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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I don't see how anyone could like Stannis. He is the red lady's lap dog, sacrifices his own people to fire, and can't even fucking speak up for himself when it matters most. He's just a completely ineffective boring nobody. He doesn't do anything but sulk and brood all day like the chump he is. I'm convinced Stan fans know some spoilers, because he hasn't done the first thing in the 4 years the show has been going to merit any sort of praise. Not one single thing. He was the first over some wall and killed a couple of trash mobs before his own men had to save his stupid ass. Whoop de do. Go home and keep being a honey do to your dumb gf that only speaks I'm cheesy one-liners.

I like stannis because he wants to be a good king and he deserves the crown by right. The only thing that scares me is Melissandre but I'm a little convinced that the Lord of light is real, and her fire skills will be very good vs white walkers which I find to be the true villains of the show. Danny too with her dragons but I find she's too arrogant and naive. She doesn't listen to her advisors who know more than her whereas stannis isn't too proud to listen to others and let them help

I can just see tywins army getting wrecked by the white walkers because they won't know how to properly kill them whereas even Melissandre sees them as the true threat.


Did anybody find it weird when Varys referred to the seven kingdoms as a country? I think it's the first time anybody ever has on the show and it just seemed off to me, specifically since he's the one who seems to refer to it as a realm most often than not.

Tyrion also used that word in a previous episode this season when he was talking to Jaime. He said something like "the whole country thinks I'm guilty"


"playing" dumb? unpossible
See but it's not even her birthright. As a girl Dany would have never ruled anything should her family still be in power in Westeros. She calls herself by many titles, even calls herself the Queen of Andals and First Men when she has like 2 Andals in her whole group and no First Men, calls herself a Khaleesi whereas a Khaleesi only works if there is a Khal...oh and some Dothraki.
This episode she had Missandre speak for her, pronouncing the titles only to give a bitchy reaction when a servant of the former slaver spoke for his master.

Dany has a god complex. She believes in her justice and will stop at nothing to achieve it. She believes herself as the most rightful person in the world and acts accordingly.

She would have ruled if she was the only Targaryen left. Notice how the Queen stuff isn't mentioned till her brother dies. As the last remaining Targaryen, she is a claimant to the throne.


erotic butter maelstrom
Hard to tell what's going on with Shae. Can't tell if the forced-ness of the lines are due to the actress being shit or if it's supposed to sound that way. I'm assuming she's just doing it out of spite, the "just a whore" line makes no sense otherwise.

I would wager that's she's being coerced into doing it. There's some not-so-thinly veiled feelings of spite there, of course, but I don't think that alone would drive her to help frame Tyrion for murder of the king. There's no doubt that Cersei would use Shae against Tyrion if she had the opportunity to do so.
She would have ruled if she was the only Targaryen left. Notice how the Queen stuff isn't mentioned till her brother dies. As the last remaining Targaryen, she is a claimant to the throne.
Women don't get to rule there, so no she doesn't really have any claim to the throne. It should be Stannis, then Tommen.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Women don't get to rule there, so no she doesn't really have any claim to the throne. It should be Stannis, then Tommen.

How do you know that? She is claiming the throne as a member of the last dynasty, not a Baratheon. Her claim is that her family's throne was usurped by a bunch of assholes. As there is no male members of her family left, she is the sole and legit Targaryen claimant to the Iron Throne. Unless you think the Targaryens are supposed to just forget about a kingdom their ancestors forged with their own hands? Plus a queen ruling when there are no male family members, is not unprecedented in a kingdom where males inherit first. Queens Elizabeth I, Victoria, and Elizabeth II are proof of that.
And don't forget that Cersei was Queen Regent for a time as well. It was temporary, but she was still accepted as the ruler for the time.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
And don't forget that Cersei was Queen Regent for a time as well. It was temporary, but she was still accepted as the ruler for the time.

Ned was arrested on the Queen's order, and so was Tyrion. And people have been prancing around stating "the Queen this, the Queen that." So yes, a Queen can rule. Either as a regent for a son who hasn't reached majority, or in Dany's case where there is no male inheritor, in her own name. If all of Cersei's children were daughters, is it honestly expected for non of them to have become Queen? If so, where's the proof that such a thing would have happened?


