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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities


Started running about six weeks ago - I've really been enjoying the way it makes me feel. Man, those first few weeks though.... soaked in sweat, burning lungs, stringy spit, soreness like all hell. Horrible. I definitely know what put me off to it earlier in life.

Did my longest run so far today - 6.5 miles (10.5 km). So I'm pretty proud of that, especially because I kept it up non-stop and I didn't feel like someone poisoned me when I was done.

Running + audiobook + cold, rainy fall day + hot shower when getting home = heaven.
Been going through Couch to 5k and now 5k to 10k in the past threeish months. I finally got comfortably under 10 minutes a mile pace. Feels really good!
Good to see more people posting in here.

Did some specific work at target race pace, felt good. GPS was a little generous though, was closer to 19:50 on the 5K but whatever. Hyped for next week. :D

You've got it on lockdown

Started running about six weeks ago - I've really been enjoying the way it makes me feel. Man, those first few weeks though.... soaked in sweat, burning lungs, stringy spit, soreness like all hell. Horrible. I definitely know what put me off to it earlier in life.

Did my longest run so far today - 6.5 miles (10.5 km). So I'm pretty proud of that, especially because I kept it up non-stop and I didn't feel like someone poisoned me when I was done.

Running + audiobook + cold, rainy fall day + hot shower when getting home = heaven.

Yeah, the first days are rough. When I started I felt ridiculous and didn't particularly like all the sweat and tiredness, but now... I really don't like missing a running day.

Relevant, maybe:

Been going through Couch to 5k and now 5k to 10k in the past threeish months. I finally got comfortably under 10 minutes a mile pace. Feels really good!

Congratulations! Are you looking to hit a particular time?

I ran yesterday. It felt good in the cold. Just started this summer too.

Yeah, running in the summer heat is a bit rough, a colder weather is much more conductive to running imho. I'm glad you stuck with it during the rougher months though!


Been going through Couch to 5k and now 5k to 10k in the past threeish months. I finally got comfortably under 10 minutes a mile pace. Feels really good!

Well done! I've done a couple of 10k's recently and my times are always around 11 mins a mile. I need more consistency in my training so I'm joining my local running club to try to get into a routine and improve my speed as well as distance.
Great job! Congrats on the PR! Sub-40 by the end of the year? :D

Hahaha, that might be a tad over-optimistic (today was a perfect storm: flat closed circuit, wide roads, low temperature, low humidity, cloudy) but it was a nice confidence boost and I think I may be able to get it down to 41ish by the end of the year.

I'm taking my first rest day in over two weeks, feels weird.

You're doing good. Your body needs time to adapt and repair itself.


My hamstring feels tight and a little sore. It's on the verge of an injury I think. It has been like this for a week at least
I'd normally do a 10km run at the weekend and a 6km run during the week but for the moment I'm not going to run

any tips on how to get back out there as soon as possible. Just rest or is there something else I can do?


My hamstring feels tight and a little sore. It's on the verge of an injury I think. It has been like this for a week at least
I'd normally do a 10km run at the weekend and a 6km run during the week but for the moment I'm not going to run

any tips on how to get back out there as soon as possible. Just rest or is there something else I can do?
Your best bet would be a physio or massage therapist. Can't tell what would work for you, but I was more or less in the same spot a cple of weeks ago. What worked for me was to stop hill sprints, getting more rest, a lot of (gentle) foam rolling, some cold (cold water, ice packs), and avoiding to mess around with it too much. I had been trying to strecth hammies and quads trying to loosen things up, that didn't help one bit. Things started getting better when I stopped fucking around with it. But that's just me, again, hard to tell you what will work for you. Also, stating the obvious but, if/when you do get out, make sure to give your legs a gentle warm up. Best of luck.
My hamstring feels tight and a little sore. It's on the verge of an injury I think. It has been like this for a week at least
I'd normally do a 10km run at the weekend and a 6km run during the week but for the moment I'm not going to run

any tips on how to get back out there as soon as possible. Just rest or is there something else I can do?

