lol love the queen of thorns
I fucking love this old lady.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one loving her. What a great and well acted character. It also helps that she looks like an old lady from an ancient tapestry.
Oh and Margaery she knows how to play this game well.
Marg is schooling everybody so far, although I can't help but wonder if her grandmother approves of her marriage, given her words about mothers always trying to instill some common sense on her children and failing.
Also SMH at Sansa. She has to be the most gullible character in the series.
Poor girl has been living like a princess for all of her life and now she's been thrown into a pit of snakes. I actually feel bad for her. Also, I wonder what happened with Joffrey's sister.
One question though, what was the big deal if they just killed Craster? I mean how important was he? Just that he had some food and shelter for Rangers beyond the wall?
He's one of the few (the only?) "loyal" wildling out there. An outpost that far inside the big north must be
very valuable for the Night's Watch. He kept the place safe, fed the troops and offered shelter while keeping the white walkers out of the zone with sacrifices. They couldn't just kill him.
I'm confused by the Night Watch stuff. I understand killing that psycho, but why kill your leader and then start fighting each other?
Also kinda disappointed there wasn't a Jon Snow update this episode.
Mormont would have the head of whoever killed Craster for ruining one of his few outposts out there. Besides, pretty the entire crew is basically made of awful people that would turn against each other under hard times.
Quite a few unexpected turns. Especially the one with the Night Watch.
Which kind of sucked. What happened to the two guys that are friends with Sam and Snow? Did one die?
I'm wondering the same. That part of the episode was such a crazy mess. Not in a bad way, mind you.
I would love to see Granny Tyrell versus Tywin Lannister have a scene or two. Would probably be amazing.
Aw yiss.
Queen mode: ACTIVATED.
As someone else said, I felt like I could understand each of her words without subtitles. Emilia Clarke owned so much face it's not even funny. My mouth was agape through the whole final. Amazing.
Jamie Lannister gets another taste of reality, and a slap in the face from Brienne. It's probably not the first time he's heard that speech, but I bet it's much more relevant to him now.
I've been saying this for the longest time. He's a pretty boy from a posh family that managed to thug around because nobody could touch him. He wasn't even a great soldier, but a treacherous shithead that came to seize the day just as the war neared its end. Welcome to the real life, bitch.
That was all kinds of awesome. The last image when they left the city was really great.
I would have liked to see some more burnination, tho. Surely you can't slaughter all the slave owners of the city without creating a bit of a mess.
Thing is, she's super heavy infantry right now. She has no cavalry, and no siege weapons, and no other weapons besides what the Unsullied have. It'd be stupid for her to march on King's Landing without all the other parts of an army she might need.
Understimate light infantry at your own peril. The Unsullied remind me
A LOT of the
Almogavars, foot soldiers armed only with spears, short swords and round shields. They were damn fast and managed to run a train all over the Mediterranean basin in a very short period of time, bum rushing much more powerful armies through speed and determination.
Cavalry will be the Dothraki and the dragons 5 times their current size will be siege and anti siege.
Dunno about that. Apparently she only has a tiny amount of Dothraki left, and most of them are not even real Dothraki but former slaves. The strong ones ran away or died out in the desert.
That said, I think the show could show the logistics of war for increased realism. Moving an entire army is a huge ordeal that requires hundreds of people herding cattle, building shelters and taking care of preparing the meals/forging new weapons when needed. Freed slaves could make up for those people, but I'd like to
see them at work. It's kind of funny that Spartacus of all shows got this right.
Yes. Here's a map. Astapor wasn't marked on it, so I marked it in blue. She's a long way from King's Landing.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Damn. I guess Dany's adventures at Essos are going to last for quite a while unless she hauls ass to Westeros through sea.
[quote="sionyboy, post: 54921906"]I fear for Varys, something tells me he has got some dodgy moles and is picking the wrong friends.[/QUOTE]
I think Little Finger is going to get his comeuppance well before Varys. Also, he's going to HATE losing Sansa to the Tyrells. I can't see him married to Cat's crazy ass sister any time soon.
[quote="timetokill, post: 54927042"]I'm glad you brought up this point. That was the most impressed I've been with Sophie Turner in the entire series. Impeccably acted. You could just see the joy on her face combined with the "oh god please let this happen don't jinx it" feelings. Like in the first time in forever she actually has hope.[/QUOTE]
It was such an amazing scene. The way she went from slightly distrustful ("I'm praying the gods your husband to be dies the most awful death, but I can't tell you that") to taken by bliss and hope was so natural and wonderful. Such a powerful performance.
Damn, now I feel like I need a rewatch.
Edit: Damn, this is a long ass post.