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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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A lot of people have asked about podcasts during this thread, so I thought I might do a little breakdown for the ones I'm listening to.

1) A Cast of Kings
A well known podcast focusing mainly on the clashing of between the hosts - Joana Robinson (a book reader) and David Chen (a non-book reader). Their different levels of franchise knowledge is accentuated by their often times different readings of scenes, making for a nice dynamic.
Format wise it is standard recap of events from the episode, with analysis and viewpoints coming in different styles and amounts from each host. On the negative side of things, some find David's relatively common misreading of the show to be infuriating. To me it just helps with the very appealing host dynamic of the show. Recommended for those who want the basics of a Game of Thrones podcast, with a good, contrasting pair of hosts.

SPOILER NOTE: Because Joanna is a book reader, often times comparisons and contrasts to book events are made. No straight up spoilers are made in order to preserve David's "unknowing" factor, but it is more then we are allowed to discuss here.

2) Boars, Gore and Swords
On the surface this is a standard recap podcast with basic level discussion, but really this is a freaking hilarious comedy podcast with the main topic being Game of Thrones. Comedians Ivan Hernandez and Red Scott (as well as a guest or two fairly often) joke their way through the latest episode, while showing some great love and enthusiasm for the franchise.
While the show isn't on, they keep the podcast going by reading the books the show just adapted (going so far as skipping chapters with spoilers), playing the recent videogame as well as recommending unrelated movies and TV shows. A warning though: tangents are common and expected (it usually takes them a good 20 minutes to start talking about the episode) and the humour is sometimes gross and dark. Definitely not for everyone, but funny as hell.

SPOILER NOTE: As mentioned before, the pair read what has been adapted from the books, so comparisons of past seasons are often made. They remain spoiler free otherwise.

3) Game of Microphones
A recent podcast (starting season 5, with recaps of 1-4 done beforehand) with a rotating cast of five hosts. This one is unique in that, rather than recapping the events of the show, each host lists their top five moments from the episode. This leads to a more positive environment compared to other podcasts.
It also has a kind of variety show format with sections for listener reactions and comments, Game of Thrones news and articles, book comparisons and even a part where they look towards next weeks episode. A unique, content filled podcast with solid bunch of hosts.

SPOILER NOTE: Ignoring the easily skippable book and next episode sections, there are sometimes small book comparisons in the rest of the podcast. Some hosts are not book readers though (they go away for the book section) so you know the drill.

4) Podcast Winterfell
I don't listen to this one much, since in my opinion the host is kind of dry. But the format, and the rotating cast of guest hosts may be interesting. This show actually has three different podcasts: an initial episode reaction soon after the airing, a more full analysis (with a separate book section) soon after that and then a look back at the episode a week later. Also features call ins and discussion with fans. Check it out.

That's all I have, but feel free to recommend more. I hope I've helped someone out!
I wonder if Stannis will be killed by the woman in red or by Brienne, and if Jon will be killed by one of the free folks or by a brother. It'd be too much of a happy ending if they both survive, right?


at last, for christ's sake
man, I hope the season's big moment will be Stannis vs Bolton, I just want these two assholes dead and skullfucked. I only fear Sir Davos' departure, he's such a great guy

also, fuck Jon Snow and his fucking oath. That train only passes once, you dickcheese


Press - MP1st.com
Still rowin'

And that was it?! Thought there was more to his character.

The stuff from last season was all resolved last season though. This season is about new beginnings, and people adapting to changes.

Yeah, but seeing he's an important player, I assumed he'll be part of the on going story. I haven't read the books, so I have no clue how big of a role he has left to play.

I'm rooting for Stannis in the upcoming battle. I hate the Bolton's the mostest now.

Even more than Cersye...

Same. I hope the Boltons get what's coming to them. I have dreams where Jon Snow stabs Dr. Evil and his Mini-Me while saying "This is for my family!"

Cersei is a fucking evil bitch, but seeing as Lena Headey is so foxy, I want to see more of her. :D

man, I hope the season's big moment will be Stannis vs Bolton, I just want these two assholes dead and skullfucked. I only fear Sir Davos' departure, he's such a great guy

also, fuck Jon Snow and his fucking oath. That train only passes once, you dickcheese

Yeah, that part was annoying as fuck. Here he was, given the chance to rule The North AND be known as Jon Stark! WTF? He could have done so much more instead of being mired in the Night's Watch. One can argue that the Ice Zombies took precedent, but if he was ruler of Winterfell, he could amass a much better army, no?


