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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I guess I'm just missing the bolded, since I've read your posts and I swear I don't see it.
Okay, then maybe I need to rephase the bolded. Soft claim may not be the right word. Essentially what I was saying was the only real way to make sense of my actions, would be to admit I have a power role of some kind.


OK, let's you and me chat for a minute. I have run out shortly to take my wife to work, and then I will have all day to argue with you good folks, but I wanted to get the ball rolling before that.

So Ouro's a roleblocker. That is fairly obvious, yes? If you've been half-asleep for the day you know that Ouro is a roleblocker. And it's true. He blocked me last night. I am a power role with a night action, which I unsuccessfully attempted to use last night because I was blocked.

Today we all woke up to see that the Mafia had not killed anyone.

Naturally, Ouro sees this, assumes that he lucked his way into blocking a Mafia killer, and that he is solely responsible for keeping the remaining members of the Gafia Social Club enjoying their tacos. Occam's razor, sharp as ever.

Which is solid. Really good detective work, there, Ouro. I applaud you. If I were watching this from anywhere but inside the crosshairs, I would be 100% on board with lynching me.

There is only one problem. I'm not Mafia. I have no idea why the Mafia didn't kill anyone last night, but it has nothing to do with you or me.

So you're going to want proof, probably in the form of a roleclaim. And you know what? That's fine. I'm happy to roleclaim for you. But not yet. These things must be done properly if they are to be done at all. I'll reveal all in a couple of hours, but for now, I take you... to the Weather.


OK, let's you and me chat for a minute. I have run out shortly to take my wife to work, and then I will have all day to argue with you good folks, but I wanted to get the ball rolling before that.

So Ouro's a roleblocker. That is fairly obvious, yes? If you've been half-asleep for the day you know that Ouro is a roleblocker. And it's true. He blocked me last night. I am a power role with a night action, which I unsuccessfully attempted to use last night because I was blocked.

Today we all woke up to see that the Mafia had not killed anyone.

Naturally, Ouro sees this, assumes that he lucked his way into blocking a Mafia killer, and that he is solely responsible for keeping the remaining members of the Gafia Social Club enjoying their tacos. Occam's razor, sharp as ever.

Which is solid. Really good detective work, there, Ouro. I applaud you. If I were watching this from anywhere but inside the crosshairs, I would be 100% on board with lynching me.

There is only one problem. I'm not Mafia. I have no idea why the Mafia didn't kill anyone last night, but it has nothing to do with you or me.

So you're going to want proof, probably in the form of a roleclaim. And you know what? That's fine. I'm happy to roleclaim for you. But not yet. These things must be done properly if they are to be done at all. I'll reveal all in a couple of hours, but for now, I take you... to the Weather.

There was a reason I chose you - your defense and reluctant vote on Scrafty seemed shifty to me. And again, I'm open to other possibilities on what happened last night. I took a chance to reveal what I am, and decided to test the waters.


There was a reason I chose you - your defense and reluctant vote on Scrafty seemed shifty to me. And again, I'm open to other possibilities on what happened last night. I took a chance to reveal what I am, and decided to test the waters.

Sentiment. I like Scrafty. Her accents amuse me. In terms of fun and flavor, she brings a spark to the game. But I was more sure of Rats being town than I was of her, and liking the cut of a player's jib isn't a good reason to keep her alive, especially when she is acting suspiciously.

Before it comes up again, my call on Matt Attack was weird, and I know it. It came from trying to make quick reads to placate Swamped so I could get to homework that was due that night.

I do see the reason you chose me, Ouro. When I said luck, it was referring to the sheer luck you would need to hit the one mafia member using his kill command on night one. Those are loooong odds.


I do see the reason you chose me, Ouro. When I said luck, it was referring to the sheer luck you would need to hit the one mafia member using his kill command on night one. Those are loooong odds.

I'm aware. But what are the odds of Mafia not getting a kill N1? Those aren't terribly hot either.


Well, this is interesting. The way I see it, the only reason how both Ourob and Retro can be town is if a third town PR did something to prevent the kill. Now, depending on the PR Retro will claim, that third PR may or may not come foward to clear Retro. If nobody comes foward, I am inclined to believe Ourob right now and vote for Retro.
Hey guys, I made that post yesterday as an purposeful scummy post to see who would jump on it today. Great you understand and strike me from your suspects-list, kthxbye. Oh, didn't work? Good. I hope you don't let anyone who posts something like this slide by. This whole defense makes them look slightly scummier again imo.

@ this whole Ouro-roleblocks-Retro-thing: Certainly makes sense. Maybe our strongest lead today (apart from me apparently), but there still are the possibilities Bulletproof and actual Doctor (maybe x-shot or odd-night or whatever to balance it with the bodyguard). Not entirely sure about this whole situation. But I don't see how roleblocking the killing scum is less likely than protecting the scum-target. Both not especially good odds.

