I have a question about Rule #3. Let's say I win game one, then lose game two; am I allowed to make changes in my deck even though I won the first game? Another question, if I lose game one then win game two, can I make changes after game two since I lost game one or can I only make changes if I lost the most recent game?
Oh, Gotta get revenge against Yondy for beating me.
How exactly would I know if the people playing actually stuck to that fixed deck? It's not like I could show each deck to the participants to make sure they didn't play cards not in that deck. It's just too hard of a thing to enforce.
One Legendary with a ban on Leeroy? Or is that getting too complicated/intrusive?
That would essentially kill Miracle Rogue, wouldn't it?
Psÿ#1489 (Alt+152)
Aw man you're like those wow players
Except it's pointless in this case for battletags.