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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities

I'm thinking of getting a new running watch. I've currently got a Nike +

but would like something better. I've been doing some research but there are way too many options.
Anyone have any recommendations or ones to stay away from?[/QUOTE]

If you're even slightly serious about running, and you've got an interest in thouroughly tracking your runs, check out Garmin's line of Forerunners, there are various cost tiers too.


I'm using a Garmin. Pretty good so far. Watch is ridiculously big though. But I got it from my dad so I can't complain.


I'm thinking of getting a new running watch. I've currently got a Nike +

but would like something better. I've been doing some research but there are way too many options.
Anyone have any recommendations or ones to stay away from?


The most in-depth product reviews of running watches I've ever found.


Junior Member
So I ran the Atlanta 10 miler yesterday with my wife. She has terrible knees and wore a brace. So we ran-walked it. She turned her ankle at mile 4 and still finished the race. Wasn't a terrible distance. I think I could be convinced to do a half marathon. But I have to keep signing up for races so I can stay motivated.

And accept that every race won't be a personal best.


So I ran the Atlanta 10 miler yesterday with my wife. She has terrible knees and wore a brace. So we ran-walked it. She turned her ankle at mile 4 and still finished the race. Wasn't a terrible distance. I think I could be convinced to do a half marathon. But I have to keep signing up for races so I can stay motivated.

And accept that every race won't be a personal best.

I did a 10 miler yesterday as well!

It's a little discouraging being in the back of the pack, but I did have an improvement from my 8k last month (despite doing a 9:00/1:30 run/walk instead of running the whole way). I feel like I could have kept going, so I'm not too worried about my half marathon the first week of December.

Top of my left leg going all the way around hurt like a bitch though.



The most in-depth product reviews of running watches I've ever found.

I'm using a Garmin. Pretty good so far. Watch is ridiculously big though. But I got it from my dad so I can't complain.

If you're even slightly serious about running, and you've got an interest in thouroughly tracking your runs, check out Garmin's line of Forerunners, there are various cost tiers too.

Thanks for the replies.
I'm not a huge runner, maybe 5-8k's twice a week but my work gives us a few 'grey nurses' every year to spend on exercise stuff.
Last year I bought two pairs of runners and I haven't touched the second pair so far so I was thinking of getting a better GPS watch.

The Garmin Forerunner 620 is looking a likely candidate. Is there much of a benefit to get the HRM though? Does it improve the stats? (I do love stats and graphs)


Junior Member
I did a 10 miler yesterday as well!

It's a little discouraging being in the back of the pack, but I did have an improvement from my 8k last month (despite doing a 9:00/1:30 run/walk instead of running the whole way). I feel like I could have kept going, so I'm not too worried about my half marathon the first week of December.

Top of my left leg going all the way around hurt like a bitch though.
Good luck.

I must have terrible form when I push my pace because my knee hurts but I did great for such a long run.
I'm thinking of getting a new running watch. I've currently got a Nike +

but would like something better. I've been doing some research but there are way too many options.
Anyone have any recommendations or ones to stay away from?

I been using the Garmin Forerunner 220 since February and have no complaints. it's usually like a second or two off from my times during races. couldn't afford the 620.
4th day of running that I am going for at least a 7 mile run. The weather in Austin has been great. All that suffering in the summer is paying off dividends. I am also have seem to have gotten past my stomach issues.
It turns out I was over hydrating before my run. Get out there ATX Gaf !


ATX came to my home last saturday, I saw the band Spoon :p

Sadly due to fight with my dad I don't have that Garmin watch anymore. It's his and he let me use it but now he took it back. So that's that for my heart rate based training schedule. Once I get the money to buy one myself I'll get back to it :(


Neo Member
Does anyone here have a garmin forerunner 620? What can you say about it? Did your training get some results based on it? Like the "recovery" feature or the "training schedule" for example.
I'm looking at it and seems like everything I need on paper but I'm curious about its practical use.
I run around 20 miles/week which makes me an average runner. I'm doing my first half-marathon in april though! Looking forward to it.
Ran NYC marathon last Sunday. just decided to enjoy 26.2 in my home city instead of racing since I missed my corral closing by like 5 minutes. My advice if u guys ever run NYC wear a shirt with your name on it. Completely different experience with the crowds.




