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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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What would be considered an impressive army? (Genuine question) since the Wildlings are tentative about raiding the Wall with their apparant 1000 men. I can't remember how many Mance supposedly has in his 'army'?

well, the Ottomans had at least 100,000 soldiers when they tried (and failed) to take Vienna and during the final siege of Constantinople. Saladin had around 20,000 men when he took back Jerusalem
It's probably the best thing about GoT, the normal rules of TV don't apply. Normally there is no way a TV show would kill Tyrion, because Dinklage is probably the star of the show, but because it's a book, anyone is fair game.

Yeah. It's for the best; I like when adaptation don't make unnecessary changes. That being said, I pray that nothing happens to Tyrion, Arya or Daenerys anytime soon. In fact, I don't want anything to happen to Arya ever. If she dies, I will be pissed.

Demon Ice

I think it's just one of the few moments the show is allowed to go meta. "Red Wedding" became such a popular name for it that even the characters on the show call it that.

No, Red Wedding was the official name of the wedding in the lore. Purple Wedding was a popular fan name for Joff's wedding, as a play on Red Wedding, which is canon.


While skimming about halfway through the thread, I stumbled upon this. So put mount my head above the gates if already posted:

You know there's this?

(Which is incredibly awesome as well, I've got it)


Woah, this is really cool. I'd stand over that thing with a menacing scowl like Stannis if I owned it.

Er...the post you're quoting says nothing about what Jaime did being forgivable. It says it's in line with his character, which it is, because we are talking about a man who attempted to murder a 10 year old by throwing them out a window, and murdered his own cousin in cold blood as part of an escape attempt.

It was a joke. I immediately said seriously and cited an example backing up his point.
What would be considered an impressive army? (Genuine question) since the Wildlings are tentative about raiding the Wall with their apparant 1000 men. I can't remember how many Mance supposedly has in his 'army'?

EDIT: Nevermind, just realized we have been informed of numbers numerous times :L

Didn't mance have like 100,000 men & giants?


I think Gilly isn't gonna like how his plan works out.

Either the girl will be forced into "other work" or shell volunteer herself into "other work."


Loved the Dany scene at the end. God damn badass.

Also I like the new Daario. At least he doesn't look like a dick like the old one.

wait, did they replace the actor? I thought he just grew a beard. No wonder why I didn't recognize him at first
It's interesting that after previously admonishing Joffery for worrying about Dany's dragons, Tywin actually acknowledged the danger they pose last episode. I always thought his downfall would be that while he is a master of "normal" politics and strategy, he would be completely unprepared for anything supernatural. I guess I didn't give him enough credit.
It's interesting that after previously admonishing Joffery for worrying about Dany's dragons, Tywin actually acknowledged the danger they pose last episode. I always thought his downfall would be that while he is a master of "normal" politics and strategy, he would be completely unprepared for anything supernatural. I guess I didn't give him enough credit.

Or he's just trying to get Obs onside? Flattery!


It's interesting that after previously admonishing Joffery for worrying about Dany's dragons, Tywin actually acknowledged the danger they pose last episode. I always thought his downfall would be that while he is a master of "normal" politics and strategy, he would be completely unprepared for anything supernatural. I guess I didn't give him enough credit.

Yeah, he just didn't feel like discussing anything important with his arrogant jerk grandson.
Reading back over the last few pages I honestly don't get the complaints claiming Dany is wasting time, or listlessly twiddling her thumbs through the desert. Freeing slaves has been an integral part of her arc since season one, directly responsible for her greatest losses and triumphs. Beyond the sentimental motivations what she's doing is strategically brilliant, bolstering her ranks while allowing her untested army to amass invaluable battle experience.

Dragons are a big deal but dragons aren't invincible, and her's are half sized. The show hasn't been shy about letting us know it could take years before they're fully grown. As they age, what better use of her time than to build a military force large and seasoned enough to realistically contend with the armies of the Seven Kingdoms? Further, given the state Westeros, starving & war torn with more threats looming, as stories of Daenerys' exploits drift across the Narrow Sea how long will it be before the people look to her as a saviour, and begin pining for the Dragon Queen to take the Iron Throne?

