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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Really good dialogue throughout this episode. Perhaps a bit cheesy, but I thought that little moment of self reflection by Theon was great.
she's not her brother but she's still not a good leader. hey, lets just leave this city with no defense and a gaping power vacuum in the shape of slavery.

dun wurry, it'll be k.

Yeah, she is in it for herself. We don't know how he would deal with kids. His family's childred were slaughtered so dispite being a dick I doubt he woul take the same action. It's not as if every action they would take would be the same, but don't tell me she doesn't sound like him when she gives her speaches. Hell in season two when she was threatening evryone who wouldn't give her an army for free I thought they were just doing it on person. All it was missing was 'you has awoken the dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Aslo, I didn't get a chance to talk about this last week but when Melisnd...Melisarder.....the Red Women (tm) talked about finding others with Stannis' blood, who is she talking about. Right now I can only think of Gendry; he DOES technically have Baratheon blood but it seems like she can't just pop up where he is and what the hell would she want him for. Maybe there is someone we are forgetting or they haven't revealed yet.


That's another thing I've always thought about.

There's no other outcome I can see for Dany other than her winning. She's been heavily segregated from the rest of the main cast on another continent (it is another continent, right?).

To have her get so far (maybe even all the way to King's Landing) and then die, wouldn't it make her entire journey pointless?

Yes. Here's a map. Astapor wasn't marked on it, so I marked it in blue. She's a long way from King's Landing.

So the Hound has the fight a one eyed man while surrounded by fire. That should be good.

The guy who betrayed Theon. He blames Theon for escaping and killing the chasers.

My take is that he works for the Dad while he's masquerading as a helper for the captives. The captives are not connected to the Dad.

Theon's Dad doesn't give a shit about his son and only cares about revenge on the Stark's. Regardless of what Theon would have said to the guy, he would have led Theon back into the torture chamber.
Wow, she is a long way. So, she started in Pentos, and then crossed all the way east with Drogo? It would make sense since she crossed the waste to get to Qarth.
Wow, she is a long way. So, she started in Pentos, and then crossed all the way east with Drogo? It would make sense since she crossed the waste to get to Qarth.

Makes more sense to why her brother was getting so agitated. The horde was actually moving away from Westeros than finding ships to cross the narrow sea.

Different perspective now.


Perhaps Daenerys will be queen

She'll probably work out some deal with the Starks and Stannis Baratheon

The Lannisters will probably be all killed or exiled

And the Starks will stop fighting for the Throne and start worrying about the zombie-army
Perhaps Daenerys will be queen

She'll probably work out some deal with the Starks and Stannis Baratheon

The Lannisters will probably be all killed or exiled

And the Starks will stop fighting for the Throne and start worrying about the zombie-army

Stannis doesn't seem the type to work out some deals

Funky Papa

Well, that was some fucking GoT episode. Here's my quick recap:

  • Seeing Jaime so tortured and wrecked made me pause for a moment. He's an arrogant little bitch who's been fed with a silver spoon for most of his life and he tried to kill a small boy, but I still felt bad for him. Just for a moment.
  • Brienne coming to respect/defend him... not sure if I like that. He's still a turd of a person and I don't believe he'll be able to redeem himself.
  • Man, Bolton soldiers have to be some of the nastiest people in Westeros. Raping, torturing, chopping hands off... It's not like the Lannisters are any better, but the way they are displayed makes them considerably more cruent.
  • Varys... damn. And here I was wondering what he could be uncrating with such delight in his eyes...
  • Podrick the lancer is now a thing.
  • Granny Tyrell is KILLING IT. My gods. Terrific actress and so far also a terrific character.
  • Theon... oh, Theon... you can pretty much copy and paste my feelings towards Jaime.
  • Theon's captor seems to be acting on his own. What I don't understand is what he could ever gain from it. He also looks like a creep. Just look at the face on this greasy turd of a man.
  • I love Charles Dance and I love Tywin for saying what I've been saying this long: Cersei thinks she's smarter than she actually is. That was an actual truth bomb. I wonder what he's planning to stop Joffrey from being such a massive dick.
  • Sansa... oh gods, Sansa. I've been a big fan of all the young actors in this show since the first day, but this time Sophie Turner blew my mind. Her scene with Margaery was one of the most perfectly acted ones of the entire show. It was also a painful one; the poor girl is being traded like a horse... or worse. At least she may end up marrying Loras. And frankly, a curly haired twinky is much, much better than Cunt Joffrey the first of his name.
  • The revolt at Craster's... WHAT THE FUCK. I really liked Mormont, seeing him go in such a terrible way was heartbreaking. However, I didn't see what happened with Sam's friends. I think the one with the red beard run towards Craster's killer, but I don't know what happened next. I hope Sam runs to the wall and alerts the rest of the nightwatch :/
  • The Brotherhood is starting to look like the wildcard. So they are basically fugitives now? And they have been converted to this new religion? I had no idea where that particular storyline is going.
  • And finally... Khaleesi! What a wonderful scene. I knew this was coming from a mile away, but they still pulled it with high marks. Emilia owned the shit out of her character. Also, I didn't expect the slave trader to speak in Valyrian. I thought that just be another language that Dany could have learned during her long exhile, but it ended up being even better. Drakaris, motherfuckers.