Ran NYC marathon last Sunday. just decided to enjoy 26.2 in my home city instead of racing since I missed my corral closing by like 5 minutes. My advice if u guys ever run NYC wear a shirt with your name on it. Completely different experience with the crowds.



Congrats! What about the shirt thing? Do people scream out your name as you run past?


I started running today. Doing the couch25k program using an app. I think I murdered my legs, but the warm fuzzy feeling I'm enjoying now several hours later is awesome. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with it and not quit this time around.
this was my very first race last year. 4 miles in the inner loop of Central Park. Managed to squeak out a 3 second PR. I used between mile 2 and 3 to recover before attacking the final mile.



Thanks for all the replies on the watches above.

I think I'll either get the Garmin 220 or 620. Will see how the finances are looking in the new year
Are my feet supposed to hurt so much when I first start to run? Maybe I got the wrong shoes for me.

What kind of shoes do you use now? Certain models are better, depending on certain factors, such as the kind of surface you run on, your weight, whether you over or under pronate, and which part of your foot strikes the ground when runnning. If you'd like, you can check out these sites, go through the shoe wizard, and then read up on recommended shoes: http://www.runningshoesguru.com/best-running-shoes-wizard/ and http://www.runnersworld.com/shoe-finder/shoe-advisor

How long did you run for? Since you're fairly new to running (according to the thread you made), you don't have to push yourself right away. You can warmup by walking for 5-10 minutes (or do dynamic stretches or anything to start increasing your heart rate), then running for maybe 20 or so minutes. As you continue doing this, you can increase the time you run. Interval training (run for a minute, walk for a minute; repeat 8-10 times) also helps; I would do this after I recovered from a sprained ankle, and still do it every now and then.

And a couch to 5k plan is always good for new runners.
What kind of shoes do you use now? Certain models are better, depending on certain factors, such as the kind of surface you run on, your weight, whether you over or under pronate, and which part of your foot strikes the ground when runnning. If you'd like, you can check out these sites, go through the shoe wizard, and then read up on recommended shoes: http://www.runningshoesguru.com/best-running-shoes-wizard/ and http://www.runnersworld.com/shoe-finder/shoe-advisor

How long did you run for? Since you're fairly new to running (according to the thread you made), you don't have to push yourself right away. You can warmup by walking for 5-10 minutes (or do dynamic stretches or anything to start increasing your heart rate), then running for maybe 20 or so minutes. As you continue doing this, you can increase the time you run. Interval training (run for a minute, walk for a minute; repeat 8-10 times) also helps; I would do this after I recovered from a sprained ankle, and still do it every now and then.

And a couch to 5k plan is always good for new runners.
My gf runs 3.5 miles, I walk/run it while she does her own thing. I usually run the first mile and by the end of that my feet are killing me. Today I didn't even finish running the first mile before it started to hurt.

I use Nike free flynet 4.0. I'm thinking about returning it and getting something else. We run around this trail around the beach/park (concrete I belive).
My gf runs 3.5 miles, I walk/run it while she does her own thing. I usually run the first mile and by the end of that my feet are killing me. Today I didn't even finish running the first mile before it started to hurt.

I use Nike free flynet 4.0. I'm thinking about returning it and getting something else. We run around this trail around the beach/park (concrete I belive).

If it's your heel and underside of the foot that's in pain, it might be plantar fasciitis. Stretching and strengthening exercises will help out with that: http://m.runnersworld.com/tag/plantar-fasciitis

And if you're going to return the Flyknits and get a new pair of shoes, go to a shoe store that specializes in running shoes and have the staff there help you choose a good pair. Don't buy a pair that is popular or looks good, but the pair that is best for your feet and running style.
Neat, I didn't know there was an OT for running. I've just been trying to get back into it. I used to run every day back in my undergrad and I was in pretty good shape. Lately, though, I've been getting really lazy and putting on the pounds. I've started going to the gym and running nearly every day again, so hopefully this thread will help keep me motivated. :)


Neat, I didn't know there was an OT for running. I've just been trying to get back into it. I used to run every day back in my undergrad and I was in pretty good shape. Lately, though, I've been getting really lazy and putting on the pounds. I've started going to the gym and running nearly every day again, so hopefully this thread will help keep me motivated. :)

Just saw it as well. I got into running somewhat a few months ago during the summer, but me being the lazy person that I am I had a hard time to keep it up. I managed to run several days a week for a little bit over a month or so, then I just crashed.

