XI to a single player experience for the sake of box set collections in the future, but I could just be making that up. It's been a long time between now and 2003/2004.

Ploid 3.0

Yeah, I'm super nostalgic for those days, but honestly don't think I'd have the time to play it now a days.

Regardless a single player version is TOTALLY do-able. Completely unlikely, but give me the full world and let me add random party members from a tavern in each location, Dragon Quest 9/X style and let me invite up to 5 friends to "my world" and do quests that we all get credit for and I'd totally play it!

FFXI Single Player Remaster. I think around the time it was released there were rumors that they were open to converting XI to a single player experience for the sake of box set collections in the future, but I could just be making that up. It's been a long time between now and 2003/2004.

This is what I would love. Take out the Massively and keep in the multiplayer online rpg. I would buy this game so hard, finally get to level pup, do more stuff with dancer, level up ninja, so many stuff on my own time. It would be my game of the forever. I love leveling new classes in rpgs, so I could get so much out of it.
You THINK you would love it.

You would come to hate it very very quickly.

If he already experienced it...I think he might not. I know it was a crazy difficult and labor some, but man it was satisfying like no other game. I felt like the people I played with were fellow soldiers in the trenches.

Ploid 3.0

Boss★Moogle;156391864 said:
Eww no. I love FFXI and hate FFXIV and I imagine there's a lot of others that feel like I do since the game is still going.

I try to like it but I realize it's like trying to find an excuse to pay SE for nothing, I shouldn't be forcing it when I have so many other options in gaming.


If he already experienced it...I think he might not. I know it was a crazy difficult and labor some, but man it was satisfying like no other game. I felt like the people I played with were fellow soldiers in the trenches.

This, I played the game for a few years and loved every minute of the grind. Had some great times and awesome conversations with people. I tried to go back a couple years back and they've bastardized it too much. I love the party based gameplay, that's the big reason I did not enjoy 14


A single player version would mostly require vendors to stock stuff you'd usually get from the auction house and tweaks to quests that require additional players, like the portal charm in Horutoto Ruins, distracting that one NPC for a quest in Kazham, and content like Besieged of Ballista.

All these mentions of f2p and pre-Abyssea make me wonder if SE would get away with influcting a F2P mode vased on pre-Abyssea constraints for free players, like slower xp gain and movement...


Shit, now I'm excited! What could they have in store?
Singleplayer version would be a dream come true. I know it's unlikely but not impossible.
F2P would be a huge transition. Not sure how they would implement it but it would probably suck me back...
EOL would be the end of an era. I just hope they release official kits to run private servers if it ever comes to that.
So new Jp dev posts about adjustments coming after the March update were posted last night. No sign of doom and gloom, just status quo. While I'm not expecting an accidental announcement it's also unlikely they would be talking about next months and future plans in the manner that they are if the game was about to get shitcanned.

Color me optimistic.

Ploid 3.0

There's no way they would hang FFXI up any time soon. If anything they would just do some kind of update client for PS4 and PC. HD new assets type of thing.

When the game really is gone though I hope they put something out for it to last forever. A FFXVII type of thing, return to Vana'diel SP/small MP style. Redone everything smaller scale, as a already rich world as a base to work with.


I don't even know where people are getting the idea that this is possibly a end-of-life thing. What signs have there been of that? Or of single player or free to play or anything?


You have to ask yourselves, who would a single player version of FFXI be for?

If it's for old players who want to go back and remind themselves of the lore, but want to do so on their own (without paying a monthly fee), that seems like quite the niche for that much effort.

If it's for new players to experience the stories they may have missed out on, then you'd presumably have to present the game to standards that fall in line with the newer audience. Ie. a lot more of a rework than some may be suggesting, especially for a 13 year old game. You'd pretty much be gutting the story from XI as we know it, and making a game from the ground up, and inserting the story into that. There'd be little point in holding onto a 13 year old engine and repurposing it for solo play, if you're targetting a newer audience.

Yes, it would be nice, especially as the stories are some of the best I've experienced in an MMO. I'm just trying to picture the audience vs the effort. Would it actually be a plausible thing for them to release?


