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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities

I'm trying to figure out if I should try running on my hurt foot. I fucked it up (see above) from wearing bad shoes, but I recently bought a proper pair. The pain is primarily on the top of my foot, closer to my ankle, and it feels like it's between two bones. Could this be a sprain? Could I have broken something? I *really* want to go for a run, but I also don't want to make things worse.


When I run, I'll sometimes wear a pacer/heart rate monitor. My pace tends to be fairly slow, like 11min/mile, but looking at my heart rate it seems like after 2-3 minutes of that pace I shoot up to like 180-185bpm.
Have you consulted a doctor regarding that specific aspect, the very rapidly elevated heart rate? There's something clearly off, especially since you seem fairly healthy on many fronts (you exercise, eat healthy, etc). What's been your strategy to try to build up endurance? You mention some couch-to-5K plan, I'm assuming it involved alternating slow running with walking? 11min/mile is about, what, 8Km/h? Have you tried running just super-slow, meaning walking pace, 5 or 6Km/h?

Well I've sidelined myself at least temporarily post-half-marathon. Felt pretty good, did a couple runs, but then strained the tendon near my ankle (the Peroneal, not the Achilles). Been RICEing it daily but I'm definitely off it for a while. I have a 5k on the 4th that I can hopefully run, but we'll see.
Well that sucks, hope you get better soon!

I have had a week off running. I should stay rested a few more days, but I just need to get back out on the road. Not happy that this little layoff has delayed my goals for the month, but July will hopefully see me reach them
Still resting from that soreness you mentioned last time? Dang, it's like everybody's getting hurt. What kind of goals do ou have? Mileage, speed?

Could this be a sprain? Could I have broken something? I *really* want to go for a run, but I also don't want to make things worse.
Unsure, and not a physician, but what I hear is that an actual fracture in the foot hurts like a goddamn bitch. As in, you would know for sure if you had a broken bone. Have you gotten your foot checked out?

Ran 6 miles in 50:45 today. Finally just under an 8:30 pace! Very happy about that. It's starting to feel much more comfortable.

On another note, my hamstrings are the first thing to cause trouble, usually tightening up around mile 4-5. Should I just do more stretching on off days?
Grats! Progress is always nice! ;D
No clue about your hamstring though... do you sollicitate them a lot when lifting? Squats and such?
Unsure, and not a physician, but what I hear is that an actual fracture in the foot hurts like a goddamn bitch. As in, you would know for sure if you had a broken bone. Have you gotten your foot checked out?

That's all I needed to hear. It can be pretty unpleasant to walk barefoot, but I feel mostly fine when wearing my running shoes. I'm going to give it a shot!

(wish me luck; my friend is taking me on a 4-mile run, and I haven't done this with any consistency for 5 years)


That's all I needed to hear. It can be pretty unpleasant to walk barefoot, but I feel mostly fine when wearing my running shoes. I'm going to give it a shot!

(wish me luck; my friend is taking me on a 4-mile run, and I haven't done this with any consistency for 5 years)
lol might still want to take it easy. Might not have something broken, but a sprain is not necessarily benign. Now if you really hurt yourself that's on me isnt it? o_o'


To put it simply, I cannot build endurance for the life of me. I've never been "obese" or even overweight for my height (6'4") but I was for a while definitely out of shape, college and then moving into a desk job had not been kind. But for the past few years I've made significant efforts to change that, both from an exercise and diet perspective. Obviously the first thing I started doing was running, as that tends to be like the first "go-to" means of getting in shape. After running for 3-4 years I struggle to even hit a mile, much less any of this couch to 5K stuff. I honestly wonder how I've kept myself motivated after months and years of essentially no progress.

Just some facts about what I've done and where I'm at:

  • Dropped from about 200lbs/25% bodyfat to about 155lbs and 15% bodyfat at my lowest, I'm up a little from there as I've generally been spending more time in the gym in an effort to build muscle.
  • Exercise 3-4 times a week. In the gym I've made some steady (albeit slow, in my opinion) progress.
  • Vitals tend to be good-to-great, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood glucose, etc.
  • Diet also tends to be very good. Typically high protein, moderate carbs and fat. Sugar rarely. Typically weeks to months without drinking alcohol. Never smoked or used any illicit drugs.