Gat damn.

I agree completely, Stannis is the embodiment of a self entitled little bitch. If he treated people a little better then Renly wouldn't have been an issue and he'd probably be king by now.

I love Stannis but only because he is infuckingsane, the man is as hard as iron they say and will break before he bends. That scene in the Iron Bank perfectly shows off Stannis' character, he just sits there and when the Iron Bank tells him "no" he just gets up to leave. He doesn't try to negotiate or haggle, in his mind that is too much like pleading and he is not a beggar. When Davos finally speaks up for him he just stands there like a stone, he doesn't say one word in his defense because again in his mind that is beneath him. And yet, in the end he gets what he wants. Obviously, Stannis is one of the last fucking people you want sitting on the Iron Throne but as a combat leader you can see why he is so feared.

Back to the whole Tyrion plot, I'm on board with those saying he's gonna get Oberryn to fight the Mountain and I'm positive he will win. The question then is what will Tyrion do after he is free? I don't see him fleeing King's Landing like some bitch I think he'll stick around and get revenge.

How do you know that? She is claiming the throne as a member of the last dynasty, not a Baratheon. Her claim is that her family's throne was usurped by a bunch of assholes. As there is no male members of her family left, she is the sole and legit Targaryen claimant to the Iron Throne. Unless you think the Targaryens are supposed to just forget about a kingdom their ancestors forged with their own hands? Plus a queen ruling when there are no male family members, is not unprecedented in a kingdom where males inherit first. Queens Elizabeth I, Victoria, and Elizabeth II are proof of that.

Those are all English queens and they ruled much later on in history, a male must inherit the throne. Dany is claiming the throne because she's a Targaryren and because she can, you get to make the rules once you conquer a nation. Afterall, Dany was a Khalessi and the Khalasar do not follow women, ever, yet Dany eventually saw to it that they all bent the knee.
How do you know that? She is claiming the throne as a member of the last dynasty, not a Baratheon. Her claim is that her family's throne was usurped by a bunch of assholes. As there is no male members of her family left, she is the sole and legit Targaryen claimant to the Iron Throne. Unless you think the Targaryens are supposed to just forget about a kingdom their ancestors forged with their own hands? Plus a queen ruling when there are no male family members, is not unprecedented in a kingdom where males inherit first. Queens Elizabeth I, Victoria, and Elizabeth II are proof of that.
Usurped by a bunch of assholes lol? Yeah, the guy who wanted to burn the entire city for the hell of it, a shame a bunch of assholes took him down. What the fuck?!

Queens don't really rule for all that much, and it was obviously temporary for Cersei. Olenna and Cersei had a talk about that exact topic at King's Landing in season 3 I believe. Olenna says that men ruling in this time is a stupid rule. Only reason Danny would be an exception is because she has 3 dragons to break the rules, but her being the rightful heir to the throne I find pretty hilarious when there's 2 options that clearly have a better claim. If women are allowed, Cersei is also ahead of her since her husband/son died.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Usurped by a bunch of assholes lol? Yeah, the guy who wanted to burn the entire city for the hell of it, a shame a bunch of assholes took him down. What the fuck?!

Queens don't really rule for all that much, and it was obviously temporary for Cersei. Olenna and Cersei had a talk about that exact topic at King's Landing in season 3 I believe. Olenna says that men ruling in this time is a stupid rule. Only reason Danny would be an exception is because she has 3 dragons to break the rules, but her being the rightful heir to the throne I find pretty hilarious when there's 2 options that clearly have a better claim. If women are allowed, Cersei is also ahead of her since her husband/son died.

The Mad King only said to burn the city when Tywin started sacking it, so yes, assholes lol. Robert shouldn't have been a little bitch, and realised that his women was now rolling with a superior man. Dumb idiot's jealousy ruined a good thing.

I think you and I are looking at this from different points of view. In Dany's mind, non of these Baratheon have a true claim. They are in her mind usurpers who stole her family's throne. You honestly think that if the rebellion never happened, and that if Aerys II Targaryen only had Dany as a child, that the Targaryen throne would have passed to a different house?


The Mad King only said to burn the city when Tywin started sacking it, so yes, assholes lol.

