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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Let's knock off the book and adaptation discussion please. We have a thread for that.
Which leads me to one of my few critiques of HBO: How the fuck they haven't clued in to give GoT a 20 episode run is beyond me. They're probably the wealthiest pay t.v network in America and this is their crown jewel series and yet they still snub it with so few episodes.
It takes them almost a full calendar year to film & produce 10 episodes. They can't squeeze any more into a year.
Jesus, you're right. For some reason, I had tusks protruding from the mouth in my memory. Fuck I hope Joffrey dies soon, and painfully.

This is where I'm at a conflict with Joffrey among so many others. I want him to get slaughtered, but at the same time he adds so much to the show that I'd hate to see him go.


I reckon they did pretty well to explain the backstory in the episode when Oberyn told Tyrion the details.
There's much, much more. I reckon there's not enough time in an episode to fill in all the blanks without it feeling like dull exposition, which is why there's so many extras.
They're also pretty good in their own rights, it's really fun to see the events from the eyes of wildly different characters like Robert Baratheon and Vyserys Targaryen


Let's knock off the book and adaptation discussion please. We have a thread for that.
It takes them almost a full calendar year to film & produce 10 episodes. They can't squeeze any more into a year.

They can roster production so that they can begin airing the first episodes while they complete the last few, I would've thought. Stagger each episode by 2 weeks, if you have to. I'm sure the fans won't mind if it means they ultimately get more. Maybe 20 is a bit extreme but 15 is better than 10.


Who's the guy with Daenerys? The one who was balancing the sword and trying to give her flowers. Is it a different actor to that cocky dude from last season or another guy that I've forgotten about?


Who's the guy with Daenerys? The one who was balancing the sword and trying to give her flowers. Is it a different actor to that cocky dude from last season or another guy that I've forgotten about?

They're the same character, Daario Naharis. The actor was recasted.


Who's the guy with Daenerys? The one who was balancing the sword and trying to give her flowers. Is it a different actor to that cocky dude from last season or another guy that I've forgotten about?

It's the cocky dude recasted.

beaten like jorah's feelings
They can roster production so that they can begin airing the first episodes while they complete the last few, I would've thought. Maybe 20 is a bit extreme but 15 is better than 10.
There isn't enough time. The showrunners and producers have discussed a few times in the past.
EW article said:
It’s helpful to have a sense of the Game of Thrones production machine. It’s larger than any TV show and takes longer to shoot each year than most feature films. There’s 160,000 square feet of sets and 27 series regulars. Season 3 had a trio of production units shooting in five countries (Croatia, Northern Ireland, Morocco, Iceland and a few scenes in the United States). When fans ask why HBO doesn’t order more than 10 episodes per season, producers say it’s the maximum number this whole operation can really handle while maintaining the show’s quality.


Who's the guy with Daenerys? The one who was balancing the sword and trying to give her flowers. Is it a different actor to that cocky dude from last season or another guy that I've forgotten about?

Recast and they made no effort to make it seem like the old character.

I feel so strongly about this that I think they should have killed off Daario altogether and made up a new character.


There isn't enough time. The showrunners and producers have discussed a few times in the past.

Ah I see, well I'll gladly take quality over quantity.

This is where I'm at a conflict with Joffrey among so many others. I want him to get slaughtered, but at the same time he adds so much to the show that I'd hate to see him go.

I'm of the opposite opinion. I think his character is ripe to die at this point. He pretty much exists to be the personification of evil, arrogant and selfish dictators, whose only purpose in the plot is to greatly anger the viewer and give us reasons to root for people we would otherwise never root for, for example Jaimee in this episode, who was being openly mocked by his own son/nephew. There are more reasons than that to root for Jaimee but personally, him trying to kill Bran is what started all of this so he needs to cop his fair whack.
Old Daario was the worst casting choice in this show since shae.

He had the personality down but it was a shame he had one of the douchiest faces of all time

So glad they recasted him

Joffrey is the MVP. Dude got tiresomely evil in the book after a while but in the show watching him work is entertaining. Dude's so good at trolling

Deku Tree

Wait... so GoT costs $6m per episode to produce? And "Blackwater" cost $8m to produce? And the average cable episode costs $2m to produce?


And the cost is worth it:

article said:
This would lead to a greater interest in the series. Ratings haven't gone down since.

By the end of season 3, the "Game of Thrones'" audience would nearly double, to 5.39 million viewers — not to mention the millions more watching through HBO's online streaming service, HBO Go.

And future episodes might get more expensive? This is gonna be good...


Dang, i'm still on a high from watching last night.

I loved the opening scene before the intro. So intense. Really just showing how Tywin is just ahead of everyone.

I've been a Khaleesi fan for the entire series so far, but I really think The Hound is my favorite character now. The scene with the chickens was just amazing. I can't wait to see where the story takes him and Arya. Arya.. she really will never be the same again.

Subbing to this thread. I can't wait til Sunday!!

Oh and I dont know if I like the new Daario yet. It's probably just because of the recast and he'll most likely grow on me.


Why is there mentions of sex in every single scene? I'm surprised they haven't shown the dragons fucking yet


That blanket statement.


