The english "dub" was chosen specifically by the developers. Also I think generic is the last thing I'd described it.Silent Hill 2 has amazing writing, but it was hindered by the generic engrish dub.
The game wasn't good because of the story.Shadow of The Colossus.
One of the few games that knew how to tell a compelling story in a medium that is far different than film.
The game wasn't good because of the story.
Yep, Soma was genuinely masterful in its story telling, atmosphere and execution.SOMA anyone?
People like it mostly for the story.Yep. It had a great story and great gameplay.
Double the greatness.
zerg rushI know some of you savants on here consider Halo to be beneath you, but I consider Halo 2's campaign to be a great example of an intriguing story told perfectly for gaming.
Max Payne
..They're masterworks all, you cant go wrong
Naughty Dog are great at telling stories and the gameplay in their games is very underratedPerhaps.
What frustrates me with this conversation is that the like a of Naughty Dog are making people think that the pinnacle of video game design is to be found in the writing. This, in my opinion, is utterly, utterly incorrect.
Mechanics, then visual design, then soundtrack, then, in clear last place, the written element.
Anyway, Bioshock floated some interesting ideas and had a good Agatha Christie turn.
I know some of you savants on here consider Halo to be beneath you, but I consider Halo 2's campaign to be a great example of an intriguing story told perfectly for gaming.
The best writing I've experienced in video gaming were via these two adventure titles:
Highly recommended to fans of the genre.
I have indeed played through those, as well as every other CiNG adventure game, including Again and Glass Rose. I very much enjoyed Ashley Mizuki Robbins' tales.If you liked those (and haven't already) you should play Another Code: Two Memories (Trace Memory in America) and Another Code R: A Journey Into Lost Memories.
Portal 2 (Valve)
planescape sits at the top of my list
This is the game you choose? You really are BAKA.
The Mandela effect is realOff-topic, and I’ve never played it, but for 15 years, I read this as Planetscape. I see that it’s on Switch one day, go to search for more info, and the shocking, horrible revelation hits me.
I refuse to believe it’s real. I genuinely believe someone, maybe a troll from 2080 4chan, went throughout history deleting all the Ts, and I still remember the collapsed timeline. I mean? Planescape? That doesn’t even make fucking sense.
Time travel is real, and it’s fallen into the hands of shitposters.
HeyYep, Soma was genuinely masterful in its story telling, atmosphere and execution.
FF Tactics doesn't exist.No Japanese games, I can tell you that much. They can be compelling in an emotional or goofy way but fall short of great.
I'm willing to say this might be due to translation. Something made explicitly for English will sound more slick than something translated. A lot of anime games probably sound like Shakespeare in Japanese, how would I know.
I would say if System Shock/Bioshock were a walking simulator = Soma. There is no combat or rpg elements.Hey
I’m just hearing about SOMA today. I think
I just finished Days Gone and Control in the PS4 and was searching for a title to try?
What’s SOMA most similar to, and is it digital only? I can’t seem to find a physical disk version.
thanks in advance
Sometimes mess is fun. I can enjoy something without it being spelt out to me.What?! Control's writing is a mess.
I bet whoever wrote this has kids, because he does the best dad jokes!My answer in these topics is always Discworld Noir.
I have the original discs but I cannot get it to run. I gave up on GOG and decided to load it on my psclassic.
It is a sin this game is so overlooked. One of the best point and click adventures ever.
Here are some quotes I googled:
Lewton: With my brains and your looks, we could go places.
Carlotta: What about with my brains and your looks?
Lewton: We could still go places; they just wouldn't be as nice.
Lewton: The troll stepped out of the shadows like light was too intimidated to illuminate him. He seemed like the quiet sort, but you got the feeling that if you stepped out of line you'd get your teeth kicked down your throat. For that matter, he could kick your throat down your chest and your chest through your legs, but I was hoping it wouldn't come to that because none of my clothes would fit.
Butler: If sir is not too busy, the master of the house wishes a word with you.
Lewton: And if I am too busy?
Butler: The master of the house still wishes a word with you, and I shall be forced to beg.
Lewton: That sounds like it could be fun.
Butler: Did I say "beg," sir? I meant, "resort to violence".
Lewton: In which case, lead the way.