FATE farming is pretty damn awesome in FFXIV when you're doing it with an army of players. I'd say it's quicker than doing dungeon runs or leves. Compared to how long it took to reach the level cap in FFXI, it's a cakewalk in FFXIV. That's the only way I enjoy FATE's. I was FATE farming with around 20 other players in Coerthas for hours last night.

Monster Zero

Junior Member
I don't even know where people are getting the idea that this is possibly a end-of-life thing. What signs have there been of that? Or of single player or free to play or anything?

No way its EOL, even during downtime there's about 1k people on any given server. After trying to get back into FF14 for the 3rd time *it's not happening, I just hate it* I decedided to play FF11 almost like a pay2play single player game. With the Trust system in place, you can tackle 90% of the story content with saying a word to another person. I've been enjoying just going around and being in vanadiel again.

I'm a 05-12 vet, the Qol changes they've made to leveling is crazy, if you have your level cap quest done, you can level to 99 in 1 or 2 days easily with records of eminence and GoV. No need to shout for a bed anymore, just bring Ulmia, need a Sam to help with weapons kill points? Bring Ayame. No other game out can match the content you get out of FF11 for $12 a month.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
So new Jp dev posts about adjustments coming after the March update were posted last night. No sign of doom and gloom, just status quo. While I'm not expecting an accidental announcement it's also unlikely they would be talking about next months and future plans in the manner that they are if the game was about to get shitcanned.

Color me optimistic.

Well, unless you play THF a lot and are dreading SE nerfing the job back into the stone-age. Really not happy about this, particularly after farming a buttload of THF job-points right before the announcement. Seems like Vagary is going to be MNK, SAM or GTFO again ; ;


FATE farming is pretty damn awesome in FFXIV when you're doing it with an army of players. I'd say it's quicker than doing dungeon runs or leves. Compared to how long it took to reach the level cap in FFXI, it's a cakewalk in FFXIV. That's the only way I enjoy FATE's. I was FATE farming with around 20 other players in Coerthas for hours last night.

If you're looking for a super fast and easy way to reach cap, just join a worm party and leech. FFXI is more of a cakewalk now if you want it to be than FFXIV to reach cap.

Monster Zero

Junior Member
Well, unless you play THF a lot and are dreading SE nerfing the job back into the stone-age. Really not happy about this, particularly after farming a buttload of THF job-points right before the announcement. Seems like Vagary is going to be MNK, SAM or GTFO again ; ;

Like you need any other DD, who you gonna replace a mnk with? A DRK? Ha!
Pancake, when do you like to cp farm? I'm down for it if we have a time frame to be on lol

Typically I go as an ihop event on tues during campaigns or just to get merits before htbf on event days with my endgame Ls nameunavailable. Otherwise I wouldn't typically go out of the way. I'm down to try pup nuking woh umbrils though for shits and giggles.
Well, unless you play THF a lot and are dreading SE nerfing the job back into the stone-age. Really not happy about this, particularly after farming a buttload of THF job-points right before the announcement. Seems like Vagary is going to be MNK, SAM or GTFO again ; ;

I do play thf a lot, since 75 cap, and I'm not phased by the nerf. I'll continue to make a place for it.


I remember reading news about this game before it was launched and was amazed by it, I could never play it because I hadn't a good PC and a way to pay for the monthly fee. Maybe with the announcement I could decide to start playing :)
Yeah, it's actually really, really fast now. If it weren't for the fact you have tons of jobs in the game, you could probably level one job to max level pretty quickly even by single-player RPG standards, lol.

Yup went from 75 to 99 in 2 weeks. Most of that time was farming for the last Limit break quest lol
Man, the nostalgia just reading this thread. I played pretty hardcore from 2004-2009ish, think I quit right around the time the last of the 3 mini expansion released. Barely even recognize the game anymore from what I read occasionally but damn if I wouldn't like to just jump in solo one day and explore the world again doing content that I didn't do before. Tempting ;)


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I do play thf a lot, since 75 cap, and I'm not phased by the nerf. I'll continue to make a place for it.

