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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities

Man, the cold was pretty bad this morning. Internets says it was -4C, felt like minus one million. Saw a lot of other hobby joggers out there, I was the only one in shorts. Drew some stares, I think one or two actually laughed out loud at me lol. Bad side of things is that I ran faster than I should have on an easy day because I needed to keep warm. There goes my recovery. #(fitness)GainzKiller

Legs have been feeling great though, so that's a plus. Will need to pull out the old PJs for tonight's and tomorrow runs. Not particularly excited at the prospect. And, no, Kevin, I'm not taking a PJ selfie.

Running out of spite, anger, resentment, and to prove someone wrong?!?

Sounds like the perfect kind of motivation! Let the anger flow through you! :)

Welcome here. Not sure what your C25K program calls for, but if you're just getting started and your legs are tired, maybe runs two days in a row is not the best idea. Unless you're like 20yo and then I say to you, enjoy your youth while you still have it you jerk. /bitter old man

Edit: wait, you're 32, I am blind. I wouldnt run 2 days in a row if your legs hurt, especially if you're just getting started.

Edit2: wait, your first run was thursday! Fuck it then, go out and run like the wind! (I'm not awake, all blood in my legs none to my brains, etc).

It's tricky, as my partner and I work different hours (she works over the weekend) so I have my little boy today. But a visit to nan and grandads is on the cards, and they have a treadmill, so I'll sneak half an hour in.
How do you guys get over fatigue (lasting hours) after your runs? Anything over 8kms and I'm in a daze for hours afterwards but I still do it a couple of times a week anyway. Would be handy to know some techniques to mitigate the fatigue though.


Hi all,

32 years old and haven't gone for a run since I was 14 in PE.

Was challenged to do the couch to 5k by a friend of mine, and when I mentioned it to the missus, her scepticism was off the charts.

This fueled me to actually go and do it!

Bought all the gear, grabbed the app and went for my first run Thursday morning @ 6am.

I struggled at first, but as it went on, I started to realise I could actually do this and really enjoyed it. (the podcast thing helped)

Anywho, thought I'd post here - this is doable, and I'm doing it.

Next run today (my legs ache, but gonna do it anyway)

Congrats on getting it started, you'll be surprised at how quickly you improve and right now will feel like a lifetime ago.
How do you guys get over fatigue (lasting hours) after your runs? Anything over 8kms and I'm in a daze for hours afterwards but I still do it a couple of times a week anyway. Would be handy to know some techniques to mitigate the fatigue though.

Yeah same here - i presume I'm not eating right after - any tips would be great!


How do you guys get over fatigue (lasting hours) after your runs? Anything over 8kms and I'm in a daze for hours afterwards but I still do it a couple of times a week anyway. Would be handy to know some techniques to mitigate the fatigue though.
That doesn't sound right. Either your body is not used to it and has problems recovering right after (which doesnt sound like its it, if you've been doing it for a while), or you're not eating right. Are you eating all-carbs no fat? It kind of sounds as if the run depletes your glucose reserves and your body can't handle it. It's nowhere near enough information to figure it out, but, if I were you, I'd try to either get myself a bit more fat adapted (some fasted easy runs here and there), or give my body some carbs after the run, low glycemic index, ideally mixed with some fat and proteins to slow digestion down.

In any case, if the problem has been persisting for a while (several weeks), it's definitely in the diet.

I had something very similar to what you describe when I started long runs. Had to lay down on the couch for hours on end, no energy to do anything. In my case it was the body getting used to a new kind of effort though, went away in a cple of weeks.
That doesn't sound right. Either your body is not used to it and has problems recovering right after (which doesnt sound like its it, if you've been doing it for a while), or you're not eating right. Are you eating all-carbs no fat? It kind of sounds as if the run depletes your glucose reserves and your body can't handle it. It's nowhere near enough information to figure it out, but, if I were you, I'd try to either get myself a bit more fat adapted (some fasted easy runs here and there), or give my body some carbs after the run, low glycemic index, ideally mixed with some fat and proteins to slow digestion down.