The issues with the plotting of Daenerys' storyline is less relating to the logistics of it so much as it is the practicality of events. Daenerys, unlike the other majority of other characters, has little effect on any of the other primary characters right now, nor has she since the first season, where we had three extremely prominent, different characters in the form of her, Viserys, and Khal Drogo in her proximity, all with different dynamics to one another. Since then, we've had a rather one-note story, which is completely in line with her character but isn't, to me, rather compelling, and makes it feel static. Those she interacts with have similar power dynamics and interactions towards her (Daario, Selmy, Jorah, Grey Worm) even if there are some differentiating features, and there isn't enough time available to flesh out the story more thoroughly and explore different facets of her role as leader. Given her limited interaction with a wide range of other well-developed, different characters she's left to stand on the strengths of her character but she doesn't have the complexity, nor the time, to be particularly compelling alone.

If we take others such as Cersei for example, regardless of whether you are somebody who enjoys or dislikes the character, the variety of her interactions with others are quite dynamic, from her and Ned Stark, her and Jamie, her and Joffrey, and her and Robert in season one, to the current interactions with her family and the Tyrells, it's interesting to see how the character reacts to the constantly shifting power dynamics brought about by changes within the world, and this helps to develop her character further as we see these interactions. Daenerys is really missing such a variety of encounters, season one a notable exception where she had a compelling arc with Drogo and grew notably as a character. Since then she has been developing but it's all been in the same direction on the same points (and this is why I firmly believe she's going to end up with immoral eventually, given how much they're pushing her in this direction), with similar obstacles opposing her, interacting with characters who have similar viewpoints and rarely interact with each other, without having much impact on the primary cast (perhaps this is changing given how it's affected Tyrion in relation to Oberyn but I must confess it doesn't seem so unless Daenerys will head to Westeros after Meereen). Her story has more than enough material to make it compelling, but it feels like a spin-off inside the main show at the moment, and this is holding it back as it doesn't have enough time to delve into deeper topics to make it more engaging, for myself at least.

In short, the complaints relating to Daenerys is that her arc feels rather static, one-note, inconsequential (in the journey, I think everybody's in agreement that she will be a major player at some point in the future), and repetitive in nature, not that the actions she's doing are unnecessary, illogical or nonsensical. Perhaps others see it differently (and I know I've commented very similarly awhile back, but I just hope this better clarifies what may be the reason for such complaints, even if you disagree).

EDIT: Also, Jamie raping Cersei at their dead son's wake (or that's what it seemed to be, not sure what the ceremony is called in Westeros) was not something I expected given how Jamie's arc had been going. I'm curious about the motivation. Love mixed with hostility for her suggestion to kill Tyrion? Love mixed with hostility over her unwillingness to sleep with him prior to then? Or is it another aspect I'm ignoring? I'm not really clear why he did that. I can understand why he'd want to continue sleeping with her, having been returned to the family, and his love, after an ordeal, but this, in that location, had me stumped honestly.


Unconfirmed Member
Question. If the wilings haven't attacked the wall yet then what did they climb last season?

They climbed an unguarded section of the wall, but didn't have enough guys to attack I'm assuming. Their plan is to draw some of the Night's Watch south with their pillaging, then attack with Mance's army.


1. Wasn't Littlefinger supposed to be sailing to the Vale?

And is it now implied he and he alone was behind Joffrey's assassination? Did he just come back to kill Joff and pick up Sansa?

2. What is the goal of the Wildlings who attacked that town? I know they want to attack with Mance but this small batch who made it over the wall, what is their primary goal? Just to stir shit up? I know how the show works but yeah I was disappointed how Ygritte just shot that dude. I thought she was changing a bit thanks to Jon Snow.

3. Wasn't Stannis supposed to be heading to the North to stop the Wildlings and White Walkers? He seems to be just in his room now contemplating going back towards King's Landing?

I liked how Tywin mentioned he knows everything that is going from Danny, the Wildlings, and Stannis.


Unconfirmed Member
1. Wasn't Littlefinger supposed to be sailing to the Vale?

And is it now implied he and he alone was behind Joffrey's assassination? Did he just come back to kill Joff and pick up Sansa?

2. What is the goal of the Wildlings who attacked that town? I know they want to attack with Mance but this small batch who made it over the wall, what is their primary goal? Just to stir shit up? I know how the show works but yeah I was disappointed how Ygritte just shot that dude. I thought she was changing a bit thanks to Jon Snow.

