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Gamespot Halo 2 Review Score Leaked!? Popcorn Inside!

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good to see people aren't buying this. If you are, consider this:

- it came from gamespot's "system wars" forum
- it was "discovered" by a user with less than 100 posts
- it was "corroborated" by a user with less than 100 posts
- a third user "corroborating" it had 17 posts -- and used a fake name based on the name of a real poster in order to try and fool people

nobody credible claims to have seen it.

complete bullshit.


Too bad something like 7.1 wasn't posted there instead as a placeholder to get the fanboys rolling for a day!


Sai said:
I like how people are acting like it's a bad score.

Alas, anything less then 9.6 for a regarded killer app is seen as a bad score these days. It's all part of the fanboy wars...can't have it scoring a whole 0.4 less then the killer app for console B.

The gaming world is simply teeming with idiots...that people still make a fuss about such a stupid, insignificant figure for a game they're going to buy anyway has simply become a source of amusement for me now.

Ranger X

Gchaime said:
So what if it's true? My God, a 9.1 still is an excellent score.

I agree! But all Halo douche bags wants a 10 and won't believe in any other scores of course! poor people...


It's not that it's a "bad" score, it's that compared to scores for other games, it would be more than a little perplexing.


bitwise said:
good to see people aren't buying this. If you are, consider this:

- it came from gamespot's "system wars" forum
- it was "discovered" by a user with less than 100 posts
- it was "corroborated" by a user with less than 100 posts
- a third user "corroborating" it had 17 posts -- and used a fake name based on the name of a real poster in order to try and fool people

nobody credible claims to have seen it.

complete bullshit.

Shinobi said:
The gaming world is simply teeming with idiots....

And they all hang out on the Gamespot System Wars board. Seriously, as much as people bitch about all the stupidity on the IGN and GameFAQ boards, Gamespot SW is ground zero for retards.


Shinobi said:
Alas, anything less then 9.6 for a regarded killer app is seen as a bad score these days. It's all part of the fanboy wars...can't have it scoring a whole 0.4 less then the killer app for console B.

The gaming world is simply teeming with idiots...that people still make a fuss about such a stupid, insignificant figure for a game they're going to buy anyway has simply become a source of amusement for me now.

I agree, the gamingworld has still got to learn how to deal with dissapointment. And seeing that a 9.1 is regarded as a horrible, horrible score. We still got a long way to go.


bitwise said:
the original post stated this came from the teamxbox forums. so take your cookie and shove it
-- in your mouth

I'm a little slow so I don't understand your post. He gets a cookie becuase I thought he made sense.

These are the San Andreas scores that scored it a 9.6

Gameplay - 10
Graphics - 8
Sound - 9
Value - 10
Tilt - 10

Should Halo2 look any different? Maybe switch the Graphics and Sound scores but that's it. So no I don't think the score is real unless Kasavin docked it points in Gameplay which I can't imagine given the propensity to overlook GTA Gameplay issues on Gamespot.


:lol I wonder how many people will take that seriously.

+1 Gamespot for having a sense of humor.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Should Halo2 look any different? Maybe switch the Graphics and Sound scores but that's it. So no I don't think the score is real unless Kasavin docked it points in Gameplay which I can't imagine given the propensity to overlook GTA Gameplay issues on Gamespot.

Yeah, bump up the visuals to a 9 and the sound to a 10! :p


dark10x said:
Yeah, bump up the visuals to a 9 and the sound to a 10! :p
Yeah if Halo 2 doesn't deserve a 10 in sound I don't know what does. Great sound effects, amazing music, very good voice acting (from what I gather from the commercial and aside from the Spanish version :p) and the technical prowess to back it up (5.1 etc).

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Switch the two numbers in 6.9 around and you've got 9.6, probably the real score

/random babbling


Haha 6.9 now that is more like it! Now GS having some fun with this!

GSG Flash said:
Switch the two numbers in 6.9 around and you've got 9.6, probably the real score

/random babbling

Flip that 6 around and you get a 9.9. :D Or flip that 9 around and you get a 6.6! 0_o HALO BOMB.


This thread is further proof that numbered reviews are shit. It's a sad day when a 9.1 is considered a shit score. My god... How many of you would cancel your preorders if true?


Edit: and props to Gamespot... thats fucking awesome :lol


One of the admins puts out the fire

This was an unfortnate error on our part, but that ultimately isn't the final score for Halo 2. It was a system glitch, and one we fixed, although obviously not one we fixed soon enough. The score for Halo 2 isn't final yet, nor will it be until the review itself is up and live on the site. So, yeah, that's about the end of that. Figured a response from an admin type wouldn't hurt.


ced said:
Yeah this is my problem with reviews, they are just not consistant.

I mean GS gives the original a 9.7, and from all accounts Halo 2 is leaps and bounds better. The only complaint Ive seen is the texture pop in, and a cliffhanger ending.

Oh well wait for tomorrow I guess.
Anybody mind explaining texture pop in?


Xbox fans, do you really care if it got a 9.1 from Gamespot? If you enjoyed Halo 1 then obviously your gonna love this one, and there's no need to complain about a person's opinion. I'm starting to see alot of Xbox fanboys appearing around, and I mean the kind of fanboys that used to follow Nintendo who would rip you a new one for going against Xbox.


I could give a shit what they give it.I know come Tuesday Im gonna be in fuckin gaming nirvana no matter what 'X' site gave the game :p

When do these reviews go live anyways?Tomorrow at 12 PST?
I'm surprised this thread has made it to two pages, IGN said there score(review) should be on their page Sunday. GS more than likely got their copy at the same time as IGN.

My guess would be a 9.8 or 9.9.

Gameplay 10
Graphics 10
Sound 9
Value 10
Tilt 10

Kon Tiki

For the last time.....

A score of a certain number right now cannot be compared to the same score from years ago. As games as a whole progressively get "better" the ante continues to be upped and review scores shift accordingly. If this were not the case than games that got perfect scores originally, and have sequels that are even better would have to get scores that are off the scale to keep the comparative balance(IE since halo 2 is better than 10,10,10 halo:CE, it would get something like 11,11,11). As expectations are raised, the value of the different scores needs to be adjusted.

Halo got a 9.7, that does not guarantee Halo 2 gets a higher score. Unless you have some weird double standards.
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