In any case, if the problem has been persisting for a while (several weeks), it's definitely in the diet.

I had something very similar to what you describe when I started long runs. Had to lay down on the couch for hours on end, no energy to do anything. In my case it was the body getting used to a new kind of effort though, went away in a cple of weeks.
It's been happening for like a year so it's probably diet related by the sound of it.


It's been happening for like a year so it's probably diet related by the sound of it.

I was going to say keep running as the pain and fatigue are less and less intense (and eventually almost disappear) after a few months, but it doesn't seem like it applies to you if it's been going on for a year.
There's no pain, just feel like I'm in a daze for hours afterwards.

So when people say to eat carbs beforehand, how long before do they actually mean? Say you're running at 6pm would I eat heaps of carbs in the morning or lunch or even closer to the run? And then after the run should I immediately eat more pasta?

Any particular fruit I should be eating a bunch of?
Uguuuuuu....only a few hours until CIM and I'm finally starting to get a bit nervous/excited.....going to be fun trying to sleep tonight!!!!!!!!
There's no pain, just feel like I'm in a daze for hours afterwards.

So when people say to eat carbs beforehand, how long before do they actually mean? Say you're running at 6pm would I eat heaps of carbs in the morning or lunch or even closer to the run? And then after the run should I immediately eat more pasta?

Any particular fruit I should be eating a bunch of?

Yes! Same here - really curious about improving my diet for running.
Any advice guys?
Gemüsestäbchen;225961555 said:
Yes! Same here - really curious about improving my diet for running.
Any advice guys?

What do you have after a run? I drink a half dose of pre-workout energy supplement mixed into a glass of water before to make sure I don't lose motivation or energy during my run and then afterwards I typically have a protein shake of some kind and a few nibbles on some snacks. 1-2 hours after my run I usually get super hungry and eat a full meal.
Finished my last long training run of the year today in the rain and in 48 degrees. Absolutely brutal.Anyways...

Final race of the year (and my original 1'50 goal race before I actually did my 1'49 a few weeks ago) is the Dallas Half Marathon. Looks like it may actually be cold so I am going to shoot for 1'48. I am going to go crazy studying for finals this week with very few excuses since I won't be running much. :(


Uguuuuuu....only a few hours until CIM and I'm finally starting to get a bit nervous/excited.....going to be fun trying to sleep tonight!!!!!!!!
Best of luck, dude! You're gonna do great! Remember to have fun! :)

There's no pain, just feel like I'm in a daze for hours afterwards.

So when people say to eat carbs beforehand, how long before do they actually mean? Say you're running at 6pm would I eat heaps of carbs in the morning or lunch or even closer to the run? And then after the run should I immediately eat more pasta?

Any particular fruit I should be eating a bunch of?
Na, you don't need to eat heaps of carbs for 8Km. Different for everyone, but if you're burning 70-80Kcal/Km, that's 560-640Kcal total. You very likely eating more than that in your regular meals. I absolutely can't know for sure, but to me it sounds like when you deplete your glycogen, your body wolves down most of the glucose in your system, leaving you in a state of near hypoglycemia.

We can't really tell you what will work for you to fix it, because it depends on many factors we can't assess. I would eat a bar of non-low fat, ideally homemade, low glycemic index cereals and maybe a banana before running. You shouldnt need to eat anything before running 8Km, but if you're having trouble, having some extra glucose being slowly delivered (presence of fat and proteins slows down digestion, low glycemic index triggers a smaller insulin peak) to your system can only help. You'll need to figure out how early you want to eat it, different for different people. I need 2 hours, some need less, some more. Have the same after. I'd avoid overly sweet fruits (you can check glycemic index of a number of food products here).

If it persists, best bet is consulting a nutritionist.

Edit: yeah of course I would get sick like a dog after running in the cold yesterday. No long run for me. :'(

Eh, some rest will do me good. I'll pick the program back up where I left off later in the week. Might come back and redo that last workout, completely botched it with the ground being slippery.

