Gimme a fucking break! Lol
Sony is bouncing back because they're up against next gen in light of a very prepared Xbox division. Last E3 they backed out because they blew their load and had nothing to show.
TLoU2 is a big title. Noted. But Sony wouldnt look as strong up against Microsoft with a weaker next gen console. This would actually make two consoles in a row. And you add to the fact that Microsoft has once again beat them for the power crown (at the beginning of a new generation no less...) makes the message very clear: MICROSOFT ARE BETTER AT CREATING HARDWARE DESPITE SONY'S BEST EFFORTS. Be it 9tf or 10tf - Sony for sure wont have power to tout about.
That's why loosing the power crown at the beginning of a generation is a big blow, and one Sony fanboys are trying to sweep under the rug., and one Sony isnt wanting a spotlight on. Its disappointing - despite them trying to save face. We already got a taste of not only the Series X hardware but, what its capable of with Hellblade II. The whole gaming community felt that one two punch! And that was just the beginning, E3 will show Halo Infinite (probably in real time), Forza 8, The Initiative's new game, Playgrounds new game and a few others with that 12tf glow coming later this year. This includes new Ip's. Not to mention Gamepass and what new hotness gets released there and the addition of a very competent Xcloud rolling out across the globe. That's a lot of heat there, bruv!
Sony's trying to control when and where they release their next gen info to keep from looking weak in the face of a competitor in whom they had rule over this entire generation. It wont be that simple nor that easy this time. Them backing out of E3 is trying to keep the momentum they've built up over the current gen. They could realistically loose that -- especially at the start of a new generation. The Scoreboard is wiped clean. It's anyone's game again.