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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities


Says he, right before banging out a 1h25 semi, I mean, what a drama queen! ;)

LOL. It's hilly and muddy, it'll be fun and hopefully I'll be the right side of 1:45. Just remembered my trails shoes are in a bag untouched from October 1st when I did a similar muddy trail half. Arse.

now all I do is pullups

I need to get back to these. Do some a few times a day and my back problems aren't nearly as bad.
I don't know, I mean, all the cool kids do it so I guess it's worth something. I used to do a bunch of stuff (dumbells, planks all the time, rower, etc), didn't feel any difference. Got sick of it (too many goddamn planks), now all I do is pullups. I think I have kept a good enough core to not completely decompose at the end of a race.

That's what I tell myself anyways. Ain't nobody got time for all them planks.

The strength stuff I do is basically due to some shoulder problems (Parsonage-Turner, scapular dyskinesia), since I do some of the exercises at the gym might as well do a little bit of lifting ;)

Oh yeah, planks all day every day and twice on Sunday hahaha. I recently switched to doing them using a bosu ball and they've become a little more difficult. I'll have to research more plank+bosu variations in the eventuality I get tired of doing those.

But seriously now, what I'd call cross-training is more the kind of exercise that substitutes running but also kinda complements it: rowing, swimming, cycling... I find thirty minutes on a spin bike on my off days is a good, low-impact complement to running.

Yeah, it wasnt a pretty sight. I was moderately athletic in high school before spraining my ankle too many times and having to drop basketball. Things snowballed over the year to the point of me being obese, chain smoking, eating tons of salt, and sky-high blood pressure. Picked up running to try to turn things around. /dear journal

I feel you. I was never particularly athletic all my life (read: I was kind of obese) but during the last two years of my college degree I decided to do something about it: got my eating in order and started doing sit-ups, push-ups and the like before bed (not many at first though!). During the following months my weight started to get in line and when it reached a healthy number I took up running :D

A few months ago I could never have imagined I'd have a lull like I have recently, but after doing my first marathon, and being injured and having to rest, I've found that urge to go out and run that's constantly nagging at me has vanished almost completely. I think the build up to doing a marathon had me somewhat obsessed, even if I didn't attack it or intend to, just get it done and tick a box for the first one. I've got a hard trail half marathon on Sunday and I've only run maybe twice in 5 weeks, been working stupid hard so the ankle hasn't really seen the benefit of any real rest, and my back is utterly effed to the point where I've found it difficult to walk from my van to the house after work. So I've not really been paying much attention to Strava as it's a bit depressing seeing everyone out having fun doing amazing things haha

But just now I got this message saying there was a new group message and it made me chuckle :D Right now, if I wasn't full of potatoes and falafels and if I could even manage to walk a few steps without screaming out like a started schoolgirl, I'd throw my shoes on and go run the streets in the dark!

I needed that little message, thanks :) I'm going to make every effort to get back at it and do a few parkruns over Winter at the very least. Might even get up early and put the head torch on.

You had a kick-ass HM time while running injured, you are allowed some time to slack off while you fully recover. Glad to see you around here again ;)


Which parkrun do you do? Are you on Strava and on the GAF group? Which half? (sorry to fire off so many questions!).

Mostly Widnes parkrun, occasionally Warrington.

I'm on Strava but not in the GAF group. I mostly stick to my running club buddies on there (Warrington Running Club).

English Half Marathon in Warrington. I'm also signed up for the Rock N Roll Liverpool 1/2 in May.
What's your weekly mileage right now? I mean, I could walk out the door and run a 26.2 at a casual pace right now, yet I'd also greatly benefit from (re-)building a good base. The former has little bearing on the latter.

In any case, finding a goal would make it easy to find a new training plan. What are you looking to achieve?

Weekly mileage of late 0... But up until the half-marathon about 15-20 miles.
I'd probably stick to about the same atm.

My target, hmm, I guess bringing my mile pace to under 09:00 would be great.
I was so happy to break 10:00 earlier this year, but I'm hovering at 09:30s-50s without much improvement
I feel like I run like I'm walking on the moon... I think I'm being lazy and not really pushing myself, and running at "easy pace/slow gear" too much, I'd like a plan to kick my arse with short speedy runs.