I'm just thankful my legs (hams, knees, ankle) are still feeling solid.
1st Dec. - 30:32 mins - 9.35 /m or 5:57/KM
2nd Dec. - 30:48 mins - 9.38 /m or 5.59/KM
3rd Dec. - 34:26 mins - 10:11 /m or 6:20/KM
4th Dec. - 33:34 mins - 10:33 /m or 6.33/KM

Another lazy rest run (after a few Christmas party drinks last night too), I have to say I'm a bit of a convert, I'm much more inclined to go for a super easy short run then not run at all.
Looking forward to pushing myself a bit on Monday.

Edit: yeah of course I would get sick like a dog after running in the cold yesterday. No long run for me. :'(

Noooo :( Hope it's only a sniffle and you get over it soon!
It takes a special kind of vicious to go suffer in the cold the one day intended for you to stay in bed. Just saying! :)

Also, is it summer yet!!?!?? Running in the dark on icy ground isn't the greatest thing.

You know, the worst of running around 06:00AM isn't the temperature (which is not that cold around here), the wind, the darkness or the tiredness... It's smelling all the freshly baked croissants, palmiers, doughnuts and other such forbidden fruits bakeries produce early in the morning.

Uguuuuuu....only a few hours until CIM and I'm finally starting to get a bit nervous/excited.....going to be fun trying to sleep tonight!!!!!!!!

Best of luck! Enjoy the race and don't forget to keep us updated!

Gemüsestäbchen;225974744 said:
1st Dec. - 30:32 mins - 9.35 /m or 5:57/KM
2nd Dec. - 30:48 mins - 9.38 /m or 5.59/KM
3rd Dec. - 34:26 mins - 10:11 /m or 6:20/KM
4th Dec. - 33:34 mins - 10:33 /m or 6.33/KM

Another lazy rest run (after a few Christmas party drinks last night too), I have to say I'm a bit of a convert, I'm much more inclined to go for a super easy short run then not run at all.
Looking forward to pushing myself a bit on Monday.

You are sticking to the routine and that's what matters. Discipline > Inspiration any day of the week.

Edit: yeah of course I would get sick like a dog after running in the cold yesterday. No long run for me. :'(

Get well soon dude!

I had to cut my long run short because my knee acted up again :C. We'll see how it goes next week with new shoes.


Gemüsestäbchen;225974744 said:
Noooo :( Hope it's only a sniffle and you get over it soon!

Get well soon dude!

I had to cut my long run short because my knee acted up again :C. We'll see how it goes next week with new shoes.
Thx for the well wishes you guys. Last night was rough but I'm feeling a bit better already. Hope your knee is nothing bad, D. You're doing well to have a healthy fear and respect of it imo. Better to err on the side of caution than be out for months.

Now for something completely unrelated, being stuck indoors in a strange foreign city with people speaking gibberish on tv, I've been wasting time on the internets, and came across the following while lurking LRC,
A second option, that is particularly effective for those of you speed merchants out there, is to reverse the order of this session. Doing 4×30-60 second hill repeats right before a 2-4 mile tempo run at 10K to half marathon pace will recruit a higher percentage of your muscle fibers than you normally would during a tempo run. These fibers stay active during the tempo. This, in turn, can lead to huge breakthroughs in your ability to hold a fast pace for a much longer period of time.

This odd twist may actually make the tempo feel easier than normal. It will also almost certainly result in more soreness than usual. It can also quickly result in you running your mile pace for a two mile race or your 3k pace for a 5K race
I've never thought of it that way. I did do hills for a while, but typically at the end of workouts... wait no I also did do them before mile repeats a while back in summer 2015. I mean I was always only going for: working fast twitch fibers, power, and straightening out the gait. Had never considered the FT fibers could stay engaged throughout longer, aerobic efforts right after. Will definitely give it a shot (whenever I get better). 4 x 60s isn't a big deal. More annoying is being extra careful with warmup before...