This is slightly off-topic, but I have to ask. It's like you're describing myself. I'm 6'4 and weigh right at 200LB. The lowest I've ever gotten is 185, but I've let off the past few months. I'm just curious what you did to get down to 155. What was the biggest change you made or routine at the gym?


No clue about your hamstring though... do you sollicitate them a lot when lifting? Squats and such?
I do have at least one lifting leg day each week, yes. I know that is playing a part. Just not sure if stretching helps. I feel like it's easy to overdo it.
I've been lurking for a while so I figured I'd finally join the club. :)

I've been running for a long time, started back in 8th grade and ran competitively all the way through undergrad in a small NAIA program. Once I was out of undergrad, I joined my grad school's club running team but I've been on and off with running for the past three years.

Over the past year, I had gained around 30 pounds since my undergrad days, partly from the common grad student stress, but mostly from the munchies, haha. Anyways, this summer I decided to get back into running for good and I've spent the past little bit fixing my diet (dropped sugar and processed foods) and building up my mileage again and I'm stoked to say that I've already lost around 20-25lbs.

Anyways, starting over has been pretty cool because I'm getting to take everything slow and appreciate the little things. I've had some rough IT band and piriformis issues over the years, so I've been slowly building my way up to 25-30mpw with the goal of holding onto 45-50mpw for the rest of the summer. Excited to see and share progress in the thread. :)
Still resting from that soreness you mentioned last time? Dang, it's like everybody's getting hurt. What kind of goals do ou have? Mileage, speed?

Yeah, I didn't have a great night's sleep, so decided to have one more day off. I just hope this isn't actually the beginning of me slipping into a funk again.

My goals are to be able to do sub 20/40/1:30 for the 5/10/half. I am aiming to achieve that for October, with the primary goal being the half because I will do the popular Nike race here. My personal bests at those times are 20:50/43/1:43, with my current times around 23/48/1:43.

I had hoped to be able to push on to around 4;30 pace for the 10k by the end of the month, but the last two weeks have messed that up. So I hope to achieve that by the end of July. That would then give me three months to really push on and try to get my desired times by October.

But I guess more importantly than times is my goal to keep going out and running. I go through these phases where I will log around 200ks over a couple of months and then don't run for another 5-6 months so have to start back at square one with my times and training.
I've been lurking for a while so I figured I'd finally join the club. :)

I've been running for a long time, started back in 8th grade and ran competitively all the way through undergrad in a small NAIA program. Once I was out of undergrad, I joined my grad school's club running team but I've been on and off with running for the past three years.

Over the past year, I had gained around 30 pounds since my undergrad days, partly from the common grad student stress, but mostly from the munchies, haha. Anyways, this summer I decided to get back into running for good and I've spent the past little bit fixing my diet (dropped sugar and processed foods) and building up my mileage again and I'm stoked to say that I've already lost around 20-25lbs.

Anyways, starting over has been pretty cool because I'm getting to take everything slow and appreciate the little things. I've had some rough IT band and piriformis issues over the years, so I've been slowly building my way up to 25-30mpw with the goal of holding onto 45-50mpw for the rest of the summer. Excited to see and share progress in the thread. :)

I feel your pain, this has been my major problem over the past few years.

Congrats on losing your weight already.


I've got a staycation all next week, so I'm tempted to start up swimming again. The big question is whether to do it on the mornings of my evening running group workouts so I have days of complete rest or to do it on the off days and end up working out every day. If I do it on the off days, I might follow it up immediately with yoga.

Decisions, decisions.


How's your stretching routing look like?


Seriously...almost zero. I WAS stretching daily, but I was becoming sore from it.
Hi Running-ManGAF.

What's your suggestions for the best thing to strap to your wrist which monitors your heart rate while running? Cheaper would be better assuming it's still good.

I was looking at the Fitbit Charge HR but that thing is $150. Damn those things are expensive.


Hi Running-ManGAF.

What's your suggestions for the best thing to strap to your wrist which monitors your heart rate while running? Cheaper would be better assuming it's still good.

