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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Ramsay's origin story really messed me up. Just the imagery of a young woman being raped under the freshly hung corpse of her husband...Christ. It's probably the most disturbing thing I've seen/heard so far on a show where a guy was fucking his daughters to make more daughters to fuck. McElhatton's stoic, emotionless clarity just made it worse.

Bless the spike on which Roose's head will be mounted.


Ramsay's origin story really messed me up. Just the imagery of a young woman being raped under the freshly hung corpse of her husband...Christ. It's probably the most disturbing thing I've seen/heard so far on a show where a guy was fucking his daughters to make more daughters to fuck. McElhatton's stoic, emotionless clarity just made it worse.

Bless the spike on which Roose's head will be mounted.

Definitely up there with Jaime Lannister pushing Bran off the window.


And four seasons later Jaime is still doing stupid shit to keep Cersei's love. He needs to die too. Hopefully he doesn't take Bronn with him .


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yup, I'm still surprised he let Tyrion free considering she wanted him dead so badly.

Well, he loved his brother too. Not in the same way as Cersei sure, but still...brotherly love.

Not anymore I guess since he killed their father and that quote he said to Bronn the other week.
Since this show is known for pulling the rug out on viewers and shocking them with surprising deaths and twists, and people are coming to expect that now, does anyone think they might do a 180 and reverse this in order to surprise us with what we thought was too obvious?

I mean, Ned's Death was a big shocker, the Red Wedding was too and Oberyn's death was a twist too because some people actually thought the good guy would win this time and then they brutally kill him on us. So people come to expect the unexpected, the viewers have come to expect these twists soley for the sake of shock value. So what if the writers are pulling the rug out from us again by making the twist something we thought was too obvious to actually happen?

I'm talking about Stannis. It's been built up this whole season that Stannis is a surefire win, Stannis has more men, he's confident himself, he has the powerful red lady who can wreak havoc on the Boltons, even Littlefinger is wagering on him winning and freeing Sansa.

So the obvious twist that everyone is expecting is for Stannis to lose and be killed or tortured by the Boltons and the evil bad guys, in this case the Boltons, winning again. So what if since everyone is expecting the build up for Stannis' inevitable victory to be false and some twist where he loses to the Boltons purely for shock value, and the twist is Stannis actually wins, the outcome everyone thought too obvious and the exact opposite of what the viewers have come to expect now, deaths purely for shock value and the good guys losing.

Everyone expects the season to keep the formula of previous ones and think the too obvious outcome won't happen, so the most surprising and shocking thing that could happen is if the writers pull out the rug from under them again and the build up to Stannis' inevitable victory and the bad guys losing was actually true this time, since after Robb's buildup to revenge before the Red Wedding, everyone expects the obvious buildup to be false now.

So, Stannis wins and defeats/kills the Boltons and takes Winterfell and achieves a happy victory...only to be instantly killed by Brianne seemingly out of nowhere at the end of the episode...

(I hope Stannis wins and Lives, the One True King, Screw Dany!)


Ah, but they anticipated your line of thinking already. You think they thought you thought that Stannis would win, which is why he'll lose. Think about it.


Spoilers :

Ah, but they anticipated your line of thinking already. You think they thought you thought that Stannis would win, which is why he'll lose. Think about it.

It will be pretty depressing if they have another season of the good guys losing and the evil ones living and getting away with everything. Arya seems pretty safe because of all that training to become a faceless man, so I don't see her dying anytime soon since there was all that buildup since last season finale with her sailing to Bravos. I mean, when Tyrion escaped and lived and killed Tywin, I thought, am I watching the right show, are the good guys actually winning?

The fact that Brianne wants to help Sansa and saving her may require facing the Boltons and the fact that people told Sansa the north remembers and to light a candle in that tower if she ever needs help proves shes has allies loyal to the Starks since the whole North hates the Boltons and "The North Remembers".

I hope there is some justice this season. Joffrey was killed by Baelish who is evil himself and killed for pretty selfish reasons and power, so that was pretty much evil vs evil. I would like to see one of the few remaining "Good Guys" get some revenge or justice and I really hate the Boltons and hope they die, but it just seems too obvious Brianne will kill Stannis, doesn't it? So are the writers going to play on the audience's expectation to see shocks and brutal deaths or are they going to reverse psychology this against us having anticipated this and maybe Stannis won't die and Brianne will forgive him or decide saving Sansa is more important, because whatever we expect to happen might not happen, unless the writers are banking on that...

If a single evil character dies, even Cersei, I'll be happy.
It will be pretty depressing if they have another season of the good guys losing and the evil ones living and getting away with everything. Arya seems pretty safe because of all that training to become a faceless man, so I don't see her dying anytime soon since there was all that buildup since last season finale with her sailing to Bravos. I mean, when Tyrion escaped and lived and killed Tywin, I thought, am I watching the right show, are the good guys actually winning?

If a single evil character dies, even Cersei, I'll be happy.

I feel that last season, apart from Oberyn, it was a season where the bad guys mostly lost.

