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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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No, he just had his King's guard beat Sansa, but he instructed him to not hit her pretty face. He wanted to do that to send a message to The King of the North (her brother Rob). Joffery was no angel, but he's not psychotic like Ramsey....except that time he "played" with Ros (the red haired whore) with his all those arrows. Yikes.

Joffrey was definitely psychopathic and enjoyed seeing Sansa getting hurt both emotionally and physically. He just didn't go all the way like Ramsey because he only started fueling his desires. Ramsey was allowed to flay to his hearts content as long as it wasn't someone important while Joffrey still was somewhat under the control of Tywin and Cersei. He already escalated from having his guards beat Sansa to killing Ros himself. If he lived, he would have gone further.
Joffrey would have had other people do terrible things for him, whereas Ramsay does the terrible things himself (flaying).

Flaying is just a Bolton trademark, is mean to strike fear. But in the end, is the same as decapitating an enemy. Is often done with a reason, Joffrey killed the Winterfell prostitute just because Lord Baelish let him do anything to her, as a punishment. (of course, he paid a lot of money)

I though, this was the most horrible thing, he ever did.


It is a little hard to tell but wasn't Jorah in a fighting pit in the teaser trailer? My money is that he is headed for Mereen


Joffrey was definitely psychopathic and enjoyed seeing Sansa getting hurt both emotionally and physically. He just didn't go all the way like Ramsey because he only started fueling his desires. Ramsey was allowed to flay to his hearts content as long as it wasn't someone important while Joffrey still was somewhat under the control of Tywin and Cersei. He already escalated from having his guards beat Sansa to killing Ros himself. If he lived, he would have gone further.

Ramsey literally changed the persona of a person and has that man in the palm of his hand without the help of anyone else.
No idea, I've never saw the teasers or any trailer whatsoever. Joffrey was certainly a monster, only Renly's wife to be was able too control him a little. Also funny that nobody say anything to her. She marry Renly and he died, then he married Joffrey and he died and she immediately marry his little brother and nobody suspects she might had to do anything with the killings? (she doesn't but jeez)


Ramsay is infinitely worse than Joffrey -- smarter, more blood thirsty, with a much more acute taste for suffering.



Ramsey literally changed the persona of a person and has that man in the palm of his hand without the help of anyone else.

Joffrey was just a baby torturer. He wasn't as bad as Ramsey when he was alive, but would have got there and worse after a few years since he was a king with a lot more power than a bastard.


Joffery was bad...ok he was very bad, but come on...he is NO WHERE near the psycho that Ramsey is! The most shocking thing Joffery done was to Ros. That's nothing but sport to Ramsey! Remember the dogs and arrows as he chased his previous girlfriend? (season 4's opening scene). Joffrey was more of a sadist, but Ramsey is a bonified psycho!

Still amused at Tommen apparently beating the treads off Margery.

At Tommen's age...I would had did the same.
I'm sorry but I assumed that everyone watched the teaser trailer that came out a month before the season premiere?

No way, I want to be blind as possible.

Ramsay is infinitely worse than Joffrey -- smarter, more blood thirsty, with a much more acute taste for suffering.


All I see is a badass. Fighting Shirtless against fully armored guy just to protect his pet project? Also you know you fuck up, when Ramsey is the one you root for in that Gif. Theon Family/Country is just awful.


I can't be the only one who thinks the Faceless Men are blatantly evil, right? We've just assumed that they're okay because our view of them was framed by their introduction - helping Arya, one of our favourite underdog characters.

But these are people who kill upon being asked without any reason, who view death as a gift, who essentially kill themselves by destroying their own persona and history, and who use a seriously creepy face-shifting thing that it looks like they steal from corpses.

I'm sad that Arya has ended up like this. I forsee her being asked to kill a member of her family before it's all done, briefly considering it, then going to find needle at the last second - the last reminder of who she is. Or maybe just killing her family, knowing GoT.

Littlefinger's game confuses me as always. Probably the only guy who we can never figure out. What does he get out of this deal, outside of some gold maybe?

a) Destroy the Boltons from within, securing both the North and the Vale for himself. (The north through Sansa)
b) In Stannis' good books when he rolls past. 'Hey I ended this war before it started and my girlfriend here is the Lady of the North, can I rule up here unopposed, oh gee thanks, good luck in King's Landing'

Littlefinger is betting against the Boltons and the Lannisters, and is betting on Sansa and the people of the North as well as Stannis. I like that bet.

Yeah is pretty obvious that sinse Cersei isn't a real Queen and she is losing power by the minute. She is trying to get Religious power.

