Great episode! Tywin is a dick, poor Tryion and his cunt of a father. And sister.
Does anybody know how Tyrion's relationship with his brother Jamie is? I heard Jamie's appearance and personality will change and develop over the course of the season and the GoT wiki said Jamie and Tyrion have a good relationship.
I mean, in the second episode Jamie is worried that Tyrion won't be loyal to the family and will expose what he did to Bran, but Tyrion assures him he loves his family and they seem on good terms. Also from that story Tyrion told Shae in season 1 where Jamie set up that encounter with the whore Tiesha that he married to finally get Tyrion a woman since he felt bad for him, it kind of shows that he cares cause he wanted him to get some booty.
Also he confronted Ned Stark and said "I want my brother" like a badass and when Ned said if he killed him his brother dies Jamie told his guards to take him alive, so obviously Jamie loves Tyrion and respects him.
I want to see an epic battle, even bigger than Blackwater. I hope Dany, Stannis, Joffrey, Robb and any other players in the game of thrones amass huge armies and have a giant battle for the Iron throne, or in Robb's case independence for the North.
You have a bigger budget season three, use it please!