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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


Last time around I felt good about Blarg because he had someone corroborating his story. Retro probably is Blarg, but that doesn't mean he's telling us the whole truth. His action has a convenient piece of plausible deniability, wherein it just doesn't work. Better to get rid of him now than wonder about him in the coming days.

Ehh... the more I think of it, I don't like how much his power can just confuse/mess us up. It's an annoying power and all, but we'd still be trusting him to tell us who he used the power on. Also I mean... last Blargonaut I played gave us a benefit when he died. It's possible he's obscuring it. I'm still not 100% sold, only because in this case I'd prefer we try to hunt scum, but I'm not entirely against lynching him either.

Is Royal_Flush still your number 2 choice rats?


Other than those? Your claim itself. Neutral Survivor is nothing new but a neutral survivor with an ability? And that ability is apparently nothing more then to create parameters against a certain player that they have to follow or... What? Never explained what would happen if they didn't haiku. And your ability might not even work if you could have used it?

And I thought Scrafty's claim had some weird holes but come on.

I asked Traube in Cthulu what would happen if people just failed to Haiku. He said it hadn't occurred to him that people wouldn't. Hopefully Launch has a backup plan. I haven't asked.

My ability is RNG. It might be haiku, or it might be rhymes, or it might be nothing at all. RNG seems to be a theme to a bunch of the roles. Don't ask me, I didn't come up with it. (shrug)


Setting aside my imminent death for a moment, I would love to hear why you suspect Rats.

I'd second this request (in case Squidyj wants it from someone who isn't on the immediate chopping block). Beyond that, why is he one of your top 3 choices? And for that matter why is RetroMG a top 3 as well? Last I saw there's no strong reason to believe he's scum unless you don't believe his roleclaim at all. I'd say it's maybe likely but he doesn't reach my top 3 scum since that revelation.

if I had to make my top 3 (because I haven't typed it out and knowing these games it'll come back to haunt me):

rats off to ya

GreatCharleston (I was more unsure than the others on this third position)


Hmm...time to rethink some things.

Top Town
- Sawneeks
- Rats Off To Ya
- Coppanuva

Top Scum
- Retro
- Terrabyte
- Swamped (maybe)

A lot of this is definitely hinging on what Retro flips though.


I'd second this request (in case Squidyj wants it from someone who isn't on the immediate chopping block). Beyond that, why is he one of your top 3 choices? And for that matter why is RetroMG a top 3 as well? Last I saw there's no strong reason to believe he's scum unless you don't believe his roleclaim at all. I'd say it's maybe likely but he doesn't reach my top 3 scum since that revelation.

if I had to make my top 3 (because I haven't typed it out and knowing these games it'll come back to haunt me):

rats off to ya

GreatCharleston (I was more unsure than the others on this third position)

Believing retro leaves us with the question of what happened last night? it's simpler to suggest that he is simply scum and he hasn't made any case at all for being town, he claims neutral.

GC is like.... 4th on my list of scum btw, he could swap it out with rats. The biggest thing with GC is..... WHO THE HELL ASKS SOMEONE TO TELL THEM WHO TO VOTE FOR? Honestly.

Curious where I am on your list, I find it kind of interesting that I'm not up there anymore.
Anyways I was suspicious of rats on day 1 because of how he was interacting with the fight I was having with sorian, which is to say he didn't do a lot to further other narratives. He also more or less picked my side that day which is something he's flipped on and I didn't like how he interacted with ouro's claim, he didn't want to challenge it directly but it seemed like he still wanted to get flush lynched over retro. if retro flips neutral it could have been nothing, and I might have to reevaluate tomorrow, but if retro is scum he's definitely someone I feel should be considered closely.


Believing retro leaves us with the question of what happened last night? it's simpler to suggest that he is simply scum and he hasn't made any case at all for being town, he claims neutral.

I think the question of what happened last night is going to be a major one. For my part, I attempted to use my power on Terra, and got blocked. No idea what the mafia were up to. Can't wait to find out.


Believing retro leaves us with the question of what happened last night? it's simpler to suggest that he is simply scum and he hasn't made any case at all for being town, he claims neutral.

The problem I have with that theory is that would only block the kill if either all mafia has to vote, or he's the only one left. I don't believe we'd start a 16 person game with 2 mafia members, even if they're both powerful. While I'm still concerned with who might have been targeted, and how they lived, the whole Retro getting roleblocked into not killing doesn't strike me as particularly likely.

As for you, you're probably one of the people I could swap in for GC's place on my list. People in that spot aren't cleared by any means, they're just not my highest priority right now.
Anyways I was suspicious of rats on day 1 because of how he was interacting with the fight I was having with sorian, which is to say he didn't do a lot to further other narratives. He also more or less picked my side that day which is something he's flipped on and I didn't like how he interacted with ouro's claim, he didn't want to challenge it directly but it seemed like he still wanted to get flush lynched over retro. if retro flips neutral it could have been nothing, and I might have to reevaluate tomorrow, but if retro is scum he's definitely someone I feel should be considered closely.

Nice to see you spell it out for once.

That's a reasonable narrative and I can't say I wouldn't think the same in your position. I've already explained myself on all those points, though, so if that hasn't convinced you nothing I say now will. If you're Town, I hope you'll come around on me in the future.


The problem I have with that theory is that would only block the kill if either all mafia has to vote, or he's the only one left. I don't believe we'd start a 16 person game with 2 mafia members, even if they're both powerful. While I'm still concerned with who might have been targeted, and how they lived, the whole Retro getting roleblocked into not killing doesn't strike me as particularly likely.

