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Future of Final Fantasy XI press conference ended [OP updated with details]


This is the part of the game I miss the most, having Japanese, European and North American players all fighting for claims 24/7. Having multiple linkshells drop whatever they were doing to race out to Tiamat was a rush.

Oh man, you could say people had no morals at all, but that shit was so fun.

Unfortunately, today I wouldn't be able to play a game like that as I'd like, so the theme park and instance model fits better the schedule of of a 33 yo working guy with no free time.


Oh, apparently there isn't a free trial.



First time hearing of Trusts. Do they have a limited time of use per activation? It always annoyed me that you could only use your npc companion for a limited amount of exp per day.

No. There's no time limit on them. The only restriction is that you can't use them everywhere. There is certain content where you can't use Trusts.


First time hearing of Trusts. Do they have a limited time of use per activation? It always annoyed me that you could only use your npc companion for a limited amount of exp per day.

They are special magic category, you can bring 3 out at a time. Its basically a mobile party filled with famous NPC's from the games world each with their own jobs/skills/archtype. Some trusts are from seasonal events or from login campaigns, but a majority are quested. My understanding is you can still also have your fellowship companion out in addition to your trust NPCs. The main restrictions is certain content (which is unlocking all the time), and alliances.


Thanks for the responses. Sounds like what I always wanted the adventuring fellow to be like.

Having three and your fellow out doesn't sound too far from the single player version some here seem to be wanting. I might resub for a month to check things out.


Thanks for the responses. Sounds like what I always wanted the adventuring fellow to be like.

Having three and your fellow out doesn't sound too far from the single player version some here seem to be wanting. I might resub for a month to check things out.

With trusts and a level 99 character, you can totally solo virtually the whole story except for some missions in the most recent expansion. So yeah, that's probably about right, without the retooling that a proper single-player version would require.
Oh man, you could say people had no morals at all, but that shit was so fun.

I spent hours chaining kills in the basement of Garlaige Citadel with my BST, pissing off and competing with levelling parties for mobs to charm. I'd take bats or beetles and attack Bombs with them, and hope they'd self destruct for insane XP.

The XP was so good and the basement so empty that I had a few GM's come along to investigate that I wasn't cheating.

The best of times.
Damn. I remember when 10k exp an hour was considered amazing.

Well once you cap merits xp is used for only one thing now. Content entry. You buy key items to enter high level story boss fights with merits. The new grind is capacity points. 30k cp = 1jp. They are like super merits. New categories and such. And earning them is job specific. Each Jp spend on upgrades is tallies up and when you meet a new threshold you get a gift, a bonus trait or spell unlock. That's how endgame character progression works.


Yeah, it's not tough to hit crazy xp/hr rates like that now. Even just lazily soloing random every-day crap, I regularly see 300k/hr or more.

The problem is that during the times when an exp rate that high would actually be useful (mid-levels, certainly pre-99), it's not really possible to get values like that. (100k+ is still totally doable though.)


Yeah but FFXIV's mechanics are mostly set in stone at this point and thats where all my fatigue from the game is coming from

Which is a damn shame really

Ah, like fight mechanics? They are supposed to change somewhat, since every class manages to play somewhat differently from the next and there will definitely be new skills (and jobs) in the expansion that will probably affect that. For example, Summoner might be somewhat different with the two new pets they have coming (or not if they still use Garuda most of the time).

I main SCH and WHM plays waaaaay different from SCH, AST will probably play different as well. I hear the two tanks are pretty different, not sure how DPS people feel since I don't do any of them seriously.

They also talked about personalized LBs for each class, and an overhual to the stat system which could affect how some classes feel.

The main thing I miss from FF11 is the skillchain system, but I dunno if they will have that 1.0 version of a skillchain system back ever, or the class specific stats from 11, which they mentioned considering but we have no data on.

But yea...I actually found 11,s combat fairly boring, but that's because I spent a long time playing Bard and SMN, two of the most boring classes to play. I enjoyed BST a lot but they were basically shunned endgame, and I liked SCH in WotG but I could tell i was getting burned out by then. When I really enjoyed a fight it was usually story related rather than actual combat (like the endgame bosses). Fights like Titan EX and T9/13 will stick with me just as long, if not longer, than anything in 11. Personal taste though obv.
Everyone talking about a single player version is just mad, or doesn't remember enough about the game.

