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Gamers and Nintendo fans - would you want Nintendo to be acquired?

Do you want Nintendo to get acquired?

  • Yes, by Microsoft

    Votes: 27 6.0%
  • Yes, by Sony

    Votes: 17 3.8%
  • Yes, by Apple

    Votes: 6 1.3%
  • Yes, by Amazon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, by Google

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, by Tencent

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • Yes, by someone not listed

    Votes: 4 0.9%
  • No

    Votes: 390 87.2%

  • Total voters


Fuck. NO.

Sorry bud but an owner with deep pockets that doesn't get involved in the running of the business is a dream scenario for any business.

Protects Nintendo from a hostile takeover in perpetuity, allows it to take more risks and deepen innovation, keeps it business operations and strategy in full control of its management and ensures it can continue to compete with two mega corps that don't rely solely on the videogames market for revenue.

Of course the risk is that the new ownership do get involved but an acquisition contract could be drawn up that protects Nintendo from all interference in the running of the business, in exchange for a fat dividend. (Other clauses on conditions for selling on the business would also be needed etc)

So yes a very, very unlikely scenario indeed that rules out most technology firms but not impossible.
You know who already does that? Nintendo themselves. Perfectly independent.


What time is it?
Mario by 343i and Zelda by the Coalition.


Scotty W

if Nintendo had unlimited MS funds it would, paradoxically, destroy the company by removing the incentive to be creative. They would be just another company with shell franchises. Mario and Link are just my father and Robin Hood, but with magic.


Nintendo is already doing great and providing some of the best games out there. Why would anyone want them bought out?


voted poster of the decade by bots
For competitions sake, better if they don't.

But it feels like if ms and Nintendo ever did get together, it would be tough to stop.


Fuck. NO.

You know who already does that? Nintendo themselves. Perfectly independent.
Yep....that's why I made such an extreme and unlikely exception. An owner with deeper pockets than Nintendo that continues to let Nintendo be Nintendo in perpetuity.

Thanks for reading!



If you put a gun to my head, current Valve would bring about some interesting synergies and would probably be smart enough to leave them alone and just bring their library to Steam.

But even Valve won't be Valve forever. Someday Gabe will move on or pass on and some short-sighted greedy tool will get in a position to make bad decisions or sell out to one of the big boys who would do it for them. I'd hate to see too many properties under their unbrella when that happens.

But by that logic, Nintendo won't be Nintendo forever either. Entropy is everywhere.


You mean besides when Microsoft outright told Arkane to halt (cancel) the PS5 version of RedFall? And did the same to Bethesda for Starfield? And Phil Spencer himself demanding that all new Zenimax games be exclusive to Microsoft platforms going forward?

It's funny you say this when if anything Microsoft seem interested in destabilizing Nintendo over time by using other firms and companies to buy shares into them. Which was evidenced right in today's leaks.

What innovations in game design have Microsoft's own studios taken since being acquired? What have they done since acquirement, that they simply never did prior?

The same management that saw MS fumble their 360 momentum transitioning to XBO? The same management that's seen Game Pass stall at 25 million for 3/4ths of an entire year? The same management that called their own 2022 "a disaster"?

You want Nintendo to get bought into that?

Nintendo's been doing more than fine outselling Xbox Series since that system's came out, and are very competitive with PS5 sales even as PS5 supply finally started matching demand. They also make more profit in gaming per year than both Sony and Microsoft.

I'd say Nintendo's doing more than fine as-is.

So what benefits do Microsoft owning Nintendo, give Nintendo, outside of their revenue and profits now filtering over to Microsoft? Which is basically what they have with Zenimax now, i.e limited integration. And which also doesn't actually benefit Nintendo at all.

Because all of the supposed benefits you just listed, would not happen, if only limited integration were the plan. Which reduces the acquisition to nothing other than MS fattening their own bank accounts and stock valuation.

If it comes to Microsoft buying Nintendo, gaming really will be dead. It's like AT&T buying (pre-SW Sequel Trilogy/MCU Phase 4) Disney; disaster and failure is inevitable.
My Dude, the thread is not "should MS acquire Nintendo?". It's "should Nintendo be acquired by anyone?". Maybe re-read the OP?

Not sure how much you understand business but I've proposed a very specific and highly unlikely exception to the obvious answer that Nintendo is better off on it's own.


Nintendo is doing great why would anyone want them to be aquired by someone else who doesn’t even understand their business?


The pros of this would of course be Nintendo would probably have better hardware and better services (and better third party support on top_, but the cons are that most of their game development would get shut down, they would focus only on profitability and revenue, and the whole uniqueness Nintendo has would probably be lost permanently.
The answer is, of course, no.


Anyone who said yes to them being bought... I hope you get herpes. Not a little bit. I hope it's everywhere. Constantly flared up. I hope you look like a leper and everyone avoids you. Oh, and you end up with an ultra rare condition where you can only get nutrients by having cantaloupes inserted rectally. Also hope your pet rock dies. Because it was probably the only thing that loved you.


If by MS then I’d reckon that they’d run Nintendo in to the ground. You can’t say with a straight face that MS has been releasing amazing games by the boat load.

John Wick

They have managed just fine without any help.
Lets say hypothetically they had to be aquired then MS would be the last company I would want to buy them.


Nintendo is just about the only big publisher who seems to actually have their shit together these days. Just about anyone acquiring them would fuck with what makes them great.
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Gold Member
Yes, but i'm also don't give a damn about 98% of their output, so it would be just an experimemt to see if something change.

It would probably be a tragedy for actual N fans.
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Off-Site Inflammatory Member
I wish there was an option that was 'No -- but I want them to go publisher only' -- I hate nintendo consoles, and their complete lack of online infrastructure, and some of the bafflingly dumb decisions they make. Yet, I love the games. So put the games on other hardware, and I'm happy.


voted poster of the decade by bots
I do just because I am greedy and want to see Nintendo games with actual next gen graphics.

I'd settle for Nintendo launching an actual next gen console instead.
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If this happens, our beloved nintendo characters would only exist as youtooz figurines and G-Fuel special editions.
Yes, but i'm also don't give a damn about 98% of their output, so it would be just an experimemt to see if something change.

It would probably be a tragedy for actual N fans.


I wish there was an option that was 'No -- but I want them to go publisher only' -- I hate nintendo consoles, and their complete lack of online infrastructure, and some of the bafflingly dumb decisions they make. Yet, I love the games. So put the games on other hardware, and I'm happy.

There are at least two reasons why this is neither prudent nor desirable:

1) Nintendo would have to pay royalties to whatever platform holder they publish their games on. They would end up passing these charges on to consumers at increased prices.

They aren't alone here. Why else do you think Epic attempted that end run around the Apple Store?

2) Less verticality. They would have to create around other platforms' specs and controllers, instead of a single solitary platform, meaning increased dev time between the added platforms and devs having to learn to code for the other platforms. This also means they have less time to work on non-key franchise games. Meaning more Mario spinoffs, less Splatoons, ARMS, Ring Fits, etc. Just ask Sega.
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Only rabid fanboys would want Nintendo or any of the big players to be acquired by some other company. And no Phil, it wouldn't be in Nintendo, or Nintendo fans best interest for you to buy the company, and mismanage the fuck out of their games like you have every other company. GTFO of here with that horseshit nonsense.
Nope, leave Nintendo how they are. Ninty should keep being Nintendo. It's been proven time and time again how much unique fun Ninty delivers through their hardware to gameplay features enjoyed solo and by groups of gamers.
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