3. Wasn't Stannis supposed to be heading to the North to stop the Wildlings and White Walkers? He seems to be just in his room now contemplating going back towards King's Landing?

I liked how Tywin mentioned he knows everything that is going from Danny, the Wildlings, and Stannis.

Number 2: They want to draw some of the Night's Watch south to split them up so Mance can attack the wall.
1. Wasn't Littlefinger supposed to be sailing to the Vale?

And is it now implied he and he alone was behind Joffrey's assassination? Did he just come back to kill Joff and pick up Sansa?

2. What is the goal of the Wildlings who attacked that town? I know they want to attack with Mance but this small batch who made it over the wall, what is their primary goal? Just to stir shit up? I know how the show works but yeah I was disappointed how Ygritte just shot that dude. I thought she was changing a bit thanks to Jon Snow.

3. Wasn't Stannis supposed to be heading to the North to stop the Wildlings and White Walkers? He seems to be just in his room now contemplating going back towards King's Landing?

I liked how Tywin mentioned he knows everything that is going from Danny, the Wildlings, and Stannis.
Yeah, not sure what's going on with Stannis. Didn't he get a letter in Episode 10 of last season telling him the situation of the wall, and he basically realized he'd be better served helping out the real threat instead of engaging in the petty game of thrones.


Another thought I had during Dany's world tour...

the world East of Westeros seems more elaborate and exotic. Why is everyone so hung over ruling Westeros when there are cities like Qarth which seem as advanced if not more so?

Makes the fight for throne seem really petty. Danny could rule the whole world East of Westeros but seems hellbent on going back.
Another thought I had during Dany's world tour...

the world East of Westeros seems more elaborate and exotic. Why is everyone so hung over ruling Westeros when there are cities like Qarth which seem as advanced if not more so?

Makes the fight for throne seem really petty. Danny could rule the whole world East of Westeros but seems hellbent on going back.
muh birthright


Another thought I had during Dany's world tour...

the world East of Westeros seems more elaborate and exotic. Why is everyone so hung over ruling Westeros when there are cities like Qarth which seem as advanced if not more so?

Makes the fight for throne seem really petty. Danny could rule the whole world East of Westeros but seems hellbent on going back.

Iron Throne
My right
Ser Jorah
Ser Barristan


Question about Stannis.

At the end of last season, I though him and his gang had decided to head North to fight against the Wildings and white walkers.

The season start and you see Stannis and co away from his castle. I'd assume this was as they were on the move North.

Then in today's episode, he's back at his usual castle, and no mention of their plans to head North were mentioned. And his focus is on retaking King's Landing still.

Have I missed something?
I don't know why, but Dany's speech at the end of the episode sounded like absolute gibberish (in native tongue). No repeating words or sounds even when the translated text called for it.

Good episode overall. Bows are neat.
I don't know why, but Dany's speech at the end of the episode sounded like absolute gibberish (in native tongue). No repeating words or sounds even when the translated text called for it.

Good episode overall. Bows are neat.

What? The whole repeating part "I went to x, freed the slaves" sounded similar like a language should. The language is constructed for the show and its sentence construction makes sense, even though it doesn't have many words (many of them are invented as required).

Also, damn man, Podrick. Only this show can make you feel so much for even minor characters. I hope he lives and puts that dick to use.


Loving this season so far.

Episode 2 was awesome, and Ep 3 set up a lot of things. I like the way this season is shaping up so far.

This is why I enjoy GoT so much. There's so many characters, so many settings, so many story lines all going on at once and it's very unpredictable. The casting is magnificent and the wardrobe and props are top notch.

Walking Dead in comparison I find lame because you know the main characters (Rick, Daryl, Glen, etc) are always going to get away safely some how. It's always the same little cast of characters with just a couple stories going on. Each season there's only one new setting (camp, prison, farm, the town). I get so bored of The Walking Dead.
The new villain introduced at the end of last season had his hair styled all nicely, looking like Ashton Kutcher. WTF?
I thought this was supposed to be a zombie apocalypse? Who is styling this guys hair every morning? GoT is so gritty realistic, it's usually believable and has an immersive setting.
LF sounded weird in the last episode, dunno why just seemed odd.

