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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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This is interesting. I've been wondering what Dany's role in this whole thing is going to be this entire time.

I mean, with that army of mercs she's probably going to buy, plus her dragons, she's probably going to be pretty deadly when the time comes. But who else will fight with her? I feel like the Six kingdoms (Robb is doing his own thing) could work up strong enough defense just by sheer numbers. From what I understand, most, if not all of Stannis' bannermen surrendered to the Tyrell/Lannister host that "saved" Kings Landing.

Speaking of Stannis, what's HIS role in all of this? He doesn't have an army anymore either. Is Melsandre gonna fart out more shadow killers for him?

With Dany coming to Westeros, plus the Wildling Army, plus the White Walkers, it appears that things are building up to something really explosive.

I can't even deal with it. I'm trying not to go into complete withdraw and it's only been one episode. It's like a drug. I WANT MORE.
If Melisandre assassinates another king :O

Although I'm not sure they would do that since it's already been done.


I want a tag give me a tag
Would love to see the torrent numbers too... checked it about 15 hours ago and the main torrents were on around 220k seed, 160k leech...


Saw it last night but never got to post reactions: What a great start to this season. Wasn't disappointed at all and I'm super anxious for Sunday.

Anyone say FUCK YOU out loud at Daddy Lannister? God what a dick.


Saw it last night but never got to post reactions: What a great start to this season. Wasn't disappointed at all and I'm super anxious for Sunday.

Anyone say FUCK YOU out loud at Daddy Lannister? God what a dick.

Yep, complete asshole. Charles Dance plays Tywin perfectly. Give that man an emmy.
Saw it last night but never got to post reactions: What a great start to this season. Wasn't disappointed at all and I'm super anxious for Sunday.

Anyone say FUCK YOU out loud at Daddy Lannister? God what a dick.

I really cringed at how Tyrion´s father treated him. Man, that was brutal.


I really like Tywin Lannister, but he is a horrible, horrible man. Terrible father. He's just so fucking MEAN to Tyrion. Such an abusive scene.

I was thinking how much I'm going to love if Tyrion gets revenge on his whole fucked up family and ends up becoming the Alpha Lannister.


I didn't expect Tywin to accept Tyrion with open arms but a 'Fine, you aren't completely useless' would have been nice. As much of a dick he is, I can't help but like Tywin still.
That's the purpose of that thread though.

I know. Just kind of threw me off that its separated this way.

Shouldn't it be "Game of Thrones |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO" and then "Game of Thrones *BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO" like most other TVthreads/GamingThreads. LOL

EDIT: I realize, this is an exception because of the possible multiple books spoilers or something?


Honestly, i don't see why a person after knowing the series is being made would go on to read the books ahead of time.I'm having so much fun knowing nothing. I'll definitely try and read the books afterwards.


I mean, with that army of mercs she's probably going to buy, plus her dragons, she's probably going to be pretty deadly when the time comes. But who else will fight with her? I feel like the Six kingdoms (Robb is doing his own thing) could work up strong enough defense just by sheer numbers. From what I understand, most, if not all of Stannis' bannermen surrendered to the Tyrell/Lannister host that "saved" Kings Landing.

If Dany comes to Westeros with fully grown dragons there's nothing any sort of army can do to her. She can basically go "Look at Harrenhall. Now look at King's Landing. Now look at Harrenhall again. Now look at King's Landing. It is now Harrenhall. Surrender your cities and swear fealty or you're next." Especially with a horde of Dothraki worshiping her as a god and thousands blindly loyal psychotic killers.

As I said, there are two ways I can see that don't end up with Dany on the Iron Throne. She's assassinated or she decides to spare them.


The GoT April fools joke had me fooled...

So ridiculous yet my heart dropped and stayed that way until the end of the joke.


Honestly, i don't see why a person after knowing the series is being made would go on to read the books ahead of time.I'm having so much fun knowing nothing. I'll definitely try and read the books afterwards.

Exactly how I feel. I get so annoyed at people who badger people to read the books >_> I don't doubt that they are better but my excitement for the show will just decrease by a thousand. The only times where I read the book first are for movies :p
Honestly, i don't see why a person after knowing the series is being made would go on to read the books ahead of time.I'm having so much fun knowing nothing. I'll definitely try and read the books afterwards.

In the same boat. I typically read the books after each corresponding season. I haven't finished book two though, and apparently won't be reading book three until summer 2014.

Which is fine. I'm a visual kind of person anyway, not to say reading isn't awesome.


Littlefinger mentioned to Sansa that he had recently seen her mother and sister. Is he actually aware that he's seen Arya, or is he bullshitting? Hmmmm...


Littlefinger mentioned to Sansa that he had recently seen her mother and sister. Is he actually aware that he's seen Arya, or is he bullshitting? Hmmmm...

He saw Arya in Harrenhal when he met up with Tywin Lannister, Littlefinga decided not to say anything to Tywin fearing for her safety.
Great episode! Tywin is a dick, poor Tryion and his cunt of a father. And sister.

Does anybody know how Tyrion's relationship with his brother Jamie is? I heard Jamie's appearance and personality will change and develop over the course of the season and the GoT wiki said Jamie and Tyrion have a good relationship.

I mean, in the second episode Jamie is worried that Tyrion won't be loyal to the family and will expose what he did to Bran, but Tyrion assures him he loves his family and they seem on good terms. Also from that story Tyrion told Shae in season 1 where Jamie set up that encounter with the whore Tiesha that he married to finally get Tyrion a woman since he felt bad for him, it kind of shows that he cares cause he wanted him to get some booty.

