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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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"Why thank you"


hey, he may have been sweet and sexy back when. just like the granma tyrell was. you never know, hey



"playing" dumb? unpossible
Sorry, who else has taken on King's Landing? Who else is bothering to defend the realm at the Wall? Who else is offering to take back Winterfell?

Robb Stark = dead
Balon Greyjoy = MIA
Tommen Baratheon = whatever
Daenerys Targaryen = couldn't even organise a piss up in a brewery without a riot

That's cause the people she's over looking are fucking idiots. One group wants the other dead, and the other wants to re-enslave the first. Good luck working out any solution that would make both happy. She's stuck between a rock and a hard place. She should just leave and take anyone who wants to go with her. She can't establish the necessary rule of law over these cities with just a small army.
Bastards don't have a surname unless they're of half-noble birth. The common folk don't have surnames.

Anyway, The Reach is Flowers, Westerlands is Hill, Iron Islans is Pyke, Riverlands is Rivers, Dorne Sand, North of course is Snow, Vale is Stone, Stormlands is Storm, and finally the Crownlands is Waters.

This scene right here told me everything I needed to know about this guy. Doesn't even have the backbone to stand up for himself, and if it weren't for Ser Davos playing hype-man, he'd still be brooding like a bitch over at Dragonstone. Look at the way he treats his own daughter. This is the man some of you call King? Disgusting.

The only thing he's good at is being a general (loses a few points due to what happened at Black-water Bay). Come to Meereen Staanis. We could use a warring half-wit like yourself to settle some scores. Just make sure you catapult that Red demon over the wall on your way here.
If he's a half wit, then I'm not sure what term we would use for Danny being such an incompetent buffoon.
I like Stannis better now, since he's not so much full of inaction.... or losing King's Landing.... or killing his own brother.... or taking Ser Davos for granted forever

.... but I'd still pick Dany over him any day of the week >:E


I was thinking about this when season five premiered. This is what I made of it so far (I've probably missed a few gods or what they've done so please correct if needed)

- the old gods (something going on in those trees i dunno, havent done a good job of protecting the starks so im not really feeling them to be honest)

- the new gods (dont recall seeing them do anything, so they suck)

- the many faced god (only heard the name, but jaqen is for realz so whoever he is praying to must be legit)

- lord of light (seen him flex his muscles several times, kills people, brings them back to life, the fire is a good defense against the white walkers, melissandre, would pray to for sure)

im not a religious man but im gonna get behind the lord of light

I'd argue that the supernatural stuff in the North could be a part of the Old Gods/OG's (or possibly just magic which goes for any religion).

The Seven haven't been seen but it seems like the Lord of Light has some truth to it (or once again just magic) and that there will be a showdown with the OG's represented by White Walkers, etc.

I feel like this is the clash of the gods that civilizations throughout history thought was happening like the Norse Gods vs. the Christian God, etc. but might actually be happening.

Some of the people in the North end up with some supernatural abilities that we don't see anywhere else. The Lord of Light followers have abilities don't have either.

To me, the religion is the end game and they're just slowly unraveling the mystery. While these numbnuts are busy fighting over a kingdom, they're missing the bigger picture that's a much larger problem.
Mmm. That's strange. What was he doing there if he didn't kill anyone? What if



I think that'd be too good to be true.

Also, I'm amazed someone could capture him, and carted him with other common ruffians, etc. when he met Arya. AMAZED. What Westeros person could have done this. Mmm.



This scene right here told me everything I needed to know about this guy. Doesn't even have the backbone to stand up for himself, and if it weren't for Ser Davos playing hype-man, he'd still be brooding like a bitch over at Dragonstone. Look at the way he treats his own daughter. This is the man some of you call King? Disgusting.

The only thing he's good at is being a general (loses a few points due to what happened at Black-water Bay). Come to Meereen Staanis. We could use a warring half-wit like yourself to settle some scores. Just make sure you catapult that Red demon over the wall on your way here.

Pride. He wasn't about to beg and grovel for what he believes to be his by right. Plus yeah, the guy's extremely literal, to-the-point, and not a particularly inspiring or talented speaker. Go back to his grand pre-battle Blackwater speech: "Come with me and take their city".

That's part of what makes him unique, though. Fuck all that pomp, flash, grand standing, and rhetorical gymnastics. Give me the grizzled, no guff war general who says what he means and means what he says. Daeny has rousing speeches and pithy one liners for days but she's a shit leader who ultimately blows a ton of smoke.



Offscreen deaths don't count.

He could have killed those dudes,
then masked himself and escaped.

Also, Dany is friggin stupid, she has no idea what she's doing.
I liked her in early seasons, but she's literally dumb at this point.
They're even both from braavos. I mean, how a man with his unbelievable skills could get arrested and be imprisoned in (what a coincidence) king's landing dungeons? When your're surrounded by royal guards and your only weapon is a brocken wooden sword, that's how.
The three men in the cart (Jaqen and the two others) were taken from the prison cell, which Ned gave permission for what's-his-face to bring back to the wall. The timeline doesn't work for Syrio to not be killed off by his attackers, get thrown in the prison cell, recover from his mortal wound and change face to Jaqen, and then get pulled back out and carted away. Plus the faceless men are just overpriced assassins, not dancing instructors.