As for you, you're probably one of the people I could swap in for GC's place on my list. People in that spot aren't cleared by any means, they're just not my highest priority right now.

the way it's been in all of the other games is that one mafia member sends in the kill, if you block that one you block the kill. It's weird that you don't know this.


the way it's been in all of the other games is that one mafia member sends in the kill, if you block that one you block the kill. It's weird that you don't know this.

Really? Huh... guess I never really paid much attention to how the voting mechanics work on the Mafia end since I've never been in that position. Thanks for the clarification though, that does render my argument moot. And honestly, I don't really see a way in which RetroMG lives to D3 regardless, given that despite other targets being agreed on as suspicious by a lot of people he's still in the lead.
I'll say one thing, squidy:

If I'm scum, and Retro is scum, that means I've now bussed my partners (at low pressure times) two days in a row. We're all rolling with the assumption that there are three Mafia, so that means you think my big plan is to fly solo through the bulk of the game.

I'm not some criminal mastermind, nor do I think I am. Honestly, it's a bit of a crazy conspiracy theory you've concocted. I understand, I've been there. 'Sup, Coppa.


I asked Traube in Cthulu what would happen if people just failed to Haiku. He said it hadn't occurred to him that people wouldn't. Hopefully Launch has a backup plan. I haven't asked.

My ability is RNG. It might be haiku, or it might be rhymes, or it might be nothing at all. RNG seems to be a theme to a bunch of the roles. Don't ask me, I didn't come up with it. (shrug)

Kinda wish your ability has gone off last night only because it would have been hilarious. But... I still don't trust you, sorry. Your claim just doesn't feel right.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
While I actually believe Retro's role claim, I really don't see any reason to keep him around.

What's our majority number again, is it 8?


While I actually believe Retro's role claim, I really don't see any reason to keep him around.

What's our majority number again, is it 8?

If we're on Kark math, yes. I have five votes left.

I would appreciate it if we could let the day run out. Ending early hurts the town, especially this early in the game.


If we're on Kark math, yes. I have five votes left.

I would appreciate it if we could let the day run out. Ending early hurts the town, especially this early in the game.

Dammit, I need to focus on one thing at a time. I have five votes currently, three votes left.


I would also appreciate not turboing Retro yet so we can hear from other people and so I can get back to Terra later.

Also, as a side note, I have an idea of how Sorian's disappearance on Day 1 might be connected to the Mafia. I want to wait until Retro flips first though, so I can confirm/deny my theory.


I just want to know what kind of candy is in retro. I wanna bust the pinata open, is it jolly ranchers? or is it candy corn?


So your partner ordered the kill then?

Partner? I have no partner.

Neu-tral. Come from the latin. Neu means "New" and Tral means "Trail" as in someone who makes new trails, not going the Town path OR the Mafia path.

Yes, of course they played Mafia during ancient times. Don't be dense.


I'm all for lynching RetroMG, but I don't want to push us even closer to the tipping point, so I'm going to throw in a vote for the next target I think we should pursue, to keep this known:
VOTE: Royal_Flush
Quick question before I drop my reads - what are the odds of there being more than one of a power role? Like, how likely is it that there's 2 people with Roleblock?


Quick question before I drop my reads - what are the odds of there being more than one of a power role?

Depends on the role I think. Something like a Doctor or investigator it's not likely, since those are typically more powerful. Something like a "Your vote counts double once a game" I could see having 2 copies of.


Alright, back from work and caught up with everything.

Yeah, I don't buy Retro his role claim. A survivor neutral, that has the power to make other people speak in weird ways? That doesn't have an alternative win condition? It doesn't read like a real role to me. And even if he speaks the truth, he is a survivor, so we will have to lynch him eventually to prevent him from stabbing us in the back and switching sides to team scum. Sure, we could keep him around for a bit, but his power is not useful to us. So yeah, I think lynching him and getting his flip is much more useful to us than keeping him around while hoping he isn't lying about his role claim. Not going to place a vote yet to prevent turbo, but I will do it closer to the end of the day.
OK, thanks.

Yeah, I knew that post I made earlier wasn't going to go over well. Well, here goes nothing.

  • Matt -doesn't seem to be doing anything scummy, looks like he's trying to help.
  • ouro - unless he's lying about his role claim he seems like he's trying to help.
  • sawneeks - Was going to say something about how I hadn't seen her post about the role claim business but she has now. Seems sturdy.

  • Squid- still kinda hung up on the unsolicited defense thing, but I might just be being paranoid.

  • Retro- I'm not really sold on the "rng theme" claim and "messing up a random person's posts " seems like a really dumb role power (but it was apparently a thing in chthulu mafia? But I guess that works thematically there, not really in this game. ) Matt also brought up a good point about the likelihood of both Retro's ability and a mafia kill being blocked by two different role block type skills. I have reason to believe only Ouro roleblocked last night. Assuming there's not two people with that exact ability, that is.

Gonna throw down a vote for Retro later, if we're really not going to end the day immediately.


Matt also brought up a good point about the likelihood of both Retro's ability and a mafia kill being blocked by two different role block type skills. I have reason to believe only Ouro roleblocked last night. Assuming there's not two people with that exact ability, that is.

I quoted you, but this is also a response to matt his post: if (and that is a big if) retro is speaking the truth, I think the no kill night was caused by a self protecting type of role. A commuter or a bulletproof, that kind of stuff.


Philosophical question:
Can it still be considered an #unnecessarygambit if the gambit itself could be arguably he described as "necessary"?
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