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G/A/F - Toddler pulls loaded gun from toy box during child welfare check by police

A Boynton Beach
toddler found a loaded pistol in his ”My Little Learning" toy box while officials were investigating his home for possible child neglect.

The 3-year-old boy wanted to bring out his toys while officers were in his home, according to a police report. His toy box had several small books in it, but while officers were talking to an adult in the house, the toddler pulled out a black 9mm semi-automatic pistol. One officer immediately took the gun and found a bullet was in the chamber with the safety off.

Rosalyn Faniel, 34 of Boynton Beach, who the officers came to investigate for possible child neglect, said the gun wasn't hers and she didn't know it was in the apartment, the report said.

While searching the home, the officers also found a yellow box of 9mm ammunition on top of the refrigerator, next to a black scale and a pink makeup bag filled with six plastic bags of white and pink powder, the report said. The powder tested positive for oxycodone and weighed 0.6 grams in total.
Faniel was arrested on a charge of child neglect Tuesday, and her bail was set at $3,000, according to online court records. She was released from jail Wednesday.

She was also charged with failure to appear in court and violating release conditions, the records said. An additional $500 was added to her bail for violating release conditions. She is scheduled to appear before Circuit Judge Charles Burton on July 13.

Rosalyn Faniel, 34 of Boynton Beach, who the officers came to investigate for possible child neglect, said the gun wasn’t hers and she didn’t know it was in the apartment, the report said.

Ah yes the old Donald Trump defense strategy of admitting to the charge in your own rebuttal.


Baby snitches on his Mom like,"I cant take this no more! Formula is cold, diaper is scratchy, and she took my toys! Aww he'll no I'm telling! Look officer look her look what she got!"


It's really lucky the police were there, right at that moment. Otherwise, it could have happened when the mom wasn't paying attention and the toddler may have shot himself. Or the police may not have found anything and he'd stay in the house neglected.

Still, my heart goes out to the little guy. All he knows is that his mom is gone and he doesn't know why. I really hope he's placed with a loving foster family.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I can't tell if she was just being a negligent moron, or if she was being one of those "I gotta hide guns and ammo around my house in case I get broken in to and have to instantly do a movie-style shootout in my house" morons.

Poor kid, but good on the officer for catching and stopping it before anything happened.


Guns materializing from thin air or waking in on their own.

Holy hell some people should never be allowed to have kids

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I know I shouldn't find this funny, but the woman isn't very bright trying to dispute child neglect charges by saying she has no idea how a loaded gun got into her child's toybox.


Anyone here NOT believe that this bitch tried to hide the gun in the toy box thinking they wouldn't look there?

This is why announced child welfare checks are worthless. I can't tell you how many times I e been in houses with social workers where you know the environment is terrible for the kid but they clean up the place just enough to pass the inspection. System is broken.
As hard as it is to believe that the gun is not hers and she didn't know how it got there, on its face that story is easier to believe than the idea of her owning the gun and knowing it was inside the toy box.


Anyone here NOT believe that this bitch tried to hide the gun in the toy box thinking they wouldn't look there?

This is why announced child welfare checks are worthless. I can't tell you how many times I e been in houses with social workers where you know the environment is terrible for the kid but they clean up the place just enough to pass the inspection. System is broken.
Yeah unannounced welfare checks are really the only way to get a honest picture of a child's living environment, which is what their job is in the first place. Giving parents a heads up defeats the purpose.


I guess we should be glad the cop didn't follow the usual cop instincts here and shot the toddler...

As hard as it is to believe that the gun is not hers and she didn't know how it got there, on its face that story is easier to believe than the idea of her owning the gun and knowing it was inside the toy box.

She wouldn't have ammo for a gun that's not hers...
How did that get there!?

How can you not know there was a loaded weapon in your apartment?

Maybe she thought they were going to search and just assumed that was the last place they'd look?

Seriously, I don't fucking know.

Maybe it's just a really smart kid who didn't want to live there anymore.




Come on people cannot be this dumb. How the fuck you have your kid pull out a gun from their toys during a child's welfare interview. That's seriously some TV shit.


I think the easy answer is she was probably lying. The drugs and ammo box being found support that, I think.

I recall a particular nonsensical episode of Glee where the birthmother plants evidence around Idina Menzel's house to try to get custody of her kid back.
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