Anybody been doing that? Thoughts?

Edit: re-reading it, it comes across as a little bit of "run a faster 5K with this one weird trick," but the logic kinda makes sense I guess? I honestly don't have the physiology background to know whether those fibers actually do stay engaged though. Erh, I just wanna go run goddamit.
Hit 4:29 in my first marathon. Not tired, but blew out my quads at mile 18 leading to a horrible 10/11 minutes pace shuffle to get to finish at the end. Hit the wall at 24mi (thanks to leg pain) but hit two of my three goals.

1) survive lol
2) finish under 4:30
Hey all!

Just occurred to me that there might be a running community on GAF (not sure why it took me so long to realize it!).

I started running almost exactly a year ago and have just completed my first half marathon (Seattle Half Marathon)!

I started off huffing and puffing my way through very strained and slow mile runs to finishing the 13.1 miles in just over two hours (2:06 to be precise).

This isn't intended as a humble brag, more a "Never give up! Always believe you can do it!" to anyone skimming the thread doubting or not believing in themselves.

I can't wait for my next race (I am running the Star Wars half at Disneyland in January) - anyone else going?
im beginning to regret that my original goal race is the day before my final final exam of my master's degree. Stress to the max this week! Half marathon sunday, final next Monday, and project due next Tuesday. I guess good thing I hit my fall goal last race lol.


Pizza, Bourbon, and Thanos
Random question, I've been traveling a lot for work recently which has been cutting into my running schedule, I normally just bring my laptop bag with a couple extra shirts and do laundry at the hotel so I almost never have room for shoes. Is there some form of fabric running shoe out there that I could roll up into my bag for an on the road workout kit?
1st Dec. - 30:32 mins - 9.35 /m or 5:57/KM
2nd Dec. - 30:48 mins - 9.38 /m or 5.59/KM
3rd Dec. - 34:26 mins - 10:11 /m or 6:20/KM
4th Dec. - 33:34 mins - 10:33 /m or 6.33/KM
5th Dec. - 29:25 mins - 09.17 /m or 5.49/KM

Gave it a bit more to start the week, really pleased it's under 30 mins today.
Also trying to eat some carbs almost immediately after, hopefully mitigate the fatigue/zombie mode I can fall into.

Happy Monday everyone! :D
What do you have after a run? I drink a half dose of pre-workout energy supplement mixed into a glass of water before to make sure I don't lose motivation or energy during my run and then afterwards I typically have a protein shake of some kind and a few nibbles on some snacks. 1-2 hours after my run I usually get super hungry and eat a full meal.

Na, you don't need to eat heaps of carbs for 8Km. Different for everyone, but if you're burning 70-80Kcal/Km, that's 560-640Kcal total. You very likely eating more than that in your regular meals. I absolutely can't know for sure, but to me it sounds like when you deplete your glycogen, your body wolves down most of the glucose in your system, leaving you in a state of near hypoglycemia.

We can't really tell you what will work for you to fix it, because it depends on many factors we can't assess. I would eat a bar of non-low fat, ideally homemade, low glycemic index cereals and maybe a banana before running. You shouldnt need to eat anything before running 8Km, but if you're having trouble, having some extra glucose being slowly delivered (presence of fat and proteins slows down digestion, low glycemic index triggers a smaller insulin peak) to your system can only help. You'll need to figure out how early you want to eat it, different for different people. I need 2 hours, some need less, some more. Have the same after. I'd avoid overly sweet fruits (you can check glycemic index of a number of food products here).

If it persists, best bet is consulting a nutritionist.

Sorry forgot to answer these.

The hypoglycemia sounds about right, I have a mad fast metabolism, and even a bite of chocolate perks me up anytime. And if I eat a whole bag of haribo I get all twitchy and hyperactive - I call getting "sugar legs" :p

I'm going to try some complex carbs straight after running - I heard there's a 15 min window after exercise to replenish fuel - whether it is bollocks or not, it suits my metabolism.