Also he confronted Ned Stark and said "I want my brother" like a badass and when Ned said if he killed him his brother dies Jamie told his guards to take him alive, so obviously Jamie loves Tyrion and respects him.

I want to see an epic battle, even bigger than Blackwater. I hope Dany, Stannis, Joffrey, Robb and any other players in the game of thrones amass huge armies and have a giant battle for the Iron throne, or in Robb's case independence for the North.

You have a bigger budget season three, use it please!


He saw Arya in Harrenhal when he met up with Tywin Lannister, Littlefinga decided not to say anything to Tywin fearing for her safety.

OK, so it was acknowledged that he recognized her, then? I seem to remember it being unclear. It's been a while, though; I haven't watched Season 2 since it aired.


Does anybody know how Tyrion's relationship with his brother Jamie is? I heard Jamie's appearance and personality will change and develop over the course of the season and the GoT wiki said Jamie and Tyrion have a good relationship.

From what I've seen, Jamie is the one Lannister that genuinely likes and respects Tyrion. They have both been victimized by their father so I guess that bonded them.
OK, so it was acknowledged that he recognized her, then? I seem to remember it being unclear. It's been a while, though; I haven't watched Season 2 since it aired.

I guess it's up to the audience's interpretation at this point, but I definitely think he recognized her.


Damn that Tyrion/Tywin scene was brutal. I really hope that this sets off a little rebellious story arc for Tyrion.

Funky Papa

Extremely solid episode. It didn't have many revelations (not that I expected a rollercoaster or anything), but it's understandable considering that they have to lay the foundations for the entire season.

And yes, Papa Lanister is a massive dick. God damn at the venom in that conversation.


I bit my lip at the "waddle" line. That whole talk by Tywin was among the meanest things I've ever seen someone say on TV. If Tywin ends up not being betrayed and destroyed by Tyrion I'll be so fucking pissed.
There are a lot of plot lines to follow now. Sunday's episode was ridiculous. Every character only got a few minutes of screen time. As the cast gets larger I don't know how the showrunners are going to handle this. The first season was pretty tight but the second season added a lot more characters and I know a lot of people complained about that. But this is just getting ridiculous now. I think it's going to hurt the story telling.


There are a lot of plot lines to follow now. Sunday's episode was ridiculous. Every character only got a few minutes of screen time. As the cast gets larger I don't know how the showrunners are going to handle this. The first season was pretty tight but the second season added a lot more characters and I know a lot of people complained about that. But this is just getting ridiculous now. I think it's going to hurt the story telling.

Don't worry, it's Game of Thrones. As soon as it seems like there are too many characters to keep track of, a half dozen of them get killed.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
There are a lot of plot lines to follow now. Sunday's episode was ridiculous. Every character only got a few minutes of screen time. As the cast gets larger I don't know how the showrunners are going to handle this. The first season was pretty tight but the second season added a lot more characters and I know a lot of people complained about that. But this is just getting ridiculous now. I think it's going to hurt the story telling.

I was thinking the exact opposite tbh. In the previous season you had some episodes that felt like clip shows, because they were trying to cram everything in... This one left out some major characters (Arya, Jaime & Brienne, Bran and the gang), to focus on others more. Most big players got important and lenghty scenes, I was satisfied with how it turned out. Let's see: Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Robb, Davos & Stannis, Sam as far as seperate storylines go. I didn't think this episode was that overwhelming.


I was expecting Sam to get killed right at the start. Would have been quite to cool way to start the season - Sam getting his head chopped off.


they haven't really killed off any of the important character in quite some time now. Maester Luwin was the last one and he wasn't really central the plot

Funky Papa

It's kind of tragic, really. Tyrion is no angel, but I think he almost felt a bit loved by his father during the events of S2. That bitchslapping was unwarranted and cruel, specially after he showed a completely disproportionate set of balls during the battle of Blackwater.


Exactly how I feel. I get so annoyed at people who badger people to read the books >_> I don't doubt that they are better but my excitement for the show will just decrease by a thousand. The only times where I read the book first are for movies :p

I'll probably read the books once the show slows down (if that's even possible). I just feel, I got introduced to the world of it through the show, and that's what I'll enjoy primarily. I don't doubt for a second the books aren't superior, but it'll completely change the way I view what's happening.


I'll not post in this thread for fear of mucking up the great speculation going on but let me just say the episode was awesome and as someone who has read all the books twice I cannot wait to see where they take the show. Keep up the great discussion and speculation guys, its fun to read.


I thought the Tywin/Tyrion scene was the best this episode. Tywin's actor is definitely one of the best on the show.

Who/what was the exorcist girl at the end? They referred to her as something but I missed it.

And I can't believe they sawed that dude's nipple off, damn.



That was one of the stupidest parts of the show. I can only suspend my disbelief for so long.

You're fucking joking right? Dragons, demon scorpions, pregnant fire witch that gives birth to shadow demon, dire wolves, frozen zombies, frozen ice people, teleporting mages, and a nipple getting cut off is suspending your disbelief?



Huh? I don't understand your indignation.

Saying that someone being under the legal age of consent makes their attractiveness "better" implies things. I'm not saying it's wrong to say she's attractive, obviously her age has nothing to do with that, but to say that it makes her "better" could mean all sorts of messed up things.

I guess the more appropriate response would be, "Why in the world does that make it better?"
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