i dont think there is any need for statewide IQ tests to be done. they probably tested large average samples, which is possible.DJ Sl4m said:LOL, as if there's been any statewide IQ tests ever done in the history of this country, simply more pro-Kerry jibberish.
So basically the 'Big 3' and the 'Middle 3'.soundwave05 said:They key really isn't the South.
If Kerry just could have eeked it out in either Florida or Ohio, he'd have won the election even without the popular vote. He basically fell about 150,000 votes short in Ohio.
States like Colorado and Arizona are not part of the "South" either. They could go democratic with the right candidate and a different set of circumstances.
I think people are going overboard. The country has a bit of a fractured psyche since 9/11 and I think many people thought the changing gears now would be a sign of weakness. If the country leans too far to the right though, I think there will be a backlash eventually.
DJ Sl4m said:pro abortion, pro stem cell reasearch
too many religeous fanatics in this country to support these as a presidential candidate yet.
deadlifter said:We know this. You're prechin' to the choir.
eggplant said:Clinton got elected with those positions. Gore got the popular vote and almost the electoral vote.
All I have to say is "hell yeah."Elated by an 11-for-11 rejection of gay marriage in state elections, conservatives Wednesday urged Congress to follow suit by approving a federal constitutional amendment that would extend the prohibition nationwide.
The state victories "are a prelude to the real battle," said Matt Daniels, whose Alliance for Marriage has pushed for congressional action. "Ultimately, only our Federal Marriage Amendment will protect marriage."
Gay activists, though dejected by the overwhelming rebuff, vowed to keep fighting in the courts for marriage rights. Several lawsuits are pending, and more are planned.
Matt Foreman of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (news - web sites) described the election results as "a right hook to the chin ... but certainly not a knockout." Said Oregon activist Roey Thorpe, "On the road to equality and freedom there are always setbacks."
Oregon represented gay-rights groups' best hope for victory, but an amendment banning same-sex marriage prevailed there with 57 percent of the votes, leaving some activists in tears. Similar bans won by larger margins in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio and Utah.
More than 20 million Americans voted on the measures, which triumphed overall by a 2-to-1 ratio. In the four Southern states, the amendments received at least three-quarters of the votes, including 86 percent in Mississippi; the closest outcome besides Oregon was in Michigan, where the ban got 59 percent.
Conservative leaders depicted the result as a nationwide repudiation of the November 2003 ruling by the high court in Massachusetts legalizing same-sex marriage there. No other state has followed suit.
"Christians here and around the nation consider this a great victory for the institution of marriage," said Rod Parsley, pastor of World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio. "We had to stand up and say 'Enough is enough.'"
Robert Knight of the conservative Culture and Family Institute said the results should motivate Congress to reconsider a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage a measure which earlier this year failed to get the needed two-thirds support in the House and Senate because of strong Democratic opposition.
"Historically, amendments to the constitution only happen after consensus is reached they don't get passed when conflict is raging," Knight said. "But now we're moving quickly toward consensus. A lot of Democrats may have a change of heart."
Activists on both sides say the state amendments approved Tuesday and similar measures adopted previously in six other states guard against state court rulings like the one in Massachusetts. However, the newly approved bans could be overturned by a U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites) decision that cited the federal Constitution, which is why conservatives want an anti-gay amendment passed by Congress.
Lawsuits seeking marriage rights or challenging bans on same-sex marriage have been filed in Oregon, Nebraska, Washington, California, New York and New Jersey. Georgia's newly approved ban will be challenged soon by lawyers contending that the measure's ballot summary did not convey its potentially sweeping impact on same-sex couples.
Lambda Legal, which is involved in many of the lawsuits, urged gay couples to turn to the courts only if there was a reasonable chance of victory.
"We'll discourage additional litigation if it runs a serious risk of resulting in a loss that could set us back many years," Lambda Legal attorney David Buckel said in a strategy memo.
While the amendments in Mississippi, Montana and Oregon deal only with marriage, the measures in the other eight states also ban civil unions.
According to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, there are roughly 2 million people in those states who live in households headed by same-sex couples and could be harmed by the amendments including state university employees whose domestic partnership benefits could be in jeopardy in Michigan, Ohio and Utah.
Despite losing the marriage votes, gay-rights groups found a few heartening election results.
In Massachusetts, despite conservative efforts to unseat them, all incumbent legislators who supported equal treatment for same-sex couples won re-election. In Cincinnati, the nation's only city with a ban on laws supporting gay rights, voters repealed that 1993 measure.