That list of glycemic values is pretty interestng - I'm a big fan of baked beans from breakfast, but of late I've not eaten them - maybe I should go back to that!

Edit: ... I dunno, I just had lunch and then pretty much passed out. Having a tea and chocolate now... All for power napping and all, but violent fatigue post exercise is just annoying - I don't know if it's post-lunch slump even? I have chronic insomnia which doesn't help. Maybe I should go see my doctor again -_-


Random question, I've been traveling a lot for work recently which has been cutting into my running schedule, I normally just bring my laptop bag with a couple extra shirts and do laundry at the hotel so I almost never have room for shoes. Is there some form of fabric running shoe out there that I could roll up into my bag for an on the road workout kit?

You could look at minimal/barefoot running but it's not something to enter into lightly and requires plenty of time and patience. I already run in zero drop shoes, so when I bought some minimal 4+1 shoes the transition wasn't huge. Well, wouldn't have been huge, I never really got to do much with them when the weather made it less than sensible to bother.


Gemüsestäbchen;226034872 said:
Maybe I should go see my doctor again -_-



Gemüsestäbchen;226034872 said:
The hypoglycemia sounds about right, I have a mad fast metabolism, and even a bite of chocolate perks me up anytime. And if I eat a whole bag of haribo I get all twitchy and hyperactive - I call getting "sugar legs" :p
Eating whole bags of haribos or equivalent, if done with any regularity, sounds like it could be part of the problem.

Gemüsestäbchen;226034872 said:
I'm going to try some complex carbs straight after running - I heard there's a 15 min window after exercise to replenish fuel - whether it is bollocks or not, it suits my metabolism.
15 minutes is BS, eating after the effort is beneficial, but there's research showing all sorts of contradictory things on that window's duration. Most I've heard is 30min, some say it's up to several hours. It probably is different for everyone, and different for different types of effort. Eating some stuff soon as your stomach allows it is probably a safe bet. I don't know you need to absolutely rush it right after though.

Gemüsestäbchen;226034872 said:
Edit: ... I dunno, I just had lunch and then pretty much passed out. Having a tea and chocolate now... All for power napping and all, but violent fatigue post exercise is just annoying - I don't know if it's post-lunch slump even? I have chronic insomnia which doesn't help. Maybe I should go see my doctor again -_-
Oh wow, yeah, if you have bad insomnia, all bets are off. I'd talk to a doctor.
I'd also go easy on the haribos :)
Eating whole bags of haribos or equivalent, if done with any regularity, sounds like it could be part of the problem.

I was sort of kidding, I in fact rarely eat sweets! But when I have, notice the extreme "sugar legs" effect.
I have a pretty nasty habit of starting a chocolate bar, taking a bite of it and it sitting on my desk for a week... That aside, I think my sugar intake is pretty low - don't take it in my tea or coffee, don't eat many desserts or even fruit...

15 minutes is BS, eating after the effort is beneficial, but there's research showing all sorts of contradictory things on that window's duration. Most I've heard is 30min, some say it's up to several hours. It probably is different for everyone, and different for different types of effort. Eating some stuff soon as your stomach allows it is probably a safe bet. I don't know you need to absolutely rush it right after though.

Fair enough, but I guess might make some sense to refuel ASAP if I'm struggling with energy levels overall.

Oh wow, yeah, if you have bad insomnia, all bets are off. I'd talk to a doctor.
I'd also go easy on the haribos :)

Well, been trying a lot of stuff through the doctor (Haribo or not) - seems like the insomnia isn't going away - 2.5 years and counting... I just wake between 3-4 hours no matter how tired, I seem to fall back to sleep last 18 months at least now, but the quality of sleep is just crappy.
There's these articles here and there about athletes getting 12 hours sleep, resting and regenerating muscles as part of their workouts, but getting those hours are a dream to me :(
1st Dec. - 30:32 mins - 09:35 /m or 5:57/KM
2nd Dec. - 30:48 mins - 09:38 /m or 5:59/KM
3rd Dec. - 34:26 mins - 10:11 /m or 6:20/KM
4th Dec. - 33:34 mins - 10:33 /m or 6:33/KM
5th Dec. - 29:25 mins - 09:17 /m or 5:49/KM
6th Dec. - 28:56 mins - 08:56 / m or 5:33 /KM