Also, I'm not sure what to make of this interaction between GC and Flush. This also feels a little forced to me. Was Flush pushing GC to change his vote, as it could potentially save his teammate? Again, maybe I'm reading too much into it, but something feels off. Not sure what to think of GC's reaction to Flush's prodding either. Looking forward to GC to shed some light on this.
I don't even know what you mean by this. CG did some really weird thing and I called him out on it. If you think, that's a scumtell you are really reaching...

Ah, right. Forgot about that post.
Quick, someone forgot about a post, lynch him #scumtell

So now we have three people who defense against suspicion is basically: I am bad at this game (Royal_flush, Terra and Star). Not going to lie, to me that type of defense is pretty damn weak. Everyone makes mistakes, but learn from them and try to become a better player that way, don't just play the "oh I am so bad at this" pity card to try and clear yourself.
Woah, slow down. I never said I was bad at this game. I said I made one mistake by forgetting/overlooking Rats' (essential) post. I therefore felt like I still had a strong case against him and wanted him voted out instead of scrafty, whom I hadn't had any bad vibes from pre-roleclaim.
Well, this is interesting. The way I see it, the only reason how both Ourob and Retro can be town is if a third town PR did something to prevent the kill. Now, depending on the PR Retro will claim, that third PR may or may not come foward to clear Retro. If nobody comes foward, I am inclined to believe Ourob right now and vote for Retro.

Are you suggesting we have a possible third power role out themselves on Day Two? That seems like a bad idea.


Are you suggesting we have a possible third power role out themselves on Day Two? That seems like a bad idea.

I agree with this, right now there's no way the mafia knows what roles we have on our sides, letting them know even more what they're dealing with is a bad idea. I'm already concerned about who's going to be lynched tonight given that we've outed 2 possible power roles already.


So one more thing. I fully believed that I was going to be lynched last night. Not on some sort of ego trip, but I felt that I was a good target because of my position on several people's read lists. Barring anyone protecting me, I figured I had to block the killer in order to survive. I'm not a commuter/BP or anything.
Well, this is interesting. The way I see it, the only reason how both Ourob and Retro can be town is if a third town PR did something to prevent the kill. Now, depending on the PR Retro will claim, that third PR may or may not come foward to clear Retro. If nobody comes foward, I am inclined to believe Ourob right now and vote for Retro.

I agree with the others that we shouldn't really hope for another PR to out themselves. My feelings are that unless Retro is able to make a really convincing argument, we should lynch him and get this out of the way. We'll get information about him and maybe even indirectly about Ouro. Furthermore we'll be able to move on from this line of attack and not have to worry about it going forward.


Are you suggesting we have a possible third power role out themselves on Day Two? That seems like a bad idea.

Completely depends on what that third power is and what power Retro is. For example, if Retro is something very powerful like a watcher, and the third one is a switcher that switched retro with Person X, it may be worth it for the third PR to come forward. We would avoid lynching a good PR today, we get to know who the real scum is (person X in this case) and we would avoid Ourob becoming suspicious on D3. In the end, only the third PR will know the pro's and con's of coming forward, so it is his/her choice.

However, to be fair, I highly doubt there is a third PR that is part of this situation that can come forward at all.I think Retro was simply the scum killer and Ourob blocked him.


Inside the Taco Shop, Ourobolus was just finishing a rousing speech, "...so I think we can all agree the Retro is definitely scum, and also he smells and likes to kick babies."

He finished, and turned to RetroMG. "Your response?"

Retro, having recently returned to the table, blew out a deep sigh. "Well," he said, "I guess the rational approach isn't going to work. I guess it was always going to come to this, one way or another."
Ouro raised an eyebrow at him, but no one saw it, because he was wearing a paper bag over his head.

Suddenly, the lights went out.

"What the hell?" StarSketch proclaimed.

Suddenly the shop's PA system flared to life, with Nobuo Uematsu's One Winged Angel blaring over the speakers. Squidyj jumped, spilling his bowl of salsa.

"Final Fantasy 7?" Matt Attack said, shaking his head, "Man, some people just won't move on."

"Hey!" Rats Off To Ya exclaimed. "Final Fantasy 7 is a classic!"

They paused as the lyrics floated down to them from on high.

Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi

With this, the lights rose, and RetroMG now stood on the table, in the midst of the group.

He looked... different. Maybe it was the wildness in his eyes. Maybe it was the overly large red sweater with a shooting star inexpertly stitched on.


He turned and narrowed his eyes at the Gafia Social Club.

"You want to know who I am?" He boomed, "I am Blargonaut the Trickster! You want to know what I can do?" He motioned to the plates around him, "Solve my puzzle."

"Oh god." Launchpad muttered, head in his hands.

As the group looked around, they saw that their napkins had ben replaced with crossword puzzles. "How am I supposed to wipe up this salsa without a napkin?" Squidyj complained.

Retro!Blarg's eye narrowed. "Salsa is for Planks."


Swamped frowned at the puzzle. "This is way below your usual standards."

Retro!Blarg rolled his eyes. "I was in a hurry."


All right, I'll humor you.

