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GAF Game of the Year 2009 - Voting Thread - 3 POINT SYSTEM, rules updated!

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Some updates:

By popular demand, the deadline has been extended to January 10, 2010 at midnight, PST. This has also been reflected in the OP. I hope the extra week will allow people to have a bit more time to play the games they got for the holiday. I got a lot of PMs and posts saying they'd like an extra week.

Also, after 900 posts (not 900 votes, just posts) we now have over 210 games nominated. Hopefully this (somewhat) assuages some fears that some of the more "niche" games wouldn't show up and that the list would be "only 5 games" or so.

I'll be continuing to count votes later this evening. If you voted before Post #200 and you change your vote, please PM me or I can't ensure your change will be counted. Thanks again for the feedback, positive and negative.


Digital Foundry
Uncharted 2 - 3

NSMB Wii - 2
Demon's Souls - 2

Modern Warfare 2 - 1
Street Fighter IV - 1
Batman Arkham Asylum - 1
Thanks a lot for extending the time OP, now I really need to play Uncharted 2, killzone 2 and Infamous. Hopefully I will atleast play and beat one of those 3, been really slacking off on the PS3 games so far!
Left 4 Dead 2: 3

New Super Mario Bros. Wii: 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum: 2

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars: 1
House of the Dead: Overkill: 1
Dead Space: Extraction: 1


Batman Arkham Asylum- 3
Uncharted 2- 1
Assassins Creed 2-1
Demons Soul-1
New Super Mario Brothers Wii-1
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days- 1
Left 4 Dead 2-1

Arrgh still so many games left out and some games didn't get enough points since I only get 10. ='(


Uncharted 2 - 3
Halo ODST - 2
Assassin's Creed 2 - 2
Prof. Layton and Pandora's Box - 1
Batman: AA - 1
Modern Warfare 2 - 1


3 - Uncharted 2
2 - Red Faction: Guerrilla
1 - Dragon Age
1 - inFamous
1 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
1 - Borderlands
1 - Torchlight
Batman: Arkham Asylum -- 3 pts

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 -- 2 pts
Street Fighter 4 -- 2 pts
Uncharted 2 -- 2 pts

FIFA 10 -- 1 pt


Uncharted 2 - 3
Tales of Monkey Island - 2
Batman - Arkham Asylum - 1
Killzone 2 - 1
InFamous - 1
Assassins Creed 2 - 1
New Super Mario Bros Wii - 1


Uncharted 2 - 3
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - 2
inFamous - 2
Demon's Souls - 1
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time - 1
Killzone - 1


GPsych said:
Weeaboos...that's awesome. Still, I find it interesting that Killzone 2 is more than likely beating MW2. Is it the graphics? Sound design (KZ2 is amazing in this area, IMO)? Console Wars? I'm just curious why people would choose one over the other...
Killzone 2 would have been my Game of the Year if its single player was better than Uncharted 2's. It wasn't, sadly, and that's why it gets 2nd place. I spent far, far, far more time in Killzone 2's multiplayer than Uncharted 2's because it is fucking awesome.

Also, most people who say Killzone 2 didn't bring anything new to the plate either didn't play the game or didn't play much of the game at all. Graphics, Sound, Controls (Yes, the controls are awesome), Weapon feel/punch, Multiplayer game modes switching automatically - it all brought a breath of fresh air to the imperfect world of console FPSes.


Punch-Out!! - 3
Street Fighter IV - 2
Borderlands - 1
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 1
inFAMOUS - 1
New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 1
Trials HD - 1


Trials HD - 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 2
Forza Motorsport 3 - 2
Resident Evil 5 - 1
Battlefield 1943 - 1
Defense Grid - 1
timetokill said:
Some updates:

By popular demand, the deadline has been extended to January 10, 2010 at midnight, PST. This has also been reflected in the OP. I hope the extra week will allow people to have a bit more time to play the games they got for the holiday. I got a lot of PMs and posts saying they'd like an extra week.

Also, after 900 posts (not 900 votes, just posts) we now have over 210 games nominated. Hopefully this (somewhat) assuages some fears that some of the more "niche" games wouldn't show up and that the list would be "only 5 games" or so.