I was looking at the Fitbit Charge HR but that thing is $150. Damn those things are expensive.

You can get a Polar FT7 for cheap--got mine off of Amazon for around $70. It requires a chest strap though (which will be more accurate).



Seriously...almost zero. I WAS stretching daily, but I was becoming sore from it.

Yeah, that no wonder lol.

Try foam rolling as well.

Hamstring soreness is common with runners due to the quad dominance of running.

Add some Romanian deadliftst and leg curls to stretch them out.
Have you consulted a doctor regarding that specific aspect, the very rapidly elevated heart rate? There's something clearly off, especially since you seem fairly healthy on many fronts (you exercise, eat healthy, etc). What's been your strategy to try to build up endurance? You mention some couch-to-5K plan, I'm assuming it involved alternating slow running with walking? 11min/mile is about, what, 8Km/h? Have you tried running just super-slow, meaning walking pace, 5 or 6Km/h?

Like I said, I got tested for asthma, figured breathing issues leading to higher heart rate. In the past I had blood tests that thyroid hormones and testosterone and those came back normal. Not sure what else i would want to look for. As for my pace, any slower than the pace I'm at and I'd be walking, and honestly I could walk for days without problem.

This is slightly off-topic, but I have to ask. It's like you're describing myself. I'm 6'4 and weigh right at 200LB. The lowest I've ever gotten is 185, but I've let off the past few months. I'm just curious what you did to get down to 155. What was the biggest change you made or routine at the gym?

Diet. My gym had a one-month "metabolic reset" challenge. The gave us nutritional guide (devised by http://whole30.com/nutrition-guide/ but its largely a paleo/low carb diet), and they did weight/body composition tests before and after. I kept fairly strict on the diet and dropped about 20lbs and 7-8% body fat in the first month, kept it up and kept dropping fat. Though when I started to get down to like 160 I was starting to lose muscle mass as well so I changed things up to put some weight back on.


Do you all run when it is crazy humid and hot? I could not finish my run today.

I actually started running in that environment, two years ago during the summer of an exchange year in Japan. The heat/humidity coupled with not using daylight-saving time had me running at 5:30 because everything after that was just too brutal.


I do have at least one lifting leg day each week, yes. I know that is playing a part. Just not sure if stretching helps. I feel like it's easy to overdo it.
Yeah I have no opinion on whether you should stretch it or not. All I can tell you is I would feel my hamstrings tighten up while running when I used to do (modest) goblet squats as part of cross training. I stopped the latter and the problem went away. I'm not saying to necessarily stop squatting, but maybe you do have an excuse to skip leg day for a week or 2 if your hamstrings start bothering you too much. They might just need a little more recovery time between solicitations.

Edit: JIMMY ARE YOU OK!?! Did you die? Please post if you're ok!! ;_;

My goals are to be able to do sub 20/40/1:30 for the 5/10/half. I am aiming to achieve that for October, with the primary goal being the half because I will do the popular Nike race here. My personal bests at those times are 20:50/43/1:43, with my current times around 23/48/1:43.
Yeah I'm hovering somewhere around where you are as well. My main goal is to get to 15Km/h on my usual circuit (7.6Km), which places me right in the middle of your 20/40 goal for 5/10. Current bests at 21:15/46/1:41 (where the 10K was during a semi, so not really anything special). What's your training program like?

Like I said, I got tested for asthma, figured breathing issues leading to higher heart rate. In the past I had blood tests that thyroid hormones and testosterone and those came back normal. Not sure what else i would want to look for. As for my pace, any slower than the pace I'm at and I'd be walking, and honestly I could walk for days without problem.
I don't know what kind of specialist that would be, but I'm sure there are special sports doctors that'd be able to look into your condition in more detail, or, more accurately, with a broader horizon than only asthma. Might be a heart condition, maybe an exercise electrocardiogram could shed some light? I would ask around to be pointed towards the correct specialist; if it isn't asthma, there are still plenty of possible reasons for your condition. As for running slower, maybe do try to run at walking speed, as in: do a jogging motion while moving at walking speed (I have to do it everytime I "run" with the wife...). It's not much exertion, but it is movement that is different from walking, and it solicitates your body differently. Maybe see if you can sustain that for a while, then if you can start building up speed from there?
Yeah I'm hovering somewhere around where you are as well. My main goal is to get to 15Km/h on my usual circuit (7.6Km), which places me right in the middle of your 20/40 goal for 5/10. Current bests at 21:15/46/1:41 (where the 10K was during a semi, so not really anything special). What's your training program like?

