I just got home, so I missed the live stream and impressions. Can anyone quickly summarize what happened and what the consensus is on how the event went?
Nerds on Rockband.
Strange, sedated looking blonde girl monopolising the camera.
Chat was mostly stupid and infantile with some ok bits. The ok bits involved getting Feep (for whom mod status would now be a step down) and others to make the party more interesting and move the camera around.
Nerds on Rockband.
Strange, sedated looking blonde girl monopolising the camera.
Chat was mostly stupid and infantile with some ok bits. The ok bits involved getting Feep (for whom mod status would now be a step down) and others to make the party more interesting and move the camera around.
Nerds on Rockband.
Strange, sedated looking blonde girl monopolising the camera.
Chat was mostly stupid and infantile with some ok bits. The ok bits involved getting Feep (for whom mod status would now be a step down) and others to make the party more interesting and move the camera around.
So is Feep the only guy who actually accomplished something then? (sure looks like it from the pictures). I guess we'll find out the whole story of his accolades when the sun rises, heh.
I was of course talking specifically in the context of the party itself, not its organization, which of course, would definitely earn high marks for coming out good, if no one got in trouble or injured.
But of course, those who attended or watched please give more examples, that's why I asked to begin with.
I agree. Every gaffer I met and talked was totally cool dudes. The hours passed by pretty quickly. And looking at the chat was always god for a laugh, love you guys. <3
Just got home(Riverside). I was the one who brought the beer pong, but my brother and a friend were the ones winning most of the time. It was fun to meet some of you guys, let's do it again.
Just got home(Riverside). I was the one who brought the beer pong, but my brother and a friend were the ones winning most of the time. It was fun to meet some of you guys, let's do it again.
I gotta say...... that was awesome!!! While not as many people showed up as I was hoping, I still had a blast partying with you gaffers! We played Rock Band/Beer Pong/Tat V.S. Capcom/Super Smash Bro. Brawl, danced with our awesome DJ Phinthisis, drank/ate like fucking gods, met some awesome people, and hopefully smashed this silly internet/real-life protective barrier!
I just want to thank all the people who actually had the balls to come to the party, I know that was a giant leap to make. Also the overwhelming generosity displayed by you guys, from HeadsUpsevenup/DonkeyShow/Phintisis/gibration bringing and manning equipment to tons of gaffers bringing food and alcohol... was fucking amazing. Love you peeps!
And the after party wasssss fucking epic. Dining out with a bunch of gaffers at Kitchen 24 was surreal but fucking awesome, and riding in the Gaf Wagon with M Night, Donkey Show, Doitlive, Clydefrog, Kevin Gilbert and his girl was. BADASS. Gaf Wagon-crew for life! I also saw Feep display his amazing booty-pic grabbing skills in 24 kitchen which you guys sadly missed out on lol. By the way, I total kicked Salva's ass in Super Smash Bro Brawl! (you forgot to pick up your copy of BF:BC2 bro)
As for regrets, I do have a few. I really feel bad for putting Phtinsis and his DJ equipment down-stairs, that was an unwise decision by me. Dude had some mad skills and I should of had it out on display in the main area. Would of made for a better party I think. Also we should of moved the streaming around the party move often and earlier, sorry for so much rock band room. Oh and so so sorry for personal bringing Destiny into the streaming arena (lmao), had no idea she would grow so attached to you guys.
Actually, I'm not sorry for that
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the party and stream. Love you gaf, night!
Oh and...... look out for GAF PARTY: HALLOWEENNNNN EDITION
It's not clear to me how much of a success (or failure) it was yet, but ditto on the missing the stream part. What was the total turnout at the height of the party? What was the male:female? How long was it "jumping" if ever it were?
Just glossing through the comments it seems like the east coast edition could be improved by:
1)Age minimum of 18 (unless they're girls, amirite?)
2)No video games
3)Roaming webcam