I'll be continuing to count votes later this evening. If you voted before Post #200 and you change your vote, please PM me or I can't ensure your change will be counted. Thanks again for the feedback, positive and negative.


Thanks a lot man.
Uncharted 2 - 3 pts
Demon's Souls - 2 pts
Infamous - 1 pt
Flower - 1 pt
Call of Juarez : BiB - 1 pt
Chronicles of Riddick: AoDA - 1 pt
Dragon Age: Origins - 1 pt


After a day of browsing this thread i can't help but come to the conclusion. This thread is really boring compared to years past.

Previously I'd quickly scan over the first 4 or 5 in someone's list as they are usually all the same. All the big AAA titles and there's not often much movement in regards to what people pick there. Where the real interest lay was at the tail end of people's top 10s. The games that they played and loved, but just couldn't put them up in their top 5 for obvious reasons. While they didn't particularly matter in the over all voting count, the thread was entertaining and thought provoking. And I looked forward to it every year.

This year, with the amount of games in people's list effectively reduced due to the scoring system, it's a very clinical affair. All the top games in everyone's list, hardly anything interesting. I'm not even bothering to read any post that only contains 4 games, which is most of them.

While this may help the OP in tallying votes, and may even make the over all GOATY fairer (although that remains to be seen). The fact remains it's just not interesting.

I think if in the OPs rules it stated you list 10 games, but assign 10 points in the 3 point system the same as it is now, that would have worked fine. Most people would have listed their 10 but assign their points to the top 4 or so. That would have kept people from both sides of the argument happy. Maybe.
Mar_ said:
After a day of browsing this thread i can't help but come to the conclusion. This thread is really boring compared to years past.

This year, with the amount of games in people's list effectively reduced due to the scoring system, it's a very clinical affair. All the top games in everyone's list, hardly anything interesting.
As of timetokill's last post, 210 games had already been nominated. You are all blowing this ridiculously out of proportion. If anything, I like this approach even more for niche titles, because the niche titles making the cut are ones that people cared enough about to devote their meager points to, which means they're more likely to deserve some interest from other people. I know that I personally had three niche titles on my list, Flower (3 pts.), Machinarium (2 pts.), and Noby Noby Boy (2 pts.). Many other people have been doing similar things with their points. Fuck, it's not that big of a deal.


Uncharted 2 - 3
Assassin's Creed 2 - 2
Batman: AA - 1
inFAMOUS - 1
Resident Evil 5 - 1
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - 1
Wii Sports Resort - 1


timetokill said:
Some updates:

By popular demand, the deadline has been extended to January 10, 2010 at midnight, PST. This has also been reflected in the OP. I hope the extra week will allow people to have a bit more time to play the games they got for the holiday. I got a lot of PMs and posts saying they'd like an extra week.

Also, after 900 posts (not 900 votes, just posts) we now have over 210 games nominated. Hopefully this (somewhat) assuages some fears that some of the more "niche" games wouldn't show up and that the list would be "only 5 games" or so.

I'll be continuing to count votes later this evening. If you voted before Post #200 and you change your vote, please PM me or I can't ensure your change will be counted. Thanks again for the feedback, positive and negative.

Have you posted the rankings so far somewhere?

I enjoyed watching them change last year.


Street Fighter IV- 3 points
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2- 2 points
Uncharted 2- 2 points
The Beatles Rockband- 1 point
Demon Souls- 1 point
Borderlands- 1 point


Uncharted 2 - 3 points
Batman : AA - 2 points
Street Fighter 4 - 2 points
Ratchet & Clank :ACIT 2 points
Flower 1 point


flabberghastly said:
As of timetokill's last post, 210 games had already been nominated.
Number of nominated games has nothing to do with it. The number of games nominated per vote is way down, making each individual vote less interesting to look at. There are a number of downsides to this method, and the only reliable upside seems to be "well, the results will probably end up the same so who cares." Plenty of people care.
mujun said:
Have you posted the rankings so far somewhere?

I enjoyed watching them change last year.

I haven't, because a lot of people feel that posting running totals influences the voting in a negative way. Instead, I've been posting random facts that I found interesting about the running totals as I accumulate them.

