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GamePro reviews...


Silent Hill 4: The Room - 4
Test Drive: Eve of Destruction - 4.5
Viewtiful Joe - 4.5
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - 5
Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires - 3.5
Catwoman - 2
Street Racing Syndicate - 3.5
Astro Boy - 3
Phantom Brave - 4.5


Pikmin 2 - 5


Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - 4
Sudeki - 4.5


F Zero: GP Legend - 4.5
Hamtaro: Ham Ham Games - 4.5
Disney Alladin - 2
Gundam Seed: Battle Assault - 4
Duel Masters: Sempai Legends - 3.5


Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising - 5

They've also got a list of 6 games on the brink of being great and their opinions on them:

Thumbs Up:

Goldeneye 2
MoH: Pacific Assault

Could go either way:

Killer 7
Star Wars Republc Commando

Thumbs Down:

Death by Degrees
Advance Wars: Under Fire


cybamerc said:
> Disney Alladin - 2

What the hell?!? The SNES game was very good.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were very good, but that didn't stop Sonic Heroes from being an absolute piece of rancid garbage.


Will start substantiating his hate

> Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were very good, but that didn't stop Sonic Heroes from being
> an absolute piece of rancid garbage.

Alladin is a port.


cybamerc said:

> Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were very good, but that didn't stop Sonic Heroes from being
> an absolute piece of rancid garbage.

Alladin is a port.

Well then, I have no idea. :(


Why would GamePro give a "thumbs down" to a game with a year of development left? Granted, AW:UF may end up being a poor game, but that doesn't make it any less weird.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were very good

Their main complaints with the Alladin game is that the controls are really floaty and the game is very easy, and made even easier by the save anywhere feature.


SolidSnakex said:
They've also got a list of 6 games on the brink of being great and their opinions on them:

Thumbs Up:

Goldeneye 2
MoH: Pacific Assault

Could go either way:

Killer 7
Star Wars Republc Commando

Thumbs Down:

Death by Degrees
Advance Wars: Under Fire

What is this? previews? previews with opinions!?!
It's basically their opinion on how the game will turn out based on what they've seen so far. I was kinda surprise GE got a thumbs up based on the interview about the game in the same issue (their reason for the name is just terrible since they don't even seem to know how GE1 played). But maybe it still rocks despite them just throwing the name onto the game.

Kon Tiki

Socreges said:
Why would GamePro give a "thumbs down" to a game with a year of development left? Granted, AW:UF may end up being a poor game, but that doesn't make it any less weird.

Uhh, Its GamePro. That's like asking why shit stinks.
belgurdo said:
Virgin's Aladdin>>>>>>>>>>>>Capcom's Aladdin
Damn right. I remember, as a kid, playing the SNES version at a friend's house and thinking about how much worse it was than the Genesis version. I still laugh when people comment on the SNES one being good; the Virgin's is easily one of the best games of that gen and stomps all over Capcom's effort.


Virgin was awesome back in the day. I loved Cool Spot. Odd but I remember Virgin and the airline Virgin having the same logo. What was up with that?


They call Pikmin 2 an more of an upgrade/expansion than a sequel.
I don't get that at ALL. What does Nintendo have to do for it to be considered a sequel? They added SO much.

I hope GamePro calls Halo 2 and Metroid Prime 2 expansion packs.


marsomega said:
Virgin was awesome back in the day. I loved Cool Spot. Odd but I remember Virgin and the airline Virgin having the same logo. What was up with that?

It was all part of the same company (Virgin Records.) Didn't Virgin games end up becoming Shiny?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Gen.Wedge said:
Damn right. I remember, as a kid, playing the SNES version at a friend's house and thinking about how much worse it was than the Genesis version. I still laugh when people comment on the SNES one being good; the Virgin's is easily one of the best games of that gen and stomps all over Capcom's effort.

Are they completely different games? I kept hearing Aladdin was good, but I assumed they'd all be the same, so I tried the SNES version. And it was pretty fun, but I completed it in a few hours and didn't use my apples once. I liked the way I could play most of the game swinging from pole to pole though, it was an enjoyable mechanic.


olimario said:
They call Pikmin 2 an more of an upgrade/expansion than a sequel.
I don't get that at ALL. What does Nintendo have to do for it to be considered a sequel? They added SO much.

I hope GamePro calls Halo 2 and Metroid Prime 2 expansion packs.

Thats ridiculous, Pikmin 2 is quite a bit different than Pikmin 1 from what I know of it. Was Pandora Tomorrow just and expansion, what about Vice City? At least they didn't mark down its score for that stupid reason.

Nice score for Silent Hill 4, although coming from gamepro, 4 out 5 probably means they thought the game was average.
"Thats ridiculous, Pikmin 2 is quite a bit different than Pikmin 1 from what I know of it. Was Pandora Tomorrow just and expansion, what about Vice City?"

Well their main compolaint about Pikmin 2 is despite the improvements it has a very sameish feel to it, lots of the same enemies, the locations look very similar to the previous games ect. Basically saying overall it seems like they just took the original one and tweaked it. I don't really see what the big deal is considering the score.

Ranger X

The Aladins are two different games and are both great sorry. I really enjoyed the one on the Genesis and i still own the one on the SNES.
Something must be going wrong with the GBA port because... 2? - wtf?


From what I've heard about Advance Wars...seems the only thing really wrong with it at this point is that it really isn't an Advance Wars game yet. Graphically and Gameplay wise, it's solid enough, and is pretty well on its way to further development; at the same time, it isn't exactly an AW title.

