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Gamers and Nintendo fans - would you want Nintendo to be acquired?

Do you want Nintendo to get acquired?

  • Yes, by Microsoft

    Votes: 27 6.0%
  • Yes, by Sony

    Votes: 17 3.8%
  • Yes, by Apple

    Votes: 6 1.3%
  • Yes, by Amazon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, by Google

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, by Tencent

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • Yes, by someone not listed

    Votes: 4 0.9%
  • No

    Votes: 390 87.2%

  • Total voters


The recent bombshell leak of Microsoft and Phil Spencer wanting to buy out Nintendo (again) and the discussions that arose from that made me think - would gamers/Nintendo fans want nintendo bought out? Not necessarily by MS, just in a general sense.

The pros of this would of course be Nintendo would probably have better hardware and better services (and better third party support on top_, but the cons are that most of their game development would get shut down, they would focus only on profitability and revenue, and the whole uniqueness Nintendo has would probably be lost permanently.

I am no that invested in Nintendo, so this isn't a question for me to answer, but I think other gamers and Nintendo fans can. I am just curious, is there anyone that wants Nintendo bought out? If yes, by who?


Yes but only by someone with deeper pockets that would leave them alone and just make them more resilient and let them get bigger.

[Would rule out most if not all tech companies who'd obviously want to implement "synergies" or "cost efficiencies ". Only feasible scenario is a longshot trillionaire who just loves Nintendo, doesnt care about making money off it and wants to keep it independent]
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Clear NO.

We need a third company with the guts to go experimental from time to time. How many things were established, if not invented, by Nintendo? We wouldn´t have had wiggle controls, the first real 3D handheld, no Switch, just the same boring hardware everyone else has. The really good developers would leave the company because the mother would establish new rules - and we know that people just LOVE to work for Nintendo.


Gold Member
Doc Brown GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy


If that means same games but on decent hardware then yes.

The poll is missing the option
Yes, I don't care who buys it.


I don't want them to be acquired but i would love to see more collaboration with other companies like Sony and Microsoft. That stuff can be really fun..


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights

To go along with it makes no sense with how well they're doing.....



No, they have been fine releasing the same deprecated hardware and exact same games for 20 years, and I wish for them to continue doing this.


No lol. Nintendo is arguably doing better than anyone on their own, there’s no company that would acquire them and have it be a net positive for consumers.

There’s a couple small things that would probably be imrpvoed such as access to historical catalogue and improved online services. Games are what’s important though and those would undoubtedly suffer.

Most of those options would have Nintendo churning out yearly Mario sequels and other dumb shit. Sony would probably be the “best” option and the most likely to preserve what makes Nintendo good. The rest frankly just don’t know how to operate within the industry.


Gold Member
I'd like to see them port their back catalogs to the competitors to help fund their own new stuff, but I would prefer they keep their independence.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
The recent bombshell leak of Microsoft and Phil Spencer wanting to buy out Nintendo (again) and the discussions that arose from that made me think - would gamers/Nintendo fans want nintendo bought out? Not necessarily by MS, just in a general sense.

The pros of this would of course be Nintendo would probably have better hardware and better services (and better third party support on top_, but the cons are that most of their game development would get shut down, they would focus only on profitability and revenue, and the whole uniqueness Nintendo has would probably be lost permanently.

I am no that invested in Nintendo, so this isn't a question for me to answer, but I think other gamers and Nintendo fans can. I am just curious, is there anyone that wants Nintendo bought out? If yes, by who?



The recent bombshell leak of Microsoft and Phil Spencer wanting to buy out Nintendo (again) and the discussions that arose from that made me think - would gamers/Nintendo fans want nintendo bought out? Not necessarily by MS, just in a general sense.

The pros of this would of course be Nintendo would probably have better hardware and better services (and better third party support on top_, but the cons are that most of their game development would get shut down, they would focus only on profitability and revenue, and the whole uniqueness Nintendo has would probably be lost permanently.

I am no that invested in Nintendo, so this isn't a question for me to answer, but I think other gamers and Nintendo fans can. I am just curious, is there anyone that wants Nintendo bought out? If yes, by who?
Correct answer is FUCKING NO…
If they HAVE to be acquired then it needs to be Sony, they are about the only Publisher/Platform who would appreciate things like Zelda and allow Ninty devs to work at their pace.
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