For instance, after I counted the votes in the first 200 posts, I had mentioned this:

- The game in 4th place shows up in fewer lists than the 5th, 6th, and 7th place titles, but when it is included in a person's list it averages a higher point value.
- The game in 6th place has 0 first place votes.

I will be posting more information like this in the thread. People could possibly figure out which games I am talking about, just as they could tally the votes themselves ;)


timetokill said:
- The game in 4th place shows up in fewer lists than the 5th, 6th, and 7th place titles, but when it is included in a person's list it averages a higher point value.
Fucking Demon's Souls. :p


Timetokill, I am loving this new thread as well as the new rules, props to ya man! :D

I will be submitting my vote very soon.
Fredescu said:
Number of nominated games has nothing to do with it. The number of games nominated per vote is way down, making each individual vote less interesting to look at. There are a number of downsides to this method, and the only reliable upside seems to be "well, the results will probably end up the same so who cares." Plenty of people care.
I think each one is actually more interesting to look at this year - to see not just which games were chosen, but how many games the person decided to choose, how they chose to spread their points, etc. There's absolutely nothing stopping people from making a top 10 list this year (as some have - some devoting one point to each, and others devoting a few points to a select number and giving the rest zero but still some recognition), or even from extending it to 15, 20, 30, their entire collection, whatever.

Moreover, a number of upsides have been given throughout this thread for the new system, including one I put in my last post.


No 3 point games from me as everything this year has been pretty average.

2 Points

Saints Row 2 - much better than the borefest that was GTA4, had so much fun!
Mirror's Edge - this is where creativity in gaming needs to be going

1 point

World In Conflict - fun and visually impressive RTS


flabberghastly said:
There's absolutely nothing stopping people from making a top 10 list this year
The system prevents ordered top 10s, and discourages full top 10s.

flabberghastly said:
Moreover, a number of upsides have been given throughout this thread for the new system, including one I put in my last post.
No points in a smaller pool of points as against less points in a larger pool of points isn't an upside, it's a wash. The difference is the latter gives us opinions to express and read about.
Good man for not posting the current leaders. Wait till everything is said and done.

Also, good call on the deadline move. January 10th is workable. I need to play UC2 and Batman still.

I'll probably get to UC2, but I'll definitely have time for Batman now. Goozex needs to hurry up with UC2.
Fredescu said:
The system prevents ordered top 10s, and discourages full top 10s.
Wrong. You apparently haven't been reading the thread very closely if you haven't seen something like:

1. Game A - 3 pts.
2. Sequel B - 2 pts.
3. Game C - 2 pts.
4. Game D - 1 pt.
5. Sequel E - 1 pt.
6. Game F - 1 pt.
7. Sequel G - 0 pts.
8. Sequel H - 0 pts.
9. Sequel I - 0 pts.
10. Game J - 0 pts.

If people are so worried about reading individual lists and having their individual lists read (which is, supposedly, what you are looking for), this method is perfectly fine. If people are worried about its reflection on the collective list, then, obviously, this method can't overcome the fact that the new system won't allow you to give all of your games points while also giving them differing amounts of points. Of course, the old method wouldn't let me include 25 games in the collective list - piece-of-shit system!

No points in a smaller pool of points as against less points in a larger pool of points isn't an upside, it's a wash. The difference is the latter gives us opinions to express and read about.
This system doesn't seem to be shutting that many games out of the collective list, though, as evinced by the fact that there are already 210(+) games on that list. This year, though, we know that someone had to care enough about a game to give it points from their small pool just to get it on the collective list, which means each game probably earned its spot on the list even more than many games in a previous years.


flabberghastly said:
Wrong. You apparently haven't been reading the thread very closely if you haven't seen something like:
I posted one of those myself. If half the games don't count, it's not a real top 10. People are only posting like that because they expected a top 10 system to start with and had one ready. People that didn't won't bother making one because the system discourages it.

flabberghastly said:
This system doesn't seem to be shutting that many games out of the collective list, though, as evinced by the fact that there are already 210(+) games on that list.
I'm not concerned about shutting out entries on the collective list, I'm concerned about shutting out individual opinions. Read my post on the previous page.


Neo Member
Feel pretty good with my list.

Dawn of war 2 2
Odst 1
dragon age 1
torchlight 2
assasins creed2 2
Street fighter 4 1
trials 1
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