4 - HOW
5 - RATS

3 - DO

Using these answers the letters that come up in the cross sections are DPEOT, an anagram of DEPOT. No clue if that means anything at all here (or is just a coincidence). Assuming Retro actually IS Blargonaut, I'd assume the cross-section letters are more important than anything.

Also I'm even more tempted to lynch him now.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Inside the Taco Shop, Ourobolus was just finishing a rousing speech, "...so I think we can all agree the Retro is definitely scum, and also he smells and likes to kick babies."

He finished, and turned to RetroMG. "Your response?"

Retro, having recently returned to the table, blew out a deep sigh. "Well," he said, "I guess the rational approach isn't going to work. I guess it was always going to come to this, one way or another."
Ouro raised an eyebrow at him, but no one saw it, because he was wearing a paper bag over his head.

Suddenly, the lights went out.

"What the hell?" StarSketch proclaimed.

Suddenly the shop's PA system flared to life, with Nobuo Uematsu's One Winged Angel blaring over the speakers. Squidyj jumped, spilling his bowl of salsa.

"Final Fantasy 7?" Matt Attack said, shaking his head, "Man, some people just won't move on."

"Hey!" Rats Off To Ya exclaimed. "Final Fantasy 7 is a classic!"

They paused as the lyrics floated down to them from on high.

Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi

With this, the lights rose, and RetroMG now stood on the table, in the midst of the group.

He looked... different. Maybe it was the wildness in his eyes. Maybe it was the overly large red sweater with a shooting star inexpertly stitched on.


He turned and narrowed his eyes at the Gafia Social Club.

"You want to know who I am?" He boomed, "I am Blargonaut the Trickster! You want to know what I can do?" He motioned to the plates around him, "Solve my puzzle."

"Oh god." Launchpad muttered, head in his hands.

As the group looked around, they saw that their napkins had ben replaced with crossword puzzles. "How am I supposed to wipe up this salsa without a napkin?" Squidyj complained.

Retro!Blarg's eye narrowed. "Salsa is for Planks."


Swamped frowned at the puzzle. "This is way below your usual standards."

Retro!Blarg rolled his eyes. "I was in a hurry."
This made my day!
All right, I'll humor you.

4 - HOW
5 - RATS

3 - DO

Oh joy...


In a variety of different ways. Haiku, Rhyme, taking away vowels, sometimes nothing at all. Like so many other roles in this game, it's RNG-based.

To clarify, by "nothing at all," I mean my ability sometimes doesn't work. Not that I prevent people from posting.
Whoa, deja vu.

If anyone wants my opinion on lynching scum vs. (seemingly harmless) neutrals on Day Two, go read said day of the Cthulhu game. It should only take all night.

I'll keep my vote where it is.


Well, would be an odd thing to lie about?

Exactly. But you do realize he can still win and we can win as well? If you truly think he's a neutral who only needs to survive (and thus his actions aren't against the town, since he's not trying to get rid of anyone), we should be going after someone who's likely to be going against our interests,


Ok, so here's my thought on Blarg's claim:

Welcome to GAF Mafia Mafia!

You are AbsolutBro, the Bodyguard!

You are aligned with GAF Town. You win when no GAF scum remain.

You took the fall in Star Wars mafia, so you’re pretty used to this stuff. You’re a good person to have around when a bullet needs stopping!

You can visit one person each night phase by sending me the command GUARD: <player name>. If that person if visited by scum, you’ll try to switch the plates to either your own or the scum when that guy isn’t looking, so there is a 50% chance that the mafia will be removed from the table; however, the other 50% is that you will be removed yourself. The original mafia target will not be removed in either case, however.

Feel free to PM me any questions about your role.

Welcome to GAF Mafia Mafia!

You are CzarTim, the Saboteur!

You are aligned with GAF Scum. You win when scum holds a majority of the votes.

You are the king of unnecessary gambits. As scum, you’ll do anything to win, even doing some rather ridiculous plays that are meaningless and give no one any real information about anything. Somehow, you’re still pretty good at this stuff.

Once per night phase, you can visit a player by sending me the command SABOTAGE: <player name>. By doing this, any other actions that were performed on that player will instead be performed on a player who is chosen at random; I will randomly switch that player’s plate with someone else’s. You will not be notified of who the other player will be, but it could turn out being the player that was originally targeted or yourself. You cannot use this ability if you are assigned to perform the “kill” for your team.

Feel free to PM me any questions about your role.

Now what do these things have in common? The roles don't really have much to do with the player they are supposed to be portraying.
CzarTim is basically a switcher. I wouldn't really call that something that falls under #unnecessarygambits.
AbsolutBro is a pseudo-doctor. In the past he's been a cop and an Undercover Imperial. And even in the Star Wars game, he made it to the end, so I'm not entirely sure how he gets lumped in with the bodyguard role.

As for myself, I am Sorian, the Roleblock.

Makes total sense, right?

So I'm a little loathe to really agree with Blargonaut being the "Trickster," as it seems a little too on the nose. Obviously I have no idea what anyone else's roles are, so I may be totally off base here, but it's just something I've noticed.
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