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GAF Mafia [Mafia] lOTl Should've Gone for Bagels...


If he flips town, I kinda hope I get night killed just so that I can yell at him in the death thread :)

Blarg is a hilarious player, but if you think about it his play style is quite anti town.

Also, I am going to bed now, I will be a bit sad if you guys turbo him while I sleep, I want to be able to point and laugh at his next role claim!

I'll be sad if you drag this out until tomorrow morning. it's a foregone conclusion that he's getting lynched and nobody is bringing up anything new so lets get this over with.


All right, since Ouro is getting trigger happy, let me give you a topic to discuss. Since I am neutral, why WAS there no kill last night? I promise it had nothing to do with me. Assuming that I am not a killer, how would that happen?

Time is the only weapon TOWN has, my friends. Who wants to accelerate the vote? Who wants you to stop discussing options? If I'm going to die, fine, but rushing ahead when more information can be gleaned is the MOST anti-town move.

I wasn't trigger happy so much that you were a distraction.

We've had this discussion, though. I find it terribly hard to believe that Mafia would waste a night kill considering they already lost a member. The only other options are:

- Self-protection (e.g., Bulletproof, commuter)
- Doctor
- Someone else's roleblock (this one is iffy, because I doubt there are two on the town side and I don't see why mafia would waste a role blocking their own)


Also, assuming we have one of those roles, I don't see a need for them to publicly out themselves. A doctor would only know who was targeted, not who was the killer. A commuter or BP wouldn't know either.


I'm an idiot and suck at this game. Seriously, in the three games that I've played, I've done nothing to help the town. I can't read people to save my life, I can't contribute original thoughts to the conversation, and I always die right when I finally the picture. I always get ordinary town, I always get pegged for a day 1 bandwagon at some point, and then I never vote scum. If it weren't for the fact that I actually find this game fun, I would've rage quit by now.

The way I see it there are only two options that make any sense:

1. See above.

2. I'm special: Scum, Town, Neutral. Pick 2, flip a coin, and then Lynch me because I soft role claimed on Day FREAKING 2.

Call me in the morning, I'm going to bed.

PHEW. Okay, now I finally have the time to get to this. u_u;;

The thing is about Mafia is that literally everyone plays this game differently. Some are more active than others, some are quiet, some make spot-on reads 90% of the time and others maybe make a handful of 100%% accurate calls. It's a game with a myriad of different people and different playstyles all in one setting, making it somewhat difficult to figure out who-is-who and find Scum hiding in every corner. But if there was something I learned in Dangan it was Scum don't answer direct questions or give half-answers to questions, they prefer to hide and not take a stand.

Aka, what you just did. Again.

Instead of a soft-claim just answer the questions I asked you. If it weren't for Retro/Ouro/Blarg going on right now you would get my vote...

To be fair I need to go back over your posts to get a better idea. But I can certainly see a plot to install a false Hope town leader using role block shenanigans. Role block is not necessarily a town role, after all.

Oh, and I'm not joking this time guys. I am super serious right now.

(^serious face)

I found very lose bits that could be Anti-Ouro when I went over Day 1. Nothing super incriminating though.

About ourobolols being potentially a scum role blocker if retro flips neutral: possible, but he is right now an outed and confirmed PR. So if he is town, I don't expect him to live very long anymore. If he does keep surviving the nights, he will be suspicious to me.

Aaaaand now he won't be. Wasn't it you or Swamped that said keeping the 'questionable' people alive was the best strategy for Mafia? Why would they kill Ouro if some people might lynch him, it saves them the trouble.


Also, assuming we have one of those roles, I don't see a need for them to publicly out themselves. A doctor would only know who was targeted, not who was the killer. A commuter or BP wouldn't know either.

I agree with that.

There are numerous reasons why mafia didn't get a kill last night but unless someone steps forward they amount to pure speculation, and stepping forward to be bad for town, so the entire discussion is pure speculation.

we should just end the day
Also, assuming we have one of those roles, I don't see a need for them to publicly out themselves. A doctor would only know who was targeted, not who was the killer. A commuter or BP wouldn't know either.

I totally agree on this. At worst we lynch a neutral. Not much of a loss. Well, we lose someone who can write great roleclaims and sounds like a decent dude, but you know what I mean. (Tough I still would love to see that claimed ability in action, just for the lulz :D)


I agree with that.

There are numerous reasons why mafia didn't get a kill last night but unless someone steps forward they amount to pure speculation, and stepping forward to be bad for town, so the entire discussion is pure speculation.

we should just end the day

I disagree. I want to hear from Swamped first before we bring down the hammer.


