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GAF-Hop |OTXI| Five Year Nation

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So many video games have great stories. If you look at them all as wannabe movies (even the ones that want to be by intent) you won't get much out of the stories IMO.
Yeah. I agree. I think there are ways to be really creative with the storytelling (Gone Home). Or we can skip that all together and do something like Journey. I've played neither, but so I've heard.
what about the batman games. you can't skip the bats.
I don't skip them but the first 2 have shit stories despite being games I love so much (and as a Batman fan it's fun enough).


It's funny the video games that feel like movies when you play are awesome
now this i definitely disagree with, the more production and cutscene and setpiece loaded a game it is the more it sucks. Even with a lot of those MGS cutscenes I liked when I was 12, there's definitely a better way to do it. emergent, free flowing, choose your own gameplay is best.

of course theres like planescape torment but hey.
now this i definitely disagree with, the more production and cutscene and setpiece loaded a game it is the more it sucks. Even with a lot of those MGS cutscenes I liked when I was 12, there's definitely a better way to do it. emergent, free flowing, choose your own gameplay is best.

of course theres like planescape torment but hey.

I generally agree with you. There's a balance to strike in cut-scenes that some gaming teams haven't learned. I was more referring to overall feel of a game.

Blizzard has some of the best cut-scenes out of everyone and back in the day it was cool. Nowadays? Pass.


I just feel like serious stories in gaming come off as "corny"

There's not enough development in a video game story (for me) to actually care. Just give me some gameplay I'll enjoy and I'll be happy


tagged by Blackace
now this i definitely disagree with, the more production and cutscene and setpiece loaded a game it is the more it sucks. Even with a lot of those MGS cutscenes I liked when I was 12, there's definitely a better way to do it. emergent, free flowing, choose your own gameplay is best.

of course theres like planescape torment but hey.
Don't agree with this. If the cutscene is surprising or adds something meaningful to what's going on as opposed to just showing you an expected conclusion for whatever boss you just stomped, it can be good. Hell, even in the latter it can be satisfying if directed well. Greater production value is only a good thing, by definition, but that doesn't define what makes something great.

Word to RAAM being a boss.


Or if it's just well written that can go a long way. I love the Schafer games for example and they don't spend too much or too little on cut scenes. Last of Us was fabulous. Even Uncharted 2 had a good story.

I downloaded Scotty ATL and Dillon Cooper. I trust you Des.
I generally agree with you. There's a balance to strike in cut-scenes that some gaming teams haven't learned. I was more referring to overall feel of a game.

Blizzard has some of the best cut-scenes out of everyone and back in the day it was cool. Nowadays? Pass.

My friend was watching me playthrough Diablo 3 when it first came out and almost had a heart attack when I skipped a cutscene "WHAT THE FUCK, why'd you skip the cutscene!"


This story is....comeon. I just want to go back to snatching up loot and shooting arrows and shit.


Don't agree with this. If the cutscene is surprising or adds something meaningful to what's going on as opposed to just showing you an expected conclusion for whatever boss you just stomped, it can be good. Hell, even in the latter it can be satisfying if directed well. Greater production value is only a good thing, by definition, but that doesn't define what makes something great.

Word to RAAM being a boss.

Nah. Anything that interrupts the flow of the game is kinda wack imo. QTE based realtime scenes are a decent compromise I guess. I play games to play them not to watch them.


I generally agree with you. There's a balance to strike in cut-scenes that some gaming teams haven't learned. I was more referring to overall feel of a game.

Blizzard has some of the best cut-scenes out of everyone and back in the day it was cool. Nowadays? Pass.

my man.


I have a confession to make: I've never played a Metal Gear Solid game before

Since I have that out of the way, I was at my friend's house my senior year of high school and he was just about to beat MGS3 and the final cutscene before the final boss popped up and the person playing (and some other dude) were amazed with the
conspiracy theories
and I kinda just cringed the whole time

They both dropped out of college and look up conspiracy theories all day now


tagged by Blackace
I just feel like serious stories in gaming come off as "corny"

There's not enough development in a video game story (for me) to actually care. Just give me some gameplay I'll enjoy and I'll be happy
That's why good characterization is what makes a good game story.