Because making deals with radical fanatics could only end well, right? The High Septon (Septim?) was in their pocket and under their control, because he was a bullshit phoney. That was important for the king - to have control over the message being preached in the churches. This High Sparrow guy clearly believes very dearly in his faith. You can't control that, can't legislate for it. If Cersei thinks she can offer this guy some gold and a prostitute to corral the Sparrows or even use them then she's even stupider than she looks.
a) Destroy the Boltons from within, securing both the North and the Vale for himself. (The north through Sansa)
b) In Stannis' good books when he rolls past. 'Hey I ended this war before it started and my girlfriend here is the Lady of the North, can I rule up here unopposed, oh gee thanks, good luck in King's Landing'

Littlefinger is betting against the Boltons and the Lannisters, and is betting on Sansa and the people of the North as well as Stannis. I like that bet.
You know Stannis is going to want him to bend the knee though.


You know Stannis is going to want him to bend the knee though.

Do you think Littlefinger would have a single issue with bending the knee? If you're up in Winterfell the King in King's Landing can't do shit about the north and doesn't care. You bend the knee and you're king of the north in all but name. If you desire more, you now have one hell of a platform. As he said, the last time the Lords of the Vale and North went to war, they overthrew a dynasty. (I'm assuming he meant the Baratheons and Starks defeating the Targaryens) So the dude is going to have some serious power if he pulls this off.
Sansa has already survived one marriage involving a psycho girlfriend. I think she'll be fine.

Ramsay + Sansa xoxo
Curious to see what kind of wedding Roose throws. I imagine a flayed priest is in the cards.

Do you think Littlefinger would have a single issue with bending the knee? If you're up in Winterfell the King in King's Landing can't do shit about the north and doesn't care. You bend the knee and you're king of the north in all but name. If you desire more, you now have one hell of a platform. As he said, the last time the Lords of the Vale and North went to war, they overthrew a dynasty. (I'm assuming he meant the Baratheons and Starks defeating the Targaryens) So the dude is going to have some serious power if he pulls this off.

Hmm, that could work. As I said before, Baelish is like 10 steps ahead of everyone all the time, so I shouldn't doubt his decision making.
I can't be the only one who thinks the Faceless Men are blatantly evil, right? We've just assumed that they're okay because our view of them was framed by their introduction - helping Arya, one of our favourite underdog characters.

But these are people who kill upon being asked without any reason, who view death as a gift, who essentially kill themselves by destroying their own persona and history, and who use a seriously creepy face-shifting thing that it looks like they steal from corpses.

I'm sad that Arya has ended up like this. I forsee her being asked to kill a member of her family before it's all done, briefly considering it, then going to find needle at the last second - the last reminder of who she is. Or maybe just killing her family, knowing GoT

Because making deals with radical fanatics could only end well, right? The High Septon (Septim?) was in their pocket and under their control, because he was a bullshit phoney. That was important for the king - to have control over the message being preached in the churches. This High Sparrow guy clearly believes very dearly in his faith. You can't control that, can't legislate for it. If Cersei thinks she can offer this guy some gold and a prostitute to corral the Sparrows or even use them then she's even stupider than she looks.

I though the people went to that place to die willingly, then they clean their corpses and steal their faces. (would be funny, seeing a different actress for Arya).

On Cersei's part that can mean a couple of things. Either she is losing her head and are trying to make amends for her sins.

She is trying to cause chaos willingly, by backing those fanatics. That means Tommen would be force to spring into action and failed because he is just a kid, and King's landing will demand she to take the reigns.

She realized she is losing power as Queen and is trying to gain Religious power, which by that era was very close to the government.

Maybe even a forth option, she is using them for some convoluted plan that won't make any sense until a couple more episodes.

With her it can go either way. The guy seems nice enough, but I dunno. Give those people power and all hell might break lose.


I was in the wrong thread for a minute there. I was like "boy the book readers have really taken over".

Anyway apparently there is some anger in how some stuff went.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Spoiler from the season preview ahead:
I'm guessing that the fighting pits are going to be reopened and Jorah will end up going back to Dany and instead be sent to be a gladiator
I was in the wrong thread for a minute there. I was like "boy the book readers have really taken over".

Anyway apparently there is some anger in how some stuff went.

Speaking of book anger, can someone PM what was supposed to be the big shock moment in the book that didn't made it into the last season finale? I remember being a lot of anger about it. And we are now 3 episodes in and the biggest thing has being Ramsey x Sansa.


I do wonder if Sansa could control Ramsey by appealing to his sadism.

I think he would probably be in ecstasy having a queen flay people with him.


Still feel like Tommen is going to surprise us and be a just king just for his family's past to screw him over. Way too many "kings" in play right now waiting to strike.

I hope Sansa gets her revenge but it pains me to think she'll have to sleep with Ramsay before doing so. I really hope she ends up screwing over the Boltons and LF after they make their move for the throne, especially now that she sees the support she has in the North still. It's clear that her disguise so to speak is also an insight into her character becoming darker for what's to come. She's not the bright, naive person she was before but now has to be cold and calculated while doing things she hates to get her justice.

It was nice seeing Jon resemble Ned with his authority, although I suspect he'll be a little better off...lol.

Good episode and a nice distraction from the Cavs game earlier. I was all for a Red Wedding after that.