Prediction - Jorah will bring Tyrion to Daenerys, but will find that Varys has already been there talking to her for weeks, so his little "present" will be ruined.

Afterwards, he'll plead for Daenerys to take him back, but afraid of being touched by him, Grey Worm will run up and stab him through the heart.

I used to like Jorah, too. He's being a real jerk though.


That's all I have, but feel free to recommend more. I hope I've helped someone out!

Game of Owns is great except for the parts where they say the word "own" over and over. Thankfully that only seems to happen at the end of every second episode, so I just turn it off.


at last, for christ's sake
And that was it?! Thought there was more to his character.

Yeah, but seeing he's an important player, I assumed he'll be part of the on going story. I haven't read the books, so I have no clue how big of a role he has left to play.

Same. I hope the Boltons get what's coming to them. I have dreams where Jon Snow stabs Dr. Evil and his Mini-Me while saying "This is for my family!"

Cersei is a fucking evil bitch, but seeing as Lena Headey is so foxy, I want to see more of her. :D

Yeah, that part was annoying as fuck. Here he was, given the chance to rule The North AND be known as Jon Stark! WTF? He could have done so much more instead of being mired in the Night's Watch. One can argue that the Ice Zombies took precedent, but if he was ruler of Winterfell, he could amass a much better army, no?

yeah, he's also a damn hypocrite for having sex with Ygritte when he should have remained chaste. so basically a pussy is worth more than avenging your family and drive the invaders out of your house. Watching him ride along Stannis and his troops would have been great. Fucking prick


semen stains the mountaintops
Won't break his vows to become the warden of the North and a Stark.

Will break his vows for ginger minge.

John has his priorities straight.
I think Robert himself admits repeatedly he is a terrible king

fucking whores and killing boars and all that

but yeah, our comparisons are Joffery and Dany so he looks great

Khal Drogo... now that was a good king
We all can agree that Robert was a shit king, but didn't the guy have the GOAT council?


yeah, he's also a damn hypocrite for having sex with Ygritte when he should have remained chaste. so basically a pussy is worth more than avenging your family and drive the invaders out of your house. Watching him ride along Stannis and his troops would have been great. Fucking prick
He has more important things than his family to consider. Like the whole freaking realm.
He wouldn't have made much difference at this point anyway.


Press - MP1st.com
yeah, he's also a damn hypocrite for having sex with Ygritte when he should have remained chaste. so basically a pussy is worth more than avenging your family and drive the invaders out of your house. Watching him ride along Stannis and his troops would have been great. Fucking prick

LOL! Well, he did reject Melissandre, so he still has a semi-straight head.

From the looks of it, Jon Snow is THE hero...but we all know that means squat. Heck, I wouldn't be shocked if he died, got a hand cut off soon. Sigh.

We all can agree that Robert was a shit king, but didn't the guy have the GOAT council?

He did have Ned...so yeah.

Just odd that now, I'm rooting for Jon Snow (even if he's a weird fucker), Stannis and Littlefinger. Fucking Baelish is the shrewdest one of the bunch, and I just can't help but like him. Would have loved if he was the one to off the Boltons. I mean, they did kill his one true love, so he definitely has a reason to.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wonder who Robert's bastard will roll with when he shows up. Surely he's not scattered to the winds, or he'd be graphically murdered. Just wonder when he'll show up. Could be a big issue for Stannis if things go his way.


Brienne is going to have to make a choice about whether she helps Sansa or gets revenge for Renly by killing Stannis. "Who do you serve?"

I think she would want to kill Stannis more. She loved King Remly, and she swore revenge. She even demanded that Catlyn Stark to not stand in her way of killing Stannis. She might as well, because she has a horrible record of protecting people.


Really Really Exciting Member!
LOL! Well, he did reject Melissandre, so he still has a semi-straight head.

From the looks of it, Jon Snow is THE hero...but we all know that means squat. Heck, I wouldn't be shocked if he died, got a hand cut off soon. Sigh.

He did have Ned...so yeah.

Just odd that now, I'm rooting for Jon Snow (even if he's a weird fucker), Stannis and Littlefinger. Fucking Baelish is the shrewdest one of the bunch, and I just can't help but like him. Would have loved if he was the one to off the Boltons. I mean, they did kill his one true love, so he definitely has a reason to.