I'd say stretching, heat, and rest. You can try to do a run below your usual intensity to see how it feels, but I wouldn't push it too much.


Your best bet would be a physio or massage therapist. Can't tell what would work for you, but I was more or less in the same spot a cple of weeks ago. What worked for me was to stop hill sprints, getting more rest, a lot of (gentle) foam rolling, some cold (cold water, ice packs), and avoiding to mess around with it too much. I had been trying to strecth hammies and quads trying to loosen things up, that didn't help one bit. Things started getting better when I stopped fucking around with it. But that's just me, again, hard to tell you what will work for you. Also, stating the obvious but, if/when you do get out, make sure to give your legs a gentle warm up. Best of luck.

I'd say stretching, heat, and rest. You can try to do a run below your usual intensity to see how it feels, but I wouldn't push it too much.

Thanks lads. I don't like the idea of not running but I'll rest it and book a massage / phsyio


Nice to see this thread picking up steam! Good job to all of you, whether you qualify for Boston, pull a sub-40 10K or try to get through C25K :) I see some of you run every day, I think tow to three times a week is enough for me. I'm currently training for a hilly, 26K urban trail in early November, and I beat my semi PB during my long run yesterday (1h48) without even trying.
I travel quite a bit, but rarely get to stay in nice hotels.. I'm usually in Hampton inns/hilton garden inns.

One of the perks of a nice hotel is often a running map of the area. Stayed in La Jolla, Ca recently and went on a lovely 6 mile run around the vet hospital/UC campus.. Got to see the area and stretch my legs after a 4 hr flight.

For 62 consecutive weeks starting February 24, 2014, I didn't drop below 20 miles a week running. I was a passenger in a friggin car wreck which unfortunately ended the streak. That happened this past May and I've been trying to get my legs and lungs back, but it's been tough. I just wrapped up week three of hopefully a new streak of 20+ mile weeks.


Man that rest day made me feel terrible this morning, I was struggling this morning and ran less than I did last week. Or maybe that just because I ate like shit all weekend.

Don't worry about. Some days are better than others but as long as you stick to it, you'll see progress in the long term. I've had some shitty days where I just have to pack it in or walk the rest of the way home and I really beat myself up over it. But listen to your body, don't force anything. You're improving whether you realize it or not, it's just better to think about progress on a monthly basis rather than a daily one.
Your best bet would be a physio or massage therapist. Can't tell what would work for you, but I was more or less in the same spot a cple of weeks ago. What worked for me was to stop hill sprints, getting more rest, a lot of (gentle) foam rolling, some cold (cold water, ice packs), and avoiding to mess around with it too much. I had been trying to strecth hammies and quads trying to loosen things up, that didn't help one bit. Things started getting better when I stopped fucking around with it. But that's just me, again, hard to tell you what will work for you. Also, stating the obvious but, if/when you do get out, make sure to give your legs a gentle warm up. Best of luck.

Funny thing is I had a similar issue a couple weeks ago...got a major cramp in my right hamstring. Tried to run on it the next day because I'm stubborn, but had to drop it after one mile. So I ended up resting a few days during which I got a deep tissue massage. That really helped a lot. I got back to easy running about a week post-injury and now the soreness is pretty much gone.


Bored walking home from dropping my son off at school I started jogging home. That got easier each day and I quite enjoyed it. Have a physically demanding job but it's more strength than cardio but the arse end of the year it gets quiet, so bought myself some proper shoes and I'm giving this running thing a go.

My brother has gone from 20+ pints a week and takeaways every other night back in January to running half marathons. I'm not coming at it for quite the same reasons or need, but I suppose he's inspired me to not sit on my arse in front of the computer all Winter.

Now I'll ask for some quick advice it that's OK. My legs are pretty strong due to all the lifting/carrying/stretching I do at work. I only have to run a few hundred metres and they begin to burn and feel like they're going to assplode. Is this normal? Is there something I can do to delay this or do I have to just #dealwithit?