I think on and I are looking at this from different points of view. In Dany's mind, non of these Baratheon have a true claim. They are in her mind usurpers who stole her family's throne. You honestly think that if the rebellion never happened, and that Aerys II Targaryen only had Dany as a child, that the Targaryen throne would have passed to a different house?

Probably would go to the next Targaryen male in line. Younger brother of Aerys II or something, if he had one.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Probably would go to the next Targaryen male in line. Younger brother of Aerys II or something, if he had one.

But what if there were no other males? Then the daughter of the standing king would be the heir right? Which would then lead back to Dany having a legit claim to the throne as a Targaryen. People are arguing from the Baratheon point of view, where there are a few males in succession. But for a Targaryen, the Baratheons are usurpers. So the Baratheon right of succession means horse shit to them. All that matters is taking back the throne. What right did Robert have to the Iron Throne? None. At the end of the day, might makes right. I wouldn't bet against the girl with three dragons and a score to settle.


I thought Dany lost her ability to have children by the witch in season 1? Or was it just the loss of her current baby? If she takes over, can there be a continuation of the "Targaryen line"?


But what if there were no other males? Then the daughter of the standing king would be the heir right? Which would then lead back to Dany having a legit claim to the throne as a Targaryen.

Not sure. Women could be last in line, or not able to be in line at all. The Maester dude at Castle Black probably has more claim to the throne than Dany.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I thought Dany lost her ability to have children by the witch in season 1? Or was it just the loss of her current baby? If she takes over, can there be a continuation of the "Targaryen line"?

Was that mentioned at all? There's always adoption right? lol Hey Caesar adopted Octavius, and look at where he managed to get too.

Not sure. Women could be last in line, or not able to be in line at all. The Maester dude at Castle Black probably has more claim to the throne than Dany.

No he wouldn't. Taking the black absolves one of all earthly titles and inheritance. Plus, where are people getting the idea that there is no possibility of a women claimant to the throne? No where did the show explicitly state that there could be no queen. It makes no sense from a dynastic perspective. So there are no males to take the throne, but there is the dead king's daughter. They would rather not give her the throne and instead allow another family to set up shop? What dynasty would agree to that?


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
Tyrion also used that word in a previous episode this season when he was talking to Jaime. He said something like "the whole country thinks I'm guilty"

iirc varys also used it allready in Season 3 when he talked to ollena in the gardens about littlefinger: "Hes a dangerous man. He would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes".
Also one of the best lines in the entire show.


No he wouldn't. Taking the black absolves one of all earthly titles and inheritance. Plus, where are people getting the idea that there is no possibility of a women claimant to the throne? No where did the show explicitly state that there could be no queen. It makes no sense from a dynastic perspective. So there are no males to take the throne, but there is the dead king's daughter. They would rather not give her the throne and instead allow another family to set up shop? What dynasty would agree to that?

It's olden times and women were basically nothing. They'd find someone vaguely related I'm sure. Or they'd force her to have a son ASAP so he could rule. People aren't getting that from the show, but from history. It's possible this universe has different rules but they haven't been explained thoroughly, however given the way characters talk about it, it seems to be in line with our own history.


Not sure. Women could be last in line, or not able to be in line at all. The Maester dude at Castle Black probably has more claim to the throne than Dany.
No, he doesn't. He gave up his right when he went to the Night's watch. He also never wanted to be king and gave that role to his brother.

Dany would be next in line.

EDIT: Beaten like Yara's men.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
It's olden times and women were basically nothing. They'd find someone vaguely related I'm sure. Or they'd force her to have a son ASAP so he could rule. People aren't getting that from the show, but from history. It's possible this universe has different rules but they haven't been explained thoroughly, however given the way characters talk about it, it seems to be in line with our own history.

But when I bring up Elizabeth I ruling as sole ruler in her own name, people stated that the two comparisons were not similar. To be fair I also did mention Queens Victoria and Elizabeth II. But Elizabeth I ruled in what was still at the time Medieval England, pretty similar to Westeros at that time. And Elisabeth neither married nor had any children, and if I'm not mistaken, there were a few male relatives around on her father's side. So if our own history can be used as precedent, while I'm using Elisabeth the First as my precedent as to why Dany can be Queen.

