Personally, I am not the biggest fan of the Metal Gear Solid series at all (though I do own MGS1-3 on my Vita and MGS4 on my PS3), but I can't help but feel bad about how this whole deal turned out

At the very least though, MGS5 is NOT going to be another Sonic 06 (where a majority of the team leaves the company and the game is rushed out the door), with Kojima and his team still working on MGS5 till it is the masterpiece they want it to be.....for the fans of the MGS series and giving it the send off it rightfully desrives :').
Silent Hills being all but confirmed to be canned pissed me off X(....but at least we got a taste of what the game 'could' of been through the P.T. demo (that is a hell of a lot more then what happened with Mega Man Legends 3; only JP got the demo for that and even then, it got removed from the E-Shop and never got released outside of there).
I am very curious about what is going to happen next for Konami through....
MGS is really the only gaming franchise they still have at this point, they are doing nothing with the Huston Soft IP they bought, Castlevanna is dead thanks to LoS2 getting bad sales, MGS is going to be milked dry ala AC and CoD style now, classic Konami IP like Froger, Contra and others are still going to be forgotten, and project Kojima had in works with other developers are all but tarnished (no MGR sequel by Platium Games and Silent Hills is now going to be shit without Kojima's support).
So.....Konami Digital Entertainment might as well shut its doors down next year after MGS5 ships

. Just hope all the people getting laid off when that happens land on their feet and find work; losing your job is horrible X(.
Overall, this is a sad conclusion for Konami and a number of upcoming games Kojima wanted to make (the MGS1 and 2 remakes, Silent Hills, Zone of the Enders 3, MGR 2) are either going to be scrapped or just ravaged by Konami's outsourcing......
But, this could very well be the 'Genie, you are free' moment another Gaffer mentioned before; he can have the freedom to make tons of new IP as either an independent developer or working under MS/Sony's Indie programs

. Heck, I could also see many publishers going to war in trying to get Kojima and his team to work for them (this alone is going to make 2016.....quite the year XD!).
....By the end of this year, I plan to beat MGS1-3 for my first time to honor Kojima and his teams work and to look forward to what their future lies next year :').