Nothing I can say that hasn't been said before but...
1. I'm glad he is now free from Konami, even though this probably hurts greatly for Kojima, there is no way he won't be able to make new games if he wants to.
2. I am sad to see all the work Kojima Productions has put into the FOX engine likely go to waste after MGSV, and this move by Konami will likely equate to a liqidation of most staff, leaving only a skeleton behind.
This is the worst thing about all of this, that the majority of the staff are likely to be left out in the cold after this. They are letting the lifeblood of the studio get drained from KojiPro's corpse, hopefully most of the staff who will be dropped will be picked up by Kojima in his possible future endeavor's.
3. Silent Hills is dead I guess. That really sucks, was looking forward to it since it was finally a new project besides Metal Gear for Kojima. Konami will probably try to salvage development, but the damage is done, it will never live up to its original promise.
4. Finally, I just have to wonder... What the hell could have caused such a massive breakdown of relations? Was Konami betting literally everything on making MGS games indefinitely, and were pissed when Kojima outright refused to agree to making any more after V? Why censor his name and influence from MGSV now? Why cut all ties? Surely they could have handled this better, there must have been some way they could have agreed to take the reins on KojiPro without such a massive liquidation. I just wonder what made them decide that burning all of their bridges with Kojima was the best course of action when they could have still left him work on Silent Hills.
5. Konami is dead. It's funny, now that Square-Enix looks more self-aware of their issues than ever, and seemingly are working hard to attempt to right them, Konami is cannibalizing itself. Other companies like Namco, Falcom, and Atlus/SEGA, seem to be keeping their cool, but Konami looks about ready to drop, hard. Even Capcom seems to be making changes, with the success of Resident Evil HD and Revelations 2, I'd say Capcom is turning their brand around from the brink, and RE7 may actually be an excellent new entry in the series without them having to break the bank to make it. That brings me to my last thought on this whole situation.
6. This really is about Kojima spending too much money making MGSV, isn't it? He's just about had complete creative freedom on this game, even saying that in order to reach the game's true vision, he had to drastically expand KojiPro and create a "western style" graphics engine (FOX) and work environment. Konami probably wanted this game out last year, and Kojima had to appease the shareholders with a stop gap Metal Gear (Ground Zeroes) in order to earn some of this game's budget back. Kojima is almost certainly uncaring about profits with this last game and just wants to make it the best and last Metal Gear ever made, but Konami has probably calculated that any more expansive feature additions in the last 4-5 months of development before the crunch to making the game "gold" would cause the actual profit they pull in for this game to not be worth the time and money it has cost them so far. Therefore, Konami has seemingly made the decision to isolate Kojima and force him to finish the game quickly in order to start collecting revenue to pay for this game's development cost. I'm not saying that the game won't be profitable, I'm saying that Konami is worried it won't be profitable enough, and are thus making a terribly rash decision in order to get this game done cheaply.
I think Miyamoto said it best with:
I have explainedin regard to entertainment in generalthat if development of products that thrive on creative uniqueness is dictated by those who prioritize sales and profits, the possibilities for the future of entertainment will be limited,
Konami, in an attempt to stave off literal bankruptcy, has now cut off their last creative asset, and are creatively bankrupt after MGSV. Whether they last only a few more years before literal bankruptcy or several, they are on a road that leads only to destruction. I only hope that when they do die, they sell off their IPs like THQ did, and Silent Hill, Castlevania and Metal Gear can all find proper homes somewhere else.