Oh and I just remembered, Mary, Elisabeth's older sister, ruled as queen too. And there was Mary Queen of Scots kicking around at that time as well. An age of Queens eh? lol


But when I bring up Elizabeth I ruling as sole ruler in her own name, people stated that the two comparisons were not similar. To be fair I also did mention Queens Victoria and Elizabeth II. But Elizabeth I ruled in what was still at the time Medieval England, pretty similar to Westeros at that time. And Elisabeth neither married nor had any children, and if I'm not mistaken, there were a few male relatives around on her father's side. So if our own history can be used as precedent, while I'm using Elisabeth the First as my precedent as to why Dany can be Queen.

Rules of succession in Westeros were completely upended after the Targaryens were almost wiped out. Whoever wins the Iron Throne will find some way to justify their rule and institute whatever new rules they damn well like (and can get the nobles whose support they need to go along with and also keep the peasants from revolting).
I thought Dany lost her ability to have children by the witch in season 1? Or was it just the loss of her current baby? If she takes over, can there be a continuation of the "Targaryen line"?

I'm pretty sure it was just that baby that was gone. She hasn't had a "mate" since then and hasn't talked about not being able to make babies at all.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Rules of succession in Westeros were completely upended after the Targaryens were almost wiped out.

But why would a Targaryen claimant be held to the the standards of her family's destroyers? She's not coming in going "hey guys, can I make a claim?" But instead would be arriving on the backs of dragons proclaiming, "sup bitches? Here's history repeating itself and a Targaryen once again bringing Westeros to its knees."


But why would a Targaryen claimant be held to the the standards of her family's destroyers? She's not coming in going "hey guys, can I make a claim?" But instead would be arriving on the backs of dragons proclaiming, "sup bitches? Here's history repeating itself and a Targaryen once again bringing Westeros to its knees."

If a conqueror wins with completely overwhelming force (as the original Targs did) then yeah sure. Anything less than that and the would be ruler needs some justification to keep their power base and poulation happy.
One question though, how did they know that the Throne/Lannisters can't pay back the Iron Bank? I guess the news about no gold in 2 years could have been spread, but is that enough to know for certain that the Iron Bank is unhappy? I guess seeing them for a meeting at all is a sign for that..

He was master of ships, so he would have been in the small council meetings. I don't know if he knows that the Lannisters are broke, but he knows they haven't paid the crown's debts.


But when I bring up Elizabeth I ruling as sole ruler in her own name, people stated that the two comparisons were not similar. To be fair I also did mention Queens Victoria and Elizabeth II. But Elizabeth I ruled in what was still at the time Medieval England, pretty similar to Westeros at that time. And Elisabeth neither married nor had any children, and if I'm not mistaken, there were a few male relatives around on her father's side. So if our own history can be used as precedent, while I'm using Elisabeth the First as my precedent as to why Dany can be Queen.

Oh and I just remembered, Mary, Elisabeth's older sister, ruled as queen too. And there was Mary Queen of Scots kicking around at that time as well. An age of Queens eh? lol

It's certainly an interesting discussion. Would be cool to see what GRRM has to say. Dany could set a precedent, but I don't think people are wrong in saying the general rule is male lineage reigns supreme (literally, lol).


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm pretty sure it was just that baby that was gone. She hasn't had a "mate" since then and hasn't talked about not being able to make babies at all.

This was my take. The baby was jank due to the black magic used to "revive" Drogo. I may have missed it, but I don't remember any mention of her being permanently barren.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
If a conqueror wins with completely overwhelming force (as the original Targs did) then yeah sure. Anything less than that and the would be ruler needs some justification to keep their power base and poulation happy.

I would think full grown (by the time she gets to Westeros) dragons would easily make that a lopsided affair. I think Harrenhall stands as a warning for all ages as to what happens when men go up against white haired foreigners with dragons. Wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of houses simply going, "yeah fighting dragons sure as shit didn't work out for our ancestors 300 years ago. So what are they calling her now? Khaleesi? Yo, Khaleesi, can we join you Khalasar or what?"


Tywin is such a boss. A couple of weeks ago my wife was trying to argue that Cerci was running shit. He is essentially the king right now. He is an intimidating dude.

