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FYI: New Famitsu (Hot konami PSP FPS)


...new famitsu has a ton of PSP and some DS coverage, including the best looking PSP screenshot I've seen yet (ok, not that I've seen many but...), a first-person shooter from Konami called Coat of Arms. Or was it Code?

[edit: coded arms.]

also in the issue: pics of the MGS3 bosses, Dirge of Cerebus shots, new Wanda stuff, etc. etc.


Yes definitely, seems pretty strange to me but they did reveal a couple of MGS 2 bosses around this time in 2001. So hopefully it's a couple of early bosses and that's it.

When can we expect scans?
MarkMacD said:
I was kinda surprised they are giving them out...seems kinda spoiler-ish, no?

Doubt it. After MGS2, who's really gonna figure what the fuck is going on in the story in the first few playthroughs, anyway? :)
Anyone know if Dirge of Cerebus is going to play like a traditional action game, or is it going to be more of the retarded Kingdom Hearts-style gameplay? I'm hoping it resembles DMC, considering how much Dante and Vincent have in common, and how much of a badass Vincent is.


Coat of Arms looks hot! :D


1up.com has a short article on it:


Gen.Wedge said:
Anyone know if Dirge of Cerebus is going to play like a traditional action game, or is it going to be more of the retarded Kingdom Hearts-style gameplay? I'm hoping it resembles DMC, considering how much Dante and Vincent have in common, and how much of a badass Vincent is.

I don't think we need another DMC clone. Maybe something Vagrant Story-ish would be better.


Make it similar to Parasite Eve 1 and that'll be good enough for me. Doesn't Vincent use a gun? forgot what his weapons are.


Call me crazy, but I have a feeling that They're going to port Dirge of Cerberus to the PSP also.

Or maybe a demo of this would be that "Exclusive" content found on the UMD Advent Children. (what Nomura was talking about)

and we all know that SE has to be making something for the psp.

I'll wait for more info.
Holy crap, that looks better than any PS2 FPS I can think of.

I'll take a universal widescreen over a dual screen set up ANY day. So sexy.
Damn, that is one hot-looking FPS. Although I've sworn off the PSP for at least the time being, I can definitely see myself picking one up a year or so after launch.


No one's bitched that the control scheme is likely to suffer due to the lack of dual analog?

What happened to the GAF I once knew?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The will hopefully use the DC MDK2 control system. That was the best replacement for the dual analog setup on a one analog controller.


There's only The Urbz: Sims In The City and Monster Ranchers for DS coverage. Apparently Monster is an RPG this time.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
thanks, Troidal!

The amount of environmental detail in that Coded Arms shot is impressive. Certainly head and shoulders above anything else we've seen demonstrated for the PSP thus far.


Jonnyram said:
What could you possibly mean? Breakdown was fantastic! :D
it was a good game, but had huge problems. it's like the development team decided to make an fps without actually having seen one.
MASB said:
What does KCES stand for? I haven't heard of that division before I don't think.

Konami Computer Entertainment Studios

The other ones are:

Konami Digital Entertainment


New Wanda and The Collosus pictures? Why are you people still taking about the FPS and not demanding scans? :p


SolidSnakex said:
Konami Computer Entertainment Studios

The other ones are:

Konami Digital Entertainment

KCEO and KCEK were very good studios. Closing them was a bad idea IMO...I will never understand it.
They'd better rebuild the european headquarters that are full of stupids that do bad conversions and translations or the horrible KCE Hawaii...


konami once again fulfills sony's promise :p

that second coded arms shot actually had "lvl 43/80"
does that mean it's got rpg elements to it?


ourumov said:
KCEO and KCEK were very good studios. Closing them was a bad idea IMO...I will never understand it.
They'd better rebuild the european headquarters that are full of stupids that do bad conversions and translations or the horrible KCE Hawaii...

Some (all?) of the KCEK guys were transferred to KCET. KCES and KCEO merged to form, um, KCES.


Miburou said:
Some (all?) of the KCEK guys were transferred to KCET. KCES and KCEO merged to form, um, KCES.
Yep... KCET also absorbed KCEN iirc.

There's also KCE Shanghai for game development. :)


mashoutposse said:
That looks hot.

It'll probably control like Goldeneye or Quake 3 DC; dual analog isn't 100% necessary for an FPS.

yah but it would be much better if the analog stick was on the right side of the screen, atleast for FPS if you're right handed. Infact it would more or less be just as good as with two analog
sticks or maybe even better. D-pad for moving forward/backward, strafing left/right...... right analog stick for moving your aim.
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