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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I think Ramsay is a great character. We need him around now more than ever with Joffrey dead, as much as I root for the good guys I love the evil characters just as much.

People have been saying that for a few seasons now about Petyr's accent, it doesn't bother me one bit, what is it that distracts you, or anyone else reading this?

I guess it's mostly that Petyr's accent keeps changing. None of them are intrinsically bad, just off-putting if you binge watch the show and notice how much it shifts. It'd be like if his hair kept getting more blonde with every season for no discernible reason.

Also, I never enjoyed Joffrey's cruelty but I like Ramsay. I haven't landed on a reason for that yet other than I think what happened to Reek is just.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
It doesn't make any sense. Even Ned recognised Stannis' right to the throne. Mannis recognises the North, he wants a Stark back in Winterfell. He's the only one attempting to right the wrongs of the Lannisters and Boltons at this point.

Telling Stannis to go fuck himself just prolongs the conflict and serves who exactly?

That was before the North declared for the King of the North. The North isn't going back to taking orders from southern losers. Plus, Stannis only has a claim because his brother usurped the throne.

Side question. Who actually has control over Storm Lands? Stannis got his brother's (Renly) banner-men, but he chills out on that island.
Doran Martell is the big winner right now. While his enemies destroy themselves and their country dude's chilling in the Water Gardens, sipping Dornish wine , listening to Fiona Apple. He only concerns himself with problems that reach his door, and even then he has a gigantic bodyguard wielding a bad ass ax-spear to deal with those. Of course he wasn't trying to hear Ellaria's BS about mutilating children; the man just wants to rest his gout and enjoy paradise.
Laughed harder than I should have at this lol.
I guess it's mostly that Petyr's accent keeps changing. None of them are intrinsically bad, just off-putting if you binge watch the show and notice how much it shifts. It'd be like if his hair kept getting more blonde with every season for no discernible reason.

Also, I never enjoyed Joffrey's cruelty but I like Ramsay. I haven't landed on a reason for that yet other than I think what happened to Reek is just.
The theory is that he changes because it's who he is. The mockingbird, he sings many different songs. He sings many different things because of who he is. When he was at King's Landing, he spoke more proper then when he went to the Vale, to fit in with the people at KL. There's no way an actor would be that blatantly out of it, especially such a major character, unless there was a purpose to it. Especially when it comes to Littlefinger, whose arguably the smartest man in the entire series so far.
The theory is that he changes because it's who he is. The mockingbird, he sings many different songs. He sings many different things because of who he is. When he was at King's Landing, he spoke more proper then when he went to the Vale, to fit in with the people at KL. There's no way an actor would be that blatantly out of it, especially such a major character, unless there was a purpose to it. Especially when it comes to Littlefinger, whose arguably the smartest man in the entire series so far.

Oh, that makes some sense. His latest accent doesn't really seem northern to me, more like Dorne or Lorath, but the speech pattern I buy.
Oh, that makes some sense. His latest accent doesn't really seem northern to me, more like Dorne or Lorath, but the speech pattern I buy.

Yeah, I was going to mention my general understanding of why it changes as well but it has been covered. Even if the actor himself had been messing up the accent, someone else would have noticed and told him to get it right.

I like that it changes because he changes for whoever it is he's trying to please, convince, deceive, intimidate etc etc.

Varys on the other hand always has the exact same tone to his voice, going back to season 1 when Ned was imprisoned and knowing very little about Varys at that point it made it really hard to tell if he was trying to help Ned or not.
So how would you guys rank the season so far, based ONLY on the first two episodes?

I'd personally go:

1. Season 4 (best premiere and episode 2 of the series)
2. Season 5 (episode 1 was ok, but episode 2 was great, second best episode 2 of the series)
3. Season 1
4. Season 3
5. Season 2 (I consider The Night Lands to be the worst episode of the show)

Also, I feel a lot of you guys are forgetting that Thrones is a build-up show, where progressively more and more happens until the climax of a season. The beginnings of seasons 2 and 3, especially, were very subdued. This season is a lot more fast-paced than those.


Bring me the head of continuity on a spike!

(Or this is all part of littlefinger's plans)

Doran Martell is the big winner right now. While his enemies destroy themselves and their country dude's chilling in the Water Gardens, sipping Dornish wine , listening to Fiona Apple. He only concerns himself with problems that reach his door, and even then he has a gigantic bodyguard wielding a bad ass ax-spear to deal with those. Of course he wasn't trying to hear Ellaria's BS about mutilating children; the man just wants to rest his gout and enjoy paradise.

Pretty much. The Lannisters have pretty much ruined themselves due to their cruelty and stupidity without Doran having to lift a finger. He's the GOT equivalent of "Luigi wins Mario Party without doing anything." :p
Or it could be Cersei just manipulating Jamie to go to Dorne and pick up Myrcella.

Sound about right, lol.

