Gemüsestäbchen;224516835 said:
Thanks - much appreciated!
I've got itchy legs, really looking forward to running again!
Recommended strength training exercises (10 to 15 reps, varying routine periodically to stimulate adaptation):
- Squats (glutes and quadriceps)
- Single leg squat (glutes, quadriceps, hip external rotators, hip abductors)
- Lunges (Hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes)
- Box step-ups (Glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings)
- Monster/Sumo Wrestler walk (Hip external rotators, hip abductors)
- One-arm, one-leg bent over row (Triceps, shoulders, back)
- Curl to press (Biceps, shoulders)
- Bird dog/Advanced bird dog (core, hamstrings, shoulders)
- Single-leg bridges (glutes, core)
- Clamshell (Abductors)
The idea is that strengthening the muscles will prevent running form deterioration that comes from fatigue and thus improve running economy. Remember to exhale on exertion/lifting and inhale on the return/lowering movement.
Cross training's cool too (or so I hear...).
Gemüsestäbchen;224530491 said:
Also - After I hurt my legs with various injuries this summer, cycling was def a good alternative, so cross training isn't too shabby - but it isn't running in the end!
YMMV, but since I started doing some cross training and strength training at the gym I've felt better during my runs. Not necessarily faster (though my pace has improved) but more comfortable in my running pace.
Gemüsestäbchen;224530491 said:
I reckon a short run like 5K - even each day - isn't going to be too taxing for me - so I want to get something "else" out of it then. (Thanks for the suggestion of making the weekend runs "gentle" as rest days)
But I can't shake the feeling it's been all rather loose and unfocused, so that's why I wanted to "restart" with a new strategy...
You can always do a test week of five normal 5K during the week plus two gentle 5K during the weekend and see how you feel the next week, and start tweaking from there.
I joined the Strava group. I will keep logging my runs on Runkeeper to follow my training program on there, but I can import them into Strava to compare against Running-GAF as well.
Just a quick glance at the Strava group makes it seem like we have quite a few experienced runners in our midst.