A lot of stuff in the game relied on the community. Sure you can experience the story, but other than that, the world would be incredibly empty without others around to fill it.

The atmosphere would be gone too. I remember first coming to Aht Arghan and Besieged was just about to begin, with everyone calling out for groups and filling in new people like me as to what was to begin. People were so incredibly friendly. You'd find people waiting at the entrance of places like Crawlers Nest, looking to form parties to get artifact armour, or desiring to do BCNM's with strangers.

Just a massive chunk of the game would be missing.


FF11 is one of those games that haunts me. Whenever I hear or read its name I begin to day dream about playing it again because it's so awesome but then I realize how unrealistic playing it would be... I remember it being such an epic timesink.


FF11 is one of those games that haunts me. Whenever I hear or read its name I begin to day dream about playing it again because it's so awesome but then I realize how unrealistic playing it would be... I remember it being such an epic timesink.

Fuck, this is me. I miss it so much but playing it isn't feasible anymore. I would totally go back if it went free to play, though, because then I wouldn't have to justify a monthly fee.

Ploid 3.0

that's what i thought

i loved FFXI back in the day, but I can't imagine there's more than a core of diehards left

XIV is better in every conceivable way

FFXIV has prettier graphics in every aspect, I agree. Outside of graphics though, nope.

I hope it's going F2P, I want to play this again but with fun games that I don't have to subscribe to there has to be something special to warrant a subscription bill from me. Gold Saucer was boring before I even got a chance to check it out.


I would love to see S-E announce they are porting FFXI to XB1 and PS4. There are few F2P MMO's on PS4 that are doing well (Warframe, DC Universe, and at some point Planetside 2), so it makes sense for FFXI to be that too.


I would love to see S-E announce they are porting FFXI to XB1 and PS4. There are few F2P MMO's on PS4 that are doing well (Warframe, DC Universe, and at some point Planetside 2), so it makes sense for FFXI to be that too.

Would be cool if there was cross servers on that so PC players got in on it too. The game is already on Steam/their site, just make it free to DL :D


Everyone talking about a single player version is just mad, or doesn't remember enough about the game.

A lot of stuff in the game relied on the community. Sure you can experience the story, but other than that, the world would be incredibly empty without others around to fill it.

The atmosphere would be gone too. I remember first coming to Aht Arghan and Besieged was just about to begin, with everyone calling out for groups and filling in new people like me as to what was to begin. People were so incredibly friendly. You'd find people waiting at the entrance of places like Crawlers Nest, looking to form parties to get artifact armour, or desiring to do BCNM's with strangers.

Just a massive chunk of the game would be missing.

But thats the standard MMO experience, playing with other people.
FFXI SP would be only for experiencing the story and gameplay of the game. Thats why I said the game would need a remake though (including mission rebalancing and maps adjustments). It would be a fairly diferrent gamw from FFXIOnline.
Yeah, I would love to see a graphic overhaul and console ports at this point.
I don't think a Vita can handle huge mmo like FF XI, but a PS4 version would be perfect.
F2P conversion? I don't think so. Single player version? Ridiculous.


FFXIV has prettier graphics in every aspect, I agree. Outside of graphics though, nope.

I hope it's going F2P, I want to play this again but with fun games that I don't have to subscribe to there has to be something special to warrant a subscription bill from me. Gold Saucer was boring before I even got a chance to check it out.

FFXIV has better bosses and more fun battle system but that is.
On the other hand, FFXIV's battle system is fun but lacks metagame and is too strict, to the point where there's only 1 way to play right... and that players dont have to think a lot to maximize dmg or try harder once they "get it", in FFXI you would always check how could you improve your different equipment macros, f.e in a weapon skill that uses STR, you'd switch to ALL STR equipment, but this equipment is useless when you aren't doing a WS so you want a build for "TP BUILD" which requires to hit certain level of accuracy (it depends on the enemy's lvl, the more lvl the mob the more acc you need). FFXIV is just ->>> Try to get the bis, and if you don't, cap the accuracy for the battles you'll fight and that is :| and it usually follows a very predictable path, and it depends on annoying weekly caps/CDs -_-

And it's not only that, everything IS SO STRICT there's 0 room for trying out things, unlike in FFXI where devs were amazed at the uses people gave to the jobs lol, like using nin as tank.

