Does anyone else have a strong desire to rewatch the entire series after this season is over?
I feel like I've missed on a lot of subtle references and it's getting worse as the show continues. I've forgotten so many things that happened earlier in the series that I feel like a full rewatch would be beneficial, especially heading into season 6.
Sounds like you want to complain about those peoples opinions.![]()
Also, the same number of events you listed for season 2 can be listed for season 5. Stannis prepares for a fight with Roose Bolton. Barristan ends up dead, with Danaerys having a long awaited interaction with a major character. Jorah contacts Greyscale, Jon is made Lord Commander, executes a prior Lord, then starts a rift between the Night's Watchmen and himself by siding with the wildlings. Also, a very important decision is that the wildlings are finally going to be shifted south of the wall. Things are building up to a head in Winterfell with the Boltons, Stannis, Brienne, Sansa and Littlefinger all headed to the same location. Cersei, Margaery and Loras are all imprisoned by the high sparrow. Really, a lot has happened this season; it's just that there hasn't been any one outright brilliant, which will probably come in spades from next episode onwards. Also, it's worth remembering that Season 3 also really only had three really good episodes until episode 8 of the season (and it even had a very sub-par finale). This season has also had three great ones (Kill the Boy, High Sparrow, and The Gift), and will likely have a spectacular finale from the way they are hyping it up.
Oh Ramsay that lovable bastard. He's such a trollolol.
I'm pretty sure they're blowing him up only because it's GoT and now that Joffrey is gone, they think we need a new focal point for our ire. Ergo show him doing all those psychopathic things, including the rape of Sansa and the flaying of her would be rescuer.
But the actor is great at it. And the character is more charismatic and eviller than Joffrey - who was basically a two-bit incest thug made into a bully-boy king. He's a thrones player Ramsay is - albeit not one that will get a throne, but certainly a far better character than the cardboard cutout that was Joffrey.
I mean, Cersei would be fine as the big bad, but they had to take her out - so in the mean time, given that Game of thrones always needs some sort of conflict character for the bleakness feel, Ramsay is going to be the prince of darkness for a bit - at least until we get some other character to play it up as the focal point of ire.
Sounds like you want to complain about those peoples opinions.![]()
QFT, All they had to do was follow the book and the season would have been 100x better.
Besides Tyene in the last episode, there's nothing memorable about this season.
Who knew Jorah was so OP?
I think this episode has finally made me realize something:
I really like Sansa. This character has an amazing reserve of strength and resilience.
The biggest issue are the situations she is placed in. None of them foster growth, always stasis.
This is a new sensation for me. I have never stopped hating the show's version of Sansa until now.
Well he did beast that bloodrider in season 1, but yea Dany fucked up by not keeping him around. Dude's smart and the best fighter he team had. Now he's fucking poison, good job Dany!
Dany trying her best to cover her tits with that sheet makes me angry.
I saw a nipple slip
This season has been so fucking boring.
Does anyone else have a strong desire to rewatch the entire series after this season is over?
I feel like I've missed on a lot of subtle references and it's getting worse as the show continues. I've forgotten so many things that happened earlier in the series that I feel like a full rewatch would be beneficial, especially heading into season 6.
I saw a nipple slip
QFT, All they had to do was follow the book and the season would have been 100x better.
Besides Tyene in the last episode, there's nothing memorable about this season.
I'll admit she's gorgeous, but...dat URL.
Hard to imagine that Cersei didn't anticipate the guy spilling the truth at some point, given she knew he was involved with the Sparrows from the beginning. Guess she was too determined to get back at Margery.
I'll admit she's gorgeous, but...dat URL.
I feel like this plot thread would have been better had Cersei given the High Sparrow power and then Lancel joined them.
I mean, I know Cersei isn't the absolute brightest tool in the shed, but come the fuck on. She's got the worst kept secret in King's Landing. Did she really think she'd be immune? After the actual queen was carried away?
I feel like this plot thread would have been better had Cersei given the High Sparrow power and then Lancel joined them.
I mean, I know Cersei isn't the absolute brightest tool in the shed, but come the fuck on. She's got the worst kept secret in King's Landing. Did she really think she'd be immune? After the actual queen was carried away?
I found it hilarious when she started yelling "I am the queen" yesterday. I mean, you haven't been queen since season 1 you idiot and they imprisoned the real queen sooner, you think that's going to be stop them?
I feel like this plot thread would have been better had Cersei given the High Sparrow power and then Lancel joined them.
I mean, I know Cersei isn't the absolute brightest tool in the shed, but come the fuck on. She's got the worst kept secret in King's Landing. Did she really think she'd be immune? After the actual queen was carried away?
He didn't really beast him though. Dothraki got his blade stuck in Jorahs armor and it gave him the opening to slash his face. But otherwise, I agree, she should have kept him around. Might not be a better fighter than lame ass Daario, but he's definitely the wisest of the bunch.
Wait, that was it for the fighting pits?!? Since they went full Gladiator I expected an actual arena with actual people attending. What we got was some dude's backyard wrestling version.
No, I'm complaining about people not respecting the thread rules despite the mods having repeated them over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Wait, that was it for the fighting pits?!? Since they went full Gladiator I expected an actual arena with actual people attending. What we got was some dude's backyard wrestling version.
I found it hilarious when she started yelling "I am the queen" yesterday. I mean, you haven't been queen since season 1 you idiot and they imprisoned the real queen sooner, you think that's going to be stop them?
So exactly how contagious is Jorah right now? Does he still only have a small spot on his arm? Will people only catch greyscale if they touch that part? No one knows he has it yet I assume. Or has he been silently spreading it for days and no one knows?
Exactly. As soon as the Laurice was arrested it became so obvious what this was leading up to, I'm actually surprised the High Sparrow didn't go after Cersei first.
Probably because he wanted to bag Margery too? We have a new contender for the game if so.
Maybe the higher goal is to get at the king? Imagine if they dethrone/execute him because of whatever they get out of Cersei. Similar to how Margery got caught (well, not really) in her lie. Cersei was probably just not first because the sparrows had to implement their reign first with her help.
Still wondering if it's really Littlefinger's doing.
I mean, it's a nice play. He got the signature that he can be warden of the north but had to get rid of Cersei because she would not allow Sansa to live. The Tyrell mother had the motivation to go through with pointing the incest out to the high sparrow while Littlefinger can remain in the background.
Just... it doesn't make sense since Cersei's boytoy should have already spilled the beans long ago.
I don't think it has really been explained, but I assumed they need to touch the grayscale -- the reason he couldn't touch the stonemen is they were 100% covered. I'm not sure on that but if not, then he just spread it to all those fighters
But then how do you explain Shireen getting it from a toy.
But then how do you explain Shireen getting it from a toy.
But then how do you explain Shireen getting it from a toy.