I mean, that's where all the fan fiction and obsessive gaming culture stems from. Whether it be Sonic or Bayonetta or whatever, there's usually something instinctive there that connects with people for them to start Rule 34ing the credits and shit.

Nah. Anything that interrupts the flow of the game is kinda wack imo. QTE based realtime scenes are a decent compromise I guess. I play games to play them not to watch them.

Part of it is the reward. This is why open-world games are generally shit at storytelling, because there's no real way to scale what's more satisfying and what's just regular gameplay. And then some games like Saints Row go full stupid and you make what should be awesome mundane. The universe needs balance.

T Dollarz

My friend was watching me playthrough Diablo 3 when it first came out and almost had a heart attack when I skipped a cutscene "WHAT THE FUCK, why'd you skip the cutscene!"


This story is....comeon. I just want to go back to snatching up loot and shooting arrows and shit.

The cutscenes actually look really cool breh... But I agree, I could give two shits about the story in that game.

Now, The Last of Us.... that's another beast entirely. I'm playing it again now on the PS4 after it being my game of the generation.... and BRUHHHHH... it's a beautiful game


Part of it is the reward. This is why open-world games are generally shit at storytelling, because there's no real way to scale what's more satisfying and what's just regular gameplay. And then some games like Saints Row go full stupid and you make what should be awesome mundane. The universe needs balance.

The reward of.... Some wack FMV video i can't participate in in between hallway bound set pieces?



tagged by Blackace
Confession: I don't get the overwhelming praise for The Last Of Us. The shit dragged on way too long (#1 complaint of Naughty Dog games). Yeah, I guess that helps make it feel like a journey, but still. Then you get to the twist which is super unsatisfying unless you really invested in the main characters. Which I didn't find reason to.


btw I have a PS4 digital copy code of the game if someone wants to buy it lol

Camp Lo

Confession: I don't get the overwhelming praise for The Last Of Us. The shit dragged on way too long (#1 complaint of Naughty Dog games). Yeah, I guess that helps make it feel like a journey, but still. Then you get to the twist which is super unsatisfying unless you really invested in the main characters. Which I didn't find reason to.


I got crucified when I said I didn't like the remaster. I didn't give a shit about Joel or Ellie. I eventually beat it on PS3 just to say I did but ... pft.
At this point...A Solid story is just an added bonus to fun gameplay etc. Unless it's an Indie Game, and even then it's mostly true.

Even for games I really like that I've played recently...sitting through Cutscenes can be a pain in the ass. The first time through, I can get watching them, but if I'm replaying? You better be able to skip that shit.


tagged by Blackace
I got crucified when I said I didn't like the remaster. I didn't give a shit about Joel or Ellie. I eventually beat it on PS3 just to say I did but ... pft.
Yeah I don't bother posting in echo chamber threads, but I felt like I was forcing myself through it most of the time, and I felt the combat only really came into it's own in 2 specific places in the campaign.

I didn't agree when everyone was screaming RDR was their GOTG, but at least I better understood why someone might feel that way.

At this point...A Solid story is just an added bonus to fun gameplay etc. Unless it's an Indie Game, and even then it's mostly true.

Even for games I really like that I've played recently...sitting through Cutscenes can be a pain in the ass. The first time through, I can get watching them, but if I'm replaying? You better be able to skip that shit.
Yeah, fuck Destiny for this.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I only watch cut scenes with lots of action that are obviously meant to be "holy shit" type moments. Basically to justify a cut scene it better be showing something that couldn't be done with the in game engine. Any cutscene where two people are standing around talking or sitting on some fucking bench staring off into the distance gets skipped immediately.
Final Fantasy games have become really bad with this. It's 5% "did you fucking see that dragon blow that entire city up?! goddamn!" and 95% "what the fuck are these idiots even talking about and why does she sound like a 9 year old on helium?"


I'll fuck with an opening and an ending cutscene, that's it.

TLoU is a decent game. I kinda finished it feeling like meh. Game isn't that fun, I prefer Uncharted 2 to be honest.