I don't see how anyone could like Stannis. He is the red lady's lap dog, sacrifices his own people to fire, and can't even fucking speak up for himself when it matters most. He's just a completely ineffective boring nobody. He doesn't do anything but sulk and brood all day like the chump he is. I'm convinced Stan fans know some spoilers, because he hasn't done the first thing in the 4 years the show has been going to merit any sort of praise. Not one single thing. He was the first over some wall and killed a couple of trash mobs before his own men had to save his stupid ass. Whoop de do. Go home and keep being a honey do to your dumb gf that only speaks I'm cheesy one-liners.

Stannis is just a guy trying to do the right thing. He doesn't even want to but he has to since it's the right thing to do. He talks about how he's done that in the past constantly. A character motivated by duty rather than personal gain is refreshing.


I love Stannis but only because he is infuckingsane, the man is as hard as iron they say and will break before he bends. That scene in the Iron Bank perfectly shows off Stannis' character, he just sits there and when the Iron Bank tells him no he just gets up to leave. He doesn't try to negotiate or haggle, in his mind that is too much like pleading and he is not a beggar. When Davos finally speaks up for him he just stands there like a stone he doesn't say one word in his defense because again in his mind that is beneath him. And yet, in the end he gets what he wants. Obviously, Stannis is one of the last fucking person you want sitting on the Iron Throne but as a combat leader you can see why he is so feared.

This. Stannis is a soldier and lives by a strict soldier's worldview. Within those confines he's supremely confident and fearless, outside of them his discomfort is palpable. There's just little to no finesse there; every problem is ran through a rote logical filter, 'a + b = c'. Doesn't matter how he feels about you, break the rules, for example, you will be punished accordingly. Folllow them and you will be rewarded. These qualities make him a natural survivor and effective battle commander, but coupled with his lack of charisma and personality it causes him to come across as starkly robotic and mechanical--someone who doesn't naturally inspire love or loyalty. It's the entire reason his brother, who had these things in spades, tried to usurp his claim.

In a show full of characters who are eccentric, cunning, charismatic, intellectual, master orators etc.. I find the whole meat & potatoes heir about Stannis to be quite appealing and unique. I fully admit he'd make a shitty king outside matters of security, but I'm rooting for him to take the crown all the same.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
This. Stannis is a soldier and lives by a strict soldier's worldview. Within those confines he's supremely confident and fearless, outside of them his discomfort is palpable. There's just little to no finesse there; every problem is ran through a rote logical filter, 'a + b = c'. Doesn't matter how he feels about you, break the rules, for example, you will be punished accordingly. Folllow them and you will be rewarded. These qualities make him a natural survivor and effective battle commander, but coupled with his lack of charisma and personality it causes him to come across as starkly robotic and mechanical--someone who doesn't naturally inspire love or loyalty. It's the entire reason his brother, who had these things in spades, tried to usurp his claim.

In a show full of characters who are eccentric, cunning, charismatic, intellectual, master orators etc.. I find the whole meat & potatoes heir about Stannis to be quite appealing and unique. I fully admit he'd make a shitty king outside matters of security, but I'm rooting for him to take the crown all the same.

A man like Stannis would make the worst of all kings though. The common people would not love him and he's court would hate him (unless of course he gets rid of all the old guard. Which would be a Stannis thing to do). I would count on a few rebellions happing under his watch as well, as other major Houses attempt to do away with such a lame ass king. He's like the George Bush of Westeros, except Stannis can actually fight his wars. So there's that.


A man like Stannis would make the worst of all kings though. The common people would not love him and he's court would hate him (unless of course he gets rid of all the old guard. Which would be a Stannis thing to do).

This is what Melisandre is for. Anyone who refuses to accept the one true king or the one true God will be purified in the flames of the Lord.
I would think full grown (by the time she gets to Westeros) dragons would easily make that a lopsided affair. I think Harrenhall stands as a warning for all ages as to what happens when men go up against white haired foreigners with dragons. Wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of houses simply going, "yeah fighting dragons sure as shit didn't work out for our ancestors 300 years ago. So what are they calling her now? Khaleesi? Yo, Khaleesi, can we join you Khalasar or what?"