.. I did my first run in while this morning, wow that didn't feel great :(
My left protrusion of my hip has a sharp pain from the half-marathon still (I fell right at the end, tripped on some pavement onto grass, which is something I do a lot since my gait is a bit weird, my steps aren't really "high") - I guess it may take longer to heal.
I could really feel that today, which was a bit disheartening, but I'll try some of Duebrithil's suggestions, seems to overall point to a need for more strength training for stability and avoiding such issues...

Recommended strength training exercises (10 to 15 reps, varying routine periodically to stimulate adaptation):
- Squats (glutes and quadriceps)
- Single leg squat (glutes, quadriceps, hip external rotators, hip abductors)
- Lunges (Hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes)
- Box step-ups (Glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings)
- Monster/Sumo Wrestler walk (Hip external rotators, hip abductors)
- One-arm, one-leg bent over row (Triceps, shoulders, back)
- Curl to press (Biceps, shoulders)
- Bird dog/Advanced bird dog (core, hamstrings, shoulders)
- Single-leg bridges (glutes, core)
- Clamshell (Abductors)

The idea is that strengthening the muscles will prevent running form deterioration that comes from fatigue and thus improve running economy. Remember to exhale on exertion/lifting and inhale on the return/lowering movement.

Thanks! I'll look it all up and do my best to do these all the days I can't go for a run (e.g. rest of this week because of work commitments :( )


Hi running GAF,

Any suggestions for shoes to try with a wider toe box and a low, < 6mm, drop?

I have the Adidas Takumi-Sen 3 and the Nike Terra Kiger 3 on my list so far, a budget option would be nice, but I'll spend what I have to for good fit and feel.
Gemüsestäbchen;224656794 said:
.. I did my first run in while this morning, wow that didn't feel great :(
My left protrusion of my hip has a sharp pain from the half-marathon still (I fell right at the end, tripped on some pavement onto grass, which is something I do a lot since my gait is a bit weird, my steps aren't really "high") - I guess it may take longer to heal.
I could really feel that today, which was a bit disheartening, but I'll try some of Duebrithil's suggestions, seems to overall point to a need for more strength training for stability and avoiding such issues...

Just this Sunday the same thing happened to me during the halfway point of my long run and had to drag myself through the second half. I could barely climb the stairs afterwards, but in a day I was able to go to the gym as usual and by Tuesday I was (mostly) fine. Not fond of anti-inflammatory drugs, but I used a cream with ketoprofen and it did wonders.

Your fall was quite a while ago, right? Might want to get it checked out just in case.

Hi running GAF,

Any suggestions for shoes to try with a wider toe box and a low, < 6mm, drop?

I have the Adidas Takumi-Sen 3 and the Nike Terra Kiger 3 on my list so far, a budget option would be nice, but I'll spend what I have to for good fit and feel.

Have you looked into Altra shoes? Their shape usually follows the outline of the human foot better than other brands, which you might like better.
Just this Sunday the same thing happened to me during the halfway point of my long run and had to drag myself through the second half. I could barely climb the stairs afterwards, but in a day I was able to go to the gym as usual and by Tuesday I was (mostly) fine. Not fond of anti-inflammatory drugs, but I used a cream with ketoprofen and it did wonders.

Your fall was quite a while ago, right? Might want to get it checked out just in case.

Yeah, I literally got up for a cuppa, and it's def more sore now...
Worrying - so I'll get a doc appointment ;_;
Gemüsestäbchen;224675151 said:
Yeah, I literally got up for a cuppa, and it's def more sore now...
Worrying - so I'll get a doc appointment ;_;

It's probably nothing, just some soreness if the fall was particularly nasty, but I'm not a doctor and I'd hate for you to get hurt on account of my advice.
It's probably nothing, just some soreness if the fall was particularly nasty, but I'm not a doctor and I'd hate for you to get hurt on account of my advice.

No worries - It's best to check it up anyway, when I push the "pointy" protusion of my hip bone, it hurts - feels like the outer muscles on my hip are maybe inflammed?
I put some ibuprofen gel on it so I can get on with stuff, it's more soreness, but noticabley started up again after a very short run.