Woot! Sub-9 mins/mile!
It was a good run today ^_^
Gemüsestäbchen;226099944 said:
1st Dec. - 30:32 mins - 09:35 /m or 5:57/KM
2nd Dec. - 30:48 mins - 09:38 /m or 5:59/KM
3rd Dec. - 34:26 mins - 10:11 /m or 6:20/KM
4th Dec. - 33:34 mins - 10:33 /m or 6:33/KM
5th Dec. - 29:25 mins - 09:17 /m or 5:49/KM
6th Dec. - 28:56 mins - 08:56 / m or 5:33 /KM

Woot! Sub-9 mins/mile!
It was a good run today ^_^

Great run. Congrats!!
Had my last group training run of the season tonight. Ran a 40 minute pace run with just my pace leader. It's funny, at the beginning of the season I could not keep up with her. Today I was the one pushing her. :)

Goal race is this Sunday. I originally targetted a 1'50" but since I already hit that in November I am going for an aggressive 1'48".
1st Dec. - 30:32 mins - 09:35 /m or 5:57/KM
2nd Dec. - 30:48 mins - 09:38 /m or 5:59/KM
3rd Dec. - 34:26 mins - 10:11 /m or 6:20/KM
4th Dec. - 33:34 mins - 10:33 /m or 6:33/KM
5th Dec. - 29:25 mins - 09:17 /m or 5:49/KM
6th Dec. - 28:56 mins - 08:56 / m or 5:33 /KM
7th Dec. - 31:13 mins. - 9:24 /m or 5:50 /KM

Staying over in south London with a mate - really lovely parks to run around - even made it up the little hill. Breaking the familiarity of the routine feels a little scary, I was just getting started used to my route near home, slowed me down a bit - but glad I kept at it so far!
1st Dec. - 30:32 mins - 09:35 /m or 5:57/KM
2nd Dec. - 30:48 mins - 09:38 /m or 5:59/KM
3rd Dec. - 34:26 mins - 10:11 /m or 6:20/KM
4th Dec. - 33:34 mins - 10:33 /m or 6:33/KM
5th Dec. - 29:25 mins - 09:17 /m or 5:49/KM
6th Dec. - 28:56 mins - 08:56 / m or 5:33 /KM
7th Dec. - 31:13 mins. - 9:24 /m or 5:50 /KM
8th Dec. - 37:53 mins - 09:35 /m or 5:57 / KM

Bit of a rough day - going for the run in the mid-afternoon before the sun went down was the best thing I did today. I forget how much exercise can settle your mood - life saver tbh.
Gemüsestäbchen;226239846 said:
Bit of a rough day - going for the run in the mid-afternoon before the sun went down was the best thing I did today. I forget how much exercise can settle your mood - life saver tbh.

I'm glad going for a run helped you get through whatever it is you're going through. If anything, remember that RunGAF is by your side.

Today I had some serious back pain, and instead of taking a painkiller and going about my day I had the brilliant idea of going to the ER. So now I'm at a hospital wasting an entire day away (since it's a holiday and they aren't running much tests today), and not being able to go running :(

I hope they just let me go tomorrow, this sucks.
I'm glad going for a run helped you get through whatever it is you're going through. If anything, remember that RunGAF is by your side.

Today I had some serious back pain, and instead of taking a painkiller and going about my day I had the brilliant idea of going to the ER. So now I'm at a hospital wasting an entire day away (since it's a holiday and they aren't running much tests today), and not being able to go running :(

I hope they just let me go tomorrow, this sucks.