Idaho and North Carolina voters elected their first openly gay legislators, and an openly gay Hispanic woman, Lupe Valdez, was elected county sheriff in Dallas.
Catalyst said:http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041103/ap_on_el_st_lo/eln_gay_marriage_23
All I have to say is "hell yeah."
You make Kerry cryErasureAcer said:seriosuly, do any of you know the options to leaving this country? Are there any that can happen immediately?
"Secular" never had so much meaning!MIMIC said:If only other countries/continents got to participate
Dude, lead the good fight against the Republicans in 2008.ErasureAcer said:seriosuly, do any of you know the options to leaving this country? Are there any that can happen immediately?
ErasureAcer said:seriosuly, do any of you know the options to leaving this country? Are there any that can happen immediately?
MIMIC said:If only other countries/continents got to participate
ErasureAcer said:seriosuly, do any of you know the options to leaving this country? Are there any that can happen immediately?
seriosuly, do any of you know the options to leaving this country? Are there any that can happen immediately?
Clinton and Gore were also religous Presidents, and I'm sure Clinton supported school prayer...eggplant said:Clinton got elected with those positions. Gore got the popular vote and almost the electoral vote.
Tasteless because it's an obvious and pathetic attempt by a smarting Democrat to justify his candidate's defeat by claiming the opposing side is intellectually inferior. Kerry himself has called for unity and a "mending of fences" between parties (as he must), yet the hostile and elitist attitudes being displayed by some very sore losers only serve to generate more animosity and deepen the divide separating Republican from Democrat. And the same applies to sore winners too, to be honest.Doc Holliday said:Tasteless because its true?
If this happened in another country you would be calling those people idiots.
efralope said:Clinton and Gore were also religous Presidents, and I'm sure Clinton supported school prayer...
Kerry is the last major candidate since Bush's father that I can remember that wasn't religous (or at least, not publicly and on the fly, I don't mean prepared statements)...
I think Joe Lieberman would have had a better shot with some of "moral" America, even if he supported abortion rights and civil unions...
why?Catalyst said:http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041103/ap_on_el_st_lo/eln_gay_marriage_23
All I have to say is "hell yeah."
RiZ III said:
eggplant said:Let stick it out for maybe 12 more years.
ErasureAcer said:I'll be almost 35 then? My life will be on its way down. I'm not going to wait 12 years for change. I've waited 4 years already. I think that it would suck leaving family and friends behind but what else do I have? Nothing. This country gives me nothing. No money to obtain a college degree, no equal rights to family members, no healthcare, no clean air/water, no jobs to choose from(tomorrow is my last day at work...I'm being laid off), nothing!
All the while I help prop this country up by paying taxes. The strings need to be cut and this country needs to fall. This country needs to fall.
Catalyst said:http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041103/ap_on_el_st_lo/eln_gay_marriage_23
All I have to say is "hell yeah."
catfish said:From the outside looking in, it's bizarree to see how Americas population handles it's affairs.
Sucks to be gay I guess.....
Move to New Zealand! We have a revolving door policy on immigration, Prostitutions legal and our MPS smoke weed! Take that conservative america.
eggplant said::jaw drops:
so, how do you guys compare yourselves to Australia and Canada?
maharg said:They also... *ahem* like sheep.
so, how do you guys compare yourselves to Australia and Canada?
maharg said:They also... *ahem* like sheep.
Mason said:
This only confirms for me my suspicion that you are a shithead.ErasureAcer said:Means so much more now that Bush has won.
Clinton was impeached because he lied under a sworn oath before God and country. He looked the American people right in the eye (via videotape), and told a bold-faced lie before a jury of his peers after having sworn an oath to uphold and tell the truth. You may not see that as a big deal, but when the President of the United States is willing to put his entire presidency and legacy at jeopardy, to lie about something as small and inconsequential as having sexual relations with an intern... what else is he willing to lie about?Doc Holliday said:SPike,
No matter how loud we democrats kick and scream now could compare to the wrath of the republicans if kerry had won last night. Shit, clinton won by larger margins and you guys impeached his ass....because of a BJ. Sure now its the time to mend fences, why didnt they kiss and make up while billy was in charge?
ErasureAcer said:Means so much more now that Bush has won.
my prediction: North Korea nukes California. People are upset that Bush is a weak leader and let NK have nukes...he does not give up power. Civil war ensues.