As for myself, I am Sorian, the Roleblock.
Makes total sense, right?
Sorian as a Roleblocker? What does he do, talk to them all night so that they're so busy that they can't do their role?
Sorry, Sorian!
Is Blargonaut in this game? Because I feel like I might need to vote for Blargonaut.
Went looking for Haiku's, found none, but I did find this...
The exact actions don't necessarily correspond to what they've been given in the past, but they are thematically appropriate.
AbsolutBro took a hit that was meant for someone else. CzarTim fucked shit up in Danganronpa.
Blarg never literally made people speak strangely, but that action seems thematically appropriate in that it will cause a needless distraction.
If there was a role that forced people to speak strangely it wouldn't be Blarg, it would be Zatoth or Me.The exact actions don't necessarily correspond to what they've been given in the past, but they are thematically appropriate.
AbsolutBro took a hit that was meant for someone else. CzarTim fucked shit up in Danganronpa.
Blarg never literally made people speak strangely, but that action seems thematically appropriate in that it will cause a needless distraction.
Also a neutral that has the sole ability to just make people speak in tongues seems pathetically weak. Even in my game with the voteless neutral, they were "aligned" with the mafia and could win if they won.
Is your action compulsory?
Is your action compulsory?
Follow-up question: Did you use it last night? And on who?
Whatever do you mean?
I can't have been hit by you
I made this gimmick.
Ooh, I wonder if I can self-target? If I agreed to give myself the additive (Oh yeah, the flavor is that I slip an additive into the tacos during the night phase) every night so that I have to speak in Haikus and such, would that satisfy you?
I don't see how you not just posting in haiku would be any different.
I don't see how you not just posting in haiku would be any different.
Er, poor wording on my part.
I don't see how you just posting in haiku would be any different. How would that give us any evidence? You'd have to use it on someone else.
Fair. I'm just trying to work with ya'll. I may be neutral, but my heart is always town.
Sorian as a Roleblocker? What does he do, talk to them all night so that they're so busy that they can't do their role?
Sorry, Sorian!
Fair. I'm just trying to work with ya'll. I may be neutral, but my heart is always town.
If someone wants to volunteer, I'll whammy them tonight.
I believe I'm well practiced in these matters.
I believe...
I believe...
Welp, since I likely won't survive the night, at least lynch Retro tomorrow if you guys are gonna go elsewhere.
But I am gonna do what I think I need to do in order to save myself during the night - Retro gambit be damned.
Do you mean blocking Retro again? But how would we confirm him then? I don't want this Blargonaut storyarch he set up end in an anti-climax for us.
Hey Launch, could we get an updated vote count when you have a minute? The spreadsheet is still showing votes for Scrafty.
Hmm. I'm thinking some things over. Call it a plank turn, but I don't think I'm interested in playing this game right now.
admits being blocked by you confirming your role power, admits to not being town....
what's not to lynch?
There's a Day 2 tab, although I don't think it's updated either.
What brought you around?
I mean, he didn't even answer the accusations of what he did on Day 1. He just went and roleclaimed.
I'm been trying to figure out what the problem was with my read on Matt Attack, and I think I see the confusion. When I said he's throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks, I was talking about his vote on Terrabyte, which (as previously noted) had been referred to as a bandwagon with Squidyj.
What I was trying to say was:
"Matt is most likely not bandwagoning with Squidy. Matt is throwing his vote there to see what happens, and will probably move it later."
He says as much here.
We don't have much to go on since its Day 1, so most of these votes aren't likely to actually stick. Still, we have to start somewhere.
Which is where I got the "seeing what sticks" comment.
Honestly, I worded that incredibly poorly. Sorry for the confusion.
Before it comes up again, my call on Matt Attack was weird, and I know it. It came from trying to make quick reads to placate Swamped so I could get to homework that was due that night.
I saw the thing about me saying I believe in Scrafty and then voting for her. Simply put, her role claim was starting to smell fishy, (I said as much before I voted for her,) and, TBH, It looked like it was going to be Rats or Scrafty.
I didn't want to throw my vote away, (and honestly didn't know who to vote for even if I had,) and I was more confident that Rats was town than Scrafty.
Call it a bandwagon, and I guess it was, but to me it was more about protecting the player I felt better about.
Sentiment. I like Scrafty. Her accents amuse me. In terms of fun and flavor, she brings a spark to the game. But I was more sure of Rats being town than I was of her, and liking the cut of a player's jib isn't a good reason to keep her alive, especially when she is acting suspiciously.
So given that my vote on Matt was poorly worded and my vote on Scrafty actually killed a mafia member on night one, (If I were mafia could I not just have gone after Rats? It was a close race.) why am I suspicious?
Do you read my posts?
What have I missed?
So given that my vote on Matt was poorly worded and my vote on Scrafty actually killed a mafia member on night one, (If I were mafia could I not just have gone after Rats? It was a close race.) why am I suspicious?