I really want to know what Dorne did differently from everybody else with the original Targaryen conquest. Meet them in the field? get mowed town. Try turtling? Harrenhal. Someone the dornes still hold out long enough that they have to be brought in by a political marriage instead of under threat of dragonmurder.
But why would a Targaryen claimant be held to the the standards of her family's destroyers? She's not coming in going "hey guys, can I make a claim?" But instead would be arriving on the backs of dragons proclaiming, "sup bitches? Here's history repeating itself and a Targaryen once again bringing Westeros to its knees."

Pretty much.

Her Claim to the throne is "I'm a fucking Targaryen and this is OUR throne!". Be clearly that's not enough seeing as it was usurped and the usurpers tried to kill every last member of her family. So now she's amassing an over-whelming force to take it back. How this started? I believe it started with the Dothraki knowing that if they joined lines with her (after she won them over and bitch bro was "crowned" to death) and took over that their her son would be the ruler. Like with how the Starks are seen ... gotta Merry the last known female and pump out a child cause all the others are thought to be dead.

But shit happened and she started her female liberation conquest and now she's like "fuck it, I'm just gonna take it back myself".

Stannis, from HIS pov, is the one with claim to the throne because Robert never had any legit babies and he's next in line to the throne that their fam usurped.

It's about the PoV really. Both are right in away because of how the rules work. At the end it will be about who has the most power amassed. Dragons are a PRETTY fucking big deal here ... no one wants to fuck with those when they're fully grown.
These qualities make him a natural survivor and effective battle commander, but coupled with his lack of charisma and personality it causes him to come across as starkly robotic and mechanical--someone who doesn't naturally inspire love or loyalty. It's the entire reason his brother, who had these things in spades, tried to usurp his claim.

Yeah I love that Renly's claim was basically "I'd be a better king". By that logic, everyone and their mother should be trying to take the throne.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
This is what Melisandre is for. Anyone who refuses to accept the one true king or the one true God will be purified in the flames of the Lord.

First to go would have to be that decrepit old fart, Grand Maester Pycelle. With how much these idiots brag about their spy networks, how does everyone not know the Pycelle can fuck young pussy like he's a frat boy, but then walks around in public like an 80 year old Quasimodo?
I really want to know what Dorne did differently from everybody else with the original Targaryen conquest. Meet them in the field? get mowed town. Try turtling? Harrenhal. Someone the dornes still hold out long enough that they have to be brought in by a political marriage instead of under threat of dragonmurder.

From what I gather the Dorne are able to hold out because they don't go into the field, they stay in their land and use their skills to defend it. And apparently they have some high home-town advantage so you don't wanna fuck with them. You can't overtake their land through brute force and they don't leave Dorne to rush other places (meaning they wont try to conquer you) so logically joining lines is the best path to getting them in the fold.

It's hard to argue with Renly, though. He would have made the best King out of the five who were vying fir the throne

Funny thing is, if he was smarter (and Stannis was nicer I guess) he could have helped Stannis become king and once Stannis died with no legit kids (cause for some reason he can't have any) he would become king.
From what I gather the Dorne are able to hold out because they don't go into the field, they stay in their land and use their skills to defend it. And apparently they have some high home-town advantage so you don't wanna fuck with them. You can't overtake their land through brute force and they don't leave Dorne to rush other places (meaning they wont try to conquer you) so logically joining lines is the best path to getting them in the fold.

I just don't get what home court advantage could have been so substantial.


A man like Stannis would make the worst of all kings though. The common people would not love him and he's court would hate him (unless of course he gets rid of all the old guard. Which would be a Stannis thing to do). I would count on a few rebellions happing under his watch as well, as other major Houses attempt to do away with such a lame ass king. He's like the George Bush of Westeros, except Stannis can actually fight his wars. So there's that.

The last king was a sociopath. Before that a drunk. Before that a tyrant. Westeros doesn't really care as long as they eat.


A man like Stannis would make the worst of all kings though. The common people would not love him and he's court would hate him (unless of course he gets rid of all the old guard. Which would be a Stannis thing to do). I would count on a few rebellions happing under his watch as well, as other major Houses attempt to do away with such a lame ass king. He's like the George Bush of Westeros, except Stannis can actually fight his wars. So there's that.

Stannis would hang the entire small council for supporting Joffrey and likely execute the entire Kingsgaurd as well.
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