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Game of Thrones Creators Confirm the Show Will Spoil the Books

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I enjoy both but this is really stupid. I think. Or maybe getting the conclusion to the story before 2020 isn't a bad idea. Don't know what to think.


Been following this series for about 16/17 years. It sucks, but honestly, about 10 years ago I started getting the feeling I might not ever read the conclusion. So in a way I'm happy HBO will make sure there is one, even if it isn't in the form I'd prefer or as comprehensive.
Cool, as long as the series keeps moving forward I don't care how it turns out.

Might start reading the books when it's all done and dusted.
It's called world building.
The earlier books in the series were able to mix world building with compelling incident and characters. Brienne's chapters were the absolute nadir of the book and the series for me, throwing reams of stodgy info at a plot where she meets no characters we could even remotely care about and accomplishes absolutely nothing.

Even if it was good material, it's functionally unadaptable for TV anyway.


GRRM sold out his book fans in favor of HBO bucks. And now he's barely writing anymore. What a bitter betrayal. Read all the books half a dozen times over for nothing. Fuck this.


I am Korean.
People who prefer the books are screwed. You may not have noticed but those who arent book readers went through hell trying not to be spoiled by asshole readers.

Spoilers are overrated. If a story's ruined by finding out what happened vs seeing how it happened, the story is trash.


Hunky Nostradamus
Personally I'll be seriously surprised if GRRM manages to tie this shit up in just two more books.

Me too, honestly. The show will be over a year or two (or three or four) before ADOS comes out and who knows what will happen by then. This could balloon to 8, 9, 13 books when all is said and done! And by then the show will be long dead so GRRM won't feel beholden to stick to the ending he told to D&D!/fanboydelusion

the delusion is real fml


I'm not really too bent out of shape about this, the books are their own thing and if the show has to do some big reveals in it's own way I'm still going to read the next books to see how THOSE play out.

The very fact that there's like 3-4 major character plotlines going on in the books that are outright omitted from the show means I'll be ok with both, no matter who gets the "spoilers" first.


Devil is in the details, so it doesn't matter that much. The eventual 7th book Martin writes will be barely anything like the final season of this show.


The earlier books in the series were able to mix world building with compelling incident and characters. Brienne's chapters were the absolute nadir of the book and the series for me, throwing reams of stodgy info at a plot where she meets no characters we could even remotely care about and accomplishes absolutely nothing.

Even if it was good material, it's functionally unadaptable for TV anyway.

we got to meet Randyll Tarley, screw around with Nimble Dick, hang out with Ser Hyle Hunt and the Septon, meet up with Gendry and see the remnants of the Brotherhood.
I'm fine with some slow world building, I think people are just upset because we're still waiting for the action shit to happen in TWOW.

Anywho, like I said I'm fine with the show surpassing the books. Then again I read the books after watching 3 seasons of the show so I don't have that same commitment and disappointment that original book readers have.


Devil is in the details, so it doesn't matter that much. The eventual 7th book Martin writes will be barely anything like the final season of this show.

I suspect the ending points for most of the characters will be the same, since Martin has had those figured for a while.

Epic Drop

I'm legitimately pissed. I've been following the books for years and hate the show. there is no way some inconsiderate show watcher isn't going to spoil things for me at some point between now and whenever Martin finishes the books... Assuming he even does.

What has happened to this series is a tragedy.
we got to meet Randyll Tarley, screw around with Nimble Dick, hang out with Ser Hyle Hunt and the Septon, meet up with Gendry and see the remnants of the Brotherhood.
I'm fine with some slow world building, I think people are just upset because we're still waiting for the action shit to happen in TWOW.
If Nimble Dick fits your description of a compelling and interesting character then all power to you, but Jesus.


I kind of feel like asshole show watchers are going to take pleasure in spoiling stuff for the asshole book readers that spoiled stuff for them...and that I will get spoiled as collateral damage.

Well, it sucks for us that read the books first, then watched the show (but insisted on reading the books first), and now since I got my BF to watch and he won't read the books, he's not going to wait for the books to watch the show.

And I'd rather read the books first!!!!



What sucks is that, as a book reader, if you want to skip the show and wait for the books?

Well thanks to social media and water coolers you can't. It's going to take at least 6 years to get the last two books in the series, but the show will be over in two.

"What do you MEAN you didn't know [major character] died, OMG that was on TV like FOUR years ago".
My consolation as a book-first, show-second fan is that by the time Book 7 drops, I will have forgotten what happened in Season 7 (8/9/10?) and it will be a surprise all over again.


