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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I am surprised how small her army looked.

Would it really add much cost to the CGI to just copy/paste some more soldiers in Maya?


Why did they keep those slave collars anyway.

I think the collars belong to the dead children the mareen people put as a taunt for dany, she's just throwing it back at them as a counter taunt.

Of course there were pivotal moments. Freeing the slaves, getting the slave army, going to the next town to free more slaves, etc. She was also part of possibly the worst moment of the show when the biracial slaves lifted her up and chanted like it was the end of the Lion King.

Dunno, I see it more that she is getting stronger in each and every scene because she found a real, tangible purpose in front of her. She was also in some of the best scenes in GOT, season 1 finale, season 2 finale, season 3 episode 4, and now season 4 episode 3... seems pretty damn good if you ask me.


Rape? Really?

She even said "not here" at some point. Sorry but I wouldn't call that a rape more than typical woman reaction :p More like wanting it but not really admitting it.


Yea the Sam parts are so fucking boring.

I usually pause when I get a drink or something but I just it running during those parts lol. I don't read the books so I have no idea, but I really hope he doesn't become a bigger character focus.
I forgot that Littlefinger was sent to marry Catalyn's sister. I guess she's going to die to make room for her niece !

Sansa can also marry tit-suck-boy (marrying cousins is still ok there right?)!
He's like a mini-joffrey from what we've seen, Sansa will be right at home.


Talky scenes are cheap. Especially when you already have the location made.

I am not complaining though. Each episode could be 2 hours with most of the extra time being characters just talking - and I would be happy.
Rape? Really?

She even said "not here" at some point. Sorry but I wouldn't call that a rape more than typical woman reaction :p More like wanting it but not really admitting it.

Dude, he was ripping up her dress, pushing her down, and she was repeatedly telling him to stop. This was no "no, no... yes, yes"-scenario, but straight up non-consensual rape.


I think the collars belong to the dead children the mareen people put as a taunt for dany, she's just throwing it back at them as a counter taunt.

Dunno, I see it more that she is getting stronger in each and every scene because she found a real, tangible purpose in front of her. She was also in some of the best scenes in GOT, season 1 finale, season 2 finale, season 3 episode 4, and now season 4 episode 3... seems pretty damn good if you ask me.

Sure her story line and what was happening to the character WAS interesting early on. The only great moment she's had in a while was tricking the slave master and taking her army. I had no problem with the character in Seasons 1 and 2. I think Bran has consistently been the worst, but on the otherhand he's not really a main character.
Rape? Really?

She even said "not here" at some point. Sorry but I wouldn't call that a rape more than typical woman reaction :p More like wanting it but not really admitting it.

Uh oh.



Have they ever said how many men she has in her army at this point (not earlier in the show)?

She got the unsullied, but she's also supposed to have a bunch of mercenaries that have joined her cause I think? And a bunch of slaves that she freed too. They only really ever show the unsullied though. I guess it's just easier to copy and paste the same dude over and over again then to show the entire crew. Or at least I think she has a lot more than just the unsullied fighting for her.


Have they ever said how many men she has in her army at this point (not earlier in the show)?
There were 8k fully trained unsullied, but she took the ones in training, which they didn't specify a number on, but presumably it wasn't that many more, because she claims it's 10k later, and is called out for lying.
Rape? Really?

She even said "not here" at some point. Sorry but I wouldn't call that a rape more than typical woman reaction :p More like wanting it but not really admitting it.


She got the unsullied, but she's also supposed to have a bunch of mercenaries that have joined her cause I think? And a bunch of slaves that she freed too. They only really ever show the unsullied though. I guess it's just easier to copy and paste the same dude over and over again they to show the entire crew. Or at least I think she has a lot more than just the unsullied fighting for her.