I am using the Nike coach program. 21k calls for about 50-70k a week. with a lot of progression runs, fartlek, and long Saturday runs. I am trying to add hill runs on the "comfortable" run days.although I have missed about 80k since my inactivity.


I really wish i was doing spinning classes still. When i set my PBs i did it in like half the time and I think that a lot of it had to do with the spinning resistance. I would also do speed work for a couple ks on the treadmill and I think it all just helped me get quicker faster.


My first comment in GAF Running

What's GAFs take on Iron?

I recently had a change of station (military) and haven't yet been receiving money for food. As a result, I have been eating as cheap as possible. I have noticed my running severely decline. Workouts that I used to feel great on, I can now barely complete. Respirations are way up, overall feeling heavy and slow.

I have not changed my body weight or training intensity. The one thing I noticed is that the foods I was eating were not high in Iron. (I was honestly eating peanut butter, banana, rice, and some mixed vegatables. Along with a multi-vit that did not have Iron.)

I have since picked up a bottle of Iron supplements, and have tried to spend a little extra to get a well balanced diet.

How does GAF feel about Iron sups? Do you make a point to get iron at some point in the day?


Does not have twelve inches...
I've got a staycation all next week, so I'm tempted to start up swimming again. The big question is whether to do it on the mornings of my evening running group workouts so I have days of complete rest or to do it on the off days and end up working out every day. If I do it on the off days, I might follow it up immediately with yoga.

Decisions, decisions.

The good or bad thing about swimming is that you don't even notice the effort up until the next day :D


My first comment in GAF Running

What's GAFs take on Iron?

I recently had a change of station (military) and haven't yet been receiving money for food. As a result, I have been eating as cheap as possible. I have noticed my running severely decline. Workouts that I used to feel great on, I can now barely complete. Respirations are way up, overall feeling heavy and slow.

I have not changed my body weight or training intensity. The one thing I noticed is that the foods I was eating were not high in Iron. (I was honestly eating peanut butter, banana, rice, and some mixed vegatables. Along with a multi-vit that did not have Iron.)

I have since picked up a bottle of Iron supplements, and have tried to spend a little extra to get a well balanced diet.

How does GAF feel about Iron sups? Do you make a point to get iron at some point in the day?

Are you male?

I ask because males tend to overaccumilate iron especially if your'e an omnivore.

We don't lose blood via menstruation, so men tend to have little issues with lack of iron.

I would get some bloodwork if I were you.

Never take supplements like that without accurate blood work.

Here are some sources so you don't think I'm bullshiting you:


Iron deficiency is rare in men and postmenopausal women, and most should avoid supplements containing iron to reduce the risk of organ damage from too much iron. Also, if a routine blood test (advisable at least every two years) indicates low iron, experts warn against simply taking an iron supplement. Rather, a doctor should first check for hidden blood loss or impediments to iron absorption resulting from diet habits, medications or chronic health conditions, like colitis or the aftermath of weight-loss surgery


Are you male?

I ask because males tend to overaccumilate iron especially if your'e an omnivore.

We don't lose blood via menstruation, so men tend to have little issues with lack of iron.

I would get some bloodwork if I were you.

Never take supplements like that without accurate blood work.

Here are some sources so you don't think I'm bullshiting you:


Thanks for the help and info. I'll look into the blood work, and until then cease the iron sups.


Ran 6 miles in 50:45 today. Finally just under an 8:30 pace! Very happy about that. It's starting to feel much more comfortable.

On another note, my hamstrings are the first thing to cause trouble, usually tightening up around mile 4-5. Should I just do more stretching on off days?
Foam roller. Seriously. It's magical.

Between that and lots of stretching, I have zero issues with my legs despite my fairly heavy leg routine (running 5 days + Squats 3 days a week).