Seeing and reading posts in this thread kind of got me motivated. There is still time before the snow starts falling, and one would be forced (more or less) to use the dreaded gym.


Going for my first half marathon this Sunday...

Does anyone do exercises right beforehand? My physical therapist wants me to "activate my glutes" since it's a very hilly course.


Going for my first half marathon this Sunday...

Does anyone do exercises right beforehand? My physical therapist wants me to "activate my glutes" since it's a very hilly course.

Good luck. Doing my 3rd 21km this weekend (standard chartered marathon). I plan to take it real slow considering that my training has been disrupted by a recovery from a surgery last year, and plantar fasciitis and archilles tendon tear earlier in the year.

I'd be more than happy if I finish under 3hrs
Going for my first half marathon this Sunday...

Does anyone do exercises right beforehand? My physical therapist wants me to "activate my glutes" since it's a very hilly course.

Before every run, I do dynamic stretches (leg kicks, donkey kicks, ankle rolls, standing on one foot and writing the alphabet in the air with the other foot). The Lunge Matrix is also good.

In regards to glutes, I do these (taken from here):

Glute Bridge: Lying on your back, bend your knees to 90 degrees, keep heels on floor while pulling toes to your shins. Use your glutes to raise your hips so they are in a straight line with your knees and shoulders. Keep hips parallel to the ground. Hold for two seconds. Release, then repeat 10 times.

Lateral Lunge: Start with great posture and your feet wider than your shoulders. From there, squat your hips down and over to the right while keeping your left leg straight. Keeping your feet flat on the ground, use your right glute to push you up to your starting position. Repeat on the left side. Do 10 total.
Anyone here use to freezing temperature running?

I usually stop running on the roads in Korea during winter because it can get all the way down past -20 Celsius. Today I went for a 5km run at -5 and my body was warm enough, but my lungs felt destroyed. I am gonna try running with a mask over my mouth tomorrow as I have read that it should help.

So what is the lowest temperature you guys run in and how do you deal with it?


OMG, I'm sooooo bloated. I didn't know water retention after long distances was a thing.

In regards to glutes, I do these (taken from here):

Glute Bridge

I ended up doing these since they were already part of my routine from the PT, but I forgot to do anything else by the time I got to the race :lol

All in all though, my ass hurts a whole lot less than it did with the 10 mile race a little over a month ago. Though this time I have stiffness throughout my whole left leg. I'm just working on stretching it every time I get up.

Hopefully with new shoes and all the exercises, my next half at the end of January should be better. Then again it's almost entirely downhill, so something catastrophic would have to happen for it to be slower than this past one with hills galore.
Anyone here use to freezing temperature running?

I usually stop running on the roads in Korea during winter because it can get all the way down past -20 Celsius. Today I went for a 5km run at -5 and my body was warm enough, but my lungs felt destroyed. I am gonna try running with a mask over my mouth tomorrow as I have read that it should help.

So what is the lowest temperature you guys run in and how do you deal with it?

winters here in nyc its usually between 20-35ish Fahrenheit. this is my preferred weather for running though so i usually have like a dri fit nike long sleeve, tights, beanie, and gloves. I find jacket unnecessary unless it's below like 10 personally. also depends if u prefer your body cool or warm when your running.


Anyone here use to freezing temperature running?

I usually stop running on the roads in Korea during winter because it can get all the way down past -20 Celsius. Today I went for a 5km run at -5 and my body was warm enough, but my lungs felt destroyed. I am gonna try running with a mask over my mouth tomorrow as I have read that it should help.

So what is the lowest temperature you guys run in and how do you deal with it?
Winter here gets to like -10 to -15℃ but it doesn't really bother me much. I just add an extra layer of long-sleeved dri-fit to keep the chest warmer.

And I tried the mask stuff, but it ended up bothering me too much.
Completed my longest run since high school cross country yesterday - 6.5mi. Averaged an 8:48 pace.

