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Gamespot gives Metroid a 5.2


Zaptruder said:
But shouldn't a commercial release of today be evalutated by today's standards?

I think more to the point, this review shows how nostalgia strongly rose tints everything; All too often you hear people criticizing modern games and pointing to the classics as if they were the golden era of gaming. If you go back and compare those games to the games of today, you'll see how crappy those games really were; they're best replayed in your memories.

That said, they're not completely worthless; far from it - there's still a good amount of fun to be had despite their flaws... and it shows how a good base concept can definetly hold the test of time.

The game was groundbreaking at it's time. Imagine if Halo is reviewed 20 years from now? It sure won't get 10/10.

As tritriod said, it's stupid reviewing these games again.


SantaCruZer said:
The game was broundbreaking at it's time. Imagine if Halo is reviewed 20 years from now? It sure won't get 10/10.

As tritriod said, it's stupid reviewing these games again.

Oh there's no doubt that they're still classics and deserve a place in history.

But as an examination of a classic, especially one that's as superseded as this one (a remake and the same game on the remake, on the same console) title next to modern releases... I think this does pretty well. It speaks more for the entire classics vs modern debate rather than just metroid alone; whenever people decide to wax lyrical about how great the games were back then compared to the games of today, just point them to this review; we've definetly made advances in game design, not just graphics.
I love the original Metroid. It's not really sensible to review a game almost 20 years old and compare it to the standards of today (standards which suck, if you look around and the majority of titles coming out) As far as I'm concerned, Zero Mission was an amazing remake, with some very faithful arrangements of the incredible music from the original. Getting the original game built in is a plus, I think, especially since you can now save. :) The password system was the only thing worth bitching about.

Oh and a little bonus troll for everyone - my personal least favorite Metroid game is Prime. :) I rank even Return of Samus (a decent game!) above it.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Pretty silly to compare a game like this to modern ones. Anyone that buys this title is doing it for a dose of nostalgia, not riviting graphics and modern gameplay. I think for it's niche, it does well, although I do agree that what Nintendo is charging for the cart is kind of absurb, when you consider it's unlockable in the already fun Zero Mission.
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