... Well I've seen enough GAF-Doctor-Doctor threads to know the answer is always to ask a professional to check it out, guess I can still hit the NHS whilst she's still existing over here at least!
Hi running GAF. As days shorten, the park where I usually run is getting pretty dark in spots, and I'm considering getting a torch. Can anyone recommend running lights or share their experience with these?



Sounds dangerous to me. *shrug*
Hi running GAF. As days shorten, the park where I usually run is getting pretty dark in spots, and I'm considering getting a torch. Can anyone recommend running lights or share their experience with these?

I am running on a pitch black trail most of the time right now, I just use my iPhone flash light and keep it pointed at the ground relatively close in front of myself as I run.


So, I'm moving to Munich soon, I'm there to find an apartment and so on. Went for a run. Got so, so, so freakin lost. A nice old lady complimented me on "laufen schnell" or something, I was like "si, aber no hablo Deutschland, lady." Got me so flustered I confused north and south. 17Km into my 16Km run, I ask some random dude how close I'm from downtown (it's already night, middle of nowhere in a park, barely anyone around).

It was 8Km in the exact direction I was coming from. DERP.
So, I'm moving to Munich soon, I'm there to find an apartment and so on. Went for a run. Got so, so, so freakin lost. A nice old lady complimented me on "laufen schnell" or something, I was like "si, aber no hablo Deutschland, lady." Got me so flustered I confused north and south. 17Km into my 16Km run, I ask some random dude how close I'm from downtown (it's already night, middle of nowhere in a park, barely anyone around).

It was 8Km in the exact direction I was coming from. DERP.

No better way to get to know a city than running through it though! :D

How are the streets there? Any good running routes where you can comfortably run without being "the asshole that runs on a narrow sidewalk"?


No better way to get to know a city than running through it though! :D

How are the streets there? Any good running routes where you can comfortably run without being "the asshole that runs on a narrow sidewalk"?
Downtown is all pedestrian streets. Early in the morning it's empty. During the day it gets super full with tourists and it's a pain to navigate the crowd. There's a nice park though, fairly long, about 10K. There's a river you can keep following after it leaves the park as well. The park is very nice, fairly even ground, wide trails. There are also mountains just south of town, like 1hr train ride. Excited to go explore at some point.


Gemüsestäbchen;224656794 said:
Weekly mileage of late 0... But up until the half-marathon about 15-20 miles.
I'd probably stick to about the same atm.

My target, hmm, I guess bringing my mile pace to under 09:00 would be great.
I was so happy to break 10:00 earlier this year, but I'm hovering at 09:30s-50s without much improvement
I feel like I run like I'm walking on the moon... I think I'm being lazy and not really pushing myself, and running at "easy pace/slow gear" too much, I'd like a plan to kick my arse with short speedy runs.
So, first off, building up mileage, even at slow speed (at first), would naturally, and easily make you faster over time. But, if you wanna go after shorter, higher intensity workouts, checkout Alysia Montaño 5 weeks turkey trot challenge. She's an 800 specialist, getting world class distance runners to coach her on her first 5K attempt for fun. Look at the workouts, and scale them down to what would be a good target pace for you for a 5K. If you wanna do a 9m mile, I'd say roughly 9:36/mile target pace (6min/K, 30min 5K). Try and stick with it and see how it goes.

Edit: oups dble post, the shame!

Edit2: It will kick your ass though. Actually, I'd love to get a bunch of us in here trying to stick with it and see who makes it (I probably wouldnt lol).

Edit3: 3 x 1mile 10secs below 5K pace. And then hills. 8O
... I need to re-evaluate what should be my target pace.
Anyone have any advice or remedies for shin splints?

My shins hurt like fucking crazy. I'm still fairly new at running, and have been running pretty consistent for a few months, but man my shins are killing me.


Anyone have any advice or remedies for shin splints?

My shins hurt like fucking crazy. I'm still fairly new at running, and have been running pretty consistent for a few months, but man my shins are killing me.
RICE, with emphasis on the R. It's a sign you're doing too much too soon and your body can't keep up. And/or your shoes suck ass and you need better ones. How are your shoes?
RICE, with emphasis on the R. It's a sign you're doing too much too soon and your body can't keep up. And/or your shoes suck ass and you need better ones. How are your shoes?

It's a pair of Nike running shoes. I think there called flex 2016. I'm guessing rice stands for something? Because I like eating it if that matters.

So I've been trying to jog about 5 miles at least 2-3 times a week.

Edit ok I've looked up RICE so I guess I should just rest. This sucks ass cause now I enjoy running. It took me so long to get off my ass and run and now I gotta lay off lol.


How's the cushioning on those shoes? Do they feel comfortable? Are they old? Lots of mileage on them? Shin splints is often due to excessive shocks on foot impact. Non cushy shoes make it worse. Are you kind of a big dude? A heel striker maybe?

As for having to hold back, yes, I know it sucks. It's like that for a lot of us unfortunately. It gets worse the older you get and the more mileage you put in. But you need to understand that, the earlier the take the time to rest it up, the faster it'll heal. Not giving it a chance to rest will only lead to a longer lay off. But don't worry, you'll beat this.

Also, if you're a new runner, please consider joining our awesome strava group. :)

Best of luck in your recovery!

Edit: also, obviously, the surface on which you run on has a big impact (terrible pun not intended). Softer surfaces (soil, grass, trails, sand) will be easier on your shins than harder ones (asphalt).
It's a pair of Nike running shoes. I think there called flex 2016. I'm guessing rice stands for something? Because I like eating it if that matters.

So I've been trying to jog about 5 miles at least 2-3 times a week.

Edit ok I've looked up RICE so I guess I should just rest. This sucks ass cause now I enjoy running. It took me so long to get off my ass and run and now I gotta lay off lol.

I would suggest a shoe with more cushion. most people don't have good results with minimalist shoes. your first stop should be a specialty running store to get your gait analyzed and take one of their recommendations for a daily trainer. just wearing the wrong shoes can have some bad consequences in this sport. i couldn't find a review for your particular shoe from any of the major running blogs and i know the nike shoe line pretty well running with NRC past couple years.
So, first off, building up mileage, even at slow speed (at first), would naturally, and easily make you faster over time. But, if you wanna go after shorter, higher intensity workouts, checkout Alysia Montaño 5 weeks turkey trot challenge. She's an 800 specialist, getting world class distance runners to coach her on her first 5K attempt for fun. Look at the workouts, and scale them down to what would be a good target pace for you for a 5K. If you wanna do a 9m mile, I'd say roughly 9:36/mile target pace (6min/K, 30min 5K). Try and stick with it and see how it goes.

Woot, that looks right up my alley

Okay week 1:
4 sets of 1200 meters = 400m @ 87 secs, 200m @ jogging pace, 200m @ 42 secs, 400m @ jogging pace.

Good god o_O Maybe aiming for 6 min mile pace is a bit rich atm.
I'll scale them down and give it a whirl - thanks again for your advice :D

So, I'm moving to Munich soon, I'm there to find an apartment and so on. Went for a run. Got so, so, so freakin lost. A nice old lady complimented me on "laufen schnell" or something, I was like "si, aber no hablo Deutschland, lady." Got me so flustered I confused north and south. 17Km into my 16Km run, I ask some random dude how close I'm from downtown (it's already night, middle of nowhere in a park, barely anyone around).

It was 8Km in the exact direction I was coming from. DERP.

"Laufen Schnell" wasn't a compliment on her behalf - haha, she was complaining you "run [too] fast", and might run into her :)
I lived in Germany for a spell, and whilst I'm not super familiar with Munich, I know there's an amazing park that stretches from the city centre out northwards to out of the city.
Seems like it could be a great area for a run?
It's a pair of Nike running shoes. I think there called flex 2016. I'm guessing rice stands for something? Because I like eating it if that matters.

So I've been trying to jog about 5 miles at least 2-3 times a week.

Edit ok I've looked up RICE so I guess I should just rest. This sucks ass cause now I enjoy running. It took me so long to get off my ass and run and now I gotta lay off lol.

Shin splints are the worst so i feel for you ;)
Normally it's too much, too soon but since you are new to running i would also suggest to look at your shoes and form(heelstriker).

You can start on your form by NOT overstriding. So first off all, take smaller steps and take it from there.


Gemüsestäbchen;225180654 said:
Woot, that looks right up my alley:

Okay week 1:
4 sets of 1200 meters = 400m @ 87 secs, 200m @ jogging pace, 200m @ 42 secs, 400m @ jogging pace.

Good god o_O Maybe aiming for 6 min mile pace is a bit rich atm.
I'll scale them down and give it a whirl - thanks again for your advice :D
Dude. Dude. DUDE! I wouldn't aim at 6min/mile pace if I were you. You mentioned wanting to run a mile in 9 minutes. A 5K is just over 3 times that distance. About 9:36/mile pace (that's 6min/Km, 30min 5K, which is a good first goal for a first 5K race) already sounds ambitious.

Gemüsestäbchen;225180654 said:
"Laufen Schnell" wasn't a compliment on her behalf - haha, she was complaining you "run [too] fast", and might run into her :)
I lived in Germany for a spell, and whilst I'm not super familiar with Munich, I know there's an amazing park that stretches from the city centre out northwards to out of the city.
Seems like it could be a great area for a run?
Oh I don't know what her exact words were, but there was no danger of collision (I was on the pedestrian lane, she on the bicycling lane), and she was smiling and pleasant and trying to be nice, from the few words of English she blurted out.

Thanks for the tip, I've actually explored that park quite a bit already. It's the place I got lost in after talking to my elderly female BFF, see below.
Dude. Dude. DUDE! I wouldn't aim at 6min/mile pace if I were you. You mentioned wanting to run a mile in 9 minutes. A 5K is just over 3 times that distance. About 9:36/mile pace (that's 6min/Km, 30min 5K, which is a good first goal for a first 5K race) already sounds ambitious.

That's what I was laughing about, a 6:00/mile pace is a bit insane for me!

So 400m at 9.36/mile = 143 secs.
The training clip suggest to go a little faster than your goal - so I'll try sub that and see how I fare.

Oh I don't know what her exact words were, but there was no danger of collision (I was on the pedestrian lane, she on the bicycling lane), and she was smiling and pleasant and trying to be nice, from the few words of English she blurted out.
Thanks for the tip, I've actually explored that park quite a bit already. It's the place I got lost in after talking to my elderly female BFF, see below.

Cheeky madam, she isn't supposed to be on that cycle lane either!

Cool about the park, it's crazy how far it goes, about 30KM to Freising (according to google maps) would be a fun long run one day?
Get yourself a Rädler at the end (Cyclist's beer - i.e. a shandy of half lemonade and half beer, super refreshing)

Not sure if you can hit the track at the 1972 Olympic Stadium, but architechturally is really nice



Gemüsestäbchen;225185310 said:
Not sure if you can hit the track at the 1972 Olympic Stadium, but architechturally is really nice
My apartment is in the (former) olympic village. The landlord told me they destroyed that track though, or maybe something got lost in translation lol. In any case, the olympic park looks like a nice place for runs too, got a wicked steep hill that's gonna be a lot of pain fun and joy.


Finished my first (and probably last) Marathon this last Sunday. I was on track to beat the 4h mark (1:55:55 half marathon and 2:45:34 at 30km) but my left leg started to hurt there and I did 4h 3 minutes in the end.

Anyway, my objective was finishing the race so I'm happy :D Running in your hometown alongside 19.000 runners was a wow moment:

360 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYCLEJKyVQo
TV Broadcast (starts at 15:15): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASkFfJ95RzM

An amazing experience for sure thanks to the great itinerary and people who came to cheer us up. Now I'll let my body rest and for 2017 I'll try to beat my 10 km personal record (45:50)! (and maybe I'll also try to beat my half marathon personal record (1:53)).

And of course thanks for all your good advice running-GAF! :)


Yo, veggie sticks, I'll do the 5 week challenge too. I'll post my splits in here. Would be cool if you (and anyone else interested?) did the same. Interested to see how y'all doing (and it's not like we get excess traffic in here as is anyways).

Week 1 - Work Out 1 : 4 x ( 400 on; 200 off; 200 on; 400 off). Target times: below 1:30 on 400, below 45 on 200.
400m - 1:25.0 - 3:31/K
200m - 42.3 - 3:36/K
410m - 1:25.3 - 3:30/K
200m - 40.1 - 3:18/K
400m - 1:23.2 - 3:26/K
200m - 39.1 - 3:13/K
400m - 1:27.7 - 3:40/K
210m - 35.5 - 2:52/K

I'm using the same target pace they have in the video (6min/mile). It went fine overall, felt like I had several more reps in me but didn't want to get burned out, looking out for a number of tough workouts ahead (6x800 @target pace, 3x1600). Definitely got short changed by my GPS on the last 400. Would rather run it on a track, but the park was nice and... havent looked up any tracks around here yet. Disappoint in the SMACKDOWN CHALLENGE. I opened up that last 200 pretty well, then there were people, a curve, and a bicycle zigzagging. Hard to navigate that shit, keep good form, and keep a handle on the watch to stop it at the right time. Garmin rounds it up to 10m, so assuming this is close to 210, that comes down to a 34ish 200. Not terrible, but thought I was much faster than that (definitely ran 200 reps closer to 32).

Let us know how yours goes!

Fake Edit:
Finished my first (and probably last) Marathon this last Sunday. I was on track to beat the 4h mark (1:55:55 half marathon and 2:45:34 at 30km) but my left leg started to hurt there and I did 4h 3 minutes in the end.

Anyway, my objective was finishing the race so I'm happy :D Running in your hometown alongside 19.000 runners was a wow moment:

360 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYCLEJKyVQo
TV Broadcast (starts at 15:15): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASkFfJ95RzM

An amazing experience for sure thanks to the great itinerary and people who came to cheer us up. Now I'll let my body rest and for 2017 I'll try to beat my 10 km personal record (45:50)! (and maybe I'll also try to beat my half marathon personal record (1:53)).
Great stuff, dude! Congrats on finishing a 26.2!

Hey guys I'm looking for a new running shoes. I have a budget of 90$ dollar tops. I run on pavement. Any recommendations?
It's really tough to suggest anything online without knowing what kind of runner you are (mileage, footstrike, etc.). You're better off going to a shoe store with a lot of choice, try on stuff in your price range, walk and jog around the store, then see what feels comfortable. The feeling of comfort is supposed to be a good indicator of what's a good fit for you.

Or talk to the sales person, but, honestly, YMMV. Anecdotal, but I've seen way more clueless, opinionated idiots than competent helpful people.
5k thursday morning. gotta go pick up my packet tomorrow. it's just me because my friend is going out of town so she won't be able to make it.


Picking up my referral from my doctor so I can see a specialist about my knee problems today. Hopefully I can schedule an appointment with the specialist rather sooner than later. I want to know what's bothering me and how I can fix it.

Not being able to run sucks.


Picking up my referral from my doctor so I can see a specialist about my knee problems today. Hopefully I can schedule an appointment with the specialist rather sooner than later. I want to know what's bothering me and how I can fix it.

Not being able to run sucks.
Good luck on the knee front. Not being able to run does suck. Happy my legs have been feeling great recently (not trying to rub it in lol), been careful not to overdo things ... although I probably stuffed a few too many Ks at the end of last week... still feeling great tho... *knocks on wood*
5k thursday morning. gotta go pick up my packet tomorrow. it's just me because my friend is going out of town so she won't be able to make it.

Same here. I've been sick for the past 7 weeks, and I still have lingering bronchitis. I did my first ever half marathon back in Sept, and I'm more worried about completing this 5k Drumstick Dash. I got on the treadmill this morning and knocked out the distance in 38 minutes. I'm not a fast runner generally, but I consistently ran 5ks under 28 minutes in my training leading up to the half. At this rate, my sister (who smokes) will be able to beat me :).
Ran my first and last marathon. I had the brilliant idea to start training for one after I had finished a 10K. I looked at the price of a half marathon and saw that it was only ten bucks more for a full one. If I'm being honest I got into running because it was hobby with an incredibly low barrier to entry and practically free. Going through a pair of shoes every 3 months still makes it cheaper than most other sports and it's still something I can do on my own time. Anyway, I decided to run a marathon so I could justify doing fun runs to myself like a zombie run or a mud run. Here are the results from my apple watch. My official time is just shy of 4:40.

Here is me about to cross the finish line. At this point I had no idea how raw the inside of my legs would feel in just an hour's time.
Good luck, dude! What's the goal?

i saw the results from last year and i just want to crack top 50 which i think average was about 30 minutes? the issue is it just got cold below 40F like last week and i don't know how well my body will respond since it's always been above 75F when i ran lol.