There's room in the lore for two different, awesome Braavosi.
Edit: ^^
They're even both from braavos. I mean, how a man with his unbelievable skills could get arrested and be imprisoned in (what a coincidence) king's landing dungeons? When your're surrounded by royal guards and your only weapon is a brocken wooden sword, that's how.
Would be crazy if something like this turned out to be true


The three men in the cart (Jaqen and the two others) were taken from the prison cell, which Ned gave permission for what's-his-face to bring back to the wall. The timeline doesn't work for Syrio to not be killed off by his attackers, get thrown in the prison cell, recover from his mortal wound and change face to Jaqen, and then get pulled back out and carted away. Plus the faceless men are just overpriced assassins, not dancing instructors.

There's room in the lore for two different, awesome Braavosi.

Syrio caught up to the cart, killed the real Jaqen, knocked out the other two prisoners and took Jaqen's place.
after many, many technical and billing shannigans, false starts and interruptions (this just in- Foxtel and their IQ3 HD cable boxes are junk), I finally got to watch this episode on the 5th showing.

I love scenes with Brienne in them but that scene where Littlefinger accurately lists all her numerous failures- though he missed Jaime's hand, that's also on her- was

She's one of the few with absolute honour but she's also doomed to fail in this world.

Dany is another mad Targaryen. She's just got no idea what she's doing. The show is better when things don't go the way you expect them to.

I don't know what to think about Jon Snow taking the reigns of the Night's Watch instead of taking back the north (assuming that's how it plays out).

Nice to see Alexander Siddig again. It's been years since Battlestar Galactica
you can't see my face but I'm smiling because that was a joke

overall, this week's episode was like the second half of two-part opener. They would probably play better if watched back to back.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Pride. He wasn't about to beg and grovel for what he believes to be his by right. Plus yeah, the guy's extremely literal, to-the-point, and not a particularly inspiring or talented speaker. Go back to his grand pre-battle Blackwater speech: "Come with me and take their city".

That's part of what makes him unique, though. Fuck all that pomp, flash, grand standing, and rhetorical gymnastics. Give me the grizzled, no guff war general who says what he means and means what he says. Daeny has rousing speeches and pithy one liners for days but she's a shit leader who ultimately blows a ton of smoke.

I don't think that's a fair assessment. She seems like a shit leader right now, only because she's dealing with situations no one in Westeros has had to deal with. Look at Dany when she was Khaleesi. She was confident, determined, had the love of her people, and she loved them. Freeing the slaves is one thing; ruling over former slaves and former slave masters is a political quagmire of epic proportions. Meereen is becoming Vietnam for her. She can't leave the freed slaves behind because the Vietcong old Masters would re-enslave them, and she doesn't have the logistical capability to take them all with her. On top of that, her council are shit compared to what everyone else has. All warriors and former slave or slave master. No city administrator.


I don't think that's a fair assessment. She seems like a shit leader right now, only because she's dealing with situations no one in Westeros has had to deal with. Look at Dany when she was Khaleesi. She was confident, determined, had the love of her people, and she loved them. Freeing the slaves is one thing; ruling over former slaves and former slave masters is a political quagmire of epic proportions. Meereen is becoming Vietnam for her. She can't leave the freed slaves behind because the Vietcong old Masters would re-enslave them, and she doesn't have the logistical capability to take them all with her. On top of that, her council are shit compared to what everyone else has. All warriors and former slave or slave master. No city administrator.

She wanted a trial for the other dude,
yet gave that person she executed no trial.

She's a moron.


I love scenes with Brienne in them but that scene where Littlefinger accurately lists all her numerous failures- though he missed Jaime's hand, that's also on her- was

She's one of the few with absolute honour but she's also doomed to fail in this world.
It's unfair to put any of that on her.

No one could've saved Renly from that.

She couldn't protect Catlyn because Catlyn sent her away on a mission. Of course even if she were there, she'd have been killed along with everyone else.

Jamie got captured (and ultimately lost his hand) because of his own stupid antics on the bridge.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
She wanted a trial for the other dude,
yet gave that person she executed no trial.

She's a moron.


I'm sorry, how do you not see the difference between the two scenarios? The first guy was an accused member of a terrorist group. She accepted Ser Barriston's suggestion to give him a trial to ascertain his guilt. A move the second guy argued against if you remember. Now the second guy, what's the point of a trial to determine guilt when you know who's done the crime, and culprit is not only admitting to it, but is also quite proud of doing it? The mistake she made wasn't in executing him, it was in assuming that the former slaves would understand the nuances of justice under the law. In their minds, they don't see what he did as a crime at all.