Joffrey and Tywin both died, and the Lannisters are now a shell of their former self. The Night's Watch was able to hold the wall. Tyrion at least managed to escape. So did Sansa.

I felt that the "good guys" won out that season.


She also had that kinky sex scene with Ramsay a little later into S4 too when Yara attempted her rescue of Theon.

Did you also see the death stare she gave Sansa when she arrived at Winterfell this season?

I sure did. I chalked it up to her being a crazy ex -- didn't realize she was as sadistic as Ramsey


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I don't see how Brienne kills Stannis unless she like sneaks into the battle but then she would be fighting on the side of the Boltons. The only other scenario I see is if she sneaks into his camp, but she doesn't seem like the nimble type or the assassin type.
She is going to end up in quite a quandary. She pledged her allegiance to Catelyn and swore to defend the Stark girls. The Boltons helped have Catelyn killed and now have Sansa Stark. She also has pledged to avenge Renly and kill Stannis. The two groups are about to meet in battle. Which side does she take? I don't see a good end for her.


Yup, I'm still surprised he let Tyrion free considering she wanted him dead so badly.

As much as he loves Cersei (I feel there is zero chemistry there since season one but we will give the benefit of the doubt) he knows Tyrion is innocent. I think it is more surprising that Tywin was willing to kill him than that Jaime was not.


She is going to end up in quite a quandary. She pledged her allegiance to Catelyn and swore to defend the Stark girls. The Boltons helped have Catelyn killed and now have Sansa Stark. She also has pledged to avenge Renly and kill Stannis. The two groups are about to meet in battle. Which side does she take? I don't see a good end for her.

She specifically said when she swore her vows to Catelyn that killing Stannis was her top priority and her vows to Catelyn can't stand in the way

That's why I keep pushing this idea that she is gonna get him. They're about to cross paths. It's too convenient


and the girl Mirranda shot with an arrow was also one of the girls with her, nude over Theon, just before Ramsey Snow removed Theon's favorite toy....

No, that girl was called Violet, but the actress was unavailable. The girl who got killed was Tansy.


This show has taught me not to have favourites. Still if Stannis and Jon don't live to the end of the story I'll be pissed.
Ramsay's origin story really messed me up. Just the imagery of a young woman being raped under the freshly hung corpse of her husband...Christ. It's probably the most disturbing thing I've seen/heard so far on a show where a guy was fucking his daughters to make more daughters to fuck. McElhatton's stoic, emotionless clarity just made it worse.
Didn't Jaime Lannister rape his sister under the corpse of their dead son dead Joffrey? Yea GOT is definitely messed up.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
She specifically said when she swore her vows to Catelyn that killing Stannis was her top priority and her vows to Catelyn can't stand in the way

That's why I keep pushing this idea that she is gonna get him. They're about to cross paths. It's too convenient
Hmm I didn't remember that. I've got a feeling she is going to be put in an awkward position where she can kill Stannis but it will allow a Bolton victory and condemn Sansa to a terrible fate. The show has had a strong theme of honor being a fatal impediment, but Brienne has also been the only one who has bucked that trend so far in her fight against the hound.


This show has taught me not to have favourites. Still if Stannis and Jon don't live to the end of the story I'll be pissed.

Not expecting Stannis to make to the end so as long as he takes the Throne I'll be ecstatic. Arya has to make it, though. She has to. During the Red Wedding the slaughter going on inside lost some impact because I was mostly worried about Arya making it out alive.

Didn't Jaime Lannister rape his sister under the corpse of their dead son dead Joffrey? Yea GOT is definitely messed up.

Yeah that's up there too.

Preview talk:

Worried for Sansa :(

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I'm pretty sure that Ramsey is going end up hurting Sansa badly. Either emotionally or physically. He is what he is.

What do you get when a virgin girl marries a psychopath who loves extremely violent sex?
. This isn't going to be fun to watch.
One thing I haven't thought of till now.

Brienne has seen Arya. She is close to and may perhaps meet up again with Sansa. Will Sansa finally learn she is not the only living Stark alive? She still thinks that. She doesn't know of Bran or Arya still being alive.


I had gout and it's the worse pain I ever felt in my life! It felt like the bones in my feet were being broken over and over non stop. I couldn't walk, and I couldn't put on shoes or socks, because the pain was too great. I'm glad I don't have those attacks anymore!


Does anyone here think Cersei is a sympathetic character? I personally think she has her good qualities, but other than that season one chat with Robert, I've never felt sorry for her. What do you guys think?
I had gout and it's the worse pain I ever felt in my life! It felt like the bones in my feet were being broken over and over non stop. I couldn't walk, and I couldn't put on shoes or socks, because the pain was too great. I'm glad I don't have those attacks anymore!
Jesus! Really didn't know much about it. Ellaria's comments come of as really horrible now.


Not expecting Stannis to make to the end so as long as he takes the Throne I'll be ecstatic. Arya has to make it, though. She has to. During the Red Wedding the slaughter going on inside lost some impact because I was mostly worried about Arya making it out alive.

The rightful heir has to make it, if not then his daughter! He's the only one willing to deliver justice for all, everyone else is out for selfish reasons.
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