There have been a dozen spectacular technologies promising to revolutionise graphics and only to be left unused and discarded for who knows why... Here are some of them and if anybody has more or knows why this techs arent popular please feel free to comment.
1. Motion interpolation.
Back on the xbox 360 days star wars force unleashed 2 achieved the unthinkable they where able to magically upscale 30fps to 60fps on the force unleashed 2 and perhaps this could also mean how nextgen consoles will achieve 120fps.
A. 30 fps frame.
B.motion blur
C. Final 60 fps frame
2. Virtual texturing/ tiled resources/ megatextures.
At the start of this gen microsoft boasted about dx12 and tiled resources as a revolutionary tech that was going to drastically improve visuals
But besides carmack's implementation in rage and id tech 4 it hasn' t really pushed boundaries as people expected and its been removed from the new id tech 7 engine.
3. Mega meshes.
So this are some of them.
The big question is where this technologies really ground breaking! or simply procedural tricks?
Or do they work and its the developers who are lazy to apply them?
1. Motion interpolation.
Back on the xbox 360 days star wars force unleashed 2 achieved the unthinkable they where able to magically upscale 30fps to 60fps on the force unleashed 2 and perhaps this could also mean how nextgen consoles will achieve 120fps.

LucasArts' 60FPS Force Unleashed II tech demo
At the recent SIGGRAPH 2010, LucasArts coder Dmitry Andreev showed off a quite remarkable tech demo based on work he ca…

Real-time Frame Rate Up-conversion for Video Games (SIGGRAPH 2010 Slides)
A novel technique for video games that combines the best of both high-quality rendering at 30 frames per second and the natural motion of objects refreshing at 60 frames per second with very minimal memory and performance overhead.
A. 30 fps frame.

B.motion blur

C. Final 60 fps frame

2. Virtual texturing/ tiled resources/ megatextures.
At the start of this gen microsoft boasted about dx12 and tiled resources as a revolutionary tech that was going to drastically improve visuals

But besides carmack's implementation in rage and id tech 4 it hasn' t really pushed boundaries as people expected and its been removed from the new id tech 7 engine.
3. Mega meshes.

So this are some of them.
The big question is where this technologies really ground breaking! or simply procedural tricks?
Or do they work and its the developers who are lazy to apply them?
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