My current prediction is that she'll lose most of her army in short order, then be forced to find a new plan. Again. Dragons breathe fire, and the zombie-like enemies (not sure if walkers or something else) seem vulnerable to fire, so Dany is basically a hard-counter to the threat from the North. I suppose it's possible that she and her dragons will die before being able to get used in this fashion, but I've been predicting a Dragon v White Walker showdown since Season 1.
Yeah, I've been thinking there'd be some sort of showdown between possibly Dragons and some sort of stuff in the North. The books are titled A Song of Ice and Fire, so I figured Dany and her dragons would be the fire in that. Now I'm kind of wondering, though, because the lord of light has been popping up fucking everywhere. I'm sure Dany's still going to come mess some stuff up, but I do wonder what all the lord of light stuff will amount to.
From a story structure it would make the most sense if she kind of came over near the end, after almost everyone else is done fucking each other over, took things over, and then things went south up north. After taking over and sitting on the ashes of the kingdom, she'd then have to deal with whatever fantastical shit was up there then. If she just came in and took over for a little bit and then died or something it wouldn't make sense to spend all this time developing her.
And yeah she seems to keep having to throw everything out the window and find a new plan, and that's kind of getting old by now, so I'm hoping this time she's really gathering permanent resources.
I think the chronology of events will be something like this:
White Walkers reach the wall > Winter is finally coming > Dany arrives in Westeros. In the meantime the political intrigues and backstabbing in the Seven Kingdoms proceed as usual
Yeah, that's kind of what I'm thinking. Political intrigue kills a lot of the important characters > White walkers and shit reach the wall > Winter arrives > Danny arrives and realizes she's gotta fight something else entirely
That also makes some sense as to why she'd be accepted. As of now I haven't really heard anyone in Westeros actually wanting a Targaryen back. There's no foreshadowing there at all. Nothing. If the country was about to be ravaged by whatever the hell is north, though, then it would make sense people would be like "Hell yeah, person with dragons. You're fine by us, now can you go take care of that stuff?"
I'm kind of at a loss as to what happens with the king beyond the wall and Jon Snow in all this, though. The Night's Watch is scattered so there's really not much to stop them. And Robb is down wherever the fuck, so there's not much in the North to stop them there, either. So, I dunno... maybe Jon assassinates that king and then they scatter? Seems less epic than what it was building to, though.