dynamitejim said:Makes me wonder how many of the people that voted against gay marriage would be for gays in the military.
ah, i dont know if you remember the really hot korean girl from world cup 2002 match sidelines. so i posted some of her pictures in a recent thread, and someone, i think it was sporsk, mentioned that there was a rumour that she might be a man. and i replied with, "...", the rest is history.mrmyth said:nitewulf, I've been meaning to ask, how the fuck did you get that tag?
And people quit trying to leave the country. We need your votes here.
Mermandala said:I'm convinced that Oprah would be resilient to smear. She has trunks of cash for the long haul. If Ventura can be gov O can be prez. It's a Sci-Fi scenario, Yes -- but -- No more than Arnold. Start writing now and asking her to kindly change America for the better.
nitewulf said:ah, i dont know if you remember the really hot korean girl from world cup 2002 match sidelines. so i posted some of her pictures in a recent thread, and someone, i think it was sporsk, mentioned that there was a rumour that she might be a man. and i replied with, "...", the rest is history.
Fresh Prince said:Can some Non-Alarmist Liberals give me a clue on whether the draft is really going to happen. It seems to me the only way the draft is only going to happen is if Bush and Co start trying to go after the other members of the Axis of Evil. From what I know (and 'experts' have lead me to believe) it seems that Bush is caught up in Iraq for atleast the next 3 years.
Fresh Prince said:Can some Non-Alarmist Liberals give me a clue on whether the draft is really going to happen. It seems to me the only way the draft is only going to happen is if Bush and Co start trying to go after the other members of the Axis of Evil. From what I know (and 'experts' have lead me to believe) it seems that Bush is caught up in Iraq for atleast the next 3 years.
Fresh Prince said:Can some Non-Alarmist Liberals give me a clue on whether the draft is really going to happen. It seems to me the only way the draft is only going to happen is if Bush and Co start trying to go after the other members of the Axis of Evil. From what I know (and 'experts' have lead me to believe) it seems that Bush is caught up in Iraq for atleast the next 3 years.
Phoenix said:Logistically the military will very likely spend Bush's term locked up in Iraq. There isn't any real reason to assume that a draft is coming only a whole lot of speculation on a fairly baseless premise of going to war in Iran. If we do go to warn in Iran or NK or anywhere else, we sure as hell aren't going to do it with a draftee army.
Doc Holliday said:The only thing we can hope for now is that a split happens within the republican party. Im sure there a lot of republicans who arent happy with the state of the country.
borghe said:Arnold and Hillary in 2008.
taking all bets right here.
JC10001 said:Neither one of them would win the primaries IMO.
Arnold won't win because he doesn't go along with the evangelical christians (a large portion of the republican base). Many of his stances on issues are liberal. He's also supposedly a womanizer....and we all remember how republicans felt about Clinton. Choosing Arnold would weaken republicans on the morality issue.
Hilary won't win because the dems are smart enough (I hope) to realize that the republicans would demonize her to no end and that she would only energize the republicans. They (republicans) will do anything to prevent another Clinton from entering the White House.
My hunch for the '08 matchup:
Jeb Bush for president and either John McCain or Rudy G for vice president.
Barack Obama or Howard Dean for president and either Barack Obama or an unknown for vice president.
Barack Obama = the future of the democratic party IMO.
Doc Holliday said:The only thing we can hope for now is that a split happens within the republican party. Im sure there a lot of republicans who arent happy with the state of the country.
Ned Flanders said:Baseless premise? You mean like the baseless premise we used to go to war in Iraq? And if we go to war with NK or Iran, we're gonna use the all-volunteer army thats already spread thin in Iraq? How do you see that as manageable without a draft? I'm not a fear-monger, but if you would have told me after 9-11 that we'd be suddenly going into Iraq to 'disarm' them without a threat, I'd have called you crazy. But with Bush in office I for four more years I can no longer say anything with certainty.
And no I'm not a liberal.
Something like it has been posted before the election, in another thread, and it was just as tasteless and idiotic then as it is now.FortNinety said:Sorry if this has been posted already, but here's further proof that Americans are idiots.
FortNinety said:Sorry if this has been posted already, but here's further proof that Americans are idiots.
holy sh*t...FortNinety said:Sorry if this has been posted already, but here's further proof that Americans are idiots.
Spike Spiegel said:Something like it has been posted before the election, in another thread, and it was just as tasteless and idiotic then as it is now.
An IQ score of 90-110 denotes normal or average intelligence, btw.
Matt said:Anyway, all of you people hoping for Dean are nuts IMO. That guy is completely unelectable on a national scale.
nitewulf said:holy sh*t...
Hes too left-wing, too independent, and too, well, liberal. I like those things about him, but he is not middle-of-the-road, and no candidate can win by appealing only to the more extreme parts of the electorate. Same goes for conservatives, if Bush had actually managed to outlaw (or put new, strong federal laws impeding) abortion, there is no way he would have won the election.MIMIC said:Please elaborate.
The IQ range is actually fairly average as you pointed out. But it's not suprising at all that the states with the best education voted for Kerry. In general, the NE has better education, and the South doesn't. That's been known for years. But more than that, I'd just think that the hippy liberals generally associated with the Democratic party are better read and better informed than your average Bush fan who's probably from rural America. I mean, wouldn't that be the same group of people who thought Iraq was involved in 9/11? I'd wager than your average Greenie is well above both major parties, and probably the same for Libertarians. The people who'd go through the effort of reading up on these parties and affiliating themselves with them, will probably have a greater wealth of knowledge in general. It's not like Joe Sixpack is gonna vote Green, or know a damn thing about the party platform. I don't think it's tasteless or idiotic, but probably just being realistic.Spike Spiegel said:Something like it has been posted before the election, in another thread, and it was just as tasteless and idiotic then as it is now.
An IQ score of 90-110 denotes normal or average intelligence, btw.
Matt said:Hes too left-wing, too independent, and too, well, liberal. I like those things about him, but he is not middle-of-the-road, and no candidate can win by appealing only to the more extreme parts of the electorate. Same goes for conservatives, if Bush had actually managed to outlaw (or put new, strong federal laws impeding) abortion, there is no way he would have won the election.
DJ Sl4m said:Kerry NEVER had a chance in the south, why ? He's pro abortion, pro stem cell reasearch, (which most southern people *conservatives*still feel embreos are living babies), his bad idea to use our resources up now instead of waiting untill worldwide oil resources are low.
Not one person today that I know of who voted for Kerry said anything about the war, it's his views on other matters that killed his chances.
Oh yea, before I gorget to post this: