A few months ago I could never have imagined I'd have a lull like I have recently, but after doing my first marathon, and being injured and having to rest, I've found that urge to go out and run that's constantly nagging at me has vanished almost completely. I think the build up to doing a marathon had me somewhat obsessed, even if I didn't attack it or intend to, just get it done and tick a box for the first one. I've got a hard trail half marathon on Sunday and I've only run maybe twice in 5 weeks, been working stupid hard so the ankle hasn't really seen the benefit of any real rest, and my back is utterly effed to the point where I've found it difficult to walk from my van to the house after work. So I've not really been paying much attention to Strava as it's a bit depressing seeing everyone out having fun doing amazing things haha
But just now I got this message saying there was a new group message and it made me chuckle
Right now, if I wasn't full of potatoes and falafels and if I could even manage to walk a few steps without screaming out like a started schoolgirl, I'd throw my shoes on and go run the streets in the dark!
I needed that little message, thanks
I'm going to make every effort to get back at it and do a few parkruns over Winter at the very least. Might even get up early and put the head torch on.