Same here. I've been sick for the past 7 weeks, and I still have lingering bronchitis. I did my first ever half marathon back in Sept, and I'm more worried about completing this 5k Drumstick Dash. I got on the treadmill this morning and knocked out the distance in 38 minutes. I'm not a fast runner generally, but I consistently ran 5ks under 28 minutes in my training leading up to the half. At this rate, my sister (who smokes) will be able to beat me :).
Ran my first and last marathon. I had the brilliant idea to start training for one after I had finished a 10K. I looked at the price of a half marathon and saw that it was only ten bucks more for a full one. If I'm being honest I got into running because it was hobby with an incredibly low barrier to entry and practically free. Going through a pair of shoes every 3 months still makes it cheaper than most other sports and it's still something I can do on my own time. Anyway, I decided to run a marathon so I could justify doing fun runs to myself like a zombie run or a mud run. Here are the results from my apple watch. My official time is just shy of 4:40.

Great job on completing it! Still, was the race 28 miles or 26?
Great job on completing it! Still, was the race 28 miles or 26?

It tacked me for the entirety of my run. I believe the course is measured at 26.2 miles, but I don't run in a straight line. I take the same approach to it as I do with calorie counting. It doesn't have to be exact, it just has to be exactly the same each time.
Finished my first (and probably last) Marathon this last Sunday. I was on track to beat the 4h mark (1:55:55 half marathon and 2:45:34 at 30km) but my left leg started to hurt there and I did 4h 3 minutes in the end.

Anyway, my objective was finishing the race so I'm happy :D Running in your hometown alongside 19.000 runners was a wow moment:

360 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYCLEJKyVQo
TV Broadcast (starts at 15:15): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASkFfJ95RzM

An amazing experience for sure thanks to the great itinerary and people who came to cheer us up. Now I'll let my body rest and for 2017 I'll try to beat my 10 km personal record (45:50)! (and maybe I'll also try to beat my half marathon personal record (1:53)).

And of course thanks for all your good advice running-GAF! :)

Ran my first and last marathon. I had the brilliant idea to start training for one after I had finished a 10K. I looked at the price of a half marathon and saw that it was only ten bucks more for a full one. If I'm being honest I got into running because it was hobby with an incredibly low barrier to entry and practically free. Going through a pair of shoes every 3 months still makes it cheaper than most other sports and it's still something I can do on my own time. Anyway, I decided to run a marathon so I could justify doing fun runs to myself like a zombie run or a mud run. Here are the results from my apple watch. My official time is just shy of 4:40.

Here is me about to cross the finish line. At this point I had no idea how raw the inside of my legs would feel in just an hour's time.

Congratulations to the both of you on your first big M!

[quote="KeRaSh, post: 225263309"]Picking up my referral from my doctor so I can see a specialist about my knee problems today. Hopefully I can schedule an appointment with the specialist rather sooner than later. I want to know what's bothering me and how I can fix it.

Not being able to run sucks.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

[quote="LoneliestGhost, post: 225259601"]Hey guys I'm looking for a new running shoes. I have a budget of 90$ dollar tops. I run on pavement. Any recommendations?[/QUOTE]

I love the Saucony Kinvara, but as Festwill said picking up some good shoes is a matter of trying on a big sample. I'd avoid mainstream (gah, how I hate this word) sport shops and try to find one owned by a former runner or something like that.

Here in Barcelona we have a shop owned by the awesome Domingo Catalan (THE ultra-runner), and buying there is a great experience.


i saw the results from last year and i just want to crack top 50 which i think average was about 30 minutes? the issue is it just got cold below 40F like last week and i don't know how well my body will respond since it's always been above 75F when i ran lol.
Better too cold than too hot. Once you're warmed up, you'll be fine. Covering extremities could be a plus though, maybe (gloves+beanie or something?). Good luck!
I am returning home for Thanksgiving and buying new shoes from a locally run shop that I used all through high school when I was on the track team. I trust them, most of their store clerks are actual runners and they have those pressure sensor machines that tell you where your pressure points are.