Man... Rudra's I can easily justify being toned down some, but stuff like Mercy Stroke?
To even use that ws you have to mainhand Mandau and eat a 40% reduction in base damage compared to augmented Ipetam! It smacks to me of SE waaay overreacting!

The truth of the matter is that for me its not really going to matter that much long-term because I have a lot of viable alternative job options. But having spent a bunch of time during this current bonus campaign farming JP's on THF, it's pretty much killed any desire I have to login prior to the next patch going live.


Lord guys, don't do this to me. The thought of a single player version makes me so happy. I just love the universe and would fish on the boat to Selbina all the time. At the same time though I played again last year and it pretty much felt like single player. I was going through the content enjoying the story by myself. I think you guys are taking this and running with it though, there's nothing concrete. What if it's just a update about how the game is doing, what's coming, and improvements? Didn't they do a press conference recently for a new expansion? What makes you guys think this is going to be a BIG change?

Anyways, last picture I took before I quit the game. Haub +1 and juggernaut

Man... Rudra's I can easily justify being toned down some, but stuff like Mercy Stroke?
To even use that ws you have to mainhand Mandau and eat a 40% reduction in base damage compared to augmented Ipetam! It smacks to me of SE waaay overreacting!

The truth of the matter is that for me its not really going to matter that much long-term because I have a lot of viable alternative job options. But having spent a bunch of time during this current bonus campaign farming JP's on THF, it's pretty much killed any desire I have to login prior to the next patch going live.

We still don't know how adjusted these will be. They have used the word "slightly". I expect rudras to be hit hardest and possibly only at the 2-3000 tp level.

I'm more upset about the effect on my battle brd
Sort of off topic, but how much of the old instanced content is soloable now? I've thought about jumping back in on a new character but I don't have nearly the time to devote to playing with other people as I used to. I quit sometime during WoTG and recall the nightmare of stuff like CoP static parties.


Sort of off topic, but how much of the old instanced content is soloable now? I've thought about jumping back in on a new character but I don't have nearly the time to devote to playing with other people as I used to. I quit sometime during WoTG and recall the nightmare of stuff like CoP static parties.

All of it.
Sort of off topic, but how much of the old instanced content is soloable now? I've thought about jumping back in on a new character but I don't have nearly the time to devote to playing with other people as I used to. I quit sometime during WoTG and recall the nightmare of stuff like CoP static parties.

Like all of it except nyzul (which you can try but need to be lucky on). Come to sylph.


Wasted a lot of life playing it, but many good times were had.

I miss people training wights to the zone in valkrum dunes and the huge bloodbath that would occur as people were one shotted left and right. If they had forgot to set their hp it probably took them two hours just to get back to the zone.
$40 buy in price is too much for me but good to know that I can jump back in and experience most of Vanadiel solo this time around. I guess I'll keep an eye on this thread, A significant upfront discount price would make me much more interested in checking things out again.


I think single player idea is pretty crazy. Not wasting time entertaining that idea.

My interest in ARR puttered out around the time second coil came out... part of me really loves what the team did with ARR but then part of me just got really fed up with a combination of things in ARR that after the exploration phase wore off and the gear treadmill (which in ARR is boring and straightforward due to how stats work and gear is itemized), I lost interest.

I quit XI when Abyssea came out because I didn't like what it was going to do to the game (also server merge forced me to change my characters name which I was mad about), but I think that enough time has passed to where I could probably go back to XI and have some fun.

Except I have this backlog I'm trying to get through and DFO's relaunch is (theoretically) not far off...
$40 buy in price is too much for me but good to know that I can jump back in and experience most of Vanadiel solo this time around. I guess I'll keep an eye on this thread, A significant upfront discount price would make me much more interested in checking things out again.
Watch steam sales. It's usually 10 bucks.


Unconfirmed Member
I could die for this.. seeing LaThein Plateau in HD. Omg.

Konschtat is so much better. >.>

I remember my first week playing and the seeing NM Ram (Steelfleece?) for the first time. It was wrecking a couple of people and it was awesome.
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