Foam roller. Seriously. It's magical.

Between that and lots of stretching, I have zero issues with my legs despite my fairly heavy leg routine (running 5 days + Squats 3 days a week).
Thanks, will try this out! The foam roller I have has been collecting dust haha

Side note:
I just picked up a TomTom Multi Sport Cardio watch. Anyone have experience with one of these? Running with it for the first time tomorrow to try it out. Seems pretty good at picking up my heart rate.
Felt good running for the first time since the 18th. Chest and mid back pain are gone.

Ran just a 5k as it was 28 outside and with a high sun so I didn't want to feel to gassed and hadn't drank or eaten in 15 hours. Really happy with my pace of 4;43. Last run i did was 5;25 because of the pain so glad that my pace is in a good place still.

Gonna go for an 8k tomorrow and hopefully will be able to maintain that pace.


I am using the Nike coach program. 21k calls for about 50-70k a week. with a lot of progression runs, fartlek, and long Saturday runs. I am trying to add hill runs on the "comfortable" run days.although I have missed about 80k since my inactivity.


I really wish i was doing spinning classes still. When i set my PBs i did it in like half the time and I think that a lot of it had to do with the spinning resistance. I would also do speed work for a couple ks on the treadmill and I think it all just helped me get quicker faster.
I'm doing the following.
M: cross training (40min rower or 2x10min rower and some dumbbells in between), Tu: short intervals (20min easy, 10 to 12x30-30, 20min easy), W: slowish run (7-8Km around 12ish Km/h), Th: short intervals, F: rest or cross training, Sa: "fast" run (as fast as I can, 7.6Km) + 12.5Km recuperation (slow as hell), Su: long run (20Km, moderate pace, 12ish Km/h).

A lot of it is fairly recent. I used to just run about 7 to 8Km as fast as I could, 6 days a week and that was it. I had been stalling for months so I-ve been trying to tweak things a little. I had actually looked at those nike+ programs (probably the 10K version) a long time ago. Back then the variety of it was a little too much for me to process (too many different distances and speeds, was used to run roughly at the same speed and the same distance all the time). Might look it up again, but I'm a little wary of fartlek and such. I think I need more structure and more regularity. Fartleks sound a little too fuzzy for me. :)


I didn't know this community existed. I run 5 miles 3 times a week anywhere between 40-45minutes a session. Does anyone know if it's okay to run through a stomach cramp? I only have them infrequently, but I do always run through them because I don't like to give up.
I didn't know this community existed. I run 5 miles 3 times a week anywhere between 40-45minutes a session. Does anyone know if it's okay to run through a stomach cramp? I only have them infrequently, but I do always run through them because I don't like to give up.

It's usually not too much of an issue as long as it isn't debilitating. If it's a true cramp it will go away.

In other news, my ankle is getting a bit better. Not perfect, but better. Hoping for a decent recovery before the 4th for my 5k.


Great thread. I've subscribed to some of the podcasts and will start running again tomorrow.

I lost almost 30 kg a few years ago from cutting bad carbs and doing a very similar system to couch to 5k. I was 250lbs back then and used to walk at first, then I slowly introduced light jogging and ramped it up till I was jogging at 8km/hr for 12-15 minutes at a time between walking breaks. It took me a month or two to get to that stage and I did it on a treadmill while posting bejewelled on the 360.

I'm in china now and don't have a treadmill but there's a gym in the hotel next door and they said I can use it free of charge.

I'm back up to 240lbs again so I'll start with just walking again for a few weeks and then get stuck into it.

Thanks for the inspiration guys! Now to give up my fried dumpling addiction..
I'm doing the following.
M: cross training (40min rower or 2x10min rower and some dumbbells in between), Tu: short intervals (20min easy, 10 to 12x30-30, 20min easy), W: slowish run (7-8Km around 12ish Km/h), Th: short intervals, F: rest or cross training, Sa: "fast" run (as fast as I can, 7.6Km) + 12.5Km recuperation (slow as hell), Su: long run (20Km, moderate pace, 12ish Km/h).