Also, FFXI battle system was much much slower, this can be seen as negative, but it made people chat more (when waiting for TP we could) and so more socializing, which in a MMO is always very appreciated.In FFXIV everything is so fast, if you type you can screw everything up, so people ends up using voicechat tools like teamspeak and isolates themselves from the world. (Still, i'd speed things up in XI)

And let's not forget how 3 expansions in FFXI came out and they didn't raise the lvl, you had 2, 3 then 4 expansions where to choose to do endgame things, and the new equipment wasnt better than the old, just "different"... yes it's hard and a pain in the ass to get things, but when you came back 3 years later you were still a boss... in FFXIV if you quit and come back 6 months later you are shit already because of the ilvl raise nosense they commit every 6 months

So... in summary, to make an almost perfect mmo i'd just fuse FFXI campaigns + world + metagame and equipment system with XIV's battle system. FFXI has much more strong points than XIV, but the strong points of XIV are really really strong, that's why people like it, i guess.


i'm thinking about going back to FF11 for the first time in ten years for shits and giggles. new character and everything

is this even possible? (ignoring whatever the pending announcement is)


XIV's battle system is what I hate most about the game. The WoW DPS rotation system becomes mind-numbing for me. There's also a lack of skill chains which I loved in XI.


FFXIV has prettier graphics in every aspect, I agree. Outside of graphics though, nope.

I hope it's going F2P, I want to play this again but with fun games that I don't have to subscribe to there has to be something special to warrant a subscription bill from me. Gold Saucer was boring before I even got a chance to check it out.

FFXIV is not very good looking. FF XI wins artistically, by far. XIV is too safe visually to account for low end machines like WoW.
FFXIV is not very good looking. FF XI wins artistically, by far. XIV is too safe visually to account for low end machines like WoW.

What's funny is that Valkurm/Altepa have actually objectively better looking sand dunes/ desert than Sagolii Desert in FFXIV. I'm too lazy to post pictures, but Sagolii looked like plaster that was spray painted yellow.


This is just my opinion, but I actually miss a lot of the gameplay style of Ffxi vs wow or ffiv.

The world in Ffxi felt real. You went out into a huge open wilderness and explored. There was no icon on the map showing you your next mission. If you needed to find an item in a cave, you had to go find the cave. And chances are you may not make it there alive because the world was freaking dangerous.

The fact that you lost xp for dying sucked ass, but then again it really made you fear death. The further out you explored the more white knuckle it became.

If you wanted to level, you had to find a good place to hunt. Yeah it was a grind, but it made every nook and cranny of the world feel important. I remember finding tucked away a areas of the valkyrm dunes away from other hunters and spending a evening with a party just hunting away.

A lot about modern mmos are better, don't get me wrong. But that sense of exploring an unknown world is just plain gone in today's quest logs and map markers and high speed leveling treadmills.

Cool. Thanks for this description. I never played an mmo, but you just made me understand a bit more of the allure of FFXI.


I really, really wish they're planning to make an offline, single-player version but how realistic is it? To make it a proper offline RPG would probably require a manpower the current team doesn't seem to have.


FFXIV has prettier graphics in every aspect, I agree. Outside of graphics though, nope.

I hope it's going F2P, I want to play this again but with fun games that I don't have to subscribe to there has to be something special to warrant a subscription bill from me. Gold Saucer was boring before I even got a chance to check it out.

They're really apples and oranges, so to say one is better than the other isn't fair.

They're both MMOs, but XI was in an everquest era (and very unique in its own right) and XIV is in a WoW era.

I really, really wish they're planning to make an offline, single-player version but how realistic is it? To make it a proper offline RPG would probably require a manpower the current team doesn't seem to have.

The art assets and cutscenes are all there, as are the mechanics... but yeah, it'd need a pretty big overhaul to make it remotely playable offline. They'd either need to make you a one-man army or they'd need to make AI party members. It'd be like 80% new game.


The game already has that. You can already solo most of the game.

But to the degree where it'd be acceptable in single player? I haven't played since like... 2004, so I'm not sure what's new, but I assume there is still TONS of content that requires capable party members and not simple AI.

Either way, the game would have to be reworked a TON to get it single-player ready, but boy would it be a treat for those who never played it.


I don't see Square Enix turning it F2P since it's still a constant money maker for them. An HD upgrade and PS3/PS4 versions would probably be more likely.
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