I disagree. I want to hear from Swamped first before we bring down the hammer.

I disagree as well, but I'd like to know if Retro flipping Town or Neutral is going to change anyone's top scum picks any hypothetically. Do we get anything new if he's not scum or do most people's reads stay the same?


I disagree as well, but I'd like to know if Retro flipping Town or Neutral is going to change anyone's top scum picks any hypothetically. Do we get anything new if he's not scum or do most people's reads stay the same?

I'm not even going to entertain the thought of retro flipping town at this point.

I don't really want to say what I'll think if he's neutral though. If I live through the night I'll tell everybody in the next day phase.


I'm not even going to entertain the thought of retro flipping town at this point.

I don't really want to say what I'll think if he's neutral though. If I live through the night I'll tell everybody in the next day phase.

I have a change or two, but I'd like to test them with my role during the night to see what happens.

Fair enough, I won't ask you all to divulge that too much. Can I get a read on how much people trust my top 3 list from about 2 posts back then? I didn't see too many people (other than Royal, who was on the list) comment on it, I'd like to hear how people feel on my reads right now.


Fair enough, I won't ask you all to divulge that too much. Can I get a read on how much people trust my top 3 list from about 2 posts back then? I didn't see too many people (other than Royal, who was on the list) comment on it, I'd like to hear how people feel on my reads right now.

For the most part, I think it's pretty good.


I disagree as well, but I'd like to know if Retro flipping Town or Neutral is going to change anyone's top scum picks any hypothetically. Do we get anything new if he's not scum or do most people's reads stay the same?


Why would you want to end the Day before someone can voice their thoughts/opinions on it? It gives us something to go back to if we start to think they are Scum.

My Scum list would stay the same except Ouro would move up slightly if Retro ended up flipping Neutral. If Retro flipped Scum then it makes Ouro look better and even higher up on my Town list. It pretty much stays the same after that.

If Retro flips Neutral is does give me an idea of why we had no kill last Night though.


If Retro flips neutral, I just want to say that if I was scum, I'd have no desire to waste time trying to convince town to lynch him. He's a waste of a lynch on the scum win condition (Which I assume is to outnumber town in votes, although considering DR...).

How would I know he's neutral, anyway? If I was scum I'd have to assume he was town when I roleclaimed, and at this point, I can't even imagine he's town.



Why would you want to end the Day before someone can voice their thoughts/opinions on it? It gives us something to go back to if we start to think they are Scum.

I think you misinterpreted my post, I don't want us to end the day early either. I meant "I too disagree [with ending the day early, like Sawneeks said]". I realize my post reads like I'm disagreeing with you though, sorry for the confusion.


If Retro flips neutral, I just want to say that if I was scum, I'd have no desire to waste time trying to convince town to lynch him. He's a waste of a lynch on the scum win condition (Which I assume is to outnumber town in votes, although considering DR...).

How would I know he's neutral, anyway? If I was scum I'd have to assume he was town when I roleclaimed, and at this point, I can't even imagine he's town.

Oh right. Forgot we had Scarfty's PM.
You are aligned with GAF Scum. You win when scum holds a majority of the votes.
So yeah, it's not a good move. I'd rather get town to lynch town, if I was scum.


I'd second this request (in case Squidyj wants it from someone who isn't on the immediate chopping block). Beyond that, why is he one of your top 3 choices? And for that matter why is RetroMG a top 3 as well? Last I saw there's no strong reason to believe he's scum unless you don't believe his roleclaim at all. I'd say it's maybe likely but he doesn't reach my top 3 scum since that revelation.

if I had to make my top 3 (because I haven't typed it out and knowing these games it'll come back to haunt me):

rats off to ya

GreatCharleston (I was more unsure than the others on this third position)
Top 3: Ouro is a popular choice at the moment, I agree he has appeared very town. Roy I agree with purely for his vote swap onto Scrafty yesterday. Rats was on my radar yesterday but right now I'm leaning slightly town on him too.

You didn't ask for comments on the bottom 3 but since I'm included I'll give them

Bottom 3: flush is, again, a popular choice at the moment. GreatCharleston I honestly have no idea about. Some of his posts are definitely weird and since I've never seen him play before I'm not quite sure how to judge him.
My inclusion is fair enough, I had been planning to take this more seriously by now but, well... maybe tomorrow


Oh right. Forgot we had Scarfty's PM.