Anyway, I'll read the rest of the thread right now. I'm sure I can't be the only one flipping balls ATM.


The HBO Viewer's Guide has a nice map with some more detailed locations too that is pretty helpful to get a sense of where everything is in relation to everything else.

Weird, for some reason in my mind I pictured Pyke and the Vale in switched positions. Perhaps because they said they needed the Iron Islands' ships to take King's Landing, so I thought they'd be nearer.

Anyone have a clue where about on that map Jaime is?

Also, Dany seems pretty close to Valyria. Wonder why she doesn't go back there to see what's up.
Damn, I saw Dany's little gambit a mile off, but it was still sweet to watch it come together. Shit is starting to get real.

Nightswatch are pretty much fucked now, guess the Wildings and the Walkers have a free run to Winterfell now. Next season the credits will probably have Winterfell as a crater. :p

I fear for Varys, something tells me he has got some dodgy moles and is picking the wrong friends.


Weird, for some reason in my mind I pictured Pike and the Vale in switched positions. Perhaps because they said they needed the Iron Islands' ships to take King's Landing, so I thought they'd be nearer.

Anyone have a clue where about on that map Jaime is?

He's somewhere in the riverlands. (The area around Riverrun and Harrenhal)


I don't think so. In typical fantasy writer fashion, GRRM has only mapped the parts that matter to the story and a little more.

Here's a link to the map that shows the largest amount of landmass that I've seen:


There's also complete maps of the north area beyond the wall. They're easy to find on google.

Couldn't resist

Also, that is one big landmass. I feel like everything that happens in Westeros is like childsplay in the rest of the world. Westeros is small...

And how do they know there is such a big insea? Or is this just guessing


Could the revelation that the Bortherhood Without Banners is now worshiping the Lord Of Light mean that red-headed shadow-demon baby mama will be showing up in the North? She is traveling to parts unknown currently. And they do have some royal blood available.
I hadn't thought of this!

That's what I thought at first but then I remember Theon brought up the kids on his own, he wasn't asked about it. I don't think that dick with him even wanted to know. I reallt think he was just torturing Theon for fun. Plus he got to kill some people with a bow.
Theon brought up the kids on his own, but didn't it seem like the other guy was taking a long time unlocking the door, but as soon as Theon said basically that Ned Stark was his father that the door immediately unlocked? It seemed more significant the second time I watched it.

OMG Daenerys Targaryen is my QUEEN

Best post in this thread.

Dany is nothing like her brother. Like Bob said, she can back it up and he never could. His only plan was to sell his sister for an army and he was willing to kill her unborn child to keep it. Also, he wasn't immune to fire... Freeing the slaves and letting them kill their masters was a GOOD thing. Astapor was a city that relied on slaves and I have no sympathy for bringing the city down. I really think the growing she has done since her first scene in Season 1 has been awesome and more earned than any other person who has claims on the Iron Throne. She's the only one (besides Rob Stark who doesn't want it) who actually cares about the people she's responsible for. Stannis sold his soul to a witch of sorts and obviously Joffrey needs to go.
Well, I really think she and her brother act very, very similar, even if they don't take the same actions.

Oh Sansa, you are going to be the prettiest beard in all the seven kingdoms!
Well, that was some fucking GoT episode. Here's my quick recap:

  • Sansa... oh gods, Sansa. I've been a big fan of all the young actors in this show since the first day, but this time Sophie Turner blew my mind. Her scene with Margaery was one of the most perfectly acted ones of the entire show. It was also a painful one; the poor girl is being traded like a horse... or worse. At least she may end up marrying Loras. And frankly, a curly haired twinky is much, much better than Cunt Joffrey the first of his name.

I'm glad you brought up this point. That was the most impressed I've been with Sophie Turner in the entire series. Impeccably acted. You could just see the joy on her face combined with the "oh god please let this happen don't jinx it" feelings. Like in the first time in forever she actually has hope.


