Have we seen anything or heard anything about the Martells before Oberyn and the rest of his people showed up?
I know Tyrion sends Myrcella to them for an arranged marriage in s2. Anything other than that?
Schattenjäger;107270327 said:Hate to ask a stupid question but
Aintitcool says
there was a reveal at the end
I don't recall any
I think the "reveal" was that the whole countryside was burning and fucked up, probably to signify despite the fact that the war is over, Westeros is in a bad way
Just some jokes really. Mostly about Dornish people
Why are people still saying this?
Stannis is still trying for the throne, Balon Greyjoy is doing whatever...
The Tyrells are also subtly worming their way into the Lannister fold.
Dany's on the other side of the world but still a contender, too.
I just specifically meant the war with Robb and the effect that had on Westeros
Watch these
She gives a very good incite on the history of everything. Characters, houses etc.
Grantland's Andy Greenwald and Chris Ryan do a recap podcast, "Watch the Throne"
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I think the TV show should retcon Daario into being from the same order of face-changing assassins as Jaquen H'gar (or however it's spelled). Only reasonable way to explain how he looks so drastically different from Season 3 lol.
That was a really solid season opener and episode in general. I love the dynamic between Jaimie and that tall blonde woman.
That was a really solid season opener and episode in general. I love the dynamic between Jaimie and that tall blonde woman.
Oh that should've been Dario? I was wondering who this new guy is and where the old one was. Couldn't they at least call him by name so people get it? So confusing.
Oh that should've been Daario? I was wondering who this new guy is and where the old one was. Couldn't they at least call him by name so people get it? So confusing.
Didn't they call him by name like 3 times in the span of 30 seconds?
Didn't they call him by name like 3 times in the span of 30 seconds?
Didn't they call him by name like 3 times in the span of 30 seconds?
Recast and they made no effort to make it seem like the old character.
I feel so strongly about this that I think they should have killed off Daario altogether and made up a new character.
I think the TV show should retcon Daario into being from the same order of face-changing assassins as Jaquen H'gar (or however it's spelled). Only reasonable way to explain how he looks so drastically different from Season 3 lol.
Isn't Daario from the same place that J'quen (sp) said he was from? I recall him mentioning something along those lines in S3; i.e. he's from Bravos or some such place.
Didn't they call him by name like 3 times in the span of 30 seconds?
Alright they did call him by name several times, i can only blame myself. Still recasting isn't exactly a great idea in a show where most people can't even name a character outside of the five main ones.
Alright they did call him by name several times, i can only blame myself. Still recasting isn't exactly a great idea in a show where most people can't even name a character outside of the five main ones.
Anyhow, Margaery's boobs are amazing. I think i missed a couple of lines while she was on screen too.
Go on...
I'm fascinated to hear which people casual viewers consider to be the main characters![]()
Brienne...That was a really solid season opener and episode in general. I love the dynamic between Jaimie and that tall blonde woman.
Feels so good to have this show back
Arya's revenge and the look on Polliver's face when he finally realized who she is was so damn satisfying after all these gut punches in previous seasons
Oberyn seems like a character who will cause a fuckton of trouble; enjoyed his introduction. Thenn seems pretty weird though; not sure if it's because of the actor and his make-up. BTW,? (just a question, no spoiler; didn't read the books)whose arm did they put above the fire? Robb's
Why are people still saying this?
Stannis is still trying for the throne, Balon Greyjoy is doing whatever...
The Tyrells are also subtly worming their way into the Lannister fold.
Dany's on the other side of the world but still a contender, too.
Honestly, I regard that stuff a must watch for those who have not read the books. They do a really good job of laying out a lot of the history and lore which the show has only ever skimmed over very briefly. It's pretty important stuff for the most part and the vids are an entertaining watch in themselves.Guys if you care that much a lot of the background stuff like Rhaegar/Lyanna is also available on the dvd extras narrated by the characters. You can even find them on youtube if you want.
Really?I think the "reveal" was that the whole countryside was burning and fucked up, probably to signify despite the fact that the war is over, Westeros is in a bad way
I'm still counting on the show finding a way to bring back J`quen(?) with the original actor.
She's Brienne of Tarth!
New Daario should have at lease been clean-shaven. He looks like a regular Westerosi now.
They may as well have stopped time during the scene, had the director walk out and say, "listen guys, this is Daario now, we got a new actor, please understand" and then show the picture of the old one and restart the scene
Olenna's interaction with her was hilarious.
Gallery on minus.com
Great opening episode. I took a few high-quality screen grabs of it, if anyone wants to use them for anything - check 'em.
Gallery on minus.com
The fourth-season premiere of the fantasy delivered the shows biggest audience yet: 6.6 million viewers. That makes the Thrones opener HBOs most-watched program since The Sopranos series finale in 2007.
By comparison, season 3 opened to 4.4 million viewers and eventually peaked at 5.5 million for the sixth episode (nope, the Red Wedding was not a record high, and nor was the finale, which delivered 5.4 million).