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GameSpot: Kojima to leave Konami after MGSV, power struggle, communications embargo

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Damn, what happens to Silent Hills now?

A theory I have is that maybe Kojima will turn Kojima Productions into an independent studio and then just rebrand Silent Hills into a new IP [He could call it "Scary Town" for all I care]. Then, he would have a brand new horror franchise to foster.


Today is the day that Metal Gear has truly died.

Hopefully Kojima will find a new publisher who actual appreciates what he has done.



Other than maybe the death of Silent Hills this doesn't matter much. MGS might be done too, but Kojima always said he wanted to walk away from the series (even if he never did). If he wants to make games still he will, just not with Konami.


A shame but very interested to see what Kojima does next, post TPP. Also who handles updated for MGSV if they are leaving shortly after launch?


Personally, I am not the biggest fan of the Metal Gear Solid series at all (though I do own MGS1-3 on my Vita and MGS4 on my PS3), but I can't help but feel bad about how this whole deal turned out :(.

At the very least though, MGS5 is NOT going to be another Sonic 06 (where a majority of the team leaves the company and the game is rushed out the door), with Kojima and his team still working on MGS5 till it is the masterpiece they want it to be.....for the fans of the MGS series and giving it the send off it rightfully desrives :').

Silent Hills being all but confirmed to be canned pissed me off X(....but at least we got a taste of what the game 'could' of been through the P.T. demo (that is a hell of a lot more then what happened with Mega Man Legends 3; only JP got the demo for that and even then, it got removed from the E-Shop and never got released outside of there).

I am very curious about what is going to happen next for Konami through....

MGS is really the only gaming franchise they still have at this point, they are doing nothing with the Huston Soft IP they bought, Castlevanna is dead thanks to LoS2 getting bad sales, MGS is going to be milked dry ala AC and CoD style now, classic Konami IP like Froger, Contra and others are still going to be forgotten, and project Kojima had in works with other developers are all but tarnished (no MGR sequel by Platium Games and Silent Hills is now going to be shit without Kojima's support).

So.....Konami Digital Entertainment might as well shut its doors down next year after MGS5 ships :(. Just hope all the people getting laid off when that happens land on their feet and find work; losing your job is horrible X(.

Overall, this is a sad conclusion for Konami and a number of upcoming games Kojima wanted to make (the MGS1 and 2 remakes, Silent Hills, Zone of the Enders 3, MGR 2) are either going to be scrapped or just ravaged by Konami's outsourcing......

But, this could very well be the 'Genie, you are free' moment another Gaffer mentioned before; he can have the freedom to make tons of new IP as either an independent developer or working under MS/Sony's Indie programs :D. Heck, I could also see many publishers going to war in trying to get Kojima and his team to work for them (this alone is going to make 2016.....quite the year XD!).

....By the end of this year, I plan to beat MGS1-3 for my first time to honor Kojima and his teams work and to look forward to what their future lies next year :').
Metal Gear IS trademark Kojima. That's why fans love the series so much... this isn't like call of duty or assassin's creed.

Yeah, how many series (video game or otherwise) that have been strongly associated with a single creator have maintained their quality when said creator left the company?

Card Boy

So they fuck up Castlevania, kill Hudson, kill their legacy franchies like Contra/Suikoden and now MGS.

This company is fucked. Enjoy living off arcade machines and mobile you tools.


How am I upset? I see a less than 1% chance of it happening. 90% that he either gets funded by a bigger studio like WB or contract job with one of the big 3 for one game or series like Bungie.

I don't know about that. It would be a new IP and a huge gamble.

Publishers are becoming more and more conservative.

My guess-KickStarter and smaller projects on PC and maybe PS4/XB1.
Well Kojima can finally go make movies now.
Ground Zeroes was no movie. It was a nice mix of cinematics with wide open gameplay possibilities, and in-game storytelling (the audio tapes, including the one tape giving clues to the next objective).

He does love his long movie bits, but he's also delivered on plenty of gameplay fronts.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Nintendo announces partnership with DeNA.
Konami shutter Kojima Productions and Hideo Kojima leaves game development.
Capcom stops all business development in preparation for Nintendo acquisition.

Nintendo purchases Capcom, Capcom now the Monster Hunter mobile app development studio.
Nintendo merges with DeNA and Shigeru Miyamoto retires from games development to teach at Tokyo Polytechnic.
Reeling after ceasing development on Metal Gear Rising 2, Platinum works on licensed anime game with six month development cycle. Game sits at 61% on Metacritic.

Kadokawa Corporation pivots away from media to invest in burgeoning smart rice cooker market. Closes FROM. Hidetaka Miyazaki joins Miyamoto and Pac-Man creator Toru Iwatani at Tokyo Polytechnic.
Keita Takahashi makes F2P spiritual sequel to Noby Noby Boy. Now completely sex-negative North American indie community that once took Takahashi in shuns him due to implicit sexuality of game. Takahashi again leaves game development.
Platinum releases a sequel to licensed anime game. It has 55% Metacritic average.