Doesn't mean all were following him that long. They're thieves, murderers and rapists.. what kinda loyalty do you expect when shit hits the fan?

I understand why they would rebel but I agree with the poster thinking that they could have spent a little more time getting to that point. It worked well in moving things forward and made sense, but pacing felt off to me.

Funky Papa

lol love the queen of thorns

I fucking love this old lady.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one loving her. What a great and well acted character. It also helps that she looks like an old lady from an ancient tapestry.

Oh and Margaery she knows how to play this game well.
Marg is schooling everybody so far, although I can't help but wonder if her grandmother approves of her marriage, given her words about mothers always trying to instill some common sense on her children and failing.

Also SMH at Sansa. She has to be the most gullible character in the series.

Poor girl has been living like a princess for all of her life and now she's been thrown into a pit of snakes. I actually feel bad for her. Also, I wonder what happened with Joffrey's sister.

One question though, what was the big deal if they just killed Craster? I mean how important was he? Just that he had some food and shelter for Rangers beyond the wall?
He's one of the few (the only?) "loyal" wildling out there. An outpost that far inside the big north must be very valuable for the Night's Watch. He kept the place safe, fed the troops and offered shelter while keeping the white walkers out of the zone with sacrifices. They couldn't just kill him.

I'm confused by the Night Watch stuff. I understand killing that psycho, but why kill your leader and then start fighting each other?

Also kinda disappointed there wasn't a Jon Snow update this episode.

Mormont would have the head of whoever killed Craster for ruining one of his few outposts out there. Besides, pretty the entire crew is basically made of awful people that would turn against each other under hard times.

Quite a few unexpected turns. Especially the one with the Night Watch.

Which kind of sucked. What happened to the two guys that are friends with Sam and Snow? Did one die?

I'm wondering the same. That part of the episode was such a crazy mess. Not in a bad way, mind you.

I would love to see Granny Tyrell versus Tywin Lannister have a scene or two. Would probably be amazing.

Aw yiss.

Queen mode: ACTIVATED.

As someone else said, I felt like I could understand each of her words without subtitles. Emilia Clarke owned so much face it's not even funny. My mouth was agape through the whole final. Amazing.

Jamie Lannister gets another taste of reality, and a slap in the face from Brienne. It's probably not the first time he's heard that speech, but I bet it's much more relevant to him now.

I've been saying this for the longest time. He's a pretty boy from a posh family that managed to thug around because nobody could touch him. He wasn't even a great soldier, but a treacherous shithead that came to seize the day just as the war neared its end. Welcome to the real life, bitch.

That was all kinds of awesome. The last image when they left the city was really great.

I would have liked to see some more burnination, tho. Surely you can't slaughter all the slave owners of the city without creating a bit of a mess.

Thing is, she's super heavy infantry right now. She has no cavalry, and no siege weapons, and no other weapons besides what the Unsullied have. It'd be stupid for her to march on King's Landing without all the other parts of an army she might need.
Understimate light infantry at your own peril. The Unsullied remind me A LOT of the Almogavars, foot soldiers armed only with spears, short swords and round shields. They were damn fast and managed to run a train all over the Mediterranean basin in a very short period of time, bum rushing much more powerful armies through speed and determination.

Cavalry will be the Dothraki and the dragons 5 times their current size will be siege and anti siege.
Dunno about that. Apparently she only has a tiny amount of Dothraki left, and most of them are not even real Dothraki but former slaves. The strong ones ran away or died out in the desert.

That said, I think the show could show the logistics of war for increased realism. Moving an entire army is a huge ordeal that requires hundreds of people herding cattle, building shelters and taking care of preparing the meals/forging new weapons when needed. Freed slaves could make up for those people, but I'd like to see them at work. It's kind of funny that Spartacus of all shows got this right.

Yes. Here's a map. Astapor wasn't marked on it, so I marked it in blue. She's a long way from King's Landing.

Damn. I guess Dany's adventures at Essos are going to last for quite a while unless she hauls ass to Westeros through sea.

[quote="sionyboy, post: 54921906"]I fear for Varys, something tells me he has got some dodgy moles and is picking the wrong friends.[/QUOTE]

I think Little Finger is going to get his comeuppance well before Varys. Also, he's going to HATE losing Sansa to the Tyrells. I can't see him married to Cat's crazy ass sister any time soon.