Joffrey could have also taken it from his sister, or gotten another one made without Cersei ever paying attention to it on Sansa's neck.

Who knows, might just be a fuck up on the shows part, shit happens, or something that seems of no significance now but will have a big impact on some random event 20 episodes from now.

The Cowboy

It doesn't seem like the same necklace.
It really doesn't.

The way i see it, Joffrey had the 1st one and gave it to Sansa, Cercei has the 2nd one until she gave it to Myrcella.

Later after Joffrey died Cercei took Joffreys back as Sansa didn't take it with her, after all - she was taken to the boat during the wedding feast and didn't have it with her (she was wearing that poison necklace), so it makes sense that it was likely back in her room for Cercei to take back..


Plus, does the Winter get as far South as Dorne?

What Winter? You mean the one that is effectively restrained behind the wall and hasn't posed a viable threat to anyone aside from a small pack of rangers? The one that the Wildlings have only alluded to but we have yet to see do anything other than march once or twice?

Winter is coming... yeah, right.

But to your point, yeah, Winter is supposed to get as far south as Dorne.
Guys a nice interview with the actor that plays Jaqen H'ghar from the main website.

HBO: Did he see her as a potential acolyte at Harrenhal?

Tom Wlaschiha: It seems like there's some bigger plan behind it. We still don't know why Jaqen showed up in the first place. It always seemed kind of strange to me that he, with his abilities, would be a prisoner in the black cells in King's Landing. We still don't know what his secret agenda is – or if there is a secret agenda.
No spoilers, just his thoughts on this question is pretty interesting.
HBO: You're invited to a GOT wedding. Do you go?

Tom Wlaschiha: Of course I go. What could happen to me? Whatever happens is probably Jaqen's fault.


So how would you guys rank the season so far, based ONLY on the first two episodes?

I'd personally go:

1. Season 4 (best premiere and episode 2 of the series)
2. Season 5 (episode 1 was ok, but episode 2 was great, second best episode 2 of the series)
3. Season 1
4. Season 3
5. Season 2 (I consider The Night Lands to be the worst episode of the show)

Also, I feel a lot of you guys are forgetting that Thrones is a build-up show, where progressively more and more happens until the climax of a season. The beginnings of seasons 2 and 3, especially, were very subdued. This season is a lot more fast-paced than those.
I agree with season 4 at the top. Opening with the forging of the two swords from Ice, the tavern scene with Arya and The Hound, and then of course the wedding. Phenomenal first couple of episodes.

After that though I'd go with season 1 for sure. I like them all, but if I had to order the rest I'd probably say 3,5, and 2.

Guys a nice interview with the actor that plays Jaqen H'ghar from the main website.

No spoilers, just his thoughts on this question is pretty interesting.
I was just thinking about Jaqen and what he was doing in King's Landing. I couldn't recall any season 1 deaths that could be attributed to him though.
So somthing Ive been thinking of recently...religion feels very underplayed in this series. I would expect it to be more prevalent I guess.


So somthing Ive been thinking of recently...religion feels very underplayed in this series. I would expect it to be more prevalent I guess.

I was thinking about this when season five premiered. This is what I made of it so far (I've probably missed a few gods or what they've done so please correct if needed)

- the old gods (something going on in those trees i dunno, havent done a good job of protecting the starks so im not really feeling them to be honest)

- the new gods (dont recall seeing them do anything, so they suck)

- the many faced god (only heard the name, but jaqen is for realz so whoever he is praying to must be legit)

- lord of light (seen him flex his muscles several times, kills people, brings them back to life, the fire is a good defense against the white walkers, melissandre, would pray to for sure)

im not a religious man but im gonna get behind the lord of light
"Lord of Light! Come to us in our darkness. We offer you these false gods. Take them and cast your light upon us. For the night is dark and full of terrors."

Lord of Light 2016


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Something I've been thinking about. Stannis fanboys keep mentioning how Stannis is a stickler for laws and rules, etc. Yet in the last episode, he was ready to make Jon Snow into Jon Stark Lord of Winterfell, if he bent the knee to him and supported his claim. Except, the only way that could happen is for Jon to abandon his oaths to the Night's Watch. Dude kills his brother because "the law says I'm older so I inherit", but when it serves his purpose, "fuck the law I'm the King."
Something I've been thinking about. Stannis fanboys keep mentioning how Stannis is a stickler for laws and rules, etc. Yet in the last episode, he was ready to make Jon Snow into Jon Stark Lord of Winterfell, if he bent the knee to him and supported his claim. Except, the only way that could happen is for Jon to abandon his oaths to the Night's Watch. Dude kills his brother because "the law says I'm older so I inherit", but when it serves his purpose, "fuck the law I'm the King."