Good luck on the knee front. Not being able to run does suck. Happy my legs have been feeling great recently (not trying to rub it in lol), been careful not to overdo things ... although I probably stuffed a few too many Ks at the end of last week... still feeling great tho... *knocks on wood*

Indeed. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Thanks! I'll let a specialist take a look tomorrow. My colleague's girlfriend works there so I can basically walk in without an appointment and see the doctor within minutes. The doctor is also within walking distance from work and I can go during working hours.
I'm pretty sure it's something really minor but I just want to know what exactly it is and how I can get it fixed.


, maybe (gloves+beanie or something?). Good luck!

Gloves are a must for me from now on.
Went for a run last night. Was planning 1/2 marathon distance, but had a quit at about 12 miles, not because I was really struggling (not saying it was easy mind you) but because I felt like my hands (one in particular which was odd) was about to fall off because of the cold. Just too painful.

Very odd experience.


Here are my goals for 2017:

5 km - Sub 20 - PB 20.16 (year 2015)
10 km - Sub 41 - PB 41.49 (year 2016)
21,1 km - Sub 1.33 - PB 1.36.59 (year 2015)
42,1 km - Sub 3.15 - PB 3.34.59 (year 2015)

What are your goals for 2017?


Here are my goals for 2017:

5 km - Sub 20 - PB 20.16 (year 2015)
10 km - Sub 41 - PB 41.49 (year 2016)
21,1 km - Sub 1.33 - PB 1.36.59 (year 2015)
42,1 km - Sub 3.15 - PB 3.34.59 (year 2015)

What are your goals for 2017?

Not setting my goals too high and with my current knee issues I'm aiming for this:

5K - Sub 30 shouldn't be a time that I can only reach under perfect conditions like it is right now. I want to consistently hit that time without nearly dying afterwards!

10K - Basically the same but sub 60ish.

Longer long runs - So far my longest long run was 14K and at the end I was hurting. I want to easily run 15K without any issues. I don't need to run more than that since I'm only running for fun and fitness. Not aiming for any long distance races.

Run 1000K in 2017 - I started running in August 2016 and my goal was to reach 1000K by the end of this year. Unfortunately I'm probably going to miss this by around 50K unless my knee gets better before the end of December. 1000K in 2017 seems very doable if I don't run into any health issues.


What are your goals for 2017?
But whatabout 2016!? ;O

5K - 18:45 - previous best: 19:08 (GPS), with mad tail wind.
10K - sub 40 - previous best: 39:40 (GPS), last year before over-training and tendinitis.

Doing that Alysia Montaño 5K plan, as if preparing for a 6min/mile 5K. I'll time trial one, but really looking to run sub 40 on 10K before the end of the year. If the former happens, don't think I'll have much problem doing the latter.

400m - sub 60 - previous best: 1:06 (track).
1K - sub 3 - previous best: 3:25 (track).
1mile - sub 5 - previous best: 5:36 (track).

Once I get back below 40 on 10K, I wanna work on my speed a little. I have the above goals on my mind, but they're a bit ambitious for me. I think I can crack that minute 400 after a few weeks of speed work. The other two, not so sure, but we'll see. Then I think I might move on to longer distances, maybe a marathon? But that means working on fueling and I don't know how I feel about that (actually, I know how I feel about it, I feel sick).

5 km - Sub 20 - PB 20.16 (year 2015)
10 km - Sub 41 - PB 41.49 (year 2016)
21,1 km - Sub 1.33 - PB 1.36.59 (year 2015)
42,1 km - Sub 3.15 - PB 3.34.59 (year 2015)
We're not too far off in terms of PBs. Are you in the strava group? Wouldn't mind checking out your workouts. /creepy stalker

Edit: why do I always get top of the page? I feel like I'm attention whoring and I'm annoying even myself. ;)

5K - Sub 30 shouldn't be a time that I can only reach under perfect conditions like it is right now. I want to consistently hit that time without nearly dying afterwards!

10K - Basically the same but sub 60ish.
What's your weekly mileage nowadays (when on two legs and healthy)? 1000 / ( 5months x4.2ish weeks ) ~= 47ish Km? You'll crush those goals with ease if you put in consistent 45+K weeks. Rooting for your knee to turn out OK.
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