It felt really good to be doing longer distance again. Legs feel real good today, too. Probably going to go easy today but I'm excited to keep stepping it up.
I have such a love/hate relationship with running. When I haven't been running I dread getting started and have to really force myself to go. Once I get to the point that I can run 4-5 times a week and run 3+ miles I regret the days I don't run and start thinking about how far I can push myself. If I don't run for a week straight for whatever reason, it's hard to get back to it.


I have such a love/hate relationship with running. When I haven't been running I dread getting started and have to really force myself to go. Once I get to the point that I can run 4-5 times a week and run 3+ miles I regret the days I don't run and start thinking about how far I can push myself. If I don't run for a week straight for whatever reason, it's hard to get back to it.

I know exactly what you mean. It's gotten harder to stay the course. When I'm consistent I feel great and don't want to stop building weekly mileage. When I miss a few days for whatever reason, the wheels fall off.


I've recently completed a couch to 5k regime of about 6 weeks via the RunKeeper app.

I've become a bit more built up body wise, gained a little more muscle and become more defined. This is probably due to the interval training that was involved in the training plan. I was your average pasty, skinny white kid before and now I'm pretty happy with how my body looks.

I've really enjoyed running and am now tempted to move on to the 5k to 10k regime but I'm afraid I will begin to waste away and I'm not interested in becoming very skinny again.

I eat about 1500 calories a day and I think the answer might be to eat more as I train for 10k but what would Running GAF suggest? Will training to 10k make me waste away?


The number of calories you burn running isn't really that much. It's more likely that the running is affecting what you're doing in the rest of your day.

If you're a guy of average height, 1500 calories was probably undereating to begin with.
The number of calories you burn running isn't really that much

Depends on the run. I wear a HRM for all of my runs to try and get a decent calorie count of calories burned - yeah, it's not 100% perfect, but it's pretty accurate. I burned about 850 calories on my long run yesterday.


Depends on the run. I wear a HRM for all of my runs to try and get a decent calorie count of calories burned - yeah, it's not 100% perfect, but it's pretty accurate. I burned about 850 calories on my long run yesterday.

Yeah, but he's still topping out at 5k. Most 10k programs I've seen only have you doing 3-4 miles for most runs.
I didn't know there was a running thread. I just go back into running last year. My first race since High School cross country was the Turkey Trot. I did alright. I will probably spend the rest of winter running indoors on a treadmill but come spring I plan to start running outdoors again. I want to get in shape for the Marine Core half marathon.
I had my first run of the new new year here in ATX. The treadmills turned out to be in a state of disrepair so i ended up outside in drizzling 36 degree weather in shorts and a wind breaker . It turned out to be a great run and very invigorating. I might give it a go today as well.


2014 was shit for me running-wise. I wasn't motivated and faltered in the last couple months of the year. 2015, here I come.



First run of the year, cross country, the wind was brutal, 30-40 km/h, soul crushing if head on or alluring to run way over pace when in the back. Can't wait for spring and summer, running in winter isn't much fun.
Is Endomondo still considered the top app for tracking and mid-run coaching(intervals etc)? Also can anyone confirm whether it allows you to use spotify at the same time?

Going to sub to this thread, need to get back into running again. Quite badly out of shape and have recently taken on Cricket and Golf so my fitness needs a major boost. Have played around with a couch to 5k program before and was making good progress then I crashed and burned.


2014 was a bad running year for me. I think I'm going to go for a half this year. Gotta drop 20lbs and pick up my distance and speed.


Neo Member
A year of real highs and lows for me.

I did my first ever half marathon in April, first marathon in June and first ultra marathon in August, (the last two of which were trail running and almost killed me!) but got so sick of training that by October I'd given up running altogether. I know multiple people who say they will never run a marathon again due to the time commitment, and it definitely got to me.

The Christmas break has helped get me back into it, its really mild in the UK at the moment and with extended time off I've got no excuse not to go running, even if I'm only doing 3 x 5 miles a week. Need a goal to work towards though, I think maybe 2015 might be triathlon year but I have absolutely no idea what it entails fitness wise.


Noooo... The forecast for this Sunday's 10k is rain and near freezing temperatures :(

At least I didn't do the 30k option I guess :lol
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