Maybe that was their concern.


hyperbolically metafictive
they don't use the little faces anymore. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND YOUR REVIEWS WITHOUT THE LITTLE FACES GAMEPRO HUH? yeah, i guess astro boy ps2 got a 3, but what's the FUN FACTOR on that? how about the PLAY CONTROL? moderately amused face out of crystal meth face? catatonic face out of billy idol? YOU'VE CHANGED, GAMEPRO. YOU'VE CHANGED.


Thumbs Up:

Goldeneye 2

TEH ADVANCE WARS WILL 0WN YOU! And how could they say thumbs up to GoldenEye: Rogue Agent...If anything, I would have put Republic Commando in thumbs up, and GoldenEye in "Could go either way" at best.
To be fair, I think Advance Wars: Under Fire is way to early to judge. I don't expect it to ship until next holiday season. Kuju and Nintendo have A LOT of time for tweaking and polishing.


Console Market Analyst
I found this section in Gamepro pointless. I'm looking at it now, and wondering how they came up with the thumbs up, undecided, and thumbs down ratings. Because with each game, they offer both a "Why it might work" and "Why it might be garbage" paragraph. The most negative comments were thrown at Republic Commando, but they've given it an undecided.

So, I think they're just grading on which titles they're most anticipating.

This is the "Why it might be garbage" for Advance Wars:

While the game's still early, it doesn't look anything like a "tactical RPG" -- instead, it's a hybrid action/RTS, sort of like what Command & Conquer: Renegade tried (and mostly failed) to do. The GBA Advance Wars wasn't great because of the setting -- it was fairly generic -- it was great because of the gameplay. The most diconcerting thing: Another developer (Kuju) is crafting the title.

If it controls anything like the Action/RTS Freedom Fighters, I'll be happy.


SolidSnakex said:
"Thats ridiculous, Pikmin 2 is quite a bit different than Pikmin 1 from what I know of it. Was Pandora Tomorrow just and expansion, what about Vice City?"

Well their main compolaint about Pikmin 2 is despite the improvements it has a very sameish feel to it, lots of the same enemies, the locations look very similar to the previous games ect. Basically saying overall it seems like they just took the original one and tweaked it. I don't really see what the big deal is considering the score.

It isn't that big of a deal, but it is still a stupid criticism. You could apply that criticism to almost any sequel. I mean how many sequels don't have a sameish feel to it, lots of similar enemies, and locations, etc. If you significantly change all of those things, then the game in question would fail to even be a sequel.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Advance wars franchise for the game under fire is a double edge sword, without the brand, it would have went under the radar, with the brand, its constantly compared to intelligent systems' war games and put a lot of doubt in some gamers about how advance wars will turn out.

Give the game a different name and it wouldnt be in the thumbs down list, but then again, it probably wouldnt have made the list at all because it would not of had the spotlight that nintendo gave to this title.

It was solely named that way because of marketing and brand recognition, the game itself has nothing to do with the wars series, unless they decide to change the COs and units to mimic AW more before its launch, but i doubt it.
Buggy Loop said:
Advance wars franchise for the game under fire is a double edge sword, without the brand, it would have went under the radar, with the brand, its constantly compared to intelligent systems' war games and put a lot of doubt in some gamers about how advance wars will turn out.

Sounds alot like Goldeneye 2. Which BTW is going to be a run and gun shooter, because according to one of the producers, that's what Goldeneye was.


SolidSnakex said:
Sounds alot like Goldeneye 2. Which BTW is going to be a run and gun shooter, because according to one of the producers, that's what Goldeneye was.

<sarcasm> Sounds like we have the right guys on the job. They really know their source material. <end sarcasm>

Silent Hill 4: The Room - 4
Test Drive: Eve of Destruction - 4.5
Viewtiful Joe - 4.5
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - 5
Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires - 3.5
Catwoman - 2
Street Racing Syndicate - 3.5
Astro Boy - 3
Phantom Brave - 4.5


Pikmin 2 - 5


Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - 4
Sudeki - 4.5

...and people wonder why the PS2 is dominating. One GC review??? Two XBOX reviews???


SolidSnakex said:

Silent Hill 4: The Room - 4
Test Drive: Eve of Destruction - 4.5
Viewtiful Joe - 4.5
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - 5
Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires - 3.5
Catwoman - 2
Street Racing Syndicate - 3.5
Astro Boy - 3
Phantom Brave - 4.5


Pikmin 2 - 5


Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - 4
Sudeki - 4.5


F Zero: GP Legend - 4.5
Hamtaro: Ham Ham Games - 4.5
Disney Alladin - 2
Gundam Seed: Battle Assault - 4
Duel Masters: Sempai Legends - 3.5

Sudeki = Viewtiful Joe = Phantom Brave > GGX2#R


I thought they reviewed Amazing Island in that issue too, or was that last issue? If not then, why didn't you post it?

It got 4/5.


Finally someone gives props to SF Collection. Anyway, I liked Capcom's Alladin way better than Virgin's. It didn't look as good, but it played oh so much better. Followed the movie better, too. :p


Does anyone honestly still care about or read GamePro? I haven't read the damn thing in well over a decade. I remember creaming my pants over Castlevania IV for the SNES and buying both GamePro and EGM at that time just to satisfy my hunger.


Silent Hill 4: The Room - 4
Test Drive: Eve of Destruction - 4.5
Viewtiful Joe - 4.5
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - 5
Catwoman - 2
Street Racing Syndicate - 3.5

...and people wonder why the PS2 is dominating. One GC review??? Two XBOX reviews???

Those are all on at least one other platform, swifty.


insert blank space here
Soul4ger said:
Those are all on at least one other platform, swifty.
Next time be sure to leave in the name of the person you are quoting so I don't have to go searching for the dumbass that would say such a thing.


I played the Japanese version of Aladdin GBA a few months back. It is a perfect port as far as I can remember..with the exception of the music. They completely butchered ' A whole new world' for the carpet riding stage :(
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