Wasn't it a Frey's soldier who cut her throat? I suppose it's hard to tell.


yeah, he's also a damn hypocrite for having sex with Ygritte when he should have remained chaste. so basically a pussy is worth more than avenging your family and drive the invaders out of your house. Watching him ride along Stannis and his troops would have been great. Fucking prick

Driving the Boltons out of Winterfell won't matter if all the wildlings get turned into white walkers and come over/thru the Wall.
Wasn't it a Frey's soldier who cut her throat? I suppose it's hard to tell.
Yes because an episode or two afterwards they were bragging about that and sewing Grey Wind's head to Rob's body. I'm not even sure how many of Bolton's men were at the Red Wedding.
I wonder if Stannis will be killed by the woman in red or by Brienne, and if Jon will be killed by one of the free folks or by a brother. It'd be too much of a happy ending if they both survive, right?

Yeah, I doubt both will survive the season, my guess is Jon bites the dust and Stannis makes it to S6.
I don't think they'll kill both this season though.


Soooo much hate for Melisandre in this thread . So many people choosing the Darkness. My fascination with her and the Lord of Light stuff was the only reason I cared for Stannis's storyline originally, but after rewatching the series a few months before S3 I had no choice but to bend the knee.

While it's wise to be a bit weary of her, we don't know enough about her past or true intentions to cast her as an evil witch. For we all we know she might be one of the people leading the fight against the White Walkers in future seasons. One thing's for sure, she's fulfilled every promise she's made to Stannis so far and was instrumental in him rising to a position of power twice. Sure, she's a vision in the flames away from potentially betraying him at any moment but I don't think that happens until he takes the Throne, if at all.


Soooo much hate for Melisandre in this thread . For we all we know she might be one of the people leading the fight against the White Walkers in future seasons.
Well, if she murders, manipulates and betray people, doesn't that makes her a villanous person, regardless if her intentions are "good"?

You can argue the White walkers might be the real heroes of the series. After all, the Westerosi decimated all those trees with faces (Old gods related), and have been polluting the land for centuries. So, this might be like a Nature's cleaning cycle.

Either way, it's interesting that on the East, the Lord of Light's followers are hyping the coming of Daenerys and her Dragons, with no mention whatsoever of Stannis. That and Melissandre having her eyes on Jon like a hawk, shows their game plan is about the Winter war or what comes after that.


Daenerys is a mess..

I say, she showed me something in this episode, I long time suspected about her. When she had her two dragons burn and tear that potentially innocent man to shreds...did you notice the look on her face? She looked like she was having an orgasm. She's becoming like her father, "The Mad King." I'm looking at her story like when the "Messiah" becomes the Devil. I. Don't. Trust. Her.


There's no way Stannis will win. Let's be honest, we all know what happened the last time when an opponent managed to prepare for Stannis to come barging in. I have every faith in Roose to send Stannis fleeing again.

Don't let me down Roose.

Stannis has the biggest army in Westeros at the moment, doesn't he? I'm pretty sure someone says he has a bigger army than Roose and the Lannisters are pretty much out of the question with no real successor to Tywin.

You can't prepare for Stannis now. There seems to be a clear emphasis on the fact that Melisandre is part of the army.

Stannis also had control of the situation in the battle of Blackwater until Tywin's men unexpectedly came in along with the Tyrells. Who will back Roose now?
Stannis has the biggest army in Westeros at the moment, doesn't he? I'm pretty sure someone says he has a bigger army than Roose and the Lannisters are pretty much out of the question with no real successor to Tywin.

You can't prepare for Stannis now. There seems to be a clear emphasis on the fact that Melisandre is part of the army.

Stannis also had control of the situation in the battle of Blackwater until Tywin's men unexpectedly came in along with the Tyrells. Who will back Roose now?

Is Stannis army not mostly made up of men he has paid for with Iron Bank money, what happens if the Iron Bank stop supporting him. Before he visited the Iron Bank last series I think he only had a few thousand men left. I can see this causing him problems in the future.

I also think Stannis daughter may be his downfall, she seems to be the only person he truly cares for.


Is Stannis army not mostly made up of men he has paid for with Iron Bank money, what happens if the Iron Bank stop supporting him. Before he visited the Iron Bank last series I think he only had a few thousand men left. I can see this causing him problems in the future.

I also think Stannis daughter may be his downfall, she seems to be the only person he truly cares for.

There's a growing resentment in Stannis' wife, due to Stannis only fucking the witch and only showing real affection for their daughter. The fact that everyone seems to like the daughter gives me a bad feeling that the mom is going to end up taking everything out on her, maybe even setting her on fire to appease the Lord of Light. :(
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