I am so thirsty for this.
I'm torn if I should watch the trailer or not... how "revealing" is it?
I haven't read the books, so since I don't have any context or knowledge about future events that will be happening, the trailer didn't seem spoilerish at all. In fact, I can't really remember anything from it at all now that it's ~12 hours after watching it, except for that I'm super-hyped.
I'm sure there are some scenes that are more obvious to people who have read the books, but I have a feeling that most people who claim the trailer to be full of spoilers would do so because they've read the books and assume that some trailer scenes are more obvious than they actually are.
I haven't watched S3 or S4, how are they following the books? Is S3 the third book and S4 the fourth or are they doing the Harry Potter thing and have split/splitting it up?
I haven't watched S3 or S4, how are they following the books? Is S3 the third book and S4 the fourth or are they doing the Harry Potter thing and have split/splitting it up?
I haven't watched S3 or S4, how are they following the books? Is S3 the third book and S4 the fourth or are they doing the Harry Potter thing and have split/splitting it up?
There were A LOT of instances last season where book readers clicked the wrong thread and posted spoilers in the non-book thread. I was lucky to always be a little late and miss them but some weren't so lucky. I think this is much more likely since I doubt most non-book readers are subbed to the book/show thread.ok, completely understandable
I just would have felt terrible if someone got the red wedding spoiled for him, even if it was 100% his fault because he clicked the wrong thread
Hm, not really spoilerish. Maybe one short scene, but nothing big, imho.
I haven't read the books, so since I don't have any context or knowledge about future events that will be happening, the trailer didn't seem spoilerish at all. In fact, I can't really remember anything from it at all now that it's ~12 hours after watching it, except for that I'm super-hyped.
I'm sure there are some scenes that are more obvious to people who have read the books, but I have a feeling that most people who claim the trailer to be full of spoilers would do so because they've read the books and assume that some trailer scenes are more obvious than they actually are.
ok, completely understandable
I just would have felt terrible if someone got the red wedding spoiled for him, even if it was 100% his fault because he clicked the wrong thread
Is there a thread where people going through the books can compare to the show? I'm mainly a show watcher but started with the books, and I don't want to walk into a wall of unmarked spoilers when discussing the show/books. If anything, the first book has given me an appreciation for how closely the show is to the source material. At least for the first season.
Press release:One more tidbit: HBO has a 15-minute special scheduled to air on Feb 9th. I assume it's like previous seasons and is a talk with the cast and crew about the events of last season leading up to and teasing the new season.
Special 'Game of Thrones Ice and Fire: A Foreshadowing' to Premiere Sunday, February 9 on HBO
The 15-minute presentation GAME OF THRONES ICE AND FIRE: A FORESHADOWING will debut SUNDAY, FEB. 9 at 8:45 p.m. (ET/PT), exclusively on HBO, just before the debut of a new episode of True Detective. Offering a look back and a look forward to the fourth season of the hit HBO series, the show features clips from upcoming episodes, behind-the-scenes-footage, interviews with talent, and cast members answers to questions posed by fans.
The Blu-ray boxset is $39.96 right now on Amazon.
Thanks for posting, should be an interesting special.This should be posted in here also.
Day one is the cheapest it will be. I believe if you order on Amazon at any time, they'll adjust the price of your order if they change it.I hope it drops to $35, I bought season 1 and 2 on release day for $35. Seems like a week later it goes up to $45.
Thanks for posting, should be an interesting special.
Day one is the cheapest it will be. I believe if you order on Amazon at any time, they'll adjust the price of your order if they change it.
Looks like Bestbuy has the triple threat covers of season 3: Stark, Lannister and Targaryan house sigils!
I have the Stark Season 1 and Lannister Season 2 house sigil covers and now all I need is the Targaryan season 3 cover!
This will be mine
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/game-of...2989384&st=game of thrones season 3&lp=5&cp=1
I'm waiting for the Stark cover to hit less than $35 on there, then I'll have to bite. Or as long as it's ~$39.99, since I have to pay tax on online orders on Amazon now anyway.
I got the Bestbuy exclusive Lannister cover season 2 for $35 on release day. I am very sure that Bestbuy will lower the price to at least $35 or less on the first day of release.
It really wasn't much of anything - don't worry about it.I really wish there was a way to block threads. I think 3 times a day I click on the Unmarked spoilers thread and have a mini heart attack and leave before I read anything. Today I thought I was in this one and read a spoiler luckily it didn't seem like a big one.
I really wish there was a way to block threads. I think 3 times a day I click on the Unmarked spoilers thread and have a mini heart attack and leave before I read anything. Today I thought I was in this one and read a spoiler luckily it didn't seem like a big one.
I really wish there was a way to block threads. I think 3 times a day I click on the Unmarked spoilers thread and have a mini heart attack and leave before I read anything. Today I thought I was in this one and read a spoiler luckily it didn't seem like a big one.
I'll talk to Steely about the thread titles and hopefully we can come up with something that avoids confusion as much as possible. In general, my advice would be to look carefully before you click and possibly use subscriptions to make sure you're tracking the correct thread.
If you have specific concerns about how spoilers are handled, please feel free to PM me suggestions that you have. Steely and I can discuss them before the new threads go up. I'd rather not clog up the thread by talking about this in the meantime.It's so much easier if book readers simply do not post in Reader threads. The smarmy "Just wait and see..tee-hee!" post are the worst. But even when when book readers try to be careful, it's so very easy to slip up, especially once the TV show and books begin to drift apart.
Also, some posts by TV watchers simply beg for spoilers, intended or not. It's best to avoid it altogether. I'd hate to ruin the experience.
Steely and I will work on it and find a solution. Again, if you have ideas, just PM them to me. Thanks.How about posting the [NO SPOILER] tag before the main title? It's much easier to spot this way.
[NO BOOK SPOILERS] Game of Thrones S4
[BOOK READERS ONLY] Game of Thrones S4
Good to know you're modding the thread now Cornballer, after last season, I just had to read the books and so now, I have to police myself with what I can/cannot say. I'm going to go over my old posts in this thread, try and remember what I actually thought. In a sense, I do wish I stayed with the show till the end but I just had to know what happens and in greater detail. And don't worry fellow show buddies, I know what it was like last season, I won't say a damn thing.
Blame the fans who voted to bring those covers back. There were better choices that were passed over. We could've had these instead:Man wtf, Bestbuy re-using covers.
Man wtf, Bestbuy re-using covers.
Just need the Targaryan sigil cover for season 3 to complete my Stark/Lannister/Targaryancover trifecta![/QUOTE]
Yeah but I just hope it doesn't happen again going forward. I want some damn options.
Game of Thrones: Ice and Fire: A Foreshadowing
Clips from upcoming episodes, behind-the-scenes footage and cast interviews highlight the fourth season of the series.
Good news action figure fans.
Game of Thrones action figures... spotted in California at B&N. No pics of Tyrion yet but he's in the first wave. B&N is charging $20 per figure, but when they hit more stores the price could be different. Hopefully lower.
The quality, size, articulation and packaging are being compared to the Star Wars Black Series figures, which is probably a good sign. I hope.
Not my pics... I wish they were. I'd have bought em all. I'm gonna start calling around today for them.
Here's a SW Black Series figure for comparison:
Really spoilery if you want to go in knowing nothing. It lays out some next season plotlines.