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FUTURE PUBLISHING in further Driv3r-related shame


Street Fighter IV World Champion

I considered adding it to the Driv3r Shame thread, but this has quotes from journos and is an issue unto itself.

QUOTE: The uproar even reached Future Publishing’s own games forum, prompting responses from the editors of two of its magazines. In a thread entitled, “DRIV3R Reviews. Were PSM2 and XBW Honest?” Nick Ellis, deputy Editor of Xbox World, stated, “I'd like to totally refute the suggestion that magazines, and specifically XBW, take bribes - monetary or otherwise - to inflate review scores. Sure we might get the odd T-shirt sent to us or a pint bought by a PR but never, in 4 years of working at Future, have I ever given a game an inflated score because a/ I've been ordered to or b/ I've been thrown a bung. Sure I've over marked games - 9/10 for MOH: Rising Sun in OPS2 I will freely admit was a grave error of judgement but an honest mistake.”

Personally, I don't know the guy, but I simply don't believe him.

Mr Mike

1 million Canadian dollars
It's an interesting, note-worthy topic, for sure.
But why choose to start ANOTHER thread about it?


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Because there are now press quotes and the story I link to sums it up rather well. It's a shame no PR was quizzed in the piece though. That would have made it significantly more interesting if you ask me...


These quotes are from the thread posted in the other Driver 3 thread. They're not "press quotes", spong just took them from a forum.


boutrosinit said:
They're quotes from the press that were posted on a forum. Yes. What's the problem?
They've already been mentioned and the thread linked to in the driv3r shame thread for people to discuss if they so wish. Of course working for DENNIS PUBLISHING wouldn't have anything to do with trying to push this bad news story for FUTURE PUBLISHING. DENNIS PUBLISHING smell of roses and have never so much as guaranteed coverage or a minimum score for an exclusive? You don't think that little ol' CVG and PC Zone are going to strike a mortal blow to the Future and Highbury duopoly in all of this, surely?


Street Fighter IV World Champion
They've already been mentioned and the thread linked to in the driv3r shame thread for people to discuss if they so wish. Of course working for DENNIS PUBLISHING wouldn't have anything to do with trying to push this bad news story for FUTURE PUBLISHING. DENNIS PUBLISHING smell of roses and have never so much as guaranteed coverage or a minimum score for an exclusive? You don't think that little ol' CVG and PC Zone are going to strike a mortal blow to the Future and Highbury duopoly in all of this, surely?

No. None of them smell of roses and I would NEVER claim they do. Yes, I freelance for Dennis and various others and if I was to 'attack' anyone, I'd be more likely to go for Dennis first, as they're terrible at paying me on time... ;-)

I know a few guys at Future and respect them. However, the decision to slap 'game of the year' on a cover for Driver 3 and fix a score (that Playstation Mag, whatever it was) is not one of sound or honest mind. Personally, I feel it needs to be rid of, as to lie to some kid who's only got £40 a month to spend on a game in order to please a publisher is pretty whack behaviour.

Mr Mike

1 million Canadian dollars
cja said:
They've already been mentioned and the thread linked to in the driv3r shame thread for people to discuss if they so wish. Of course working for DENNIS PUBLISHING wouldn't have anything to do with trying to push this bad news story for FUTURE PUBLISHING. DENNIS PUBLISHING smell of roses and have never so much as guaranteed coverage or a minimum score for an exclusive? You don't think that little ol' CVG and PC Zone are going to strike a mortal blow to the Future and Highbury duopoly in all of this, surely?


fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
I stopped picking on GI and IGN here because the only person it really gave any headaches to was myself.


It's hard to be too cynical about game writers but perhaps I managed it with my previous post? :)

Those are noble sentiments Boutros but when you've read stuff from Stuart Campbell for years claiming corruption, Redeye hinting at the dodgy dealings each month and have just chanced upon the Polygon interview with the, now ex, editor of Edge in the gamesradar thread it is very hard to trust anything written in the game media. The overriding impression of many seasoned British videogame players is that "journalists" are just an extension of game publisher pr.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
cja said:
It's hard to be too cynical about game writers but perhaps I managed it with my previous post? :)

Those are noble sentiments Boutros but when you've read stuff from Stuart Campbell for years claiming corruption, Redeye hinting at the dodgy dealings each month and have just chanced upon the Polygon interview with the, now ex, editor of Edge in the gamesradar thread it is very hard to trust anything written in the game media. The overriding impression of many seasoned British videogame players is that "journalists" are just an extension of game publisher pr.

I couldn't agree more. In fact one of the jibes privately made at one of the sites I've worked at, as that news reporting is essentially an act of rewriting press releases. As for reviews, I've had a few experiences I did not enjoy - having to review a Rayman game with only being allowed to play the game for an hour or two - and other such bizarre conditions. I think it's part that games are classed as product as well as entertainment and of course, products are reviewed at various stages. Of course, film is rarely reviewed in such a way. There are test screenings for feedback purposes, but that's about as close as it gets. Of course this is a long argument and one that deserves its own thread, so I'll stop now.

Back to dodgy reviews - I've had no direct experience of whether 'rate it 9 or you don't get a copy' happens in film or music - I'm sure it has happened, by far less stories creep out the woodwork so to speak. We hear so many more than any pop or film journo I know.

I remember hearing one story on the Popbitch message board about a BMG rep's attempt at getting people to rate UK Pop Idol Will Young's effort highly. As for film, perhaps the industry's considerable older age to ours, means this kind of stuff is more well-hidden or simply more frowned upon. Of course all ears and eyes will be open when the Catwoman film comes out.

P.S. Please call me by my first name (Dan).

Mr Mike

1 million Canadian dollars
cja said:
It's hard to be too cynical about game writers but perhaps I managed it with my previous post? :)

Those are noble sentiments Boutros but when you've read stuff from Stuart Campbell for years claiming corruption, Redeye hinting at the dodgy dealings each month and have just chanced upon the Polygon interview with the, now ex, editor of Edge in the gamesradar thread it is very hard to trust anything written in the game media. The overriding impression of many seasoned British videogame players is that "journalists" are just an extension of game publisher pr.

Is there a link to the interview with the Edge chap?
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