Well, slaves, other than Unsullied, are not warriors. It hardly counts as part of her army. Mercenaries are but we don't really know their numbers.
A thought:

Rape between couples wasn't considered rape back in medieval society. If Jamie considered Cersei to be his partner, he might not view the act as rape.
You don't need to be so defensive. The reason I wasn't shocked by that scene was precisely because of the people involved in what was being depicted. We're not the only ones. Afterall, the director himself said that the sex was consensual. If Cersei truly did not want to have sex with Jaimie, she would have made it known much more strongly. She wouldn't have stopped at "No, not here." She's anything but powerless and submissive. And she was with her brother, with whom she's been having sex for over two decades. My reaction to seeing what was happening was not "Holy shit, Cersei is being raped" but " (raises eyebrow) Really ? You two are going to do this next to your dead son ?"

If the actors had been different, if Jaimie had done this to a different woman, I would've had a different reaction, but from these two, it was just another Game of Thrones sex scene. Next to a dead body, that is. That part was messed up.

I agree. I'm quite surprised by people drawing the line there in GoT.


I think the collars belong to the dead children the mareen people put as a taunt for dany, she's just throwing it back at them as a counter taunt.

Oh yes of course, that would make sense. For some reason I thought they were the Unsullied's.


While rape fantasies and rape kinks are real, outside of the most extreme examples very few consensual lines are blurred, with measures put in place to prevent things from taking an unpleasurable or harmful turn. There's no safe word on the planet that would have gotten Jaime off of Cersei. He wanted her, then and there. She was powerless to stop him from taking her, so he took her. It didn't matter in the slightest whether she came a dozen times or hated every second, he was going to have her. Just because her reaction seemed to skew towards the former doesn't change much as far as I'm concerned. It was a shitty scumbag thing for Jaime to do, regardless if some part of Cersei became turned on by it.


So if I'm understanding his correctly, Westeros is in massive debt to the Lannisters and can't afford to pay back its debts, and the Lannisters are in massive debt to the Iron Bank?

Right now the only thing the Lannisters have got going for them is that they pay their debts. They don't exactly have a lot of friends, and so if they default on their debts then they're fucked. Everyone loyal to the Starks in the North hates them, the Tyrells, Tullys Arryns and Martells all hate them for good reason, which makes me think that in the long-term, they're fucked.

If Ser Davos has decided to contact the Iron bank for their support / funds for Stannis, then I would expect Littlefinger to already be one step ahead and possibly already have the funds in place from the Iron Bank for his own private army of sellswords.

I seem to recall Varys saying that all Littlefinger lacks is an army, so if he can secure the Iron Banks support; and crucially - now that he has Sansa by his side, then he has a 'legitimate' and strong claim to the Throne.


So if I'm understanding his correctly, Westeros is in massive debt to the Lannisters and can't afford to pay back its debts, and the Lannisters are in massive debt to the Iron Bank?
No from what I gather Westeros is in massive debt to the Iron Bank and most of it happened when the Lannisters were in charge thanks to one Petyr Baelish. Lannisters have their own gold in Casterly Rock which isn't affected. Still an Iron Bank that's angry at the current regime can be counted on to fund the other claimants of the throne which is really bad for the Lannisters. I don't think the Iron Bank would be happy with Littlefinger either as he was the one that was the master of coin getting the kingdom into debt that he had no intention of paying back.
So if I'm understanding his correctly, Westeros is in massive debt to the Lannisters and can't afford to pay back its debts, and the Lannisters are in massive debt to the Iron Bank?

Right now the only thing the Lannisters have got going for them is that they pay their debts. They don't exactly have a lot of friends, and so if they default on their debts then they're fucked. Everyone loyal to the Starks in the North hates them, the Tyrells, Tullys Arryns and Martells all hate them for good reason, which makes me think that in the long-term, they're fucked.

If Ser Davos has decided to contact the Iron bank for their support / funds for Stannis, then I would expect Littlefinger to already be one step ahead and possibly already have the funds in place from the Iron Bank for his own private army of sellswords.

I seem to recall Varys saying that all Littlefinger lacks is an army, so if he can secure the Iron Banks support; and crucially - now that he has Sansa by his side, then he has a 'legitimate' and strong claim to the Throne.

God, I would hate it for that slimy shit to be on the throne. I hope everyone else collectively descends on him and rip him apart because as much as they hate each other, they hate TinyDick a lot more. Especially since he's such a cartoon in the show



"Well, it becomes consensual by the end" Must be the reveal for next week. Cause no one understands that interpretation.

