The dragonz post.
During day two she initially backs her day one read of Bronx - town. It is after Bronx hints at his protective abilities when her stance changes. The protection seems like a lie to her and in a later post she clarifies her stance: Bronx is anti-town because his claim is nuts. 30 posts later she then votes for CCS, explaining that she is willing to give Bronx a day. Issue one: the sudden change from Bronx is anti-town to I'll give Bronx a chance. It does not feel natural nor does she really explain this change in her stance, apart from her comment that she is more confident in a CCS lynch and that is about CCS, not Bronx. To her defense CCS does not come out of nowhere, she has mentioned him as her scum read before. Issue two: she never explains what we'd gain from giving Bronx a day. This was something I speculated about during d2, it was possible but by no means certain that the additional day would prove something about Bronx. The details are shallow what to me makes the changes in opinion seem sudden and slightly out of place.
During day three dragonz gives a read list, mentions Verelios as one of her scum reads and adds that she could see a scenario where scum focused on Crab during day two to save Verelios. This speculated scenario is unrealistic as the Verelios train on day two started ~150 posts later than the final (non-tie preventing, non-Splinter) vote on Crab had landed. When Crab was focused, there was no Verelios train. This to me looks like scum looking at the votes on a surface level and conjuring up an argument from that, without paying attention to the details. Again to her defense she had read Vere as scum before.
She barely reacts to Blarg's flip. Ehh, could be either way but a total non-reaction is still strangely reserved.
When Splinter claims the international man of mystery, dragonz does a 180 with her read of him. In general she seems to accept non-Bronx claims easily, trusting both Swamped's commuter claim and Sorian's messenger claim. I'd like to hear dragonz, how has your read on Swamped processed? What do you think about her claim now?
Oh and the scum scum buddying up via mutual suspicion what I felt when I read CCS, I don't see it as strongly with dragonz. She has been suspecting CCS for a while but I feel she does not keep on reminding everyone about it with similar frequency as CCS does.
These reactions are concerning. It's very common for scum to quickly try to asskiss confirmed/claimed power roles, I know I've done it multiple times as scum. in the past.
An air of ~*mystery*~Also splints. I dont get it. What does keeping checks to yourself acomplish?
The runner up always gets lynched the next day. It's Sorian's turn.So what do we know about the lynches?
Day 1 the vote leaders were:
Squidyj (Town) - 7
Crab (Town) - 4
Swamped (???) - 3
Others had 2 or less.
Day 2:
Crab (Town) - 11
Verelios (Town) - 6
Others had 2 or less
Day 3:
Verelios (Town) - 9
Acohrs (Town) - 6
Others had 2 or less
Day 4:
Acohrs (Town) - 8
Sorian (Town) - 5
Others had 2 or less.
Notice a pattern?
It also means Scum has been able to be most likely very relaxed during the lynches. And maybe even make tactics on spreading their members out to different votes. They most likely wouldn't want everyone voting for the same person.
I'm not against TWE or swamped lynch, but I'm also concerned about Dragons and Kyanrute right now. I town read Splinter and Kawl.
Not putting a vote on TWE right now, he is pretty close to getting to turbo territory now.
May as well. No one's here and with 7 mins left I'm not changing anyone's minds.
Sorry town for being a bad town player. Didn't mean to be a nuisance. Good luck. Have fun.
There's an hour left
Are you thinking about something like voting for someone who wasn't on any of the trains Blarg was on?
May as well. No one's here and with 7 mins left I'm not changing anyone's minds.
Sorry town for being a bad town player. Didn't mean to be a nuisance. Good luck. Have fun.
Well in that case.
There's still nothing that I can do to protect myself besides tell you all my role.
I am...
*pauses for effect*
Normal town.
it's ordinary town
It's actually Ordinary Resident.
It's actually Ordinary Resident.
I'm against lynching TWE.
CCS I would go for Stan. Since fran isn't moving
VOTE: StanleyPalmtree
I don't comprehend.
It's my joke. I claimed ordinary town a few times in a row and it became bit of a joke at some point.
I'll take "Am I reading too much into Kyan's comment?" for 100 please.
May as well, want to get a vote down and don't want to set up a turbo on TWE just yet.
VOTE: StanleyPalmtree
I'll take "Am I reading too much into Kyan's comment?" for 100 please.
May as well, want to get a vote down and don't want to set up a turbo on TWE just yet.
VOTE: StanleyPalmtree
May as well...?
What is this...
I open the thread and once again I see splinter pulling a face.
Have I missed something? I'll try to catch up quickly.