Camp Lo

YES! Destiny and the lack of a mother fucking skip button during those cutscene should be illegal.

I can't even think to replay that game because I refuse to sit through that boring nonsensical story again.

I'll fuck with an opening and an ending cutscene, that's it.

TLoU is a decent game. I kinda finished it feeling like meh. Game isn't that fun, I prefer Uncharted 2 to be honest.

GOAT ND game.


tagged by Blackace
I'd rather a cutscene than the alternative 99% of the time, which is hey, stand here idly by not doing jack shit while annoying proximity audio and/or text delivers you the story before you can continue to your next objective.

Or even worse when they put a 150x150px portrait up on your HUD and have them talk something that isn't important enough anyways to put in a cutscene while you continue to play. Borderlands sucks for this, but it gets a pass because the story is meant to be some BS from the start, so it's not really as off-putting when all parties realize nobody cares.

I'll fuck with an opening and an ending cutscene, that's it.

TLoU is a decent game. I kinda finished it feeling like meh. Game isn't that fun, I prefer Uncharted 2 to be honest.
Yeah Uncharted 2 had a lot of super nice environments and set pieces at the very least.
You know when you keep clicking related videos on youtube?
Yea I just ended up at the Cassidy - Catch a Body Meek Mill diss
pretty decent

third last line

"I'mma body you, so you can ghost write for your fucking self"


tagged by Blackace
Speaking of Meek, his verse on They Don't Love You No More is up there for one of the verses of the year. He was cooking over that shit.
I'll fuck with an opening and an ending cutscene, that's it.

TLoU is a decent game. I kinda finished it feeling like meh. Game isn't that fun, I prefer Uncharted 2 to be honest.

Uncharted 2 was sweet.

I'd rather a cutscene than the alternative 99% of the time, which is hey, stand here idly by not doing jack shit while annoying proximity audio and/or text delivers you the story before you can continue to your next objective.

Or even worse when they put a 150x150px portrait up on your HUD and have them talk something that isn't important enough anyways to put in a cutscene while you continue to play. Borderlands sucks for this, but it gets a pass because the story is meant to be some BS from the start, so it's not really as off-putting when all parties realize nobody cares.

It gets old in Borderlands, but it's not like those scenes are HL2 length of talks (Still love the game, but nevertheless there's only so many times you can hit somebody in the face with a crowbar while they're talking)

sure if you haven't read any actual literature, especially science fiction.


Gamers don't read.


tagged by Blackace
It gets old in Borderlands, but it's not like those scenes are HL2 length of talks (Still love the game, but nevertheless there's only so many times you can hit somebody in the face with a crowbar while they're talking)
Yeah, sometimes I feel like switching the camera alone is enough to vary a game up, which is especially the case with cutscenes. Faces are getting pretty good in games now too, just looking at Unity and Advanced Warfare, so it looks a bit less awkward now too
until they kiss and you see two models start passionately clipping into each other

Only so many times you can teabag NPCs etc.


Last of Us is a lot more fun than the Uncharted series for me. Uncharted is a little too platform focused and the platforming doesn't hold up. Still love the hell out of Uncharted 2 (haven't played 3, hoping for a remaster).

RDR is one of my games of the generation too. Rockstars masterpiece of last gen.


UC2 is definitely peak PS3 era Naughty Dog but even that dragged near the end. It falls for the classic garbage game design of "we don't know how to make increasingly challenging enemies so we're just give them a ton of armor & health"

RDR is perfect play by yourself with the lights off until 5am game.


I had a blast playing, yes playing, Bioshock infinite too. Grinding those sky rails and raining hell was a great time.

I know yall ready for that Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD too?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
RDR is one of my games of the generation too. Rockstars masterpiece of last gen.

it's the game of last gen for me. what a great world that was. story was really memorable as well. vividly remember thinking that game was gonna end at least 3 times before it finally concluded, and it was was great every time.

ME2 and AC: Brotherhood are 2 of my favorites from last gen as well.

2010 confirmed GOAT


the overlap between KH fans & people who enjoyed the "story" of FF VIII must be staggering

KH1 was a classic, tbh. Really fun and fresh feeling game at the time. It's a shame no one was able to do that style of game again but better. Combining the best parts of 00s action with RPG elements. The closest thing we have now is Witcher, but totally different feel.