Thanks - really - one of those things where "a madman thinks doing the same thing again and again will come out with a different result" situations. I think I need to just let this thing slide and give it up...

And Duebrithil, I'm sorry to hear you're in pain :(
I hope being at the hospital is a form of downtime where you can give your mind and body a bit of a rest - waiting around can have sometime have a calming effect?
Docs often just want to solve the symptoms of a problem with more potent painkillers, rather that settle the issue - but if they've got you waiting, you can perhaps demand a more thorough check and find a solution to the actual back problem instead?

Stay strong and be patient.
Gemüsestäbchen;226240752 said:
And Duebrithil, I'm sorry to hear you're in pain :(
I hope being at the hospital is a form of downtime where you can give your mind and body a biy of a rest - waiting around can have sometime have a calming effect?
Docs often just want to solve the symptoms of a problem with more potent painkillers, rather that settle the issue - but if they've got you waiting, you can perhaps demand a more thorough check and find a solution to the actual back problem instead?

Stay strong and be patient.

That's the most frustrating thing right now: I'm actually fine since this morning. A little sore maybe, but nothing compared to the pain I had when I woke up. And since they aren't running any tests today it kinda feels like being caged for the sake of being caged.

I'll try to look at the bright side and take it as a rest period for my knee, which was hurting this last week.

Thanks for the well wishes my dude :D
That's the most frustrating thing right now: I'm actually fine since this morning. A little sore maybe, but nothing compared to the pain I had when I woke up. And since they aren't running any tests today it kinda feels like being caged for the sake of being caged.

I'll try to look at the bright side and take it as a rest period for my knee, which was hurting this last week.

Thanks for the well wishes my dude :D

Rest sounds probably wise, I mean you're talking about both knee and back pain - and serious enough to make you consider the hospital...
I guess even if they can't run any proper tests, you maybe can speak to doctors or nurses who know more about running injuries, who could give you advice? Hope you get something out of it all.

Def sending you some good vibes - get well soon :)
Gemüsestäbchen;226241526 said:
Rest sounds probably wise, I mean you're talking about both knee and back pain - and serious enough to make you consider the hospital...
I guess even if they can't run any proper tests, you maybe can speak to doctors or nurses who know more about running injuries, who could give you advice? Hope you get something out of it all.

Def sending you some good vibes - get well soon :)

Since it was sudden pain on the back they want to check the kidney is alright and everything, but I just think I got up too quick from bed and sprained something (nerve, muscle...) and caused that pain spike. The back thing doesn't feel like a running injury tbh.
Since it was sudden pain on the back they want to check the kidney is alright and everything, but I just think I got up too quick from bed and sprained something (nerve, muscle...) and caused that pain spike. The back thing doesn't feel like a running injury tbh.

I had a mad flu last October where I was bedridden, and coughed really hard for 10 days and night straight to the point I had some sort of agonising pulled muscle/hernia in my stomach. Thought it was something worse :p It's scary when you don't know why you're in massive pain - nothing wrong with having it checked out.

Good luck still - hope you feel much better and are free soon!
Anyone got any tips on how to increase quad strength?

Personally, I'm planning to exact my revenge on CIM next December through strength training (lunges, squats, etc.), more consistent mileage (incl more downhill training) and running a smarter race in general.

Thinking about trying the stair master to try and increase quad strength too. Anyone have anyone have experience using that??
Anyone got any tips on how to increase quad strength?

Personally, I'm planning to exact my revenge on CIM next December through strength training (lunges, squats, etc.), more consistent mileage (incl more downhill training) and running a smarter race in general.

Thinking about trying the stair master to try and increase quad strength too. Anyone have anyone have experience using that??

Running hills and a lot of squats. Don't forget to train your hamstrings too.
Theraband excercises will help you with that ;)
Run dowhills, chairs,

But like it's been said, work your hams as much. Unless you have weak quads right now, but you get the message, you want balance.

Funny enough, I thought it would be my hammies that were going to go out first followed by my IT band since those were what I injured earlier this year.