A lot of it is fairly recent. I used to just run about 7 to 8Km as fast as I could, 6 days a week and that was it. I had been stalling for months so I-ve been trying to tweak things a little. I had actually looked at those nike+ programs (probably the 10K version) a long time ago. Back then the variety of it was a little too much for me to process (too many different distances and speeds, was used to run roughly at the same speed and the same distance all the time). Might look it up again, but I'm a little wary of fartlek and such. I think I need more structure and more regularity. Fartleks sound a little too fuzzy for me. :)

Maybe you looked at the online version, they are too confusing for my liking talking about tempo pace, 5, k pace etc. The app coaching program is a lot more simple. Only says run at a slower pace or run at a faster pace .
lol might still want to take it easy. Might not have something broken, but a sprain is not necessarily benign. Now if you really hurt yourself that's on me isnt it? o_o'

Ha! I'm definitely blaming you. ;)

I ended up completing the run without much difficulty, but my foot is still pretty sore. I mostly feel pain when I'm walking barefoot. I'm going for another run today (albeit a shorter one) to see how it feels.


Ha! I'm definitely blaming you. ;)

I ended up completing the run without much difficulty, but my foot is still pretty sore. I mostly feel pain when I'm walking barefoot. I'm going for another run today (albeit a shorter one) to see how it feels.
Should definitely get it looked out, and at the very least give it time to heal. It's pretty much guaranteed to not go away if you keep running on it. (see now you can't blame me anymore ;D but seriously, give it some rest)

Maybe you looked at the online version, they are too confusing for my liking talking about tempo pace, 5, k pace etc. The app coaching program is a lot more simple. Only says run at a slower pace or run at a faster pace .
I'll look it up, thanks for the suggestion.

Edit: and to expand, yes, I had looked at the online version, I don't have any ios or android device. Thinking of borrowing one of my wife's....


Hey running GAF. so glad there's a thread! A year ago we moved to a rainy climate, had a son, and I had the worst ankle sprain of my life. I was not running for like 8 months, gained 30 lbs, and felt pretty shitty. But I'm getting back on track now, down 20lbs, running 5k daily, and feeling good.

I'm going to the desert of Nevada in a couple weeks and hope to crush many miles in the HEAT. Gotta lose this last 10lbs and start making progress again instead of just catching up to where I used to be.


Hey running GAF. so glad there's a thread! A year ago we moved to a rainy climate, had a son, and I had the worst ankle sprain of my life. I was not running for like 8 months, gained 30 lbs, and felt pretty shitty. But I'm getting back on track now, down 20lbs, running 5k daily, and feeling good.

I'm going to the desert of Nevada in a couple weeks and hope to crush many miles in the HEAT. Gotta lose this last 10lbs and start making progress again instead of just catching up to where I used to be.
Welcome and good luck out there in the heat! It's not quite the desert here (France), but they're announcing 36C (96.8F) tomorrow at the time I'll be running. ;_:


Yeah had read that in your previous post. How did it happen? How much time off are you getting? Sprained my right ankle a bunch of times in high-school playing basketball. Poor re-education (or lack thereof) can have shitty long term effects. My right ankle's been squeaky for almost 20 years now. Running on it is ok but something with stronger feet impacts and push-offs (like, well, basketball, anything with abrupt changes of direction) probably still is out of the question for me.

Get better soon!
Yeah had read that in your previous post. How did it happen? How much time off are you getting? Sprained my right ankle a bunch of times in high-school playing basketball. Poor re-education (or lack thereof) can have shitty long term effects. My right ankle's been squeaky for almost 20 years now. Running on it is ok but something with stronger feet impacts and push-offs (like, well, basketball, anything with abrupt changes of direction) probably still is out of the question for me.

Get better soon!

It's not an actual sprain, but it's a strained peroneal tendon - runs over the ankle, basically. It's pretty much an overuse injury, probably due to getting back to it a bit too quickly after my most recent half marathon.

My wife is a physical therapist, so she's pretty good about educating me on my recovery. I'm taking it easy, but I do have a 5k on Saturday that I am planning on running - won't be racing, just some easy miles to stay active, and I will be taped up for the race. Don't want to make it worse but want to get out and enjoy the festivity just the same, so I am being careful.
It's not an actual sprain, but it's a strained peroneal tendon - runs over the ankle, basically. It's pretty much an overuse injury, probably due to getting back to it a bit too quickly after my most recent half marathon.