Which leads me to one of my few critiques of HBO: How the fuck they haven't clued in to give GoT a 20 episode run is beyond me. They're probably the wealthiest pay t.v network in America and this is their crown jewel series and yet they still snub it with so few episodes.

People are crying out for not only more each season but a series more loyal to the books. GIVE IT TO THEM and they will come.

The series is doing just fine in its current format. Even if the money was there for 20 episode seasons, the time wouldn't be unless you wanted to wait two years between seasons.


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Schattenjäger;107270327 said:
Hate to ask a stupid question but

Aintitcool says

there was a reveal at the end

I don't recall any

I didn't read your spoiler but is it a real spoiler? Indicate what it is more clearly please

Hari Seldon

Don't like the new Daario dude. Hated that guy in Treme. Old guy was way cockier and more believable as a mercenary leader.

The Hound/Aria scene stole the show. That was straight out of a Clint Eastwood movie haha.

Herr K

Hey Cornballer, it would be great to add a warning on the top of the page, telling everyone this is the No Spoilers Thread, like the warning on the other thread. We don't wanna lose anyone because of a wrong click.

Or maybe change the structure of the title so they can't be confused, I swear once I almost posted here, because I didn't pay enough attention.


This question doesn't have a yes or no answer.

Largely, they're following the books, but thanks to the 10 or so episode limit, they're taking necessary liberties with it.

Which leads me to one of my few critiques of HBO: How the fuck they haven't clued in to give GoT a 20 episode run is beyond me. They're probably the wealthiest pay t.v network in America and this is their crown jewel series and yet they still snub it with so few episodes.

People are crying out for not only more each season but a series more loyal to the books. GIVE IT TO THEM and they will come.

More episodes doesn't make a TV show better. In fact the opposite.


Unconfirmed Member
Don't like the new Daario dude. Hated that guy in Treme. Old guy was way cockier and more believable as a mercenary leader.

Yeah I agree. Really not feeling this new Daario at all. The first guy had this smug "punch me in the face" look that worked for me.


Yeah I agree. Really not feeling this new Daario at all. The first guy had this smug "punch me in the face" look that worked for me.

Yup, that was the whole point of the character -- to be an annoying douche that exists as a foil to Jorah and to be a barrier between him and Dany.


Old Daario was the worst casting choice in this show since shae.

He had the personality down but it was a shame he had one of the douchiest faces of all time
That's why I thought he was cast perfectly, the guy is one of the most insufferable characters in the books IMO. Michiel Huisman is way too charismatic.


I liked the old Daario but the new one isn't bad either, I'm sure after a few episodes he will start to grow on people.
The recast was still unfortunate since a lot of people seem to be wondering who the hell is new guy is. Just goes to remind us that most people don't know the characters names but their faces and that is why recasts are a very bad thing in series like GoT.


I'm so glad I decided to rewatch season 1-3 before watching this. This is a very dense show and it's easy to get lost if you aren't paying attention.

Great opening, GOT is back baby! Couldn't be happier.
I'm so glad the show is back and still in top form. That closing fight scene was phenomenal and Arya finally getting some sweet revenge, fuck yes!


I liked the old Daario but the new one isn't bad either, I'm sure after a few episodes he will start to grow on people.
The recast was still unfortunate since a lot of people seem to be wondering who the hell is new guy is. Just goes to remind us that most people don't know the characters names but their faces and that is why recasts are a very bad thing in series like GoT.

Yup, till I came to this thread I assumed he was just another guy hitting on Dany.


Damn... You have three types of people who spoil: the ones who talk about a plot point thinking you knew about it (they are most often sorry about it when you tell them you didn't know), the ones that are so enthusiastic about something to come that they heavily imply what will happen (when you tell them to shut up they say you have no way of knowing what will happen, but they really underestimate your ability to put two and two together), and finally the stupid fucks who do it for fun.

The first type spoiled me Ned i season 1, the second type spoiled me the red wedding and today the last type spoiled me something that hasn't happened yet.... REALLY ANGRY NOW!

Cool episode though, I like the new Martell guy :)
I liked the old Daario but the new one isn't bad either, I'm sure after a few episodes he will start to grow on people.
The recast was still unfortunate since a lot of people seem to be wondering who the hell is new guy is. Just goes to remind us that most people don't know the characters names but their faces and that is why recasts are a very bad thing in series like GoT.

I was taken aback by how charming the new actor was. The old guy oozed sleaze and seemed potentially villainous.
Schattenjäger;107270327 said:
Hate to ask a stupid question but

Aintitcool says

there was a reveal at the end

I don't recall any

I think the "reveal" was that the whole countryside was burning and fucked up, probably to signify despite the fact that the war is over, Westeros is in a bad way
My friend's first commentary on the episode as she started watching it:

so theyre pouring
the metal into the cast making some knives and shit

now theres some dead possum sacrifice
Very astute observations.

I was taken aback by how charming the new actor was. The old guy oozed sleaze and seemed potentially villainous.
Yeah, the other guy seemed creepy and made me feel uncomfortable. This guy, not so much.
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