I ended up focusing a lot of my training during the summer this year on improving/rehabbing my hammies and not paying particular attn to my quads thinking they would be strong enough to handle the load from just running....lol whoops. :/


Pizza, Bourbon, and Thanos
You could look at minimal/barefoot running but it's not something to enter into lightly and requires plenty of time and patience. I already run in zero drop shoes, so when I bought some minimal 4+1 shoes the transition wasn't huge. Well, wouldn't have been huge, I never really got to do much with them when the weather made it less than sensible to bother.


Those look great! Freet brand?
1st Dec. - 30:32 mins - 09:35 /m or 5:57/KM
2nd Dec. - 30:48 mins - 09:38 /m or 5:59/KM
3rd Dec. - 34:26 mins - 10:11 /m or 6:20/KM
4th Dec. - 33:34 mins - 10:33 /m or 6:33/KM
5th Dec. - 29:25 mins - 09:17 /m or 5:49/KM
6th Dec. - 28:56 mins - 08:56 / m or 5:33 /KM
7th Dec. - 31:13 mins. - 9:24 /m or 5:50 /KM
8th Dec. - 37:53 mins - 09:35 /m or 5:57 /KM
9th Dec. - 39:53 mins - 09:26 /m or 5:52 /KM

There were workmen digging on the hill yesterday. This morn before the sun was up, whatever they'd done had obviously gone wrong, gushing water flowing down one side of the hill.
Was a strange image - me running fast down, splashing through this make shift river, stationary rush hour traffic...


Run dowhills, chairs,

But like it's been said, work your hams as much. Unless you have weak quads right now, but you get the message, you want balance.

How long do you hold something like this? Until you begin to wobble, cry blood or just until it starts feeling a bit too uncomfortable?

I'm hopeless when it comes to stretches, I have a few that I used to get past shin splints/medial-tibial stress that I was doing regularly while I felt it was a problem and I was doing a short yoga routine too then couldn't be bothered. There's no structure to any of my "training". I think this coming year I need to go about things a lot more sensibly..

Those look great! Freet brand?

Yes, Freet Meta.


A couple of months ago, i did some trail running in some cheap trail shoes. I don't know if it was caused by them but a few miles in, I had a really bad pain on the outside/under my left foot. It meant I struggled to drive home and took a day or two to calm down.

The issue is still there when I run and it appears to come back after a few miles, although it's nowhere near as bad as the original time. It's uncomfortable and it feels like .... a strain? I also feel like I've heard clicking come from my foot at times which makes me think I might have damaged a bone and it's clicking.

I've got a pressure ball which I'm rolling my foot over and nearly all of my foot is fine, it pretty much just seems to be the outside edge of the foot.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?


Gemüsestäbchen;226290068 said:
Was a strange image - me running fast down, splashing through this make shift river, stationary rush hour traffic...

I'm picturing it slow motion/vangelis.

BTW, you're doing these daily 5ks, Saturday mornings 9am you should consider parkrun!


How long do you hold something like this? Until you begin to wobble, cry blood or just until it starts feeling a bit too uncomfortable?

I'm hopeless when it comes to stretches, I have a few that I used to get past shin splints/medial-tibial stress that I was doing regularly while I felt it was a problem and I was doing a short yoga routine too then couldn't be bothered. There's no structure to any of my "training". I think this coming year I need to go about things a lot more sensibly..
Well I mean, it's like any other exercise, you probably want to do it long enough that you feel the burn a little. Up to you to scale it from there.

I've been not doing anything besides running, no rowing, no pullups, pushups, planks, nada. And even running I've barely done any of. Finally getting over my cold and got some time for myself during daylight. But had too much to drink last night (dinner and drinks with people from work), slept like shit and now I'm pooped.

Was thinking of time trialing a 10K today, lol yeah right. That's a hard PASS and I'll see how I feel tomorrow. /lazyass bum

Edit: erh, such a top-of-the-page hogger.
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