[quote="timetokill, post: 54927042"]I'm glad you brought up this point. That was the most impressed I've been with Sophie Turner in the entire series. Impeccably acted. You could just see the joy on her face combined with the "oh god please let this happen don't jinx it" feelings. Like in the first time in forever she actually has hope.[/QUOTE]

It was such an amazing scene. The way she went from slightly distrustful ("I'm praying the gods your husband to be dies the most awful death, but I can't tell you that") to taken by bliss and hope was so natural and wonderful. Such a powerful performance.

Damn, now I feel like I need a rewatch.

Edit: Damn, this is a long ass post.


This is my first post in this thread, so bear with me if needed.

Having said that, Daenerys finally kicked those slavers' collectives butts! I have been waiting for that moment since I first started watching the tv program. I read the books, of course, but it is one of my favorite scenes of the story. I really enjoyed how they showed her marching off with the unsullied. The cinematography perfectly expressed the scene's meaning: triumph mixed with fire and death!


Unconfirmed Member
Didn't that guy who freed Theon have the 'X' on his chest at the end, or am I mistaken?

I remember Jaime saying he couldn't be anything other than a swordsman, it was the only thing he was good at. Brienne's little pep talk might have changed his opinion a bit.

I know the Tyrell's are in a very good position right now, but the thought never crossed my mind before this episode that they could have teamed up with the Stark's and taken over the throne. Assuming they were the biggest reason for Renly's huge army.

Dany seems a little too power hungry or I'd suggest she team up with the North. I don't think she'll settle for just ruling the south though. Plus Mormont hates the Starks, or at least he hated Ned.


Bran's death to save your own, your sisters, and possibly your three children's? You think Robert would spare them if he found out they were the product of incest?

It's horrible, but I don't know, I tried to see it from his point of view. The guy Ned Stark beheaded. He fled because he'd be killed. He told everyone the truth, to warn them and help them, to tell what happened to his friends and he was beheaded for it. Because that was the 'law of the land' made it alright?

I have less sympathy for Theon. Killing two children because he wanted to selfishly hold Winterfell. Killing Ser Roderick so that his men would respect him. A guy like Theon is just like Jamie because he they'd do anything to prove their worth.

I agree, these people are monsters but you can empathize with them when they face problems without supporting them.

The whole point is that Bran didn't have to die. There are other choices to be made. Other choices that reduce harm to innocent people. Remember that Ned gave Cersei a peaceful way out even after finding out why they had done what they did to his own son. He did that for the sake of her as of yet innocent children. They could have fled an lived in hiding, but they valued recognition and power more than a young child's life.


I've been saying this for the longest time. He's a pretty boy from a posh family that managed to thug around because nobody could touch him. He wasn't even a great soldier, but a treacherous shithead that came to seize the day just as the war neared its end. Welcome to the real life, bitch.

This is just wrong. Jaime was the youngest member of the Kingsguard to ever be appointed. He was an extremely capable swordsman, and it's no exaggeration to say he was the best fighter in Westeros, apart from maybe Barristan the Bold, and the Mountain (for obvious reasons).


Dany seems a little too power hungry or I'd suggest she team up with the North. I don't think she'll settle for just ruling the south though. Plus Mormont hates the Starks, or at least he hated Ned.

You have a point here. I can't see her giving up any of the realm once she gets it (if she does).

Funky Papa

This is just wrong. Jaime was the youngest member of the Kingsguard to ever be appointed. He was an extremely capable swordsman, and it's no exaggeration to say he was the best fighter in Westeros, apart from maybe Barristan the Bold, and the Mountain (for obvious reasons).

He was a great swordman, but that doesn't mean he was a great soldier.

Fake edit: Although now I remember that he cut a good number of Northmen before he was captured by Robb's men.


judging by the map, Dany has a long, long way to go. Looks like she's going to [map spoiler]
liberate the twin slaver cities to the north first and then either continue north to capture the Dothraki capital or march west along the coast


Also, Dany seems pretty close to Valyria. Wonder why she doesn't go back there to see what's up.

If you look at the description of Valyria on the HBO map, (spoiler simply since it's on the HBO website but not been discussed in the actual series as far as I can remember)
it says "the ancient city was destroyed centuries ago," so presumably it's nothing but a ruin.

Funky Papa

If you look at the description of Valyria on the HBO map, (spoiler simply since it's on the HBO website but not been discussed in the actual series as far as I can remember)
it says "the ancient city was destroyed centuries ago," so presumably it's nothing but a ruin.

This is from either the BR set or HBO's site, I can't remember:
IIRC Valyria (and I'm guessing much of Essos) got trashed by some worldwide event that changed the entire planet's temperature/seasons. The Targaryen and their dragons moved to Westeros after that.
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