Platinum closes its doors.

Keita Takahashi records album with Jim O’Rourke on which he makes barnyard animal noises while playing the spoons. Album is WIRE Magazine’s record of the year.

Treasure release Radiant Silvergun on Steam.


The sons of Big Boss are born.


lots of overreacting in here. Kojima will be fine...he'll start his own studio and work on some new IPs. Konami will go in their own direction to maintain profitability, which likely means expanding past AAA games. Change is not always a bad thing.


So basically he'll do Alloy Machinery Consolidated with his new group, Painwalker, then disappear off the face of this earth to surf alongside Gooch.


Konami is going to need a new logo for when they do literally nothing other than phone games, pachinko, Yu-Gi-Oh! and gyms.
So they got rid of their love plus guys, got rid of Kojima who makes all their other games. Are they gonna fire the guys who make their sport games too or did this already happen since they are not famous? Of course they keep all their IPs.

megaman, castlevania and suikoden guys already got kicked to the curb. Hudson soft bought and then gutted.

So....business is evolving in patent trolling as their next move?
Komani flopped big time he's the reason there still a float as a company.

Yeah, they're pretty much dead in the gutter without Kojima. They might have some tiny smudge of success in Japan itself, but internationally they are 100% deceased, buried and forgotten. None of their other IP are even remotely relevant with the exception of Pro Evo perhaps. If they're gonna pull this move, they might as well just disband that whole carcass of a company.

They really shot themselves in the foot ;D
How am I upset? I see a less than 1% chance of it happening. 90% that he either gets funded by a bigger studio like WB or contract job with one of the big 3 for one game or series like Bungie.

The gif. The confrontational tone.
I dunno, doesnt seem like the behavior of someone who isnt annoyed at what he considers less than 1% chance of a nintendo partnership :)
On the positive side, this should have happened years ago. Konami has been dog shit for years.

On the sad note this really could be Kojima's last fucking MGS game. It hurts, like i never really thought this day would come till he was 6 feet under. Now it's here. They honestly shouldn't even bother with Online at this point. I know a lot of money went into the studio and shit, but Konami is going to cut the cord fast i think or force micro transactions up the ass. Either way i'm hoping his focus is making this the best god damn MGS ever.

*Big Boss salute* <3 u Kojima.


Whoa damn, never thought I'd see the day.

I was looking forward to Silent Hills a lot.
A theory I have is that maybe Kojima will turn Kojima Productions into an independent studio and then just rebrand Silent Hills into a new IP [He could call it "Scary Town" for all I care]. Then, he would have a brand new horror franchise to foster.
Hopefully something like that if they own the assets of everything.


Remember when MGS 4 had the teaser footage with Snake vs Raiden? It was the one with the chair and a bunch of names of directors who were thought to be attached to the game until they fell off one by one to reveal Kojama's name?

Yeah, we need someone to redo that gif with his falling off too now.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
lots of overreacting in here. Kojima will be fine...he'll start his own studio and work on some new IPs. Konami will go in their own direction to maintain profitability, which likely means expanding past AAA games. Change is not always a bad thing.

Let me repost what i just said in the community thread.

It's not about that, the thing that gets me worked up is that MGSV is not a Kojima Productions game anymore, it's a Konami game.

All their hard work over 5 years, creating a brand new engine and then they don't even get mentioned. So fucking disrespectful.

Erasing Kojima's name of all past games and press releases and marketing stuff is a really aggressive move to get rid of someone who created this legendary series and basically feed their mouths.

Kojima and his Metal Gear series is what made Konami relevant in this industry, without KojiPro they would be NOTHING. And this is how they thank him for that? unfuckingbelievable.


Canceled my MGS5 pre-order. I'm not boycotting Konami or anything, it's just that I now have serious doubts about the integrity of the finished project. Employee morale must be in the toilet, and unhappy employees generally don't go above and beyond to satisfy their asshole managers.

It may not be apparent at first, but I'm being the quality of MGS5 is going to drop off a cliff at some point in the experience. I'll wait for the GAF concensus on this one.
It's truly a sad but necessary day. It's honestly time to let Kojima go and retire "his" Metal Gear franchise. He's too good for Konami. It's been a beautiful ride.

Aww man what does this mean for post launch support for MGO?
The gif. The confrontational tone.
I dunno, doesnt seem like the behavior of someone who isnt annoyed at what he considers less than 1% chance of a nintendo partnership :)
It's not confrontational. I genuinely think it's naive and hilarious that people believe he would go Nintendo exclusive. If he picked any of the big 3 (nintendo, sony, ms), it's very likely he would choose Sony but I don't see that happening either.
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