My wife is a physical therapist, so she's pretty good about educating me on my recovery. I'm taking it easy, but I do have a 5k on Saturday that I am planning on running - won't be racing, just some easy miles to stay active, and I will be taped up for the race. Don't want to make it worse but want to get out and enjoy the festivity just the same, so I am being careful.

Phew, sorry to hear that. I did the same thing when I was trying to get back into it last year and had to swim for about two weeks. At least it's nothing major. :)
Phew, sorry to hear that. I did the same thing when I was trying to get back into it last year and had to swim for about two weeks. At least it's nothing major. :)

Yup, I'm thankful it's nothing major. I did a couple of modified T25 workouts today (it's the short version of Insanity, that Shaun T. workout) to get some cross training in before the race Saturday. Ankle felt okay. Got some good stretching on it thanks to the workout. I figure a few more nights of RICE and I should be alright.



Just signed up for my first foreign run, should be fun :D

Also saw there's a half marathon coming up in Disneyland Paris. The event will be held at night when the park is closed.


The event will be held at night when the park is closed.
How are people supposed to get in then?? Jump over the fence?

Brutal weather yesterday was brutal, 37C. Jogged up to the track to do some intervals... almost passed the fuck out on my way there and thought better of it. Today's a lot better, clouds, wind, much, much cooler, we even got ourselves some rain this morning. How are my fellow Euro-running-GAF people faring?


How are people supposed to get in then?? Jump over the fence?

Brutal weather yesterday was brutal, 37C. Jogged up to the track to do some intervals... almost passed the fuck out on my way there and thought better of it. Today's a lot better, clouds, wind, much, much cooler, we even got ourselves some rain this morning. How are my fellow Euro-running-GAF people faring?

U wot m8

I don't have to explain the park is open to runners right? Closed just means there won't be people around to enjoy the park on a normal day. And Disney probably can't afford to close down the park completely on a regular day because they would lose a lot of money then. So the half marathon is being held at night before opening hours.

In The Netherlands meanwhile the weather is also hell. I went out for a 9km run yesterday. Went outside around 9:30pm though. Even though the sun was gone it was still 25 degrees Celcius. And when it's warm over here it's not the nice and comfy kind of heath you have in Spain. But the exhausting kind. I ultimately maintained a pace of ~5:30 per kilometer. Just took my time.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Balls. I didn't run for a long time after a 18K run late april because of a long holiday. Ran yesterday (5k) and had pain in my knee return. Had the same pain october last year. I guess I have to strengthen my legs some more with other stuff (cycling, swimming), do loads of foam rolling and run even less then 5k. Sucks, but probably the only way to return to longer-distance running.
Today I did two separate legs of 8 kilometers instead of the usual long run... hot weather is just murder right now. Linius nailed it... it's the overall climate not so much the net temperature, extremely unpleasant to run in. I got some a mild but annoying headach in the second stretch which alleviated when I got more salt in me.

I'm going to take it easy until next week because I have shifts throughout the weekend. Don't want to kill my alertness by stubbornly running in this weather.
What is the best way to build endurance for marathon?
I run 10 km 3-4 times a week and then do 20 km on last day.
Legs are very tired after that 20 km, and I can't even imagine what it's like to go for another twenty.


What is the best way to build endurance for marathon?
I run 10 km 3-4 times a week and then do 20 km on last day.
Legs are very tired after that 20 km, and I can't even imagine what it's like to go for another twenty.

There's a 100 day programma from two Dutch running coaches that never has runs over 14km in it's entire schedule. To prepare you for a full marathon. And it's working. So basically you don't have to run long distances in order to prepare for a marathon. It's all about making the most out of the kilometers you're making.

In case you want to look it up: https://www.sportrusten.nl/schemas/

The button that says 'download schema' is the one you'll want. Only thing is that it's all in Dutch. The schedule itself inside the PDF file though is pretty self explanatory, just distances, week numbers and stuff.

I'm gonna try the half marathon one myself by the way, for the Amsterdam half marathon.
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