The scene seemed out of character for both of them. Cersei always seemed to dominating or has too much of a take "no bullshit" attitude to allow a goddamn rape to happen. Least not without a fight. It also seemed a like a 180 for Jaime who was being built as a sympathetic character.


I was surprised reading through this thread this morning at all of the reactions to the Jaime / Cersei scene. When I was watching the episode the first reaction I had wasn't that it was necessarily rape.

There was some resistance from Cersei - he was ripping her dress and everything but then ever after that she seemed to give into his kiss naturally. At first it seemed more like reluctance rather than outright refusal - but then towards the end when he had her on the floor it seemed more forced.

Very odd scene but I can definitely see what the director was going for...just seems like the execution could have been a better.


"Well, it becomes consensual by the end" Must be the reveal for next week. Cause no one understands that interpretation.

The scene seemed out of character for both of them. Cersei always seemed to dominating or has too much of a take "no bullshit" attitude to allow a goddamn rape to happen. Least not without a fight. It also seemed a like a 180 for Jaime who was being built as a sympathetic character.
Or a reality check for many viewers.
The man tried to kill a kid, throwing him off a window.


I was surprised reading through this thread this morning at all of the reactions to the Jaime / Cersei scene. When I was watching the episode the first reaction I had wasn't that it was necessarily rape.

There was some resistance from Cersei - he was ripping her dress and everything but then ever after that she seemed to give into his kiss naturally. At first it seemed more like reluctance rather than outright refusal - but then towards the end when he had her on the floor it seemed more forced.

Very odd scene but I can definitely see what the director was going for...just seems like the execution could have been a better.

Which makes the quote "Well, it becomes consensual by the end" all the more weird.


So if I'm understanding his correctly, Westeros is in massive debt to the Lannisters and can't afford to pay back its debts, and the Lannisters are in massive debt to the Iron Bank?

Not entirely. The crown owes money to both The Lannisters and the Iron Bank. The debt to the Iron bank is significant though. Albeit Joffery & Tommen are Cersei & Jaimes children, they're Baratheons by name not Lannisters.


oh, and Daenerys' army doesn't look like it could take over a city of this size. It's really not very impressive. For starters, they have like nine small-sized catapults to lay siege to the wall

What would be considered an impressive army? (Genuine question) since the Wildlings are tentative about raiding the Wall with their apparant 1000 men. I can't remember how many Mance supposedly has in his 'army'?

EDIT: Nevermind, just realized we have been informed of numbers numerous times :L


This weeks episode was much slower, I guess it makes sense after the purple wedding.
I still enjoyed it a lot. The scene with Jaime and Cersei was a bit messed up, I definitely wouldn't call it a rape as some people do though.
Tommen seems like a much smarter kid than Joffrey thankfully :)
I hope we get more scenes with Oberyn and Tywin :D I just love how Oberyn pushes his buttons :p

Now we need to wait for a week for the next episode :(


If they had been having sex since he got back you could view that scene as Cersei just not wanting to do it right there next to Joffrey. But since she had refused to get back on the incest train after Jaime took too long to return, it has to be viewed as him finally snapping and forcing her to have sex with him.

You can say rape is out of character for Jaime, but this was the first time in his life that he been frustrated sexually by his sister and also kind of humiliated for having lost a hand. And at heart is he is a very prideful, violent man. So to me what he did makes sense in terms of his character on the show.


I thought for sure when she went to grasp at the cloth Joffrey was on she was going to pull his dead body down onto them... I was a bit disappointed when it didn't come to pass.

Haha I feel bad to say that's what I wanted to happen too. An uncomfortable scene to watch regardless.


You can say rape is out of character for Jaime, but this was the first time in his life that he been frustrated sexually by his sister and also kind of humiliated for having lost a hand. And at heart is he is a very prideful, violent man. So to me what he did makes sense in terms of his character on the show.

Lets all forgive Jaime. The universe clearly owed him a rape after he lost his hand preventing one.

Seriously, though, looking back he does suggest to Brienne that, given her stature, she'd enjoy someone being able to hold her down and take her virtue forcibly. Fuckin scumbag.
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