Sick like a dog, race in 4 days. -_-'

Apparently, tappering colds are common? Don't really know what else to pin it on... the wife's been doing everything (besides running) I've been doing and she's fine. *flips a table*


Time to start again. Bought some good running shoes at a specialized store (after extensive analysis of my feet and running posture). Downloaded C25K. Week 1 day 1 done. Only a lifetime more to go!

I used to be pretty good at long distance running, since I'm tall and skinny. I'm taking it slow though, I don't want to injure myself.
Getting ready this early AM to head to Chicago for the Marathon this weekend...I'm nowhere near like BQGAF in this thread but still hope to get a PR, yo. =)


Cool thread, didn't know it existed.


Just finishing my 3rd week running.

Current pb's:

5k 26.22
10k 59.16
Longest run 14.6k

My aims for the next couple of weeks are sub 25min 5k, sub 55 min 10k and to run 20k.

Got my first organised 10k end of the month, looking forward to that.

2 half marathons pencilled in for next year. Want to be at the 1hr 45min mark for those.


Man, people in here are way too quick. Even the ones just starting are so much quicker than I am. It's a shame as it'd be good to share experiences with people of a similar level but it feels like most people here are marathon runners!


Man, people in here are way too quick. Even the ones just starting are so much quicker than I am. It's a shame as it'd be good to share experiences with people of a similar level but it feels like most people here are marathon runners!
I'm super slow--think I did about 12:00/mi during my last race. I don't let that keep me from running half marathons though.


157/991 on net time, 177/991 gross. Kinda disappointed with the time but I'll get over it. Would have been worse on my own, managed to hang tough around Kms 7 to 9 with a group of guys when it felt I had nothing left, would have given in and slowed down (even more) on my own.

Super poud of the wife though, she ran the 5K, was officially aiming for 35min, secretly going for 30. She made it in 27:24 net. Super-duper PR for her.

Edit: Of the Joy of Having Strict Km Markers
Oh and btw, my GPS is FULL OF SHIT. Gave me my usual fast starts, with the first 2 Kms in 3:43 and 3:47. A little hazy on the exact time due to racing excitement, but I'm positive I passed the first two Km markers no more than a few seconds below target pace, say 3:58 and 7:57.


Getting ready this early AM to head to Chicago for the Marathon this weekend...
We want to know what happened!! ;D
157/991 on net time, 177/991 gross. Kinda disappointed with the time but I'll get over it. Would have been worse on my own, managed to hang tough around Kms 7 to 9 with a group of guys when it felt I had nothing left, would have given in and slowed down (even more) on my own.

Super poud of the wife though, she ran the 5K, was officially aiming for 35min, secretly going for 30. She made it in 27:24 net. Super-duper PR for her.

Edit: Of the Joy of Having Strict Km Markers
Oh and btw, my GPS is FULL OF SHIT. Gave me my usual fast starts, with the first 2 Kms in 3:43 and 3:47. A little hazy on the exact time due to racing excitement, but I'm positive I passed the first two Km markers no more than a few seconds below target pace, say 3:58 and 7:57.


We want to know what happened!! ;D

Not a bad time at all considering you had a cold a couple of days before. Keep in mind the 10K are measured to be the smallest distance you can run, so between not always following the optimal running line and overtaking people if it's crowded you always end up running a little more than 10 Km.

Yeah, sometimes the GPS signal screws up and can seriously screw with your pace. Luckily you were on top of things checking the time. Funny thing, on my last race, the km markers were so small and close the the ground I couldn't see almost any of them and when the GPS autolapped the first KM I worried when I didn't see the marker.

And congrats for the wife! She smashed her goal to pieces.


Doing a marathon in two weeks and just got runners knee. Thankfully it went away after a few miles into my recent long run, but back with a vengeance the two days after. Fucckkkkkk. This is gonna suck.