So yeah, it's not a good move. I'd rather get town to lynch town, if I was scum.

I'm not following your logic here? Scum's goal is to have the majority of votes, a neutral party counts against them. If there's 4 towns, 1 neutral, and 4 mafia the mafia hasn't won. Same case with 3 townies, 1 neutral, and 4 mafia (well, going by the strict majority rule). Any kill that isn't mafia gets them closer to their win condition the way I read it.

You didn't ask for comments on the bottom 3 but since I'm included I'll give them

Awesome, thanks for the opinions. I meant both town and scum roles, so glad you could give both.


I'm not following your logic here? Scum's goal is to have the majority of votes, a neutral party counts against them. If there's 4 towns, 1 neutral, and 4 mafia the mafia hasn't won. Same case with 3 townies, 1 neutral, and 4 mafia (well, going by the strict majority rule). Any kill that isn't mafia gets them closer to their win condition the way I read it.

Right, but a neutral survivor role can be a benefit to mafia since they can win regardless of which side wins.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Since we're waiting on some people I think I'll address this:

PHEW. Okay, now I finally have the time to get to this. u_u;;

The thing is about Mafia is that literally everyone plays this game differently. Some are more active than others, some are quiet, some make spot-on reads 90% of the time and others maybe make a handful of 100%% accurate calls. It's a game with a myriad of different people and different playstyles all in one setting, making it somewhat difficult to figure out who-is-who and find Scum hiding in every corner. But if there was something I learned in Dangan it was Scum don't answer direct questions or give half-answers to questions, they prefer to hide and not take a stand.

Aka, what you just did. Again.

Instead of a soft-claim just answer the questions I asked you. If it weren't for Retro/Ouro/Blarg going on right now you would get my vote...

I found very lose bits that could be Anti-Ouro when I went over Day 1. Nothing super incriminating though.

Aaaaand now he won't be. Wasn't it you or Swamped that said keeping the 'questionable' people alive was the best strategy for Mafia? Why would they kill Ouro if some people might lynch him, it saves them the trouble.
First, I want to admit something. When I typed that response I was venting some RL frustration. So I'm sorry for that.

So now I'll level with ya, I'll answer them to the best of my ability without giving anything away. If you still are not satisfied, then I'll explain my thought process in FULL detail, and I mean FULL.

Here we go:

What was all that around the beginning of Day 1? You start off voting Swamped because of DR ( don't blame you there.. ), then become worried when 4 votes pile up against her yet you don't even move your own vote? If you were actually that worried you could have moved it so why didn't you?
Right off the bat, and already I know there's no good answer for this one even IF I included all the details. I panicked because 3 votes showed within something like ten minutes. I actually WAS about to lift my vote, but then I realized that there was no reason for it in the first place, oops. I will say, there was more to my vote than just RNG and DR. In hindsight it's a dumb reason, but it was my thought at the time.

You voted for Rats early on the 25th by asking him a question to give some pressure on him and he responds to your question yet you never talk to him again for the whole Day phase. In fact you leave your vote on Rats until the Day ends, never explaining why you kept it there, what you thought of his response, etc.
I was poping in and out that day so I might have missed something. I never changed my vote because I was busy near the end of the day when Scrafty went nuts until the last minute right after she nearly forced a tie and *Splinter did his wierd flip vote to prevent it. And I had it on him until then because something didn't sit right, which he now claims was a ploy.

Your only other major post for that Day was this:

You never mention Rats, you don't really voice your opinion on who should be lynched, you just quietly sit by and let it all happen. You were there when the Day ended, you posted shortly after Sorian disappeared so why did you ignore Rats' reply and why did you leave your vote there?

Lot of this is repeats of what others have already asked you and I might have missed something along my quick reread but these are the majority of questions.

Mostly see above, but I will also say that the main reason I didn't reply to Rats at that time AND why I left my vote there was because the day phase was over.


"All right," Retro!Blarg said, sitting down in his chair, "The Trickster thing was a ruse. Sorry for wasting your time."
"That's it," Ourobolus said, rising from his chair, murder in his eyes.
"Get him! Get him!" TerraByte chanted.
Then a flash of light exploded off of Retro!Blarg.


"FOOL!" he boomed, "This isn't even my final form! Prepare to feel the wrath of my Team 800 foot soldiers!"

With that, he turned expectantly to the door of the Taco Shop.

No one entered.