Camp Lo

it's the game of last gen for me. what a great world that was. story was really memorable as well. vividly remember thinking that game was gonna end at least 3 times before it finally concluded, and it was was great every time.

ME2 and AC: Brotherhood are 2 of my favorites from last gen as well.

2010 confirmed GOAT

ME2 was dope


tagged by Blackace
it's the game of last gen for me. what a great world that was. story was really memorable as well. vividly remember thinking that game was gonna end at least 3 times before it finally concluded, and it was was great every time.

ME2 and AC: Brotherhood are 2 of my favorites from last gen as well.

2010 confirmed GOAT
Both of those games were great.

Excited for next-gen ME to see where they go.

Normandy GOAT space ship design.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
the overlap between KH fans & people who enjoyed the "story" of FF VIII must be staggering

The story in FF8 was indeed pretty damn bad and squall was awful. But it's still my favorite post FF6 game of the series for the magic system (I don't know why it worked for me but draining spells and stocking them up just hit that right hoarding itch for me) the world map, the cities, enemies, and everything else really. It was only emo squall that was truly awful.


esch top 10 last gen don't argue with me fuck

1. Skyrim PC
2. Civ V Complete
4. Sleeping Dogs
5. FTL : Faster Than Light
6. Assassin's Creed II
7. The Witcher 2
8. Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare
9. Uncharted 2
10. Mass Effect 2

Runners up: Deus Ex: HR, Killzone 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Papers Please, The Orange Box, Gears of War 2, Vanquish, Red Dead Redemption, Mario Galaxy
pretty sweet list. i'd replace skyrim with fallout new vegas. slip in deus ex hr and mirror's edge in there too.

and replace sleeping dogs with gta v. you'll see the light when it hits pc brah.
I'd rather a cutscene than the alternative 99% of the time, which is hey, stand here idly by not doing jack shit while annoying proximity audio and/or text delivers you the story before you can continue to your next objective.

Or even worse when they put a 150x150px portrait up on your HUD and have them talk something that isn't important enough anyways to put in a cutscene while you continue to play. Borderlands sucks for this, but it gets a pass because the story is meant to be some BS from the start, so it's not really as off-putting when all parties realize nobody cares.

Yeah Uncharted 2 had a lot of super nice environments and set pieces at the very least.

Uncharted 2 was sweet.

It gets old in Borderlands, but it's not like those scenes are HL2 length of talks (Still love the game, but nevertheless there's only so many times you can hit somebody in the face with a crowbar while they're talking)

Gamers don't read.
yeah the bullshit half life has where you just can't skip these glorified cutscenes are so ass and it especially sucks when you don't give a shit about the story. At least let me skip
the worst part about civ is how it can feel like you aren't even playing a game

nothing is more demoralizing than each intermittent glance at the clock, seeing hours tick away like seconds, then telling yourself you know that you're going to be in this same position later in the night, exactly as unsatisfied as you are right now

and then you hit next turn


pretty sweet list. i'd replace skyrim with fallout new vegas. slip in deus ex hr and mirror's edge in there too.

and replace sleeping dogs with gta v. you'll see the light when it hits pc brah.

I hated New Vegas. So fucking ugly, even with mods. Mirror's Edge is cool but it goes against how i play games, i'm definitely a plodder and i like to savor everything a lot, can't do those time trials.

And yeah the jury is out on GTAV, but even then i doubt it'll beat Sleeping Dogs for me; the latter is just too enjoyable imo. Combat, setting, hell i even kind of enjoy the characters and story a little just for the asian gangster shit, even if it is your bog standard lines-blurring undercover cop thing.


the worst part about civ is how it can feel like you aren't even playing a game

nothing is more demoralizing than each intermittent glance at the clock, seeing hours tick away like seconds, then telling yourself you know that you're going to be in this same position later in the night, exactly as unsatisfied as you are right now

and then you hit next turn

"okay 30 more turns then I'm done. Just let me finish this research."
*156 turns later*
"F U C K"
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