I've got my first Marathon in about 4 weeks. Longest race before that was a 14mile obstacle course race a few months back. I did my longest run a few weeks ago and hit 21 miles in 3 hours, my goal is to do a sub 4 hour marathon so I should hopefully be on pace.

I hear that you really shouldn't go over 20 miles while training, why is that?
I think I've properly buggered my leg, which is annoying, since this is day 2 with no exercise except weights. I tried to go today, but when I started my leg wouldn't support my weight and I came crashing down, so I'm gonna have to see what happens with it.
I've got my first Marathon in about 4 weeks. Longest race before that was a 14mile obstacle course race a few months back. I did my longest run a few weeks ago and hit 21 miles in 3 hours, my goal is to do a sub 4 hour marathon so I should hopefully be on pace.

I hear that you really shouldn't go over 20 miles while training, why is that?

The key to marathon training is consistent high mileage week after week.

For non-elite athletes, anything over 20 miles for a single run damages your body to the extent that your body can't recover in time to do subsequent workouts without a high risk of injury.

In fact, many experts even doubt the necessity of a 20 mile long run. I ran what was at the time a marathon PR (3:03) for me with my longest run being 16 miles. I was however doing 65 miles a week with a good amount of speed and tempo work.

In Europe, standard marathon training only takes runners up to 18.5 miles because it's a nice round 30k, just the same way we put artificial value on a nice round 20 mile figure. Physiologically, those numbers are meaningless.

That said, sometimes a good long run can really help psychologically, especially if it's your first one. It sounds like you're well on your way to achieving your goal. Stay healthy!


Stans van der Poel and Koen de Jong are releasing their book 'The Marathon Revolution' this week. All about a schedule in which you never run more than 14km whilst training for a marathon. It's a schedule in which you run four times a week.
We want to know what happened!! ;D
Ended up with a 4:25:03...was aiming for a sub-4. I was following a pace group and we even clocked 1:59:13 at the 13.1-mile halfway mark. But soon after I was cramping and had to slow down, hoping to recover and rejoin the group later. Didn't happen. Eventually had to walk at around mile 17-18, tried to run again and cramps stopped me. Took me a mile or two of very slow walking and a stop at an aid station to get my legs treated to eventually get back to a 10:00+ pace at the 20-mile mark until the end.

I think the later morning heat Sunday affected a lot of runners' races in the second half. It was even nice and cold to go out for a small run Saturday...which ended up to be only a tease lol.

All that said...it's still better than my 4:46:12 at the LA Marathon earlier this year so at least I PR'd. =)

BTW, love Chicago! Great food, great midwest hospitality. Want to come back again and try for that sub-4 next year
(that is, if I can't get into New York =)


I think the zombie thing is great for people who can't be motivated in other ways. Guess it brings some sort of experience and a hunger for the next 'chapter'.

Let us know what you think Deadlast!


Stans van der Poel and Koen de Jong are releasing their book 'The Marathon Revolution' this week. All about a schedule in which you never run more than 14km whilst training for a marathon. It's a schedule in which you run four times a week.

Huh. That's sort of bizarre. I'll be curious to see how it's supposed to work.


I tried the zombie app a couple of times but kinda got bored. Really poor voice acting didn't help.

I've just imported a pair of JLab Epic Bluetooth earphones and they come with a free 6 month sub to Rock My Run. Checked it out last night and the playlists sound great. Some of the mixes increase in BPM as the mix plays and there's an option to adjust BPM based on your running speed similar to Spotify introduced.

I've got a 10k race on Sunday so looking forward to giving the app a go then.

Also purchased a Running Buddy XL pouch to carry my LG G4 as armbands annoy me, and got a Friendly Swede belt arriving tomorrow so need to try both to see which suits me better.


Huh. That's sort of bizarre. I'll be curious to see how it's supposed to work.

Yeah I wish they would publish in English too so I could share some info. It's not a new thing by the way, they've been training people for some time now with this schedule. So there are already lots of success stories of people who ran their marathon.
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