Can't blame the folks focusing on the tits, because this was another mostly empty episode, especially by GoT standards.
That scene was ridiculous, in how contrived the whole poison/antidote shit worked out.
Infact, it's quicker to list what i did like, i kind of enjoyed the Fighting pit scene, i enjoyed seeing Stannis' moment, but again, just a tease of something that will hopefully maybe happen later on.
Sort of enjoyed Reek's betrayal, has now Sansa figured out that she has o get out of this one by herself (though they'll probably have Brienne pull some bullshit).
Everything else was either boring or absurd; this whole high septon plotline is so weird and out of nowhere, bah.
And Adebisi already out of the show? Bollocks.
And where the fuck is VARYS? And that Ghost Dog out of nowhere and then puff, disappears into nothing again.
It's like one weird plot device after the other.