Retro cocked his head, "What is this?" He reached into his pocket, fished out a cellphone and dialed a number. "Kenny? Yeah. Where are my foot soldiers? What do you mean they quit? What? That Smile Dip was not expired. Just, Kenny? Just round up whoever's left. Sheesh." Retro hung up the phone.

He turned to look at the expectant Gafia members.

"Right. Where was I?"

I am Blargonaut the Abomination

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, they all think I'm an ANNOYING, WORM-EATING, KID!

K = Killers
I = Investigators
D = Doctors

I have three shots, and each shot can be used once. I can disable Killers, Investigators, or Doctors for One Night.

Oh yeah, the fact that there were no kills last night? Ouro's right, that was because of me. It just wasn't because of him.

"Oh," I hear you say, "But Ouro role-blocked you!" Well, he tried. I'm also Ascetic. This means that I am immune to any action EXCEPT night kills. I've been playing along with Ouro this whole time, because I got a message from Launchpad saying that Ouro had attempted to block me, and fail. False sense of security, Blarg-style. Sorry KIDs.

I am neutral, by the way. My powers affect Town and Mafia alike. I win when I accomplish all three shots, or by surviving the game. Once again, my job as Blargonaut is to inconvinence as many people as possible.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Since we're waiting on some people I think I'll address this:

First, I want to admit something. When I typed that response I was venting some RL frustration. So I'm sorry for that.

So now I'll level with ya, I'll answer them to the best of my ability without giving anything away. If you still are not satisfied, then I'll explain my thought process in FULL detail, and I mean FULL.

Here we go:

Right off the bat, and already I know there's no good answer for this one even IF I included all the details. I panicked because 3 votes showed within something like ten minutes. I actually WAS about to lift my vote, but then I realized that there was no reason to panic in the first place, because it required 9 votes to Lynch anyways, oops. I will say, there was more to my vote than just RNG and DR. In hindsight it's a dumb reason, but it was my thought at the time.
Fixed for clarity and because I somehow forgot to type half the sentence.
I have three shots, and each shot can be used once. I can disable Killers, Investigators, or Doctors for One Night.

"Oh," I hear you say, "But Ouro role-blocked you!" Well, he tried. I'm also Ascetic. This means that I am immune to any action EXCEPT night kills. I've been playing along with Ouro this whole time, because I got a message from Launchpad saying that Ouro had attempted to block me, and fail. False sense of security, Blarg-style. Sorry KIDs.

I am neutral, by the way. My powers affect Town and Mafia alike. I win when I accomplish all three shots, or by surviving the game. Once again, my job as Blargonaut is to inconvinence as many people as possible.

I call bullshit. This is way too broken for me. Just use the Kill block one night and poof insta immunity.

...Oh, right.



I highly doubt you would receive a message when something was used against you, though. That seems ridiculous. That basically makes you a role cop and watcher as well.


So BlargoNOT (see what I did there? I came up with that myself, so clever!), does this protection go against daytime lynches? The mafia wiki for it says Ascetic only protects against all actions at night except kills. So we should be free to lynch you during the day. If so, I See no reason we wouldn't do it now. The doctor block might not harm us, but the chance that Retro could use the investigator block is a big problem, and I don't like it at all.


So BlargoNOT (see what I did there? I came up with that myself, so clever!), does this protection go against daytime lynches? The mafia wiki for it says Ascetic only protects against all actions at night except kills. So we should be free to lynch you during the day. If so, I See no reason we wouldn't do it now. The doctor block might not harm us, but the chance that Retro could use the investigator block is a big problem, and I don't like it at all.

why are you acting like this role claim matters? IT DOESN'T MATTER.
retro has zero credibility and we lynch him no matter what he says.
Do you have to target a specific player to use your shot on, or does the shot take effect for all roles in those categories in the game the night you use it?

If it's the former, that role seems like it would be incredibly difficult to win by any means other than surviving. The odds required to target three people with the right shot at the right time are absurdly low. If it's the former, then it's way too easy to win, because I'd imagine most people are going to use their night actions every night. Either way, I'm really not buying it.
This is directed at no one in particular, but if a roleblocker existed in my game, I would give the person who was blocked from carrying out an action a system message via PM. That's just standard practice with roleblockers. I don't want what's happening right now to hinge on that.


This is directed at no one in particular, but if a roleblocker existed in my game, I would give the person who was blocked from carrying out an action a system message via PM. That's just standard practice with roleblockers. I don't want what's happening right now to hinge on that.

Usually it's something along the lines of "No Result" rather than "Ouro tried to roleblock you" though. If it's the latter, could you PM me your home address and a list of your fears?
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