Maybe that is more what he really is like and what we knew before was just the act.
Shitty accents kind of work, though. King's Landing looks like a melting pot of ethnicities so it makes sense that someone who lived there for a while would have different accents rub off on them.

The Thenn guy sounds the most American of them all, and in a series like this, it actually sounds exotic.

I don't mind what LF sounds like, as long as he doesn't put that damn Batman voice on when he's back in a city. One time on a spooky boat to sound conspiratorial was enough.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Question about Stannis.

At the end of last season, I though him and his gang had decided to head North to fight against the Wildings and white walkers.

The season start and you see Stannis and co away from his castle. I'd assume this was as they were on the move North.

Then in today's episode, he's back at his usual castle, and no mention of their plans to head North were mentioned. And his focus is on retaking King's Landing still.

Have I missed something?

Yeah i have been wondering that too, what the hell happened with the urgency of going to the north? Did we miss something or are we crazy? Or its simply gonna be explained later on?


Another thought I had during Dany's world tour...

the world East of Westeros seems more elaborate and exotic. Why is everyone so hung over ruling Westeros when there are cities like Qarth which seem as advanced if not more so?

Makes the fight for throne seem really petty. Danny could rule the whole world East of Westeros but seems hellbent on going back.

I might be wrong but, she believes she is the rightful heir to the throne.

Her father and ancestors united the 7 kingdoms and ruled Westeros until the "rebellion" led by Robert Baratheon, who then made himself the new King.


Question. If the wilings haven't attacked the wall yet then what did they climb last season?

They climbed the wall. Mance sent a party over the wall to attack from the south when the time comes. The vast majority of his army is still north of the wall. He told their warg to send his eagle above the wall every night to look for the signal, which would be a giant bonfire.....but now the wildling warg is dead. So since they can no longer co-ordinate their attack, I assume that the wildling party has turned to raiding in order to force a response from the crows, and thus stretch the supplies and manpower of Castle Black.


Unconfirmed Member
They become empty after they join her army.

Dragon food.

Not everybody who lives there is a slave or slave owner though surely?

I'm sure a lot of these cities descend into the same shit that's plaguing Westeros at the moment. Does Dany take any precaution into insuring women and children aren't harmed and killed after she conquers them?
Not sure what to say except amidst all the hubub about the S4 premiere I finally decided to dive into this show. I've been pleasantly surprised. I was a bit turned off by the first few episodes, as like many other high fantasy pieces of fiction there was just a torrent of lore dumping that made it all next to impossible to follow (didn't even realize the incest angle with Jaime/Cersei for like 2-3 episodes). But the show has grown on me since. Tyrion's awesome. Not as big a fan of Daenaryus as many, though. She cheats. Also holy shit I have never been so satisfied by the death of an antagonist as I did Joffrey. The kid playing him had some nice acting chops.

If there's one thing I love the most about this show is that it is so blissfully unpredictable. Too many shows like this fall into so many tried and true tropes, it's nice to have a good tense tragedy to really keep things interesting the whole way through. I suppose it's probably a byproduct of the show being first and foremost a successful book series not bound by such things as actors contracts and merchandising deals, but I welcome it all the same. So yeah.
Not sure what to say except amidst all the hubub about the S4 premiere I finally decided to dive into this show. I've been pleasantly surprised. I was a bit turned off by the first few episodes, as like many other high fantasy pieces of fiction there was just a torrent of lore dumping that made it all next to impossible to follow (didn't even realize the incest angle with Jaime/Cersei for like 2-3 episodes). But the show has grown on me since. Tyrion's awesome. Not as big a fan of Daenaryus as many, though. She cheats. Also holy shit I have never been so satisfied by the death of an antagonist as I did Joffrey. The kid playing him had some nice acting chops.

If there's one thing I love the most about this show is that it is so blissfully unpredictable. Too many shows like this fall into so many tried and true tropes, it's nice to have a good tense tragedy to really keep things interesting the whole way through. I suppose it's probably a byproduct of the show being first and foremost a successful book series not bound by such things as actors contracts and merchandising deals, but I welcome it all the same. So yeah.

How long did it take you to get up to date ?
I had a random thought.

Would a single T-800 from the Terminator movies be able to single handedly slaughter an entire army in this tv show? Armed with swords.
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