Contest #1: Solve World 1 Level 4 - "Crossover" in SpaceChem, and screenshot it to post it here.
In the spirit of the past steam sale achievements you can cheat this by looking up solutions, but the purpose is to actually play the games you own. The first 4 levels are all rather basic tutorial levels and shouldnt take you too long.
Please dont copy any images from the internet and, if possible, your own brain to arrive to a solution
- Contest runs until the next batch of daily deals goes up, so tomorrow 7pm GMT+1.
- If you already solved it you are free to screenshot the already solved level, props if you screenshot a level that you HAD NOT solved yet at this point though.
- You are free to discuss the game here/ask for advice.
- You can participate in this contest even with the demo
The winners (2 probably) will be chosen randomly from all submissions.
Some starting help.
Edit: SpaceChem is still the daily deal for about 1 hour at 2,50, but I'll post something where you can participate without buying a game too.