I only feel bad for long time readers. It's GRRMs own fault for deluding himself into thinking feast and dance had enough material to make compelling TV for ~3 seasons. I remember him saying that in some panel early on and D&D just sat there silently looking awkward probably thinking "is this guy serious?"

Personally, I can't wait to experience a whole season of the show without knowing what happens. I've been looking forward to this for a while now and if the way I felt during the white walker baby scene is any indication it'll be awesome as fuck.


It was obviously going to happen, don't even know why they decided to start making the show in the first place when it was clearly going to catch up and run into this problem.

I'd rather find stuff out by reading the books but I'll still watch the show. It's infinitely better than finding out from Twitter.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Great, now it will be the show watchers spoiling the book readers.

It's like we're in bizarro world.

Turnabout is fair play, suckers!

Time for payback from when you all spoiled the season one death for me way back in 2007.


I am all for it, I hope there is at least one season where it's completely unreleased material. I want everyone to feel unsafe.


This is hilarious. I remember the old threads where book readers spoiled what would happen in the show. Karmic justice.


A book series all about presenting people with a paradigm they think they know, only to continually cut the kneecaps off of everything and shove your nose in it; the readers of that series, who keep an eye on people who haven't read the books, deriving almost as much joy from watching the pained, disappointed, shocked reactions of viewers as they do the adaptation itself; finding themselves, at the end, rewarded for all their time spent lording their familiarity and their fandom over johnny-come-latelies, having all that patience and longing repaid by the story reaching completion in the "lesser" medium, finding themselves at the mercy of a viewing audience who very distinctly remembers just how thoroughly the book readers relished their position.

What does this even mean?

Do you mean cut off at the knees?


I made the decision a little while back to just watch the shows and stop reading the books. I'm glad I did. The show still irks me sometimes, but at least they have the forward momentum.


I think this is for the best because to be honest the last 2 books aren't that great. He really needs an editor to chop that mess up and condense it. I read the first 3 books back in like 2001-2002....I want to be done. HAHA.


I can't believe they cut out Strong Belwas, they need more people who talk in 3rd person.

I was so waiting for him to take a dump on the guy who pissed towards Dany.
God damn grrm you lazy hack, he honestly should have just given all of his notes to Sanderson to finish. That guy would hammer out the rest of the series in 2 years max

I'm tempted to skip season 6 because of this but I obviously will succumb to it and watch it live. Gonna be an interesting experience no longer knowing whats to come
It's bittersweet.

After reading all the books so many times, I'm anxious for new content. So frankly, I'm okay with this. The books with still contain different things which is why I'll still buy them and read them whenever they come out but for right now, this will satisfy my hunger for more information on where the story will lead.
What does this even mean?

Do you mean cut off at the knees?

No. I mean cut the kneecaps off. To purposefully cause a mean-spirited, grievous, highly painful injury that will not kill you but will really, really fucking hurt. It's different from "cut off at the knees" because 1) its not a well worn cliche and 2) it calls to mind a very specific mental image.

I didn't think it was confusing.

Although I don't know why you had to quote the whole post if the only relevant part of it was that bolded phrase.
Can you imagine how awful it'd be if the show WEREN'T going to spoil the books? They'd have to deliberately steer the story in a totally artificial direction just to have it end differently, or put the show on hold for like eight years. No thanks.


I'm glad personally and I say this as a book reader. I'm fairly convinced GRRM will never finish the story, so at least this way we can see the conclusion. And if the books do come out then it's a bonus.

No sympathy for GRRM either. He brought it on himself.
I was already against watching this season anyway, because besides a few examples the worst moments of the show were in-house filler. This nails the coffin shut.

I'll finish Got when Dream of Spring releases in 2034.


I'd prefer to get the story from the books, but once it's out there I'll have as little sympathy for book readers complaining about spoilers everywhere as I do show watchers complaining about spoilers from 15-year-old books now.

Book readers will still have the
nuclear option until the final stretch, though.
They are kinda separate entities to me. I cant watch the show be bad in places and not jave it ruin the books. I would've cared a while ago but now I just want some Thrones. I also can't give show people any satisfaction since they are lesser and don't deserve to lord anything over me.
I mean if George has all this shit mapped out already why is it taking him half a decade to finish a book?

Whenever I ask myself this question, I remember, iirc, the numerous number of pages it took just for Littlefinger to explain
how Harrold Harding through a crazy number of relations was actually the heir to the Eyrie and that that was why he was having her marry him.

That, and just him being George R.R. Martin
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