Jon's broken half a dozen of his NW oaths.
- the many faced god (only heard the name, but jaqen is for realz so whoever he is praying to must be legit)

- lord of light (seen him flex his muscles several times, kills people, brings them back to life, the fire is a good defense against the white walkers, melissandre, would pray to for sure)

i am probably wrong but I think these are the same god.
Something I've been thinking about. Stannis fanboys keep mentioning how Stannis is a stickler for laws and rules, etc. Yet in the last episode, he was ready to make Jon Snow into Jon Stark Lord of Winterfell, if he bent the knee to him and supported his claim. Except, the only way that could happen is for Jon to abandon his oaths to the Night's Watch. Dude kills his brother because "the law says I'm older so I inherit", but when it serves his purpose, "fuck the law I'm the King."

You think we like Stannis because of laws and logic? Ha.

Stannis is boss. You will all see the light.



"playing" dumb? unpossible
Jon's broken half a dozen of his NW oaths.

But leaving the Night's Watch is surely an execution worthy crime. Stannis was ready to pull an executive order out of his ass if it got him the power he wanted. Melisandre is the real power behind this moping loser.

Let's fuck and kill your brother!


Let's leech your nephew!


Let's burn your nephew!


Let's burn your in-laws and anyone else who doesn't worship our god!


Let's burn your friend!


Just kidding, we still need him.

i am probably wrong but I think these are the same god.

Kind of, but not really. The many-faced god is the faceless men recognizing that every religion has a god in control of or responsible for death, thus that god must be a constant even if it takes on innumerable forms. While the Lord of Light does have some dominion over death, he's much more than that in other facets.

The many-faced god is a really impersonal, generic approach to the deities in Westeros and Essos. Praying to him would be like receiving a company-wide email where some of your coworkers to whom it's also addressed may or may not exist.

But leaving the Night's Watch is surely an execution worthy crime. Stannis was ready to pull an executive order out of his ass if it got him the power he wanted. Melisandre is the real power behind this moping loser.

Jon wasn't executed because breaking his oaths was necessary for the plan to be carried out after he failed to kill Ygritte. Oaths can be broken for the greater good. I don't think anyone's arguing that Stannis is infallible or that there's a 100% clean way to win the war(s).


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
That was before the North declared for the King of the North. The North isn't going back to taking orders from southern losers. Plus, Stannis only has a claim because his brother usurped the throne.

Side question. Who actually has control over Storm Lands? Stannis got his brother's (Renly) banner-men, but he chills out on that island.

A claim as strong as any other.
If Stannis takes the throne what happens when he dies? His only heir is a young girl with facial deformities from Greyscale, which from what we've been told about in the show is highly looked down upon.


Stannis only cares about beliefs, oaths, and traditions if they suit his purpose or enforce the image he wants to convey. He turned his back on his gods and marriage, offered Winterfell to Snow, eagerly uses anyone to fill the ranks of his armies, etc. Reminds me of Henry V.
Stannis only cares about beliefs, oaths, and traditions if they suit his purpose or enforce the image he wants to convey. He turned his back on his gods and marriage, offered Winterfell to Snow, eagerly uses anyone to fill the ranks of his armies, etc. Reminds me of Henry V.

Or like Henry VIII, except swap the crown for the next wife.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Stannis only cares about beliefs, oaths, and traditions if they suit his purpose or enforce the image he wants to convey. He turned his back on his gods and marriage, offered Winterfell to Snow, eagerly uses anyone to fill the ranks of his armies, etc. Reminds me of Henry V.


This scene right here told me everything I needed to know about this guy. Doesn't even have the backbone to stand up for himself, and if it weren't for Ser Davos playing hype-man, he'd still be brooding like a bitch over at Dragonstone. Look at the way he treats his own daughter. This is the man some of you call King? Disgusting.

The only thing he's good at is being a general (loses a few points due to what happened at Black-water Bay). Come to Meereen Staanis. We could use a warring half-wit like yourself to settle some scores. Just make sure you catapult that Red demon over the wall on your way here.
This scene right here told me everything I needed to know about this guy. Doesn't even have the backbone to stand up for himself, and if it weren't for Ser Davos playing hype-man, he'd still be brooding like a bitch over at Dragonstone. Look at the way he treats his own daughter. This is the man some of you call King? Disgusting.

Sorry, who else has taken on King's Landing? Who else is bothering to defend the realm at the Wall? Who else is offering to take back Winterfell?

Robb Stark = dead
Balon Greyjoy = MIA
Tommen Baratheon = whatever
Daenerys Targaryen = couldn't even organise a piss up in a brewery without a riot
Sorry, who else has taken on King's Landing? Who else is bothering to defend the realm at the Wall? Who else is offering to take back Winterfell?

Robb Stark = dead
Balon Greyjoy = MIA
Tommen Baratheon = whatever
Daenerys Targaryen = couldn't even organise a piss up in a brewery without a riot

There's the Tyrells. They took the throne by sweetness and sexiness :>

Margaery <3
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