Wait a minute. What about the marriage between Tyroin and Sansa? Wouldn't the Gods be pissed about a woman being in two marriages at the same time or does no one give a crap about the Gods anymore?
Yeah I feel like Tommen is fucking done. He's either going to be manipulated by Margerie or his mom. And he may end up being great only to have the dragons show up and eat him.


Wait a minute. What about the marriage between Tyroin and Sansa? Wouldn't the Gods be pissed about a woman being in two marriages at the same time or does no one give a crap about the Gods anymore?

They addressed that. Apparently it's only a real marriage if you consummate it. Sansa is still a virgin, so the marriage isn't valid.


Wait a minute. What about the marriage between Tyroin and Sansa? Wouldn't the Gods be pissed about a woman being in two marriages at the same time or does no one give a crap about the Gods anymore?

In Westeros you're not married until you fuck, so she's actually fine.
EDIT: Beaten


Wait a minute. What about the marriage between Tyroin and Sansa? Wouldn't the Gods be pissed about a woman being in two marriages at the same time or does no one give a crap about the Gods anymore?

Technically, the marriage was never consummated so it was never confirmed in the eyes of the gods similar to what happened in the real world 500 years ago. A loophole of sorts that plenty of kings have used.

Also, I still feel like those gods are nothing but a sham with the Old Gods and the Lord of Light being the only ones that have had real supernatural shit attributed to them. I'm curious to see if it's just magic for one or both or if we're going to see a clash of the gods in the final season with Bran having a part in it.

The Seven just seem like a way to maintain control over the people which is a familiar situation. People will do what they want in secret anyway.
Speaking of book anger, can someone PM what was supposed to be the big shock moment in the book that didn't made it into the last season finale? I remember being a lot of anger about it. And we are now 3 episodes in and the biggest thing has being Ramsey x Sansa.

There were at least 2. So pm me if you still want to know.


good episode tonight. Too bad about Tyrion, not being able to hook up with the brother girl, due to her resembling Shae. I just can't wait to see the house of the harpies against the Unsullies soon.
I do wonder if Sansa could control Ramsey by appealing to his sadism.

I think he would probably be in ecstasy having a queen flay people with him.

Yup. He already gets that with his current Gf minus the queenship though.

Could a Bolton wedding be worse than the Red Wedding?

That depends on your idea of worse. From a certain perspective, the red wedding was a necessary evil to stop a naive boy from waging an unjust war.


Why would Jorha go back to Kings Landing to "see the queen"?

He has a royal pardon, he can go back whenever he wants. Dude is going back to Danny

What would Dany need Tyrion for in his mind? "Hey I brought this Lannister who's on the run please take me back DANY!!" Is he that pathetic?

Well he was crying over her in this episode too


Wait a minute. What about the marriage between Tyroin and Sansa? Wouldn't the Gods be pissed about a woman being in two marriages at the same time or does no one give a crap about the Gods anymore?

Depends on which gods, there's the God of Light, the god of death (according to the unfaced), the underwater god, the old gods of the north, which have those old tree faces on them, and then there's Dragon queen cult, where she's considered a mother. Lost count on the countless religions.
For a minute I thought Sansa has changed, and became a tougher badass with dark hair...but then I seen her crying to Peter, "oh please don't marry me off to the Boltons..." That shows she's still pretty much that same weak red haired sexy Sansa Stark of Winterfell. Ramsey's psycho chick would make mince meat out of her. This worries me greatly.
Seriously what? How do you expect her to react when she's taken to the man who murdered her brother, her brother's wife and her unborn baby, as well as her mother?
Yup. He already gets that with his current Gf minus the queenship though.

That depends on your idea of worse. From a certain perspective, the red wedding was a necessary evil to stop a naive boy from waging an unjust war.
For a naive boy, he owned Tywin and Jaime Lannister in battle. The problem was that he had the worst council out of anyone so far. His mother let go of his only bargaining chip and undermined him, another talked shit and then killed the other prisoners and the last one of course shoved a knife into his heart.


I do wonder if Sansa could control Ramsey by appealing to his sadism.

I think he would probably be in ecstasy having a queen flay people with him.

Don't think Sansa is quite ready to do the things she has to do to get Ramsey to like her or consider her more than a political marriage. I think it is more likely that she tries to remain neutral and try not to show too much disgust towards him to avoid the Bolton's ire and suspicion.


What would Dany need Tyrion for in his mind? "Hey I brought this Lannister who's on the run please take me back DANY!!" Is he that pathetic?

Well he was crying over her in this episode too

I think as far as he knows, Tyrion is a part of the family that helped take the throne away from the Targaryens so it's like a gift that she can use to barter with (assuming word hasn't gotten to her yet involving Tyrion) or to kill for PR. He thinks that will get him back into her good graces but he's also desperate and depressed since she's all he cared about at that point.

It's handing her a key member of a family that betrayed her family. Normally a pretty nice gift in those days. :D
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