You can't run an effective government when each side thinks any harm done to the other is just.


The "If GoT took place on Facebook"
Warning. The 2nd link has an important spoiler (sort of).
I'm happy to have read it, because now I'm more interested on see how it will be handled. But it's not something we should know about.

Anyway. Did Varys said that they are detouring to Volantis? Always wanted to see Talisa's country. Shae also lived there (she mentioned it to Sansa once), so wonder if there is a connection.


Warning. The 2nd link has an important spoiler (sort of).
I'm happy to have read it, because now I'm more interested on see how it will be handled. But it's not something we should know about.

Anyway. Did Varys said that they are detouring to Volantis? Always wanted to see Talisa's country. Shae also lived there (she mentioned it to Sansa once), so wonder if there is a connection.
Yep. It's always interesting to see what kind of look they've come up with for new locations.

Bring me the head of continuity on a spike!

(Or this is all part of littlefinger's plans)

You know, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Cersei had that snake made and staged the whole thing to goad Jamie into getting Myrcella back.


I don't think that's a fair assessment. She seems like a shit leader right now, only because she's dealing with situations no one in Westeros has had to deal with. Look at Dany when she was Khaleesi. She was confident, determined, had the love of her people, and she loved them. Freeing the slaves is one thing; ruling over former slaves and former slave masters is a political quagmire of epic proportions. Meereen is becoming Vietnam for her. She can't leave the freed slaves behind because the Vietcong old Masters would re-enslave them, and she doesn't have the logistical capability to take them all with her. On top of that, her council are shit compared to what everyone else has. All warriors and former slave or slave master. No city administrator.

It's pretty telling when you consider that three different monarchs have had to deal with someone under them defying orders and killing prisoners of war. Both Daeny and Robb Stark ignored the good sense of their advisors and publicly executed their own people for taking the life of the enemy -- both then saw their subjects turn on them as a result. Stannis could have easily done the same to Jon for killing Mance prematurely, but he's a realest, not an idealistic fool swayed by glossy wide-eyed sentiment. Jon's death would've created a host of unnecessary problems if not enemies, and for what exactly?

People are expecting Daeny to accept Tyrion and Varys with open arms and finally have the council she needs to thrive. Given her track record it's just as likely she has them both beheaded for ever being affiliated with her enemies. In fact Jorah mentioned Varys by name when he confessed to her last season.


Mmm. That's strange. What was he doing there if he didn't kill anyone? What if


i don't think that dude died.. When camera was on Arya running away (because he told her to) there was a metallic clanking sound afterwards. As if an helmet fell to the floor. It could be that sensei knocking out the last standing guards.
I hope this is what happened


"playing" dumb? unpossible
It's pretty telling when you consider that three different monarchs have had to deal with someone under them defying orders and killing prisoners of war. Both Daeny and Robb Stark ignored the good sense of their advisors and publicly executed their own people for taking the life of the enemy -- both then saw their subjects turn on them as a result. Stannis could have easily done the same to Jon for killing Mance prematurely, but he's a realest, not an idealistic fool swayed by glossy wide-eyed sentiment. Jon's death would've created a host of unnecessary problems if not enemies, and for what exactly?

People are expecting Daeny to accept Tyrion and Varys with open arms and finally have the council she needs to thrive. Given her track record it's just as likely she has them both beheaded for ever being affiliated with her enemies. In fact Jorah mentioned Varys by name when he confessed to her last season.



Dude, what Jon did and what the other two did aren't in the same level of insubordination. The Lannister kids were under Robb's protection, and the Harpy guy was awaiting trial. Meanwhile Stannis had Mance set up to be roasted alive, and Jon did what everyone (besides the Red women, Stannis, and his creepy ass wife) there wanted to do but couldn't. Not even remotely the same.

But you are right about something. Being nice, kind hearted, and well meaning, doesn't get anywhere in the world of the show. Ned, Robb, Dany, etc, all learned that you have to be ruthless and pragmatic to win.


Dude, what Jon did and what the other two did aren't in the same level of insubordination. The Lannister kids were under Robb's protection, and the Harpy guy was awaiting trial. Meanwhile Stannis had Mance set up to be roasted alive, and Jon did what everyone (besides the Red women, Stannis, and his creepy ass wife) there wanted to do but couldn't. Not even remotely the same.

But you are right about something. Being nice, kind hearted, and well meaning, doesn't get anywhere in the world of the show. Ned, Robb, Dany, etc, all learned that you have to be ruthless and pragmatic to win.

Obviously these scenarios aren't 1:1 comparisons, but they're similar enough to compare and get sense of the three as nuanced leaders. And while Mance wasn't as juicy a sacrifice as Gendry, The King Beyond the Wall still would have been a nice offering to The Lord Light and Jon went against the King's will and ruined that.

Lord Karstark and Massadore are still alive under King Stannis, who's a much better example of ruthless pragmatism. Daeny's ruthlessness is steeped more in emotion and naivety.
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